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Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 3.2 (2020): 1–26;
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Buddhism and Technology, and Epigraphy)

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Enaction, Convolution and Conceptualism: An AI-Based Exploration of Dharmakīrti’s Perception and Conception

Justin BRODY
Franklin and Marshall College

Abstract: This paper attempts to give a preliminary account of concept formation that employs ideas from artificial intelligence to naturalize certain points of Dharmakīrti’s philosophy. It argues for a form of conceptualism that employs enactive cognition and neural networks to ground a conceptualist understanding of concepts which are imputed on the basis of an agent’s interaction with its environment.

Keywords: Dharmakīrti, artificial intelligence, enaction


About the Author: Justin Brody is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Franklin and Marhsall College. His primary research is on self-models in Artificial Intelligence and related notions of representation. As a student of Buddhist philosophy, he is particularly interested in bringing classical Buddhist ideas into dialogue with contemporary Western thought.


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