Microcosm Holds Mountains and Seas – Schedule

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International Conference 国际研讨会
Microcosm Holds Mountains and Seas:
The Sinicization of Buddhism in the ‘Multi-layered Contextualization’ from Local to Global History

August 18-21,2024, Nanputuo, Xiamen |  2024年8月18-21日, 厦门南普陀



Organized 主办: Buddhist College of Minnan 闽南佛学院
Peking University Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art 北京大学佛教典籍与艺术研究中心
Co-organized 协办: Peking University Center for Buddhist Studies 北京大学佛教研究中心
Hosted  承办: Buddhist College of Minnan 闽南佛学院



DAY I 第一日                       August 18, 2024: ARRIVAL, REGISTRATION & WELCOME 到达、报到与迎迓

17:00-18:00 OPENING CEREMONY 开幕式
18:00-19:30 DINNER 晚宴



DAY II 第二日                      August 19, 2024: CONFERENCE (WHOLE DAY) 研讨会(全天)


PANEL 部会 1

Momentums for Modernization 现代化的动能 (1): Historical Perspectives 历史的视野

Chair 主持: Zeliang LIU 刘泽亮

Auditorium 会场 1

PANEL 部会 2

Panel 2: Momentums for Modernization 现代化的动能 (2): Modern and Global Perspectives 现代与全球的视野

Chair 主持: George KEYWORTH 纪強

Auditorium 会场 2

9:00-9:15 1.1. Ru ZHAN 湛如 (Peking University 北京大学): 筚路蓝缕:从佛教教育到佛学院 | “Driving a Cart in Ragged Clothes to Blaze a New Trail”: From Monastic Education to Buddhist Colleges 2.1. Minghan SHI 释明航 ( Buddhist College of Minnan  闽南佛学院): 近代佛教现代化转型的时代背景及机缘 | The Background and Opportunities of the Modernization and Transformation of Modern Buddhism
9:15-9:30 1.2. Xuemei WANG 王雪梅 (Xibei University 西北大学): 宗密「会通」思想对佛教现代化的方法论启示 | The Methodological Enlightenment of Zongmi’s Huitong Thought to Buddhism Modernization 2.2. Oonjin HAN 韩云珍/Ven. Kyougwan 景完 (Dongguk University 韩国东国大学): 佛教的现代化和全球化展望——以韩国佛教为中心 | Prospects for modernization and globalization of Buddhism: Focusing on Korean Buddhism
9:30-9:45 1.3. Huachuan JI 纪华传 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院): 清末民初的社会巨变与佛教现代化  |  Dramatic Social Changes and Modernization of Buddhism in the Late Qing and Early Republican Periods 2.3. Sherry PAN 潘清悦 (University of Michigan 美国密歇根大学): Buddhist Mortuary Rituals for Pets as Cultural Practices in Contemporary China | 当代中国佛教式的宠物丧葬习俗
9:45-10:00 1.4. Daoxin SHI 释道心 (Buddhist College of Minnan 闽南佛学院): 近现代闽南佛学院留学僧的培养初探 | The First Exploration of the Cultivation of Overseas Saṃgha Students at the  Buddhist College of Minnan in Modern Times 2.4. Gufu SHI 释古福 (Buddhist College of Minnan 闽南佛学院): “契理契机”在新时代佛教弘法中的理论指导 ——以闽南佛学院“慈善义卖”为视角 | On the Principle of “Living in accordance with the Buddha’s Teachings and also in Light of the Social Environment of the Times” in the Modernization of Buddhism
Comment 评议
Wenliang ZHANG 张文良 Jingjing LI 李晶晶
Open Floor 开放讨论


11:15-13:00                  LUNCH BREAK 午餐


PANEL 部会 3

Taixu: His Ambition and Legacy 太虛法师:雄心与遗产

Chair 主持: Jianxin LI 李建欣

Auditorium 会场 1

PANEL 部会 4

Expansion and Contraction of Dharma through State-church Interactions 王法与佛法之消涨

Chair 主持: H. CLYDESDALE 柯玉珊

Auditorium 会场 2

13:00-13:15 3.1. Wenliang 张文良 ZHANG (Renmin University of China 中国人民大学): 太虚大师的如来藏思想述评 |  An Analysis of Taixu’s Thoughts on the Tathāgatagarbha 4.1. Meng LI 李猛 (Fudan University 复旦大学): 中古佛教灵验记中的反佛帝王公卿 | Anti-Buddhist Emperors and Ministers in Medieval Buddhist Devotionals
13:15-13:30 3.2. Jingjing LI 李晶晶 (Leiden University 荷兰莱顿大学): Illusory Conventions and The Modernization of Chinese Buddhism | 虚幻世俗与中国佛教的现代化 4.2. Zhiyuan CHEN 陈志远 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院):  The Emergence and Spread of Relic Veneration in Medieval China | 舍利信仰在漢地的興起與傳播
13:30-13:45 3.3. Lei YING 应磊 (Amherst College 美国安默斯特学院): The “Truth” and the “World”: Taixu’s Quest for a Buddhist Universalism | 「真理」与「世界」——太虚对佛教普世主义的追寻 4.3. Jinhua CHEN 陈金华 (University of British Columbia 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学): “称缘而动,宰官共商主同归;虚己而游,庙堂与山林一致”——洛陽大寺聖善寺之寺學及其多重網絡 | The Cosmopolitan Temple Shengshan Si in Luoyang: Its Temple Learning and Multiple Networks

Comment 评议

Huachuan JI 纪华传 Sherry PAN 潘清悦


Open Floor 开放讨论


14:30-14:40                  TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇


PANEL 部会 5

Distant Mirror for Close Flowers: Mutual Imagination of India and China 遐镜迩华:中印的相互想像

Chair 主持: Meng LI 李猛

Auditorium 会场 1

PANEL 部会 6

Temples as Fields of Power 作为权域之寺院

Chair 主持: Changchun PEI 裴长春

Auditorium 会场 2

14:40-14:55 5.1. Baoyu YANG 杨宝玉 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院): 敦煌文书中所存赴印或来华僧人行记述要 | Travel Journals in Dunhuang Manuscripts by Monks Travelling between India and China 6.1. Ke (Kay) CHEN 陈可 (Peking University 北京大学):追寻戒律的一生——净秀尼与五世纪建康的戒律实践 | A Life in Pursuit of Precept: Nun Jingxiu (418-506) and the Practice of Vinaya in Fifth-Century Jiankang
14:55-15:10 5.2. Max DEEG 宁梵夫 (Cardiff University 英国卡迪夫大学): Projecting India in Chinese Medieval Buddhist Sources: A Case of Sinizication? | 中国中古时期佛教资料中的印度投射:一个中国化的案例? 6.2. Xi MA 马熙 (Nankai University 南开大学): 中唐佛学在地方山寺的流动——以山西晋城青莲寺为例 | The Flow of Mid-Tang Buddhist Learning in Local Mountain Temples: Taking Qinglian Si in Jincheng, Shanxi, as an Example
15:10-15:25 5.3. Huiyuan BIAN 边慧媛 (Peking University北京大学): Cultural Construction and National Identity in the 20th Century India: The Buddhist Path of “Indian Xuanzang” | 二十世纪印度的文化建构与国族认同——「印度玄奘」的佛教路径 6.3. Yu WU 吴羽 (South China Normal University 华南师范大学): 建筑景观与家国之变——明末清初的峡山飞来寺 | Architectural Landscapes and Changes in Families and Country: Xieshan 峡山 Feilai Temple 飞来寺 in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties

Comment 评议

Imre GALAMBOS 高奕叡 Bin WEI 魏斌


Open Floor 开放讨论


16:10-16:20                  TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇


PANEL 部会 7

Diffusion by Interfusion: Mutual Borrowing between Buddhism and Other Religions 合流以分流:佛教与其他宗教的互鉴共美

Chair 主持: Ven. Fayuan SHI 释法缘

Auditorium 会场 1


Art and Technology: Media in the Transmission of Sacred and Secular Knowledge 艺术与技术:圣俗知识流通的媒介 (1)

Chair 主持: Mianmian HONG 洪绵绵

Auditorium 会场 2

16:20-16:35 7.1. Imre GALAMBOS 高奕叡 (Zhejiang University / University of Cambridge 浙江大学 / 英国剑桥大学): The afterlife of a poem from Dunhuang | 一首敦煌诗的后世 8.1. Heather CLYDESDALE 柯玉珊 (Santa Clara University 美国圣克拉拉大学): The Eternal in the Contemporary: Manifesting Buddhist Doctrine in Architecture Today | 现代中的永恒——在现代建筑中展现佛教义理
16:35-16:50 7.2. Vincent GOOSSAERT 高万桑 (EPHE 法国高等研究院): Chinese Gods as Persons and Subjects | 作为人和主体的中国神 8.2. Chun YU 于春 (Northwest University 西北大学): 玉文化与佛像的融合——以北朝佛像石质变化为考察核心 | The Fusion of Jade Culture and Buddha Statues: The Changes in the Quality of Buddha Statues in the Northern Dynasties
16:50-17:05 7.3. Hao WU 吴昊 (Harvard University 美国哈佛大学): Shiva in a Buddhist Temple: The Transmission and Ritualized Reuse of Hindu Art in 13th-15th Century Quanzhou, China | 湿婆立于佛寺——13至15世纪印度教艺术在泉州的传播与仪式化再利用 8.3. Wei YU 于薇 (Southeast University 东南大学): 五代两宋“阿育王塔”的技术与观念 |  Technology and Thoughts Related to the Aśokan Pagodas during the Five Dynasties Period and Song Dynasty

Comment 评议

Max DEEG 宁梵夫 Zhiyuan  CHEN 陈志远


Open Floor 开放讨论


18:00-19:30                  DINNER 晚宴



DAY III 第三日                  August 20, 2024: CONFERENCE (WHOLE DAY) 研讨会(全天)

PANEL 部会 9 

Art and Technology: Media in the Transmission of Sacred and Secular Knowledge 艺术与技术:圣俗知识流通的媒介 (2)

Chair 主持: Lei WANG 王磊

Auditorium 会场 1

PANEL部会 10

Interactions between Chinese and Japanese Buddhism: New Aspects and Perspectives 中日佛教之间:新面相与新视野

Chair 主持: Wei YU 于薇

Auditorium 会场 2

9:00-9:15 9.1. Shang SHI 石尚 (Capital Normal University首都师范大学): 莫高窟第285窟新論 | Re-thinking Cave 285 in Mogao Grottoes 10.1. Limei CHI 池丽梅 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 日本国际仏教学大学院大学): 日本古代写本大藏经的复杂性与特殊性 | The Complexity and Uniqueness of the Ancient Japanese Manuscript Canons
9:15-9:30 9.2. Liming ZHANG 张利明 (Zhejiang University 浙江大学): 僧人取经与天台中兴——东阳中兴寺塔出土吴越国取经图石函研究 | A Study on the Stone Reliquary with Images of Monk’s Pilgrimage of Wuyue Kingdom Unearthed from the Pagoda of Zhongxing Temple in Dongyang 10.2. George KEYWORTH 纪強 (University of Saskatchewan 加拿大萨斯喀彻尔大学): On the Enduring Legacy of Tiantai 天台 Educational Books in Premodern Japan: the [Tendai enshū shikyō goji 天台円宗四教五時] Nishidani myōmoku 西谷名
目 and Shishi yaolan 釋氏要覽 (Śākyamuni [Buddha’s] Essential Teachings) | 前現代日本天台宗教育書籍持久的遺產——《天台円宗四教五時西谷名目》和《釋氏要覽》
9:30-9:45 9.3. Jahyun KIM 金慈玄 (Dongguk University 韩国东国大学): The Sinicization of Early Ming Buddhist Art: Acceptance, Transformation, and Spread of Buddhist Iconography | 明代早期佛教艺术的中国化——佛教造像的接受、转化和传播

10.3. Zhaoguo WANG 王招国/Ven. Dingyuan 定源 (Shanghai Normal University 上海师范大学): 宗晓《乐邦遗稿》的编纂刊行与新见佚文考述 | The Compilation and Printing of Zongxiao’s Lebang Yigao and An Investigation of Its Newly Seen Unknown Passages

9:45-10:00 10.4. Yian REN 任易安 (Stanford University 美国斯坦佛大学): The Emergence of the Mañjuśrī Child Image in Early Medieval Japan: A Study of Iconographical Transformation | 中世纪早期日本文殊菩萨儿童形象的出现及文殊菩萨的形象转变


Chun YU 于春 Jidong CHEN 陈继东


Open Floor 开放讨论


11:15-13:00                  LUNCH BREAK 午餐


PANEL 部会 11

Tensions between the Local vs the Universal 地域性與普世性間的張力

Chair 主持: Qi SUN 孙齐

Auditorium 会场 1

PANEL 部会 12

Panel 12 Elephants Travelling Overseas: Global Buddhism 巨象远迈:全球性的佛教

Chair 主持: Xuemei WANG 王雪梅

Auditorium 会场 2

13:00-13:15 11.1. Bin WEI 魏斌 (Wuhan University 武汉大学): 北朝家族与村落军人群体 |  Buddhist Military Community from Villages in Northern Qi Dynasty 12.1. Jianxin LI 李建欣 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院): 美国学者太史文的中国佛教研究评述  | Chinese Buddhist Studies by American Scholar Stephen F. Teiser: A Review
13:15-13:30 11.2. Changchun PEI 裴长春 (Shandong Normal University 山东师范大学): 吐蕃统治下汉人如何学习藏文——法藏敦煌藏文文献P. T. 1257《蕃汉双语词汇表》再探 | A Re-Examination of Pelliot tibétain 1257: A Workbook for Chinese Learning Tibetan? 12.2. Xiang HONG 宏祥 (The University of Hong Kong 香港大学): 五会念佛在大湾区及海外传播概述| An Overview of the Spread of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha in the Greater Bay Area and Overseas Regions
13:30-13:45 11.3. Zhinan CHEN 陈芷南 (University of Washington 美国华盛顿大学): Intellectual Scene at the Longxing Monastery: A Tentative Reconstruction | 敦煌写本的场景再现——以龙兴寺为例 12.3. Xingpu SHI 释性普 (Buddhist College of Minnan闽南佛学院): 常凯法师的佛教医学防治思想研究 | A Study on Master Changkai’s Thoughts of Buddhist Medical Prevention and Treatment
13:45-14:00 11.4. Shaowei WU 武绍卫 (Shandong University 山东大学): 敦煌僧团对佛典的搜集与阅读——以敦煌寺院杂藏为中心 | The Collection and Reading of Buddhist Scriptures by the Dunhuang Sangha: Focus on Non-Canonical Collections 12.4. Genevieve HAUER 王桂薇 (University of Colorado, Boulder 美国科罗纳多大学): Transnational Buddhism and Chinese Workers on the Transcontinental Railroad | 跨国佛教与横贯美洲大陆铁路上的中国工人

Comment 评议

Dewei ZHANG 张德伟 (11.1-2+11.4)、Zhiyuan CHEN 陈志远 (11.3) Vincent GOOSSAERT 高万桑


Open Floor 开放讨论


14:45-15:00                  TEA/COFFEE BREAK茶歇


PANEL 部会 13

“Textual Community”: Text-centered Transmission and Transformation “文字社群”:以文本为中心的流通与变异

Chair 主持: YANG Baoyu 杨宝玉

Auditorium 会场 1

15:00-15:15 13.1. Lei WANG 王磊 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学): 中古时期《十诵律》的翻译及文本流变 | The Translation and Transmission of Shisong Lü 十诵律 in Medieval China
15:15-15:30 13.2. Mianmian HONG 洪绵绵 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学): 体无与双非:从谢灵运到吉藏看大乘意识发展对南朝佛道分判的影响 | Nonbeing and Non-Nonbeing: The Influence of Mahayana Consciousness Developing on the Comparison of Buddhism and Daoism Reflected in the Treatises of Xie Lingyun and Jizang
15:30-15:45 13.3. Qi SUN 孙齐 (Shandong University 山东大学): 《加句灵验佛顶尊胜陀罗尼记》的文本旅行 | Textual Travels of ‘The Records of the Enlarged and Proved Version of Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī
15:45-16:00 13.4. Donggyu SONG 宋东奎 (University of Tokyo 日本东京大学): Buddhism in Reverse Flow: A Case Study of Hamon | 佛教逆向流动——《破文》案例研究
16:00-16:15 13.5. Jidong CHEN 陈继东 (Aoyamagakuin University 日本青山学院大学): 《禅门日诵》的成立及其展开——汉传佛教的一个历史归结 | The Formation and Transformation of The Daily Recitation of the Chan School 禅门日诵: An End Result of the Evolvement of Buddhism in the Sino-sphere
16:15-16:30 13.6 Dewei Zhang 张德伟 (Ji‘nan University 暨南大学): 浅论圣严法师《禅门修证指要》之编纂理念 | A Preliminary Investigation of the Ideas of Compiling the Chanmen Xiuzheng Zhiyao by Venerable Cheng-Yen (Zhengyan)

Comment 评议

Shaowei WU 武绍卫


Open Floor 开放讨论


17:30-17:40                  TEA/COFFEE BREAK茶歇


17:40-18:00 FINAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS 最终讨论并总结发言 (Chair: Jinhua CHEN 陈金华主持 并 发言)
18:15-19:30 FAREWELL BANQUET 欢送晚宴



DAY IV 第四日                      August 21, 2024: DEPARTURE 赋归