June 12, 2023Protected: 2023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University – Seminar 3There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
June 12, 2023Protected: 2023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University – Seminar 1There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
March 5, 20242023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University – Student ReportsReturn to the main program page. Read the program full review report written by Xuna Lin 林旭娜 (Peking University) in Chinese. Read the program full review […]
August 15, 20242024 Glorisun International and Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies with Peking UniversityAugust 15–26, 2024. Buddhist College of Minnan, South Putuo, Xiamen, China.
January 15, 2025The Eighth Glorisun International Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies, with the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme (CEIB) and the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales [Inalco] in Paris, FranceJuly 5 – July 15, 2025. CEIB-Inalco, Paris, France.