2024 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University – Student Forum

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Student Forum 學生論壇

(August 21, 2024)


PANEL 1. (9:00-10:00) Texts 文本 (Chair: Zhinan CHEN; Discussant: Max DEEG)

Part 1 (9:00-9:30) Presentations
1.1 (9:00-9:15) SHI Jizhen 释寂真 (会稽山佛学高等研究院): 超越派别之见——《集量论(注)》1.8cd-1.10中陈那建立论证之目的考察
1.2 (9:15-9:30) Laura Cleveland ANDERSEN 安光持 (Oxford 牛津): The Question of Translation in Early Chinese Buddhist Texts
Part 2 (9:30-9:40): Comments 評議
Part 3 (9:40-10:00): Discussion ⾃由討論


Coffee Break 茶歇: 10:00-10:10


PANEL 2 (10:10-11:10): Arts藝術 (Chair: Antoine CID; Discussant: MA Yingjie)

Part 1 (10:10-10:40) Presentations
2.1 (10:10-10:25) Liu Zhengning 刘郑宁(复旦大学): 从印度到中土:补怛洛迦山的层累建构及其艺术表达
2.2 (10:25-10:40) SHI Shang 石尚 (首都师范大学): 基于集美博物馆藏MG.17655《释迦降魔图》兽首鬼神像中的新发现敦煌护诸童子十五鬼神像再研究
Part 2 (10:40-10:50): Comments 評議
Part 3 (10:50-11:10): Discussion ⾃由討論


Lunch 午餐: 11:10-13:00


PANEL 3 (13:00-14:00): Doctrines義理 (Chair: Matteo De Micheli; Discussant: SHI Jizhen)

Part 2 (13:00-13:30) Presentations

3.1 (13:00-13:15) SHI Daosheng 释道昇(闽南佛学院): 瑜伽行派五姓各别的缘起意涵
3.2 (13:15-13:30) SHI Wuche 释悟彻(闽南佛学院) :  初探《大毘婆沙论》中的三善根与顺解脱分善根
Part 2 (13:30-13:40): Comments 評議
Part 3 (13:40-14:00): Discussion ⾃由討論


Coffee Break 茶歇: 14:00-14:10


PANEL 4 (14:10-15:40): Border-crossing 跨界 (Chair: REN Yian; Discussant: Imre GALAMBOS)

Part 1 (14:10-14:55) Presentations 發表
4.1 (14:10-14:25) XIANG Junjun 向鋆君 (浙江大学): 南朝僧传中的一个前秦史臣——从屠本《十六国春秋·赵整传》的史源说起
4.2 (14:25-14:40) SUN Lingxi 孙菱羲 (中山大学): 吴声、西曲中的“世味”与“佛法” The “Secular Emotions” and “Buddhist Thoughts”  in Wusheng and Xiqu
4.3 (14:40-14:55) Sandamdulle Sumanasara (Sun Yet-sen University): Exploring Ideological Synergies: Chinese Buddhism within the Theravada Framework of Sri Lanka
Part 2 (14:55-15:10): Comments 評議
Part 3 (15:10-15:40): Discussion ⾃由討




Laura ANDERSEN, University of Oxford
The Question of Translation: Interpretation in Early Chinese Buddhist Texts

In the Introduction to his book Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism (2005), Robert Sharf lays out the various ways that scholars have understood the assimilation or transformation of Buddhism in China. Rather than affirming one side or trying to find the middle ground between the two paradigms, he points to another approach altogether. Instead, we can ask what questions of Chinese “historical, linguistic, and conceptual genealogy” did the Indian Buddhist texts address in such a way that Buddhism would thereafter be absorbed into the roots of Chinese culture. In light of this approach, I would like to turn to the discussions of translation in the texts of the monks Dao’an and Sengyou and clarify what they understood themselves to be doing in their process of translation. I would also like to include some remarks from Western philosophers Gadamer and Ricoeur on the philosophy of translation. While the questions that Buddhism addressed for China had their own particular Chinese genealogy, the process of translation is a universally human activity, and one that we can learn from greatly in the instance of the early Chinese translators of Buddhist texts.

在他的《對中國佛教的容受》(Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism, 2005)一書中,夏復(Robert Sharf)闡述了學者理解佛教在中國被同化或發生轉變的種種方式。他沒有肯定任何一邊或者試圖在兩種模式中找到中間立場,而是指向了另外一種方法。我們可以提出疑問:印度佛教文本回應了中國“歷史、語言和觀念上的系譜”的何種問題使得佛教此後被吸收到中國文化的根源之中。根據此種方法,我考察了道安和僧祐文本中對翻譯的討論,並說明二人如何理解他們自己在翻譯過程中做了什麼。我也將西方哲學家伽達默爾(Gadamer)和利科(Ricoeur)對於翻譯哲學的一些言論納入進來。佛教為中國回應的問題有它們自己的中國系譜,但翻譯的過程是一個普遍存在的人類活動,在早期中國佛教文本譯者的案例中,我們可以學到許多。


LIU Zhengning, Fudan University/UBC
劉鄭寧, 復旦大學/英屬哥倫比亞大



SHI Daosheng, Minnan Buddhist College
釋道, 閩南佛學




SHI Jizhen, Mt. Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Research on Buddhism
釋寂, 會稽山佛學高等研究

佛教哲學家陳那(Dignāga, 約480-540 CE)之代表作《集量論(註)》(Pramāṇasamuccaya-vtti)是古代印度認識論及邏輯學領域中的一部里程碑式論著。在《集量論(註)》的1.8cd-1.10部分,陳那對於認識結果展開了深入考察,然而,由於其精煉的文風以及1.8cd-1.10中交織著兩種不同存在論預設的狀況,關於陳那構建1.8cd-1.10系列論證的具體目的,學術界長期以來一直未能形成清晰明確的共識。為了探明陳那建立該組論證之目的,拙稿擬以文獻分析為基礎,進而結合思想史研究之進路以及哲學分析的方法,而對於《集量論(註)》1.8cd-1.10中陳那建立論證之目的展開考察。



SHI Shang, Capital Normal University
石尚, 首都師範大
Revisiting the Fifteen Grahas of Dunhuang: Close reading on the Animal-Headed & Human-Bodied demons in the Silk Tableau” The Subjugation of Māra” (MG.17655) from the Pelliot Collection


The iconography of the fifteen female demons attacking/protectinging children, originating from the Indian tradition of Bāla-grahas belief, exhibits more than ten spices with animal (shou兽) heads (including niao鸟, chong虫[snakes])and human bodies. The extant examples before the 10th century are all from the Mogao Cave 17 in Dunhuang. Previous studies on the Dunhuang Bāla-grahas images have focused on the paper painting fragments Ch.00217.a—c stored at the British Museum and the silk painting mandala fragments Ch.00383a—b stored at the National Museum in New Delhi, without considering the potential clues included in the silk version of the Buddhist tableau MG.17655 “The Subjugation of Māra” collected in the Musée Guimet in Paris. This paper represents a re-closereading of the animal-headed & human-bodied demons related to the Bāla-grahas depicted in the aforementioned materials.


SHI Wuche, Minnan Buddhist College
釋悟, 閩南佛學




Ven. Sandamadulle SUMANASARA-THERO, Sun Yat-sen University
, 中山大
Exploring Ideological Synergies: Chinese Buddhism within the Theravada Framework of Sri Lanka

 In philosophical discourse, ideological conflicts are pervasive, yet in Buddhist philosophy, the ethos of respecting diverse viewpoints is paramount. Despite Mahayana and Theravāda representing two branches of the same Buddha’s teachings, historical philosophical and ideological conflicts have been prevalent. Mahayana refers to teachings spreading northward, while Theravāda pertains to those reaching the south. Contemporary differences in philosophical ideas exist between these traditions. The division traces back to the First Council, according to Theravādins.

This article explores this historical issue within a modern context, integrating Humanistic Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism for Mahayana and Theravāda tradition from Sri Lanka. It examines how Chinese Buddhism can contribute to an ideologically peaceful environment, focusing on the Bodhisattva concept known for kindness and wisdom. It also considers the historical religious relationship between these traditions. Ultimately, the paper aims to provide insights for discussing Chinese Buddhism within Theravada contexts in the future.


SUN Lingxi, SunYat-sen University
孫菱羲, 中山大
The “Secular Emotions” and “Buddhist Thoughts” in Wusheng and Xiqu


XIANG Junjun, Zhejiang University
向鋆君, 浙江大
A Historian of the Former Qin Dynasty in Monk Biographies of the Southern Dynasties: On the Textual Source of the Biography of Zhao Zheng 趙整 in Tu Qiaosun’s Spring and Autumn Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms 屠喬孫《十六國春秋》

目前有關十六國的史料,除了較為集中地保存于《魏書》為敵對政權所立的列傳(卷95 至卷99)、《晉書》的載記部分(卷101 至卷130)以及《資治通鑒》相關卷目之外,還可以依賴明清以來的輯佚成果,比如屠喬孫《十六國春秋》、湯球《十六國春秋輯補》《三十國春秋輯補》、日本五胡會《五胡十六國霸史輯佚》。


湯球這段話可以歸納為三點:1.暫時不清楚屠本輯佚的史源;2. 他認為此傳多處與宋代類書《太平禦覽》所引《十六國春秋》史料相合,因此《十六國春秋》原本應有《趙整傳》。3.進一步推測《晉書·載記》原本有此傳,後來脫落。值得注意的是,在湯球《十六國春秋輯補》的《前秦錄》中,趙整是唯一無法確認史料來源的前秦人物。因此,《趙整傳》的史源問題,在湯球《十六國春秋輯補》的《前秦錄》中,顯得十分特殊,因而值得關注與解決。

① 崔鴻撰,湯球輯補,聶溦萌、羅新、華喆點校:《十六國春秋輯補》,北京:中華書局,2020 年,第534 頁。