December 6, 2021Guest Lecture: The relationship between Neo-Confucianism and Buddhism in Song Dynasty taking Zhu Xi as an exampleLI Chunying (International Confucian Academy at China University). 10 AM - 12 PM PST, December 6, 2021. Online with UBC.
February 4, 2022Call for Applications: Glorisun Research Associate at UBC Asian StudiesDeadline to apply: March 4, 2022
March 31, 2022Guest Lecture: Revival of Buddhism in Southeast China in the Late Ninth Century: The Case of Shanquan TempleYou Ziyong (Capital Normal University, China). 6:00 PM PDT, March 31, 2022. Online
August 12, 2022Religions and Local Society in the Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical PerspectivesAugust 12–14, 2022, ONLINE with University of British Columbia
October 7, 2022Glorisun Distinguished Lecture Series: Buddhist Self-Immolation and Climate ChangeJames Benn (McMaster University). October 7, 2022, 7:30 PM PDT. In-person at The Place of Many Trees, Liu Institute for Global Issues, and online
October 8, 2022Guest Lecture: Ikkyū and the Crazy Cloud Anthology: Then and NowSonja Arntzen (University of Toronto). October 8, 2022, 7:10 pm PDT. In-person at UBC Asian Centre Auditorium and online
December 7, 2022Conference: Site-Image-Object: Rethinking Place in Chinese Visual and Material CultureDecember 7-9, 2022. University of British Columbia.
March 17, 20232023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking UniversityMount Kuaiji, China, August 9 - 22, 2023.
April 14, 2023Glorisun Distinguished Lecture Series: What do East Asian Buddhists call their books and why?George Keyworth (University of Saskatchewan). April 14, 2023, 4:00 pm PDT. In person at C.K. Choi Building, Room 120, and online