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1 | Piotr Adamek, Fu Jen Catholic University 顧孝永, 輔仁大學 ![]() |
2 | Eli Alberts, Colorado State University 伊莱, 美國科羅拉多州立大學 |
3 | Chen Meiwen, Fu Jen Catholic University 陳玫妏, 輔仁大學 |
4 | Avi Darshani, Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學 |
5 | Tjalling H.F Halbertsma, University of Groningen 荷蘭格羅寧根大學 ![]() |
Tjalling Halbertsma is dean of Campus Fryslân and professor of International Studies with a focus on East Asia at the University of Groningen. His research interests focus on the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia, China, and the international relations of Mongolia.
6 | Audrey Heijns, Chinese University of Hong Kong 曾麗雯, 香港中文大學 ![]() |
Audrey Heijns (Ph.D. Leiden University) is part-time Lecturer at the Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She previously worked at the School of Foreign Languages of Shenzhen University, Chinese Civilization Centre of the City University of Hong Kong and the Research Centre for Translation of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include the history of early Dutch sinologists, travel writing, and nineteenth-century Chinese bilingual dictionaries. Her monograph The Role of Henri Borel in Chinese Translation History was published by Routledge in 2021. Her articles have been published in refereed journals including Perspectives, Translation and Interpreting Studies and the International Journal for Lexicography. She translates Chinese literature into Dutch and English and is the editor of the online database Verretaal Chinese Literature in Dutch Translation.
曾麗雯(荷蘭萊頓大學博士)是香港中文大學中國研究中心兼任講師及荷蘭萊頓大學中荷文學翻譯資料庫Verretaal負責人。曾任深圳大學外國語學院助理教授、香港城市大學中國文化中心研究員、香港中文大學翻譯研究中心研究助理,從事文學翻譯和研究。研究領域以文學翻譯歷史及雙語詞典為主。著作有《The Role of Henri Borel in Chinese Translation History》在2021年由羅德里奇(Routledge)出版。學術論文發表於Perspectives、Translation and Interpreting Studies、International Journal of Lexicography 等學報。 |
7 | Fei Huang, University of Tübingen 黄菲, 德國圖賓根大學 ![]() |
Fei Huang 黃菲 is Professor of Chinese History and Society at the University of Tübingen. Her research interests focus on the interdisciplinary combination of landscape and environmental history, history of knowledge, medical history, urban history in China, and the dynamics of globalisation between the 16th and 20th centuries. Her first book, Reshaping the Frontier Landscape: Dongchuan in Eighteenth-Century Southwest China (Brill 2018). She is currently revising her second book manuscript: Hot Springs and Public Bathing: Towards a Social-Environmental History of Body and City in China. |
8 | Laura-Maxine Kalbow, University of Hamburg 德國漢堡大學 |
9 | Ernest Kozin, Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學 |
10 | Rens Krijgsman, Tsinghua University 武致知, 清華大學 ![]() |
Rens Krijgsman is an associate professor and Tang Foundation Scholar 仲英青年學者 at the Research and Conservation Center for Unearthed Texts, Tsinghua University 清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心. He received his DPhil from the University of Oxford, and previously taught at the Center for the Study of Bamboo and Silk manuscripts, Wuhan University 武漢大學簡帛研究中心. Krijgsman serves as the secretary for the European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts EASCM, and as board member for Bulletin of SOAS and the Jao Tsung-I Library of Sinology. He is an associate editor for the journal Bamboo and Silk, English editor for Chutu wenxian, and executive editor for the Tsinghua University Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts: Studies and Translation book series.
Krijgsman’s work focuses on the material and textual qualities of unearthed manuscripts from the Warring States period to the early Empires, with a particular interest in the social history of manuscripts, the reception and experience of historiography, thought, and literature, and the cross-cultural study of early manuscript cultures. He has published in Early China, T’oung Pao, JAOS, BSOAS (coauthored with Nick Vogt), and Asiatische Studien among others. He has written on rhyme, reading, multi-text manuscripts, historical perceptions of text and manuscripts, cultural memory, narrative, and intertextuality. Recent publications include: Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge. Studies in the History of Chinese Texts 14 (Brill, 2023), a study of the life-cycle of philosophical, historiographical, poetic, and technical manuscript collections from the 4th to the 2nd centuries BCE. His second book is a study and translation of Warring States narrative accounts of the Springs and Autumns period from the Tsinghua University manuscripts: Studies and Translations of the Tsinghua Manuscripts Six: Lady Wu of Zheng Admonished her Child and other related texts (Tsinghua University Press, 2024). |
11 | Pyi Phyo Kyaw, University of Oxford 英國牛津大學 |
Dr Pyi Phyo Kyaw is Departmental Lecturer in Buddhist Studies at University of Oxford. She is also Senior Lecturer in Theravada Studies at Shan State Buddhist University, Taunggyi, Myanmar. She studied BA in Economics and Management at Oxford University, before completing her MA in Buddhist Studies at SOAS, University of London, in 2010, and her PhD in Buddhist Philosophy at King’s College, London in 2014. She has undertaken meditation practice within different meditation traditions in Myanmar since 2005. She also teaches Vipassana meditation in Budapest, Hungary. |
12 | Nelson Elliott Landry, University of Hamburg 藍山, 漢堡大學 ![]() |
Nelson Landry is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hamburg specializing in Chinese Buddhist social history. His interests revolve around the transmission of Buddhism to China during the Period of Disunion and early Tang dynasty miracle tale compilations. He is presently completing a monograph on the seventh-century monk Daoxuan and the collections of miracle tales and revelatory texts that he authored late in life. 藍山,漢堡大學的博士後研究員,專攻中國佛教社會史。他的研究興趣圍繞南北朝時期佛教東漸,與初唐時期的佛教靈驗故事集。目前正在完成一本關於7世紀僧人道宣的專著,內容涉及他晚年撰寫的靈驗傳說和感通性文本集。 |
13 | Li Jiangnan, University of California, Berkeley 黎江南, 加州大學柏克萊分校 ![]() |
Jiangnan Li is the 2023–2025 Sheng Yen Postdoctoral Fellow in Chinese Buddhism at the University of California, Berkeley. His research centers on the relationship between state and religion in Song Dynasty China (960–1279). He received his Ph.D. (2023) in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Arizona State University. His dissertation “The Making of Imperial Religion: State and the Three Teachings in Song China” investigates patterns of interactions between the Song state and the Three Teachings of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. At UC Berkeley, he has been working to shape his dissertation into a book manuscript. Part of the project utilizes Gephi to visualize the social networks through which Buddhist and Daoist masters were introduced to the imperial court during the Song. His other projects explore the influence of politics on Buddhist and Daoist texts produced under the supervision of the Song imperial court.
黎江南是加州大學柏克萊分校2023-2025年度聖嚴博士後(中國佛教方向)。他的研究主要關注宋代國家與宗教的關係。他2023年於亞利桑那州立大學取得東亞語言與文明的博士學位。博士論文題目為“帝國宗教的製造:宋代的國家與三教”。論文探討宋代國家與佛教、道教和儒家互動的模式。在柏克萊期間,他正在將博士論文修改成為書稿。這一研究計劃的一部分是利用Gephi將宮廷的宗教關係網可視化,以討論僧人和道士通過怎樣的渠道進入宮廷。另外,他也在進行關於宋代政治與佛道文獻編纂關係的研究。 |
14 | Li Jianxin, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 李建欣, 中國社會科學院 ![]() |
李建欣,中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所研究員,中國社會科學院大學哲學院博士生導師。專著包括:1.《印度宗教與佛教》(宗教文化出版社,2013年);2. 《東方哲學史》(五卷本,人民出版社,2010年,“印度哲學”古代部分);3. 《印度古典瑜伽哲學思想研究》(北京大學出版社,2000年)。譯有《佛教倫理學:基礎、價值與問題》(上海古籍出版社,2012年)。 點校、整理: 《印度佛教漢文資料選編》(湯用彤編,北京大學出版社,2010年)。 主持國家社科基金重大項目“中國宗教研究數據庫建設(1850-1949)” (首席專家)。 Jianxin Li is a research fellow at the Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; and a professor at the School of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His monographs include 1. Yindu zongjiao yu Fojiao 印度宗教与佛教 [Indian Religions and Buddhism]. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chuban she 宗教文化出版社, 2013; 2. ‘Ancient Indian Philosophy’ section in the Dongfang zhexue shi 东方哲学史 [History of Eastern Philosophy]. Five volumes. Beijing: Renmin chuban she 人民出版社, 2010]; Yindu gudian yujia zhexue sixiang yanjiu 印度古典瑜伽哲学思想研究 [Study of Indian Classical Yoga Philosophy]. Beijing: Beijing daxue chuban she 北京大学出版社, 2000. He is the translator of Fojiao lunli xue: Jichu, jiazhi yu wenti 佛教伦理学:基础、价值与问题 [An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues by Peter Harvey; Shanghai: Shanghai guji chuban she 上海古籍出版社, 2012]. Translation of Peter Harvey’s 2000 book] and the editor of Tang Yongtong 汤用彤, Yindu Fojiao hanwen ziliao xuanbian 印度佛教汉文资料选编 [Selected Chinese Texts on Indian Buddhism; Beijing: Beijing daxue chuban she 北京大学出版社, 2010]. He is the Principal Investigator of Major National Social Science Fund Project: ‘Database Construction for Chinese Religious Studies (1850-1949)’ 中国宗教研究数据库建设 (1850-1949). |
15 | Olga Mazo, Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學 |
16 | Annika Pissin, Lund University 李雲深, 瑞典隆德大學 ![]() |
Annika Pissin studied Classical Chinese and Anthropology in Heidelberg and Leiden. She wrote her Masters about a bunch of mythological birds and her PhD about Chinese medieval children; both under the supervision of Barend ter Haar at Leiden University. After working as a researcher of contemporary Chinese childhood at Lund University, she turned toward studying and working more actively to change the current food system. |
17 | Meir Shahar, Tel Aviv University 夏維明, 以色列特拉維夫大學 ![]() |
Meir Shahar is the Shoul N. Eisenberg Chair for East Asian Affairs at Tel Aviv University. He is the author of numerous books on Chinese religion, including Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature (1998); Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezha and his Indian Origins (2015); and The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts (2008), which has been translated into many languages. Meir Shahar’s most recent book Kings of Oxen and Horses: Draft Animals, Buddhism, and Chinese Rural Religion is forthcoming from Columbia University Press.
夏維明教授任教于以色列特拉維夫大學東亞學系,榮任艾森伯格講席。他撰寫了多部中國宗教研究專著,包括《濟公:中國宗教與民間文學》(1998年),《俄狄浦斯神:中國的哪吒及其印度來源》(2015),以及被譯爲多國語言出版的《少林寺:歷史、宗教與中國武術》(2008)。夏維明教授的新著——《牛馬王:役畜、佛教與中國鄉間宗教》近期將由哥倫比亞大學出版社出版。 |
18 | Anna Shields, Princeton University 田安, 美國普林斯頓大學 ![]() |
Anna M. Shields is Gordon Wu ’58 Professor of Chinese Studies in the Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University. She specializes in classical Chinese literature of the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Northern Song eras. Her research interests include literary history and the emergence of new literary genres and styles in late medieval China; the sociology of literature; and the role of emotions in classical literature. Her first book, Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Collection from among the Flowers (Huajian ji), published by the Harvard Asia Center, examined the emergence of the song lyric in a path-breaking anthology. Her second book, One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China, explores the literary performance of friendship in ninth-century China through a wide range of genres, including letters, prefaces, exchange poetry, and funerary texts. Her most recent publication is the 2023 co-edited volume (with Gil Raz, Dartmouth College), Religion and Poetry in Medieval China: The Way and the Words (Amsterdam University Press). She has won two fellowships from the National Endowment of the Humanities and in 2024 was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. At Princeton, she served as Acting Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies in 2018-2019 and Chair from 2020-2024. |
19 | Barend ter Haar, University of Hamburg 田海, 德國漢堡大學 ![]() |
Barend ter Haar teaches Chinese studies at the University of Hamburg, with a strong focus on cultural and religious history. Although first of all a social and cultural historian, the religious dimension is so central to Chinese traditional life that much of his research up to now has dealt with religious phenomena. In addition, he has worked extensively on issues of ethnic identity, violence and fear, and social organization. An important concern of his is to demonstrate that traditional culture and cultural patterns are still relevant today, as becomes visible for instance in the case of the Falun Gong or the ongoing role of exorcist violence in political contexts throughout the twentieth century. For those who read Dutch, he has published a history of China, entitled The Heavenly Mandate: The history of the Chinese Empire until 1911 or Het Hemels Mandaat: De Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk (AUP: Amsterdam, 2009) with a somewhat revisionist view on the Chinese past. His book on the lay Buddhist group called the Non-Action Teachings (late 16th century to the present) has come out with Hawai’i University Press, as Practicing Scripture: A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China. 田海(Barend J. ter Haar),曾問學於萊頓、瀋陽、大阪與福岡等地。又曾杏壇休坐於萊頓、海德堡與牛津等三所學府,近乃卜居於漢堡大學。其著作宏富,最新著述有Practising Scripture (Honolulu: Hawai’i UP, 2014) 與Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of a Failed Hero (Oxford UP: Oxford, 2017) 。田海目前所撰述者,包括一部關於暴力與宗教文化的小冊子,以及一部獵巫與巫術迫害的鸿篇巨制,此二書之背景皆為中國古代社會。 |
20 | Konstantin Tertitski, Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學 |
21 | Lik Hang Tsui, City University of Hong Kong 徐力恆, 香港城市大學 ![]() |
Lik Hang Tsui is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chinese and History at the City University of Hong Kong. He earned his BA from Peking University and his doctorate from the University of Oxford. Before joining CityU, he served as a Departmental Lecturer at Oxford and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard with the China Biographical Database (CBDB) project. He has published on middle period Chinese history, especially epistolary culture and urban history, as well as on digital humanities methods and pedagogy for Asian history. He has held visiting appointments and fellowships at Academia Sinica in Taiwan, Peking University in Beijing, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, and University of Western Australia in Perth. He is also the recipient of the University Grants Committee Teaching Award of Hong Kong and the CityU Teaching Excellence Award. 徐力恆,香港城市大學中文及歷史學系副教授。他自北京大學和牛津大學分別獲得歷史學學士、東方研究哲學博士。加入城大任教前,曾任牛津大學中國研究講師及「中國歷代人物傳記資料庫」(CBDB)計劃的哈佛大學博士後研究員。研究方向主要為宋史和數碼人文,特別關注書信文化和城市史,以及數位人文研究和教學。他正在完成一部研究宋代書信文化的專著,同時籌劃另一本關於中國數碼人文的專書。他曾到中央研究院、北京大學、馬克斯普朗克科學史研究所、西澳大學等機構訪學,近年也獲得香港教資會的傑出教學獎和城大的傑出教學獎。 |
22 | Xing Wang, Fudan University 王興, 復旦大學 |
23 | Junqing Wu, Liverpool University 鄔雋卿, 英國利物浦大學 ![]() |
My expertise is social and religious history from the 10th century (the Song Dynasty) up to the late 16th century (the Ming Dynasty). I am particularly interested in changes in the perception of religion, as revealed in the transmission of historiography.My thesis examines “religious heresy” as a discursive construct, largely independent of social realities, in the Ming and Qing. A revised version of my thesis was published in 2017 by Brill as a monograph in their series “Religion in Chinese Society”. My current project focusses on the literary image of Chinese Buddhist monks, who, from the late 16th century onwards, frequently appear in popular stories as swindlers, evil magicians and sexual predators; nuns, too, are commonly stereotyped as procuresses and gossips. My project investigates the intentions and social forces behind this literature. Did it aim purely to entertain, or to instruct and enlighten as well? And if this latter, then how? This is an interdisciplinary project touching on social-religious history, Buddhist theology, literary studies, legal history, and gender and sexuality. 我的專長是從10世紀(宋朝)到16世紀晚期(明朝)的社會和宗教歷史。我對宗教觀念的變化特別感興趣,這些變化在歷史學的傳承中得以體現。我的博士論文探討了「宗教異端」作為一種話語構造,在明清時期的獨立性,與社會現實大部分無關。我的論文修訂版於2017年由 Brill 出版,作為他們「中國社會中的宗教」系列的專著發行。我的當前項目專注於中國佛教僧人的文學形象,從16世紀晚期開始,他們經常在流行故事中被描繪成騙子、邪惡的魔法師和性侵者;尼姑也常被刻板地刻畫成牽涉賣淫和散布流言的人。我的項目調查了這些文學背後的意圖和社會力量。它的目的純粹是娛樂,還是也有教育和啓迪的意圖?如果是後者,那麼是如何實現的呢?這是一個涉及社會宗教歷史、佛教神學、文學研究、法律史以及性別與性取向的跨學科項目。 |
24 | Kong Xing, Chinese Academy of Buddhism 行空, 中國佛學院 |
Kong Xing is a lecturer at the Chinese Academy of Buddhism and the abbot of Nengren Temple in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. He is also the president of the Jiujiang Buddhist Association. His research focuses on the history of modern and contemporary Buddhism. |
25 | Zhongya Yi, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 易中亞, 中國社會科學院 ![]() |
26 | Ru Zhan, Peking University 湛如, 北京大學 ![]() |
湛如歷史學博士。北京大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學東方學研究院副院長,北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心主任,會稽山佛學高等研究院院長,與旭日全球佛學研究網絡主任委員。兼任南開大學宗教與文化研究中心主任。同時擔任中國佛教協會副會長。研究領域包括佛教與佛教文獻、佛教律藏、敦煌佛教等。主持國家社會科學重點項目“唐代長安與絲綢之路”及國家社會科學重大項目“印度古代梵文文藝學經典翻譯與研究”等。其新著《西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路》最近被久負盛名的中華書局評選為2023年雙十佳圖書。
Zhan Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, and Vice President of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute, Director of the Kuaijishan Institute for the Advanced Study of Buddhism, and the Director of the Central Steering Committee for the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. His Latest book, Encounter between Indian and Chinese Civilizations: Ximing Monastery of Tang Chang’an and the Silk Roads 西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路, has been newly selected as one of the “Top Ten Best Books” of 2023, by the esteemed Zhonghua Publishing House (Zhonghua shuju 中華書局). |
27 | Wanyu Zhang (Xian’gui Shi), University of Oxford 張琬鈺 (釋賢軌), 英國牛津大學 ![]() |
Xian’gui Shi (Wanyu Zhang) is currently a DPhil Candidate at the University of Oxford. She holds a Master’s degree in Asian Studies from Leiden University, as well as a MPhil degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Oxford. She is also a member of the bhikṣuṇī saṃgha at the Longquan Great Compassion Monastery in the Netherlands. Her current doctoral research explores the sāṃghātiśeṣa dharmāḥ of Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādin school, comparing them with the parallel rules in other Vinaya traditions, to understand the development of the Vinaya and the ways in which authority was exercised in relation to Bhikṣuṇīs. Her research interests include Indian and Chinese Buddhist monasticism, the Formation and Development of Early Buddhist Scriptures, Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit and Pāli, Buddhist manuscript, and the Chinese Buddhist Canons.
賢軌法師(張琬鈺)現為牛津大學博士生,獲萊頓大學亞洲研究碩士學位,以及牛津大學佛學研究哲學碩士學位。她同時是荷蘭龍泉大悲寺的比丘尼僧團成員。 她目前的博士研究聚焦於大眾部說出世部的僧殘法,並與其他律藏中的平行文本進行比較,以探討佛教律藏的發展以及僧團中權威的行使方式與比丘尼的關係。 她的研究興趣包括印度與中國的佛教僧團制度,早期佛教經典的集成與發展,佛教混合梵文與巴利文,佛教寫本以及漢傳佛教大藏經。 |