November 15, 2024【旭日佛学荣誉讲座】西夏佛教文献与西夏佛教历史研究Kirill Solonin. November 15, 2024, 3pm (Beijing). In-person lecture at Zhejiang University.
December 2, 2024Guest Lecture: Reinterpreting the Narrative of the Lotus Sūtra as Literary Buddhist Practice: Focusing on the Issue of the StūpaRyūichi Abe (Harvard University). December 2, 2024, 15:00-16:30. In-person lecture at University of Tokyo.
December 2, 2024Guest Lecture: Devotional Creatures: Amphibians, Bugs, and Creepy Crawlies in Chinese Religions DateDaniel Burton-Rose (Wenzhou-Kean University) and Stuart Young (Bucknell University). December 2, 2024, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm EST. In-person lecture at Princeton University.
December 2, 2024Guest Lecture: Udayana’s refutation of the Buddhist theory of exclusion (apoha)Bogdan Diaconescu (University of Oxford). Monday, December 2, 2024, 5:00pm (London). In-person lecture at University of Oxford.
December 17, 2024“Buddhism and the Arts” Lecture Series: Nepalese scroll paintings as historical witnesses. Depictions of the Svayambhū caitya of KathmanduAlexander Von Rospatt (University of California, Berkeley). December 17, 2024, 3 PM (Paris). In-person and online with Inalco.
December 29, 2024法門寺佛指舍利與唐密源流 The Buddha’s Finger Relics at Famen Monastery and the Origins of Tang Esoteric BuddhismVen. Kuan Yan and Ven. Kuan Hsu. December 29, 2024, 2:30pm (Beijing). In-person lecture at University of Hong Kong.
January 23, 2025“Book Culture in Buddhism and Beyond” Lecture Series: A Second Look at the ‘Historical’ BuddhaBernard Faure (Columbia University).Thursday, January 23, 2025, 14:00 (London). In-person lecture at University of Cambridge.
February 3, 2025Guest Lecture: Great Compassion in Art: The Guanyin Mural of Tang Dynasty DunhuangIrene Lok (University of Cambridge). Monday, February 3, 2025, 5:00pm (London). In person lecture at University of Oxford.
February 3, 2025“Book Culture in Buddhism and Beyond” Lecture Series: Xu Xun (239-374) : Hagiographic Texts, Cultual Practices and Territory in Jiangxi ProvinceIsabelle Ang (College de France). Thursday, March 13, 2025, 14:00 (London). In person, FAMES Room 8/9, University of Cambridge.