When the Himalayas Encounter the Alps – Panelists

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1 APP, Urs, Independent
Urs App is Emeritus Professor and Associate Director of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism at Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan. As historian of ideas, religions, and philosophies with a special interest in the history and modes of interaction between East and West, he has published studies on the Western reception of Asian religions (mainly Buddhism and Hinduism) and philosophies in the 16th-17th centuries (The Cult of Emptiness, 2012), 18th century (William Jones’s Ancient Theology, 2009; The Birth of Orientalism, 2010), and 19th century (Arthur Schopenhauer and China, 2010; Richard Wagner and Buddhism, 2011; Schopenhauer’s Compass, 2012 / 2014; The First Western Book on Buddhism and Buddha, 2017; Blavatsky on Buddhism, 2023).
2 BABA, Norihisa, University of Tokyo
馬場 紀寿, 日本東京大學
Norihisa Baba is a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 from the University of Tokyo. His research interests include the history and thought of Indian Buddhism and Theravāda Buddhism; the relationship between Sri Lanka and East Asia; and Modern Discourse of Buddhism. His approach is comparative using the Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese texts. He has published several English language articles and Japanese books including The Formation of Theravāda Buddhist Thought: From the Buddha to Buddhaghosa (2008); Early Buddhism: Tracing the Buddha’s Thought (2018); and Buddhist Orthodoxy and Heresy: The Birth of the Pāli Cosmopolis (2022). He is recipient of several academic prizes such as the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies Prize, and the Japan Science Promotion Society Prize. He also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.


3 BARRETT, T. H., SOAS, University of London
Tim H. Barrett is Emeritus Professor of East Asian History at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He studied Chinese at Cambridge and Buddhist Studies at Yale, and spent much of his career publishing on the history of the religious traditions of East Asia, primarily with regard to China. His books include Li Ao: Buddhist, Taoist, or Neo-Confucian? (1992), Taoism Under the T’ang (1996), The Woman Who Discovered Printing (2008), and From Religious Ideology to Political Expediency in Early Printing (2012).
4 ELLGUTH, Richard, Free University of Berlin
Richard Ellguth is a Ph.D. candidate at the Free University of Berlin. He has received a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in sinology at Leipzig University. He is interested in religions in China from a perspective of global intellectual history with a particular focus on Chinese Buddhism. His recently submitted doctoral dissertation is called The Buddha in Plain Words: Chinese Buddhist Engagements with Western Religious Thought and the Transformation of Buddhist Language, 1912-1949.
5 HALKIAS, Georgios T., University of Hong Kong
賀祺雅, 香港大學
Georgios T. Halkias is Associate Professor of Buddhism and the Director of the Centre of Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He received his D.Phil. in 2006 from the University of Oxford focusing on Pure Land orientations in Tibetan contexts.  His main research interests include the early transmission of Buddhism to Tibet, Himalayan Buddhism, Vajrayāna contemplative systems, and Buddhism and Hellenism in India and Central Asia. His book publications include, The Copper-Colored Mountain: Jigme Lingpa on Rebirth in Padmasambhava’s Pure Land (authored with C. Partsalaki, 2022), Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts: An Anthology (ed. with R. Payne, 2019), Luminous Bliss: A Religious History of Pure Land Literature in Tibet. With an Annotated Translation and Critical Analysis of the Orgyen-ling golden short Sukhāvatīvyūha (2017/2013), among others. He is the co-editor-in-chief of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Buddhism.

賀祺雅(Georgios T. Halkias),香港大學佛學研究中心總監,副教授。2006年,他于牛津大學獲得哲學博士學位,其研究課題為藏地語境中的淨土信仰。他的主要研究興趣包括佛教在藏地的早期傳播、喜馬拉雅地區的佛教、金剛乘的諸觀想體系,以及佛教與印度和中亞的希臘化。他的出版著作有《銅色山:吉美林巴談往生蓮花生淨土》(The Copper-Colored Mountain: Jigme Lingpa on Rebirth in Padmasambhava’s Pure Land, authored with C. Partsalaki, 2022)、《亞洲文本與語境中的淨土:選集》(Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts: An Anthology, ed. with R. Payne, 2019)、《光明的極樂:藏地淨土文獻宗教史》(Luminous Bliss: A Religious History of Pure Land Literature in Tibet: With an Annotated English Translation and Critical Analysis of the Orgyen-gling gold manuscript of the short Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra, 2017/2013)等。他亦是《牛津佛教百科全書》(The Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism)的聯合主編。

6 HARRIS, Elizabeth J., University of Birmingham
Dr Elizabeth Harris is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow within the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Before retirement, she was an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Liverpool Hope University, specialising in Buddhist Studies. In addition to Buddhist Studies, her research specialisms include the encounter between Buddhism and the West, Interreligious Studies, and Religion and Conflict. She is a former President of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies and is currently President of the UK Association of Buddhist Studies. Her publications include: Theravāda Buddhism and the British Encounter: Religious, missionary and colonial experience in nineteenth century Sri Lanka (Routledge 2006); Religion, Space and Conflict in Sri Lanka: colonial and postcolonial contexts (Routledge 2018); Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity: Theravāda and Tibetan Perspectives (co-editor and contributor, Equinox 2020); Buddhism in 5 Minutes (editor and contributor, Equinox 2021). She has just submitted a co-written biography of Ananda Metteyya, which will be published in 2025.
7 HU Xiaodan, Fudan University
胡曉丹, 復旦大學
From 2012 to 2018, Xiaodan Hu was a Ph.D. candidate (six-year direct-promotion doctor’s degree program) in the Department of history, Peking University. In 2015, Hu was awarded State Scholarship by China Scholarship Council to study as a joint Ph.D. student in Institut für Iranistik, Freie Universität Berlin for two years. She received her Ph.D. from Peking University in 2018 with a dissertation on Manichaean Middle Iranian abecedarian hymns from Turfan and the Chinese translations preserved in the so-called Manichaean Hymn-scroll from Dunhuang, supervised by Prof. Rong Xinjiang and Prof. Durkin-Meisterernst. Then worked as PKU-FUB postdoc in Berlin and Beijing for one year respectively. Since 2020, she has been a Junior Research Fellow at the Department of History, Fudan University.

從2012 到2018 年,胡曉丹作為碩博連讀博士生在北京大學歷史學系攻讀博士學位。期間,於2015 年受中國留學基金委資助赴柏林自由大學伊朗學研究所留學兩年。2018 年,以研究吐魯番中古伊朗語摩尼教字母離合詩和敦煌《下部贊》的論文從北京大學獲得博士學位,導師是榮新江教授和德金教授。此後,她作為「北京大學-柏林自由大學聯合博士後」在柏林和北京分別進行了為期一年的研究工作。2020 年起,任復旦大學歷史學系青年副研究員。

Selected Publications

X. Hu, Studies on Manichaean Abecedarian Hymns, Shanghai, 2023. (In Chinese《摩尼教離合詩研究》, ISBN: 9787573206701);

X. Hu, “The 7 distresses and 5 destinies of the individual soul: A study on Dunhuang Chinese Manichaean text the Scripture on Buddha-Nature in comparison with Turfan and Coptic parallels”, in: S. N. C. Lieu, N. A. Pedersen and E. Morano (eds.), Manichaica Taurinensia, Analecta Manichaica vol. 2 (the Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies), Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, pp. 189-201.

X. Hu, L. Xia, L. Cao, “A new Sogdian fragment of the Avalokiteśvaraikādaśamukhadhāraṇī from the Tuyoq Grottoes in Turfan”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 142.2 (2022): 267-272.

X. Hu, The Reconstruction of an Abecedarian Hymn Cycle in the Chinese Manichaean Hymn-scroll“, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 168.2 (2018): 437-464.

8 JANSEN, Berthe, Leiden
Berthe Jansen is Assistant Professor of Tibetan Studies at Leiden University, with a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies. Jansen is the PI of the ERC-funded project: Himalayan Lives and Lived Religion: The Van Manen Collection (2023-2028). Her monograph The Monastery Rules: Tibetan Monastic Organization in Pre-modern Tibet came out in 2018 with University of California Press.
9 JI Zhe, Inalco
汲喆, 法國國立東方語言與文明學院
Zhe Ji is Professor of Sociology and Holder of the Inalco-Sheng Yen Chair of modern and contemporary Chinese Buddhism at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) in France. He is currently Head of the Department of Chinese Studies at Inalco, and Director of the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme (CEIB). His main study areas are Buddhism and the relationship between religion and politics in modern and contemporary China. His publications include Religion, modernité et temporalité : une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain (CNRS Editions, 2016), 二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興 (co-edited with Daniela Campo and Wang Qiyuan, Fudan University Press, 2016), Making Saints in Modern China (co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017), Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions (co-edited with Gareth Fisher and André Laliberté, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019), 現代世界的思想者——齊美爾研究輯選 (co-edited with Ren Qiang, Commercial Press, 2021).

汲喆,法國國立東方語言與文明學院 (Inalco) 社會學教授、東語-聖嚴近現代漢傳佛教講座教授、中國研究系主任,法國多學科佛教研究中心 (CEIB) 的共同創辦人與創始主任。他的主要研究領域包括近現代漢傳佛教、宗教全球化、宗教社會學理論及法國漢學。其著作有《宗教、現代性與時間性:當代禪宗的社會學》 (Religion, modernité et temporalité: une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain, CNRS Editions, 2016),主編有《二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興》(與Daniela Campo、王啓元合編,復旦大學出版社,2016)、《得道與成聖——現代中國宗教權威的建構》(Making Saints in Modern China, co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017)、《後毛時代的中國佛教》(Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions, co-edited with Gareth Fisher and André Laliberté, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019)、《現代世界的思想者——齊美爾研究輯選》(與任強合編,商務印書館,2021)等。

10 KALOYANIDES, Alexendra, UNC Charlotte
Alexandra Kaloyanides is an associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where her teaching focuses on Buddhism. She researches Burmese religions and American religious history. Her first book is Baptizing Burma: Religious Change in the Last Buddhist Kingdom (Columbia University Press 2023). It examines the religious history and material culture of the nineteenth-century American Baptist mission to Burma. Her new book project, “Resourcing Religion: Burmese Religions and the Environment,” explores the ways that Burmese kingdoms extracted resources like rubies, jade, and teak to develop a distinct form of Buddhism.
11 KIM, Kyong-Kon, University of Strasbourg
Kyong-Kon KIM is Associate Professor of History of Religions at Strasbourg University. His research interests include the Lotus Sūtra, biographical texts of the Buddha Śākyamuni, Sŏn Buddhism and the religious landscape of East Asia. His publications include Der Mensch und seine Erlösung nach Sŏn-Buddhismus und Christentum. Bojo Chinul und Karl Rahner im Vergleich (Bonn, 2007), La méditation bouddhique et son acculturation en Asie (ed. du numéro thématique, Revue de l’histoire des religions, Collège de France, 2022), « Laozi. De la figure du maître mythique à la divinité taoïque » (ARCHIMÈDE, UMR 7044, 2019), « La pratique ascétique (dutahaeng) dans l’ordre bouddhique coréen Jogye » (RHR, CdF, 2019), « La cultivation de l’esprit-cœur d’après Chinul (1158-1210) » (RHR, CdF, 2022), « Le roi indo-grec Ménandre d’après les documents chinois Naxian biqiu jing » (ed. G. Ducœur et C. Muckensturm, Mondes grec et indien, d’Alexandre le Grand à Kaniṣka, Presse universitaire de Franche-Comté, 2023).
12 KING, Matthew, University of California, Riverside
Matthew King is Director of Asian Studies, Co-Director of Medical and Health Humanities, and Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Riverside. His published work primarily examines Buddhist life across the Tibet-Mongol interface during the late-and post-Qing periods, including scholastic engagements with European natural philosophy and Orientalism. Secondary research interests include Inner Asian Buddhism during the Mongol Empire and Tibetan exegesis of the Cakrasaṃvara tantras. His first book, Ocean of Milk, Ocean of Blood: A Mongolian Monk in the Ruins of the Qing Empire (Columbia University press, 2019) won several international awards, including the American Academy of Religion’s Best Book in Textual Studies award. His more recent books include In the Forest of the Blind: The Eurasianist Journey of Faxian’s Record of Buddhist Kingdoms (Columbia University Press, 2022) and the forthcoming Amazing Treasury of the Sakya Lineage (with Khenpo Kunga Sherab, fall 2024). His current book projects include a study of 20th century Tibetan Buddhist philosophical disputations with the brain sciences that is deeply engaged with body studies and disability studies, as well as a new materialist study of the religious and intellectual history of the Gobi Desert.
13 KOZYRA, Agnieszka, University of Washington
Prof. Agnieszka Kozyra, the Chair of Japanese Studies, University of Warsaw.  She specializes in Japanese philosophy and religion, especially Buddhism and the Kyoto School philosophy. She got her M.A. in Humanities at Osaka Ichiritsu Daigaku (Osaka City University). She received the Soros Scholarship at Pembroke College in Oxford (1992) and was a visiting professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto (2004/2005). Among her books published in Polish are: Filozofia zen (Zen Philosophy, 2004), Filozofia Nicości Nishidy Kitarō (Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy of Nothingness, 2007), Estetyka zen (Zen Aesthetics, 2010), Neo zen? Zen a racjonalizm, libertynizm i hedonizm (Neo-zen? Zen and Rationalism, Libertinism and Hedonism, 2019). She translated into Polish many of Nishida’s philosophical essays on science such as Keiken kagaku (Experimental Science) and published the article “Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy of Absolute Nothingness (Zettaimu no tetsugaku) and Modern Theoretical Physics” (“Philosophy East and West” vol.68, No.2, 2018). She is also the authoress of the book in Japanese titled Nihon to seiyō ni okeru Uchimura Kanzō (in Japanese) (Between East and West – Christian Thought of Uchimura Kanzō, Kyōbunkan, Tōkyō 2001), based on her Ph.D dissertation.
14 LANDRY, Nelson, University of Hamburg
藍山, 漢堡大學
Nelson Landry is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hamburg specializing in Chinese Buddhist social history. His interests revolve around the transmission of Buddhism to China during the Period of Disunion and early Tang dynasty miracle tale compilations. He is presently completing a monograph on the seventh-century monk Daoxuan and the collections of miracle tales and revelatory texts that he authored late in life.
15 LI Ling, Sichuan University                            李翎, 四川大學


Li Ling is a Professor at Sichuan University in Chengdu China. She earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Art History at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing under the supervision of Professor Jin Weinuo. Her research focuses on art from the Han to the Tang, with a concentration on Tibetan Buddhist Art. From 2002, Li Ling worked at the National Museum of China before moving to Sichuan University in 2018.

16 LI Xuetao, Beijing Foreign Studies University
李雪濤, 北京外國語大學
李雪濤教授,現任北京外國語大學歷史學院院長、全球史研究院院長。德國國家科學院院士,德國波恩大學文學碩士、哲學博士。主要從事全球史、中外關係史、德國哲學史以及中國佛教史的研究。東亞文化交涉學會(大阪,2017-2018)會長以及中國中外關係史學會(北京,2017-2022, 2022-)副會長。著作有:A Multilingual Dictionary of Chinese Buddhism. (Together with Ch. Kleine & M. Pye, 1999), Die Übertragung buddhistischer Sūtras ins Chinesische. Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von Zanning (919-1001) (2019),《德國漢學研究史稿》(2021)、《雅斯貝爾斯與中國:論哲學的世界史建構》(2021)、Dialog des Missverständnisses. Die hermeneutische Relevanz der deutschen Sinologie für die chinesische Wissenschaft (2023)等。譯著有:《論歷史的起源與目標》(雅斯貝爾斯著,2018)、《佛陀與龍樹》(雅斯貝爾斯著,2023)等。主編的刊物有: Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia、《全球史》(Chinese Journal of Global History)、《尋找》(Seeking)、《亞洲與世界》(Asia and the World)。

Prof. Li Xuetao is currently Dean of the School of History and Director of the Institute for Global History at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (ML) and he has received a Master of Arts and Ph.D. from the University of Bonn (Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn). He is mainly engaged in the research of global history, the history of Sino-foreign relations, the history of German philosophy, and the history of Chinese Buddhism. He was the president of the Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia (Osaka, 2017-2018) and vice president of the Chinese Society for the History of Sino-Foreign Relations (Beijing, 2017-2022, 2022-). Publications include: A Multilingual Dictionary of Chinsese Buddhism (Together with Ch. Kleine & M. Pye, 1999), Die Übertragung buddhistischer Sūtras ins Chinesische. Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von Zanning (919-1001) (2019), Deguo hanxue yanjiu shigao (The History of Sinological Studies in Germany, 2021), Yasibei’ersi yu Zhongguo: Lun zhexue de shijieshi jiangou (Jaspers and China: on the Construction of the World History of Philosophy, 2021), Dialog des Missverständnisses. Die hermeneutische Relevanz der deutschen Sinologie für die chinesische Wissenschaft (2023), etc. And translations include: Lun lishi de qiyuan yu mubiao (The Origin and Goal of History. By Karl Jaspers, 2018) and Fotuo yu Longshu (Buddha and Nāgārjuna. By Karl Jaspers, 2023). He is also Editor-in-chief of several journals, including: Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia, Quanqiushi (Chinese Journal of Global History), Xunzhao (Seeking), and Yazhou yu Shijie (Asia and the World).

17 LIN Chia-Wei, Université de Lausanne
Lin, Chia-Wei is a graduate assistant and Ph.D. student at the Department of Slavic and South Asian Studies, Université de Lausanne. She received a B.A. (2021) in Classical Philology and South Asian Studies from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, an M.A. (2023) in Indo-European Linguistics and a second M.A. (2023) in Arabic Studies from Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Her research interests include historical linguistics, language contact, indigenous grammatical traditions, and Christian and Buddhist translations along the Silk Road. Her dissertation project researches Arabic, Georgian, and Greek translations of Barlaam and Josaphat, a collection of Buddhist jātaka stories transmitted into the west.
18 LIU Yi, Capital Normal University
劉屹, 首都師範大學
Liu Yi, was born in Beijing in 1972. In 2000, he obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of History at Capital Normal University, where he subsequently took up a teaching position. Currently, he is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and dean at the School of History of Capital Normal University, as well as the vice president of the China Dunhuang and Turfan Society. His areas of expertise are Dunhuang studies and the religious history of medieval China. He has published over 160 academic papers, research book reviews, and translations in various domestic and international journals and anthologies. He has authored and edited eight monographs and collections of essays: “Reverence for Heaven and the Exaltation of the Dao: The Intellectual History Background of the Formation of Medieval Confucian and Daoist Thoughts” (2005), “Classics and History: A Collection of Studies on Daoist Scriptures from Dunhuang” (2011), “Divinity and Regionality: Studies on the Daoist Belief World between the Han and Tang Dynasties” (2011), “Daoist Scriptures of Dunhuang and Medieval Daoism” (2013), “Historical and Documentary Studies of Han and Tang Daoism: Selected Works of Liu Yi” (2015), “Introduction to the Study of Chinese Daoism History” (2017), “Historical Studies on the Lingbao Scriptures of the Six Dynasties” (2018), and “Longsha Lun Dao Ji” (2020). He has successfully completed two general projects and one key project funded by the National Social Science Fund, as well as one project supported by the Ministry of Education’s Humanities and Social Sciences.

His research is characterized by the use of historical analysis to study the formation and ideological contexts of religious scriptures. From 1996 to 2016, his primary research focus was on Daoist history and scriptures. In terms of Daoist history, he has critically examined the historical model of the “Five Pecks of Rice Dao to Celestial Master Dao” lineage. Regarding Daoist scriptures, he has conducted specialized research on texts such as the “Taiping Jing,” “Laozi Xiang Er Zhu,” “Laozi Hua Hu Jing,” “Laozi Bian Hua Jing,” “Sheng Xuan Nei Jiao Jing,” “Tai Shang Miao Fa Ben Xiang Jing,” and the “Lingbao Scriptures” of the Six Dynasties. Since 2017, he has shifted his focus to the study of medieval Buddhism, with particular interest in the history of Buddhism in the Western Regions, overland Buddhist trade routes between China and India, the history and art of Buddhism’s initial transmission to China, and comparative studies on Indian Buddhist “Dharma decline” prophecies and East Asian Buddhist “end of the Dharma” concepts.



19 NI Nan, SOAS, University of London
Nan Ni is a Ph.D. Candidate at SOAS, University of London. She is one of the winners of the 2023 UNESCO Silk Road Youth Grant. Her focus is on excavated manuscripts along the historic Silk Road. After completing her Bachelor’s degree (History Major) at Lanzhou University in 2017, she pursued two master’s degrees (Sinology and South Asian Area Studies-Sanskrit Pathway) at SOAS, University of London. Her current Ph.D. research centres on the comprehensive analysis of Sogdian dhāraṇīs found in excavated manuscripts. By employing both textual and historical methodologies, she aims to explore the cultural interactions and historical insights encapsulated within these fragments.

倪楠,倫敦大學亞非學院博士在讀。她是聯合國教科文組織 2023年度絲綢之路青年研究基金獲得者之一。主要研究興趣為古絲綢之路沿線出土文書的釋讀與分析 。於2017年在蘭州大學獲得歷史學士學位後她在倫敦大學亞非學院接連攻讀了兩個碩士學位-漢學和南亞地區研究-梵文方向。她的博士研究專注於敦煌吐魯番出土粟特語陀羅尼殘片的釋讀。

20 PERRONET, Amandine, Inalco
Amandine Péronnet received her Ph.D. in anthropology and sociology in 2021 from the National Institute for Languages and Civilizations (Inalco) and the Università degli Studi di Perugia. She is currently teaching Chinese religions and Buddhism at Inalco, and is affiliated with the French Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Buddhism (CEIB), the Research Institute on East Asia (IFRAE, Inalco), and the Institute of Asian Research (IrAsia, Aix-Marseille University). She published articles in academic journals such as Religions and the Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, participated in the collective book Metamorphosis of Buddhism in New Era China, and is in the process of publishing her Ph.D. dissertation. Her research interests include educational networks of Chinese Buddhist nuns, their strategies in securing influential positions, as well as secularization mechanisms and the politico-religious elites they generate in the post-Mao era.
21 SHULMAN, Eviatar, HUJI
舒爾曼, 耶路撒冷希伯來大學
Eviatar Shulman is currently the Chair of the Department for Comparative Religion and member of the Department for Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His work focuses mainly on different aspects of Buddhist religion and philosophy, with special interest in recent years in Early, or more generally in Pāli, Buddhism. Among his many publications are Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture (Oxford University Press, 2021). The latter work outlines a new approach to the composition of the early discourses (Suttas, Sūtras) attributed to the Buddha.

舒爾曼教授目前為耶穌撒冷希伯來大學比較宗教系主任,以及亞洲研究系成員。他的研究主要關注佛教和佛教哲學的不同方面,近年來更致力於早期佛教,即巴利三藏的研究。其作品有多部,包括 Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception( 重新思考佛陀:作為一種禪修觀念的早期佛教哲學)(劍橋大學出版社,2014年),以及Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture(想像佛陀:早期佛教經典的創意維度)(牛津大學出版社,2021年)。其中,後者提出了一個新的取向,以研究那些歸名于佛陀的早期經論的創作問題。

22 SKRZYŃSKI, Przemysław, Jagiellonian University
Przemysław Skrzyński is currently a fifth year Ph.D. student in Cultures and Religions Programme at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.

He is working under Professor Joanna Grela. His thesis title is “‘Koło Zen’ (‘Zen Circle’) – The First Buddhist Community in Poland in the Context of the Political and Cultural Conditions of the People’s Republic of Poland.” He is particularly interested in the relations between non-Christian religions and the administrative structures of the former “Eastern Bloc” countries. His other main research interests are the development of contemporary Buddhist communities in Europe and the United States, and Buddhist ethics with particular emphasis on ecological and peace issues.

Currently, he is a Teaching Assistant in the The Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations department and has spoken at a number of conferences on history of Polish and Western buddhist communities. He has published a number of papers and book reviews.

23 STEPIEN, Rafal K., Austrian Academy of Sciences
Rafal K. Stepien is a Research Associate at the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia within the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, where as Principal Investigator he leads a research project in Chinese Buddhist philosophy (CHINBUDDHPHIL) funded by the European Research Council. He is concurrently Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Buddhist Philosophy. Previously, Rafal was the inaugural Berggruen Research Fellow in Indian Philosophy at the University of Oxford, the inaugural Cihui Foundation Faculty Fellow in Chinese Buddhism at Columbia University, a Humboldt Research Fellow in Buddhist Studies at Heidelberg University, the Soudavar Memorial Research Scholar in Persian Studies at the University of Cambridge, Assistant Professor of Asian Religions at Hampshire College, and Assistant Professor in Comparative Religion at Nanyang Technological University. His latest book is Buddhism Between Religion and Philosophy: Nāgārjuna and the Ethics of Emptiness (Oxford University Press).
24 SUN Yinggang, Zhejiang University
孫英剛, 浙江大學

孫英剛,先後就讀於北京大學(本科、碩士)和普林斯頓大學(Princeton University,碩士、博士),獲普林斯頓大學哲學博士學位(Ph.D.)。先後任教於復旦大學、浙江大學。現為浙江大學長聘教授、歷史學院常務副院長(主持全面工作)、浙江大學佛教文明研究中心主任。中國魏晉南北朝史學會副會長、中國唐史學會理事、敦煌吐魯番學會理事。客座職務包括耶魯大學東亞研究客座副教授和研究員(Visiting Associate Professor and Research Fellow in East Asian Studies,2015年9月—2016年3月)、東京大學東洋文化研究所訪問研究員(2012年10月—12月)等、日本中央大學客座教授(2017年12月)日本國際佛教學大學院大學2014年度客員研究員等。

Sun Yinggang studied at Beijing University (1996-2003) and Princeton University (2003-2009, Ph.D. from Department of East Asian Studies). He served as Associate Professor of Medieval Chinese History at Fudan University (Shanghai, 2009-2016) and is now Professor of Medieval Chinese History (2016-) and Dean of School of History (2021-) at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. He was a visiting scholar and research fellow at University of Tokyo (2010) and Yale University (2015-2016). His research interests include medieval history (Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tang Dynasty), history of Buddhism (especially Buddhism and Medieval Monarchship as well as Buddhism and the Silk Road), and is currently working on how Gandharan Buddhism influenced Medieval Chinese History.

25 TAROCCO, Francesca, Università Ca’ Foscari
樂羽音, 威尼斯福斯卡里宮大學
Francesca Tarocco is Professor and Chair of Buddhist Studies and Chinese Religions and the Director of the NICHE Centre for Environmental Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her research deals primarily with the cultural history of modern and contemporary Chinese Buddhism. Her publications include The Cultural Practices of Modern Chinese Buddhism (Routledge, 2011), Altar ModernBuddhism, Technology and the Environment in Modern China (forthcoming), “Luminous Remains: On Jewels, Relics and Glass in Chinese Buddhism” (in Shiny: Jewels in Buddhist Imaginary and Materiality, University of Hawai’i Press, 2021) and “Animal Protection (husheng) and Ethical Eating Practices in Modern Chinese Buddhism,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society, 2023.
26 TSEPAK, Tenzin, Leiden University
Tenzin Tsepak is a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University. His research centers on Tibetan history writing, language pedagogy, and Tibetan literature with a particular focus on Buddhist poetics. Before joining Leiden University, Tsepak was a teaching assistant professor of Tibetan and Himalayan studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Currently, as a member of the Van Manen Project, he is working on the early 20th-century Tibetan language autobiographies housed in the Leiden University Library and the Worldmuseum Leiden.
27 WANG Jingbo, Hangzhou Normal University
王晶波, 杭州師範大學
28 WANG, Eugene, Harvard CAMLab
汪悅進, 哈佛大學

Eugene Wang is Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. A Guggenheim Fellow, he is the author of the award-winning Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China. He is also the art history editor of Encyclopedia of Buddhism. His research ranges from early Chinese art and archaeology to modern Chinese art, media, and cinema. He is also the founding director of Harvard CAMLab that explores the nexus of cognition, aesthetics, and new mediums.

29 WANG Qian, Zhengzhou University
王倩, 鄭州大學
王倩,女,1988年,考古學博士,主要研究方向為漢唐考古、佛教考古。2007至2020年在北京大學考古文博學院考古學專業先後獲得學士、碩士、博士學位。2020年7月至今,在鄭州大學考古與文化遺產學院任教,開設《石窟寺考古》《絲綢之路考古》《中國石窟藝術》等本碩課程,主持中國博士後面上專案 “西元4-5世紀中印佛陀像譜系”(2022年),河南省哲學社會科學青年專案“北朝佛教造像碑的整理與研究”(2022年),杭州余杭古城“混堂弄”片區考古發掘專案(2021年),“安陽靈泉寺石窟考古報告編寫”(2024年)“龍門皇甫公窟考古報告編寫”(2023年)等專案;先後在《四川文物》《西部考古》等期刊上發表《北朝墓葬圖像中的佛教因素初探》《試析北朝鎮墓組合的形成與發展》等多篇論文,翻譯出版《龜茲早期寺院中的說一切有部遺跡探真》(上海古籍出版社,2024年)、《龜茲尋幽——考古重建與視覺再現》(上海古籍出版社,2017年)、《犍陀羅藝術探源》(上海古籍出版社,2015年)、《犍陀羅石刻術語分類彙編》(上海古籍出版社,2014年)等多部譯著。
Wang Qian, Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage of Zhengzhou University. Fields of research interest: Chinese Archaeology of the Han to Tang Dynasties and Buddhist archeology. Main focus on Buddhist monasteries and sculptures, impact of Southern Asian and Central Asian traditions to China.
30 ZHAN Ru, PekingU
湛如, 北京大學
湛如歷史學博士。北京大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學東方學研究院副院長,北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心主任,會稽山佛學高等研究院院長,與旭日全球佛學研究網絡主任委員。兼任南開大學宗教與文化研究中心主任。同時擔任中國佛教協會副會長。研究領域包括佛教與佛教文獻、佛教律藏、敦煌佛教等。主持國家社會科學重點項目“唐代長安與絲綢之路”及國家社會科學重大項目“印度古代梵文文藝學經典翻譯與研究”等。其新著《西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路》最近被久負盛名的中華書局評選為2023年雙十佳圖書。

Zhan Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, and Vice President of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute, Director of the Kuaijishan Institute for the Advanced Study of Buddhism, and the Director of the Central Steering Committee for the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. His Latest book, Encounter between Indian and Chinese Civilizations: Ximing Monastery of Tang Chang’an and the Silk Roads 西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路, has been newly selected as one of the “Top Ten Best Books” of 2023, by the esteemed Zhonghua Publishing House (Zhonghua shuju 中華書局).

32 ZHANG Xiaogui, Jinan University
張小貴, 暨南大學

In 2000, Zhang Xiaogui earned an art degree at Beijing Normal University, specializing in History. He received his Ph.D. degree at Sun Yat-sen University, in 2006. His supervisor was Prof. Lin Wushu. The focus of his study was especially concerned with the ancient Persian Religion. His Ph.D. dissertation is titled the Sinicized Form of Zoroastrianism during the Tang and Song Periods. From 2006, he has been teaching at Department of History, Jinan University in Guangzhou City. In 2015, he received professor position. From September, 2010-August, 2011, he was a visiting Scholar at SOAS, University of London. From August, 2018-August, 2019, he was a guest professor at Department of Sinologie, Tuebingen University, Germany. He has published the followings books: Chinese translation of Mary Boyce’s A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2005; Zhonggu huahua xianjiao kaoshu (A Study of Sinicized Zoroastrianism in Medieval China), Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2010; Studies and Reviews on the history of Zoroastrianism, Lanzhou University Press, 2013; Studies on the Spread of Zoroastrianism in Medieval China, Shanghai Guji Press, 2022; and (ed.) Studies on three Persian Religions: Festschrift for Pro. LIN WUSHU at his Seventieth Birthday, Lanzhou University Press, 2014. He has published some articles on ancient Zoroastrian History and Culture on the Silk Road and is now focused on ancient Persian Law and Society, Arabs in the Song Dynasty, Parsis History from India to China.