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1 | Dipen Barua, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學 ![]() |
Dipen Barua serves as an honorary lecturer at the Centre of Buddhist Studies at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and as a visiting assistant professor at the Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Calcutta University and his first Master’s degree in Pali from University of Pune (now Savitribai Phule Pune University) in India. He received a second Master’s degree, MPhil and PhD in Buddhist Studies from HKU. He is an author of a book and has published many articles in both Bengali and English. His academic interests are Pali textual studies, the Theravada Buddhists perspective on the mind and cognitive functions, modern movements of engaged Buddhism, and the Buddhist art and cultural heritage in South and Southeast Asia. Additionally, he is a regular contributor to Buddhistdoor Global, a Hong Kong based website, where he writes on topics related to Buddhism and society. |
2 | Gudrun Bühnemann, University of Wisconsin-Madison![]() |
Gudrun Bühnemann is a Professor of Sanskrit and Indic Religions in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. She earned her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies and Indology from the University of Vienna. Following her doctorate, she conducted extensive post-doctoral research at Savitribai Phule Pune University and the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute in India, as well as at Nagoya University and Kyoto University in Japan. Her research has been supported by numerous prestigious fellowships, including those from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, the American Academy of Religion, the American Institute of Indian Studies, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the German Research Council. She has published extensively on South Asian iconography and ritual. |
3 | Michael Cavayero, Peking University 柯偉業 , 北京大學 ![]() |
Dr Michael Cavayero is an Assistant Professor in the School of Arts at Peking University and a Research Professor at Peking University’s Research Center for Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education. He is the recipient of a 2023 UNESCO Silk Road’s Youth Research Grant. He formerly served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of South Asian Studies and the Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art at Peking University. Cavayero’s research focuses on Buddhism’s dissemination and Sinicization process in medieval China and the early textual history of Chinese painting. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (cum laude) from New York University, Steinhardt, having completed his master’s and PhD degrees at the China Academy of Art (Chinese National Academy of Art). His research and translations have been published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals in both English and Chinese.
柯偉業(Michael Cavayero),美國人,美國紐約大學(New York University)本科,中國美術學院碩士、博士,北京大學外國語學院南亞學系(國際交流計劃引進項目)博雅博士後,現為北京大學藝術學院助理教授、研究員,北京大學美學與美育研究中心研究員。2023聯合國教育、科學及文化組織( UNESCO )「絲綢之路青年研究基金」獲得者。主要研究美術史、佛教史。著有Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism (Brill)(譯著/合譯),並在《北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》《世界宗教文化》《新美術》,Special Supplement of the Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies,《華林國際佛學學刊》等期刊發有論文。 |
4 | Louis Copplestone, Victoria & Albert Museum 英國維多利亞與亞厘畢博物館 |
Dr Louis Copplestone is a curator in the South and South-East Asia section at the Victoria & Albert Museum. He earned his doctorate from Harvard University’s Department of History of Art and Architecture (2024), where his research focused on Buddhist art and architecture. In 2022, he was awarded the Sylvan C. Coleman and Pam Coleman Fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Prior to his doctoral studies, Louis was a Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Fellow at the Tokyo National Museum from 2015 to 2017. He holds an MA in Buddhist Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art (2015) and a BA in History of Art and South Asian Studies from SOAS University of London (2014). |
5 | Jiabao Cui, Peking University 崔嘉寶, 北京大學 |
6 | Cristian de Silveira, Peking University 陳天武, 北京大學 ![]() |
Cristian de Silveira is a Master’s student of China Studies in History and Archaeology at Peking University, who studies transcultural exchanges along the Silk Road, particularly through the reception and transformative nature of Buddhist iconography in Chinese visual culture. As a Yenching Academy Fellow, his research integrates comparative methodologies, semiotics through interdisciplinary frameworks, and material analysis to challenge simplistic notions seen through narratives of diffusionistic cultural exchanges. His work explores how systems of cultural production—from Gandharan Bodhisattvas to Tang Guardian figures—reflect constant and dynamic socio-political negotiations. With teaching experience on the topics of the formation of the Silk Road and Ancient Chinese history from the Han to Tang periods, Cristian hopes to advance global perspectives on the connectivity of Eurasian civilizations through cultural expressions since antiquity.
Cristian de Silveira (陳天武)是北京大學燕京學堂的中國學(歷史和考古)的碩士研究生,主要研究方向是絲綢之路沿線的跨文化交流,尤其關注佛教圖騰在中國視覺文化中的吸收和轉化。作為燕京學堂學者,他的研究綜合了比較方法論、跨學科框架下的符號學以及材料分析,以挑戰關於文化交流傳播敘事的簡單概念。他的研究探討了犍陀羅菩薩及唐代護法神等文化生產系統如何反映持續、動態的社會政治形態。天武在絲綢之路的形成和漢唐時期的中國古代史方面擁有豐富的教學經驗,他希望通過自古以來的文化表現形式,增進全球大眾對歐亞文明聯繫的關注。 |
7 | Jessica Marie Falcone, Kansas State University 佛爾崆, 美國堪薩斯州立大學 ![]() |
Dr. Jessica Marie Falcone is a professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. With a research orientation toward contemporary transnational Asian religious cultures, she has done fieldwork across Asia and its diasporas. Her first book, Battling the Buddha of Love: the Greatest Statue Never Built, about a controversial giant statue project in India, was published in 2018 by Cornell University Press. She is currently working on a monograph about the rich contemporary ritual and social life of a Soto Zen Buddhist temple in Hawai’i that was founded by Japanese migrants over a hundred years ago.
Jessica Marie Falcone博士任堪薩斯州立大學文化人類學教授。研究方向是當代亞洲跨國宗教文化,並在亞洲各地及亞裔散居地進行了實地考察。她的第一本專著,《與大慈佛陀作戰:未起之大像》,講述了印度一個有爭議的巨型雕像工程,康奈爾大學出版社2018年出版。當前正研究夏威夷一座由日本移民在一百多年前所建的曹洞宗寺廟,並在撰寫該寺豐富的當代儀式和社會生活方面的專著。 |
8 | Huang Lele, Peking University 黃樂樂, 北京大學 ![]() |
黃樂樂,北京大學外國語學院南亞學系博士後,印度尼赫魯大學佛教藝術史博士,泰國摩訶朱拉隆功大學國際佛教研究院客座講師,泰國瓦萊嵐大學期刊《Asia Social Issues》編委。榮獲北京大學2024年優秀博士後獎(總第20批),主持2024年國家社會科學基金青年項目,獲中國博士後科學基金第75批面上資助項目,已發表專著兩部,論文數十篇。主要研究領域為:印度佛教藝術史、東南亞佛教藝術、南亞&東南亞文化,現研究方向為:印度石窟寺藝術 & 南印度佛教藝術。
Dr. Huang Lele is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of South Asian Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, and gets her Ph.D. in Buddhist Art History from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. She serves as a visiting lecturer at the International Buddhist Studies College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand, and as an editorial board member for Asia Social Issues, a journal of Walailak University, Thailand. Her primary research interests include the history of Indian Buddhist art, Southeast Asian Buddhist art, and South and Southeast Asian cultures, with a current focus on Indian rock-cut temple art and South Indian Buddhist art. |
9 | Todd Lewis, College of the Holy Cross 陸濤, 美國和理大學 ![]() |
Todd Lewis is the Distinguished Professor of Arts and Humanities and Professor of Religion at the College of the Holy Cross. His primary research since 1979 has been on Newar Buddhism in the Kathmandu Valley and the social history of Buddhism. Since completing his Ph.D. (Columbia, 1984), Lewis has authored many articles on the Buddhist traditions of Nepal and a number of books. His translation, Sugata Saurabha: A Poem on the Life of the Buddha by Chittadhar Hridaya of Nepal (Oxford 2010), received awards from the Khyentse Foundation and the Numata Foundation. His most recent publication with Jinah Kim, is Dharma and Punya: Buddhist Ritual Art of Nepal (Brill 2019). Other writings have focused on the role of merchants in Buddhist history, Buddhist social history, and the history of Buddhist ritualism.
陸濤(Todd Lewis)是麻薩諸塞州和理大學(College of Holy Cross)藝術與人文學的傑出教授,兼任哈佛大學附屬研究員。從1979年至今,他主要的研究是尼泊爾加德滿都山谷的尼瓦爾佛教和佛教社會史。1984年獲得哥倫比亞大學博士學位,發表多篇尼泊爾佛教研究論文以及數部專著,包括《流行於尼泊爾的佛教文本:尼瓦爾佛教的敘述和儀式》。另有著作探討商人在佛教歷史中的作用、佛教社會史和佛教儀式史。譯作《正覺者的芬芳:尼泊爾Chittadhar Hridaya關於佛陀一生的詩篇》(牛津大學出版社,2010年),獲得欽哲基金和沼田基金會的獎勵。他最近與金珍娜合著有《佛法和功德:尼泊爾的佛教儀式藝術》(Brill,2019年)。曾獲得古根海姆獎(Guggenheim Fellow),以及福佈萊特基金會(Fulbright Foundation)、美國哲學會(American Philosophical Society)和國家人文基金會(National Endowment for the Humanities)等項獎金資助。 |
10 | Dian Li, Nanjing University 李點, 南京大學 ![]() |
李點,南京大學文學院博士候選人,本、碩皆就讀於南京大學。專攻方向為東亞漢文學及東亞思想史。曾在《外國文學評論》《中國詩學研究》《國際漢學研究通訊》等刊物發表論文或譯作。目前正在翻譯美國學者賴肖爾(Edwin Oldfather Reischauer; 1910—1990)的專著《圓仁在唐代中國的旅行》。
Dian Li is a PhD candidate at the School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, where he completed his bachelor’s and master’s studies. His research focuses on East Asian literature in Chinese and East Asian intellectual history. He has published papers and translations in academic journals such as Foreign Literature Review, Chinese Poetry Research, and Newsletter for International China Studies. Currently, he is translating Ennin’s Travels in T’ang China, a monograph about a Japanese monk by the American scholar Edwin O. Reischauer. |
11 | Wei Li, Henan University 李巍, 河南大學 ![]() |
Wei LI (born in 1991) received his Doctoral degree of Literature from Peking University and currently serves as an associate professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Henan University, where he also fulfills the role of a supervisor for master’s students. His teaching portfolio includes courses such as “The History of Classical Chinese Literature,” “Classical Chinese Literary Theory,” and “Fictions of the Six Dynasties,” among others. His academic pursuits are centered on Buddhist Avadāna literature, the history of Classical Chinese literature, and the literary theories of the Six Dynasties. His research delves into the intricate relationship between Chinese Buddhism and literature, exploring topics such as novels, poems and Buddhist biographies in early medieval China. Additionally, he is actively involved in the translation of Buddhist scriptures into English, bridging cultural gaps and facilitating a deeper understanding of Buddhist teachings. He authored a translated work and published numerous research papers in prestigious journals, including World Religions Research, Religions, and Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies. He also leads a social science project funded by the Henan Provincial Government. |
12 | Irene Lok, University of Cambridge 駱慧瑛, 英國劍橋大學 ![]() |
Irene Lok is a Bye Fellow of University of Cambridge; Honourary Art Advisor and Honourary Researcher of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of the University of Hong Kong; Member of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies, Art Advisor at Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole at The University of Hong Kong, Member of the Special Projects Assessment Committee and Honorary Advisor of Jao Studies Foundation. She is the author of the award-winning book Contemplating the Mind at Ease: Origin of the Guanyin Festivals and Worshipping in Hong Kong (Cosmos Book 2020) , The book was awarded “ The Next Writer, Publication Funding Scheme (Intangible Cultural Heritage Division) by Hong Kong Publishing Federation and Create Hong Kong from The Government of HKSAR; It is also awarded “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Award” by Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society in 2021. More recently, Serendipity at Dunhuang (Chung Hwa Book 2021).
英國劍橋大學副院士,香港大學哲學博士。中國敦煌吐魯番學會會員。香港大學饒宗頤學術館名譽副研究員藝術顧問、饒學研究基金專案評審委員會會員、饒學聯滙榮譽顧問。著作《觀心自在:香港觀音誕與觀音信仰探源》(天地圖書2020年,首屆「想創你未來 —— 初創作家出版資助計劃」(非遺組)得獎作品,並榮獲第三屆「香港出版雙年獎」社會科學類出版獎, 2021),及著《緣繋敦煌》(中華書局2021年) 。 |
13 | Rufei Luo, Nanjing University 駱如菲, 南京大學 ![]() |
LUO Rufei, currently an associate researcher at the School of Art at Nanjing University, was formerly a postdoctoral fellow in Chinese history at the School of History, Zhejiang University. She earned her Ph.D. in Art Theory from the School of Art and Archaeology, Zhejiang University, and has also conducted research as a visiting student at the Department of Art History, University of Chicago. Her research interests include the art history of Sino-Tibetan Buddhism and the art history of the Silk Road. She is currently leading a Youth Project funded by the National Social Science Fund of China titled “Research on the Remains in Grotto Temples of Western Tibet from the 10th to 13th Centuries in the Multi-ethnic Perspective of the Silk Road” (23CZS024). She has published academic papers in journals such as Dunhuang Research, The Study of Art History, andThe World Religious Cultures. Additionally, she co-edited the compilation Collections of Tibetan Fine Arts: Sculpture Art-Jiangnan Volumein 2019. |
14 | Nils Martin, Leiden University 荷蘭萊登大學 ![]() |
Nils Martin (PhD Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 2022) is an art historian specialized in the Buddhist art of Tibet and the Himalayas, with particular expertise in epigraphy and archaeometry. He has worked extensively on the early painted Buddhist monuments, rock-carvings, and epigraphic sites of Ladakh (India), from the Tibetan imperial period to the Namgyal dynasty. His PhD thesis, which won the Khyentse Foundation award for best dissertation in Buddhist studies, discusses in particular the murals of the Wanla Group (c. 14th century). Currently a postdoctoral researcher for the ERC-funded Van Manen Project (“Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas: The Van Manen Collection”) at Leiden University, Martin examines the creation, use, and circulation of the objects of that collection from the Himalayas to the World Museum Leiden. |
15 | Thomas Mazanec, University of California, Santa Barbara 余泰明, 美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校 ![]() |
Thomas J. Mazanec (Ph.D., Princeton, 2017) is associate professor or premodern Chinese literature and culture at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he also serves as the Acting Director of Translation Studies. His first book, Poet-Monks: The Invention of Buddhist Poetry in Late Medieval China, was published by Cornell University Press in 2024. He is also the East Asia section editor for the Journal of the American Oriental Society. His current projects include translations several Tang literary collections and a new literary history of the Tang-Song transition. |
16 | David L. McMahan, Franklin & Marshall College 美國富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院 ![]() |
David L. McMahan is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Religious Studies at Franklin & Marshall College in Pennsylvania. He is the author of Rethinking Meditation: Buddhist Meditative Practices in Ancient and Modern Worlds (Oxford University Press, 2023), The Making of Buddhist Modernism (Oxford University Press, 2008), Empty Vision: Metaphor and Visionary Imagery in Mahāyāna Buddhism (Routledge Curzon, 2002), and numerous articles on Mahāyāna Buddhism in South Asia and Buddhism in the modern world. He is also the co-editor of Buddhism, Meditation and Science (Oxford University Press, 2017), editor of Buddhism in the Modern World (Routledge 2012). He has written on Indian Buddhist literature, visual metaphors and practice, and the early history of the Mahāyāna movement in India. More recently, his work has focused on the interface of Buddhism and modernity, including its interactions with science, psychology, modernist literature, romanticism, and transcendentalism. His most recent work addresses the various ways that Buddhist and Buddhist-derived meditation are understood and practiced in different cultural and historical contexts, ancient and modern. |
17 | Wendelin S. Morrison, independent scholar 獨立學人 ![]() |
Dr Wendelin Morrison is an independent scholar and artist based in Dorset, UK, she received her BA/MA in Archaeology and Anthropology from the University of Cambridge, and was a visiting researcher at the University of Science and Technology Institute for Cultural Heritage and History of Science and Technology, Beijing for her dissertation research.
Following receiving her doctoral degree in Archaeology from the University of York in 2009, Dr Morrison’s research has developed to integrate scholarly and artistic practice methods. With her artistic practice starting in childhood, taught by her mother who was an architect and sumi-e artist, Dr Morrison began training in the traditional art of Tibetan thangka in 2007, and has been mentored by the Tibetan-Bhutanese traditional architect and artist Pema Namdol-Thaye since 2018. Her particular research interests include the Tibetan, and Sino-Tibetan syncretic Buddhist art and drawings from Mogao, Buddhist materia medica and soteriological paintings, and architectural iconometry as a form of artistic transmission in the Buddhist cave temples of the medieval Silk Road. A Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, Dr Morrison has recently undertaken research on the Tara thangka from the Temple of the Thousand Buddhas ‘Store Cave’ at Mogao, Dunhuang in NW China, which was supported by the Frederick Williamson Memorial Trust, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge. She is currently developing a project on geolocation and the transcultural use of minerals in Buddhist art as a coalescence of medicine and paint pigments. Wendelin Morrison博士是英國多塞特郡的獨立學者和藝術家,她在劍橋大學獲得考古學和人類學學士/碩士學位,並曾作為客座研究員在北京科技大學文化遺產與科技史研究所進行論文研究。2009 年,Morrison博士在約克大學獲得考古學博士學位後,其研究已發展為將學術和藝術實踐方法相結合。Morrison博士從小就開始從事藝術實踐,其母親是一名建築師和水墨畫 家。2007 年開始接受西藏傳統唐卡藝術的培訓,自 2018 年起接受藏族-不丹傳統建築師和藝術家 Pema Namdol-Thaye 的指導。她的研究興趣尤其包括莫高窟的吐蕃和漢藏融合佛教藝術和繪畫、佛教本草和救世畫,以及建築造像量度作為中世紀絲綢之路佛教石窟藝術傳播的一種形式。作為皇家亞洲學會會員,Morrison博士最近對敦煌莫高窟千佛洞“藏經洞”的度母唐卡進行了研究,該研究得到了劍橋大學考古與人類學博物館弗雷德里克威廉森紀念信託基金的支持。她目前正在開展一個關於地理定位以及佛教藝術中礦物質的跨文化應用的項目,作為藥物和繪畫顏料的融合。 |
18 | Michael Norton, Harvard University 諾麥克, 美國哈佛大學 |
Michael Norton is a PhD Candidate in History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University. Prior to beginning his doctoral work, he received his MA in History and Theory of Art from Tsinghua University (2019), where he studied Chinese Buddhist art and archaeology of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He received his BA in Chinese Language and Asian Studies with a minor in Art History from Vassar College (2014). His research addresses the roll of cosmological imagery in mediating the relationship between the body and the cosmos. Additionally, he is interested in the representation of gender in Chinese painting, the role of zoomorphic and environmental imagery in sculpture and painting, and visual depictions of sound and acoustic motifs. He has previously worked as a visiting instructor at both Boston College and Vassar College.
諾麥克是美國哈佛大學藝術與建築史系的博士生。2019年畢業於清華大學美術學院藝術史論系,獲得碩士學位,研究中國南北朝佛教美術考古。2014年自美國瓦薩學院(Vassar College)獲得學士學位,主修中國語言與亞洲研究,並輔修藝術史。他的博士論文以中國佛教宇宙圖像為核心,探討其在佛教壁畫、雕塑等媒體中如何調和身體與宇宙的關係。此外,他對中國繪畫中性別表現、雕塑與繪畫中的動物形象與環境題材以及聲音與聲學主題的視覺再現亦有興趣。他曾在美國波士頓學院與瓦薩學院擔任訪問講師,講授「中國藝術史」、「佛教美術考古」等課程。 |
19 | Alessandro Poletto, Washington University in St. Louis 薄樂陀, 美國聖路易華盛頓大學 ![]() |
Alessandro Poletto specializes in the social and religious history of premodern Japan, with an emphasis on Buddhism in the early medieval period (approx. tenth to the thirteenth century). He earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2020 with a dissertation entitled The Culture of Healing in Early Medieval Japan: A Study in Premodern Epistemology, in which he examined discourses and practices concerning healing and disease, with particular attention to the relationship between Buddhist healers and other technicians involved in the treatment of illness, namely court physicians and onmyōji. His other research and teaching interests include the understanding and ritual resolution of natural disasters in premodern East Asia, the history of the cultural exchanges between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, and Buddhist material culture and archeology in East Asia. Before joining Washington University in St. Louis as a lecturer in East Asian religions, he was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto University.
薄樂陀擔任聖路易斯華盛頓大學東亞宗教講師。專業領域是前現代日本的社會和宗教歷史,重點是中世紀早期(約10至13世紀)的佛教。他於2020年在哥倫比亞大學獲得博士學位,論文題為《中世紀早期日本的治療文化:前現代認識論研究》。論文研究了有關治療和疾病的論域和實踐,特別關注佛教治療士和其他醫療技術人員之間的關係,即宮廷醫生和陰陽師。其他研究和教學興趣包括對前現代東亞自然災害的理解和對治儀法,朝鮮半島和日本列島之間的文化交流歷史,以及東亞的佛教物質文化和考古學。曾在京都大學擔任日本學術振興會博士後研究員。 |
20 | Xiaoyun Qiu, Peking University 裘瀟雲, 北京大學 ![]() |
Xiaoyun QIU, PhD student from the School of Foreign Languages, Peking University. Her major is Indian language and literature, and the research area is about Buddhist Art & History and Indian Religions & Culture. Her concern is Indian Cave Temples and now she is focusing on Ellora Caves. |
21 | Paride Stortini, Ghent University 比利時根特大學 ![]() |
Paride Stortini is an FWO research fellow at Ghent University, which he joined after a JSPS fellowship at Tokyo University. He has a PhD in history of religions from the University of Chicago, a BA and MA in East Asian languages and religious studies from the Universities of Venice and Padua. Stortini investigates the intellectual and cultural history of Buddhism in modern and contemporary Japan from a transnational perspective.
His dissertation, which he is turning into a monograph, is titled Reimagining India between Science and Religion: Indology and Modernity in Japanese Buddhism, and shows the active role of Japanese Buddhists in redeploying ideas and images on India in scholarship, literature, and visual culture to inform the role of religion in modern Japan. At Ghent University, Stortini is developing a second project titled Building Buddhist Heritage in Postwar Japan: The Silk Road between History and Memory at Yakushiji Temple. This project explores the concept of “Silk Road” in twentieth century Japan, at the intersection between cultural heritage, religious practices of memorialization and pilgrimage, and media representation of travel and “Buddhist cosmopolitanism,” centering on the case study of the temple and Buddhist community of Yakushiji, Nara Prefecture. |
22 | Dessie Vendova, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 文黛皙, 波士頓藝術博物館 ![]() |
Dr. Dessie Vendova 文黛皙 is currently the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Buddhism Public Scholar at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, with a Ph.D. in Religion (Buddhism) from Columbia University with a focus on early Buddhism and art. Before her doctoral studies at Columbia University, she spent eleven years studying and living in Beijing and Kyoto, earning a B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature and an M.A. in Classical Chinese Literature from Peking University, focusing on pre-Tang and Tang dynasty literature, religion, and culture. She has also participated in wide-ranging field research and language study in India and Pakistan.
Dr. Vendova’s research focuses on the life story of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, exploring its narratives and art at the intersection of religion, literature, and visual culture. She is particularly interested in reevaluating the critical role of the Buddha’s biography on the early textual, visual, and material transmission of Buddhism from South Asia, through Central Asia to East Asia, including via the Silk Routes, and its role and function in the construction of early Buddhist sacred monuments, Buddhist practices connected with the cult of the historical Buddha, and the worship of the Bodhisattva/Buddha’s image. |
23 | Bing Wang, Hong Kong Chu Hai College 王冰, 香港珠海學院 ![]() |
王冰,香港大學佛學碩士、哲學博士。現任香港珠海學院佛學研究中心助理教授及副總監(行政),教授「佛教與當代社會」、「中國文化概論」等課程。研究興趣包括宗教教育(佛教)與生命教育、宗教教育課程設計與發展、兒童與青少年德育及價值教育。曾兼任香港大學專職研究員(2018-2021)、慈山寺項目顧問(2010-2020)。自2007年始,相繼參與香港大學佛學研究中心「如何利用佛教資源推動香港中小學學生質素教育」研究計劃,以及「初中佛化德育及價值教育科教材(中一至中三)」編寫計劃。著有《建築慈山》(與何培斌教授合著)、《正覺的道路:初中佛化德育及價值教育科教材》(12冊,與衍空法師合著)、主編佛教教育系列「三合一十全人格繪本」(香港新雅出版,系列獲中國2009年「冰心兒童圖書獎」,是《請給我一粒芥菜子》、《原來大人也會犯錯》等繪本文字作者。王冰博士亦擔任香港佛教聯合會佛化教育平臺顧問及非牟利民間機構晨曦青少年文教基金會暨文教中心發起人。 |
24 | Eugene Wang, Harvard University 汪悅進, 美國哈佛大學 ![]() |
Eugene Wang is Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. A Guggenheim Fellow, he is the author of the award-winning Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China. He is also the art history editor of Encyclopedia of Buddhism. His research ranges from early Chinese art and archaeology to modern Chinese art, media, and cinema. He is also the founding director of Harvard CAMLab that explores the nexus of cognition, aesthetics, and new mediums. 汪悅進(Eugene Wang),哈佛大學洛克菲勒亞洲藝術史專席教授,任教於哈佛藝術與建築史系、宗教研究系、戲劇舞蹈多媒系、中亞系。著述涵蓋古今,包括青銅、壁畫、雕塑、書畫、建築、版刻、攝影,電影等多種媒介。曾獲古根海姆獎。專著《塑造法華經:中國中古佛教視覺文化》獲2006年日本坂本日深學術賞。任《佛教百科全書》的藝術史編輯。2018年創立哈佛大學CAMLab,研發藝術智能及文化遺產的深度多媒體驗。 |
25 | Wang Youkui, Sichuan University 王友奎, 四川大學 ![]() |
Wang Youkui is a native of Zhijiang, Hubei Province, China, and an associate professor at the College of Fine Arts, Sichuan University. He is engaged in the study of Buddhist material culture and Sino-foreign cultural exchange. In the past, he has mainly focused on the Buddhist beliefs reflected in the grottoes, initiated a systematic discussion on the Yungang Grottoes, and explored a number of examples of material cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign cultures in the Middle Ages. He has published more than ten academic papers in journals such as Dunhuang Research, Art History Research, Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute, and Dunhuang Studies Journal, and has presided over and participated in several projects of the National Social Science Foundation. |
26 | Pamela D. Winfield, Elon University 美國伊隆大學 ![]() |
Pamela D. Winfield (she/her) is Professor of Buddhist Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at Elon University in NC. She is the author of Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, 2013) which won the AAS-SEC Book Prize in 2015. She is also the co-editor (with Steven Heine) of Zen and Material Culture (Oxford University Press, 2017) and The Religious Body Imagined (Equinox Press, 2024). Her scholarship on the visual, material, and corporeal dimensions of Japanese Buddhism has appeared in The Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, Studies in Chinese Religions, Material Religion, and in edited volumes with Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, Brill, Routledge, Shambhala, Springer, and others. Her research has been supported by grants from the American Academy of Religion, the Association for Asian Studies, and the Asia Cultural Council among others. Most recently, she served as the Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies at McGill University. |
27 | Shaowei Wu, Shandong University 武紹衛, 山東大學 ![]() |
武紹衛,山東大學副教授,主要研究方向為:隋唐史、敦煌學和佛教史。發表有“A Study on the Literacy Rate of Buddhist Monks in Dunhuang during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period”,《唐五代賜臘小議》《從社會經濟角度看唐後期五代宋初敦煌寺眾居家原因》《無名僧人的名山事業:中古時期僧人的日常抄經與校勘活動》《從崇佛到限佛:唐僧義紭及其經歷的兩個時代(武后—中宗、睿宗—玄宗)》等學術文章二十餘篇。最近關注的話題是:中國古代抄經的製作、僧團識字率以及會昌法難。
Wu Shaowei is an Associate Professor at Shandong University. His primary research areas include Sui-Tang history, Dunhuang Studies, and Buddhist history. He has published over twenty academic articles, including “A Study on the Literacy Rate of Buddhist Monks in Dunhuang during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period”, “The Reasons for Dunhuang Monks Residing in Secular Families during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period: A Socio-Economic Perspective”, “The Unknown Monk’s Mountaineering Career: Daily Scripture Copying and Textual Criticism Activities of Monks in the Medieval Period”, and “From Veneration to Restriction: Two Eras in the Life of Monk Yihong during the Tang Dynasty”. His recent research interests focus on the production of Buddhist sutra copying in ancient China, the literacy rate among monastic communities, and the Huichang Persecution of Buddhism. |
28 | Xie Jisheng, Zhejiang University 謝繼勝, 浙江大學 ![]() |
Xie Jisheng, Professor at the School of Art and Archaeology, Zhejiang University, primarily focuses on the history of Han-Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist art. He founded and organized the periodic conference “International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology and Art (ICTAA) ” advocating for and promoted a theoretical framework for the historical study of Sino-Tibetan Buddhist art. He also pioneered research on Chinese art history by approaching it from the perspective of multi-ethnic contributions to the formation of Chinese civilization. His notable works include The Developmental History of Tibetan Buddhist Art, Studies on Tibetan Buddhist Artifacts in Beijing During the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, and A History of Sino-Tibetan and Multi-Ethnic Civilizational Relations from the 7th to the 13th Centuries. |
29 | Zhang Meiqiao, Zhejiang University 張美僑, 浙江大學 ![]() |
ZHANG Meiqiao received her PhD in 2022 from the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo, Japan, with a dissertation on the transmission and transformation of the Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra 大般若波羅蜜多經. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Her research concentrates chiefly on manuscript and ancient woodblock editions of the Chinese Buddhist literature. Her research interests include the history of Buddhism in Medieval China, Chinese Buddhist canons, and the cultural history of communication between China and her neighbors. |