2024 Glorisun International and Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies with Peking University

Buddhist College of Minnan, South Putuo, Xiamen, China

 (August 15-26, 2024)


Schedule Seminar and Lecture Series Lecturers Conference
Student Participants Student Forum Student Report Gallery


The Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies, whose members include Peking University, UBC, Hamburg, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, UC Berkeley, Harvard FAS CAMLab, University of Hong Kong, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Zhejiang University, University of Tokyo and Inalco, cordially invites applications for an intensive program on Buddhist Studies. This year’s intensive program is hosted by the Buddhist College of Minnan 閩南佛學院, with administrative support from the Glorisun Network at Peking University and UBC, and the FROGBEAR project at UBC. Lasting from August 15, 2024 to August 26, 2024, this year’s program is composed of two segments: Segment 1 from August 15-18 (arrival Aug 15) and Segment 2 from August 22-26 (departure Aug 26), which are connected by an intersegmental conference (Aug 19-20) and a student forum (Aug 21).

The backbone of this program consists of lectures and seminars delivered by ten scholars (listed by the alphabetical order of the speakers’ family names):

  1. CHEN Jidong 陳繼東 (Aoyamagakuin University 青山學院大學): “Jindai Zhong-Ri Fojiao de xianghu renshi: Zouxiang Jindai de youyi tujing” 近代中日佛教的相互認識:走向近代的又一途徑 [Mutual Perceptions of Modern Chinese and Japanese Buddhist: Another Path to Modernity] (Lecture);
  2. CHI Limei 池麗梅 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 国際仏教学大学院大学): “Xiuchang daochang bei: Tangdai Tiantai Fojiao yundong de zhongjiedian” 修禪道場碑:唐代天台佛教運動的終結點 [The Xiuchan Daochang Stele: A Monument Marking the Terminus of the Tiantai Buddhist Revival Movement in the Tang Dynasty] (Lecture);
  3. Max DEEG 寧梵夫 (Cardiff University 英國卡迪夫大學): “The Biography of Biographies: Lives of the Buddha, Their Development and Role in Buddhist Traditions” 諸傳之傳:佛傳的演變及其在佛教傳統中的作用 (Seminar);
  4. Imre GALAMBOS 高奕(Zhejiang University 浙江大學 / University of Cambridge 劍橋大學): “The Use and Reuse of Buddhist Manuscripts from the Silk Road” 來自絲綢之路的佛教寫本:使用與再使用 (Seminar);
  5. Vincent GOOSSAERT 高萬桑 (EPHE 法國高等研究院): “Placing Buddhism within Late Imperial Chinese Religious Life” 在晚期帝制中國宗教生活中觀照佛教 (Seminar);
  6. JI Huachuan 紀華傳 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院): “Zhongguo Chanzong de lishi fenqi yu chanfa tedian” 中國禪宗的歷史分期與禪法特點 [Historical Stages and Characteristics of Chan Buddhism] (Lecture);
  7. WANG Xuemei 王雪梅 (Northwest University 西北大學): “Dang’an zhong de lishi: Difang Fojiao yu Qingdai shehui” 檔案中的歷史:地方佛教與清代社會 [History in Archives: Local Buddhism and Qing Society] (Lecture);
  8. YANG Baoyu 楊寶玉 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院): “Dunhuang wenshu yu Tang Wudai Songchu niseng nisi shi yanjiu suoyi” 敦煌文書與唐五代宋初尼僧尼寺史研究瑣議 [Dunhuang Documents and the History of Nuns and Nunneries of the Five Dynasties and the Early Song Dynasty: A Preliminary Study] (Lecture);
  9. ZHAN Ru 湛如 (Peking University 北京大學): “Zhonggu Zhongguo yi siyuan wei zhongxin de duochong wangluo” 中古中國以寺院為中心的多重網絡 [Multiple layers of Temple-centered Networks in Medieval China] (Seminar);
  10. ZHANG Wenliang 張文良 (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學): “Fahua jing erfo bingzuojiqi xiandai yiyi”《法華經》二佛並坐及其現代意義 [Lotus Sutra’s Two Buddhas Sitting Together and Its Modern Implications] (Lecture).

The theme for the intersegmental conference (scheduled for August 19-20) for this year’s intensive program is International Conference on “Microcosm Holds Mountains and Seas: The Sinicization of Buddhism in the ‘Multi-layered Contextualization’ from Local to Global History”. The conference will bring together 30-35 top scholars from all over the world. Student participants are expected to attend and, if they have relevant papers, may also be invited to present at the conference. Details of the conference are available here – https://glorisunglobalnetwork.org/microcosm-holds-mountains-and-seas/

As well as participating in these lectures and the intersegmental conference, student participants are also encouraged to present their research papers to their program instructors, lecturers, and their peer participants. In addition to being exempted from all tuition and administration fees and being provided free accommodation and meals during the program period, students with successful proposals to the conference may receive a limited amount of travel subsidy depending on his or her individual needs and the distance s/he has to travel for the program. Participants are required to take part in all of the activities supported by the program, including the lecture series, the conference, and student forum.

Senior undergraduate students and graduate students specialising in any Buddhist tradition(s), and postdoctoral fellows working in relevant fields, are encouraged to apply. Please direct applications and inquiries to FrogBear.Project@ubc.ca. Please submit applications before April 6, 2024. Each application should include: (1) an application form (available here – https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_blW5bqtO7bIwgB0 ), (2) updated curriculum vitae, (3) one writing sample in either Chinese or English, and (4) a reference letter (to be emailed by the referee directly to the above email address). Priority will be given to those applicants who are able to participate in both segments.

Please note priority will be given to applicants who can attend this program, as well as the intensive program that precedes this at Mount Wutai August 7-15 (see details here –https://frogbear.org/2024-wutai-international-and-intensive-program/). To guarantee sufficient interaction of student participants with instructors, and between student participants themselves, student enrollment is limited to 40.