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1 | Jonathan GOLD 喬納森 (PrincetonU
Jonathan C. Gold is Professor of Religion and Director of the Center for Culture, Society and Religion at Princeton University. A specialist in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, he is the author of The Dharma’s Gatekeepers: Sakya Paṇḍita on Buddhist Scholarship in Tibet (2007) and Paving the Great Way: Vasubandhu’s Unifying Buddhist Philosophy (2015), and he is co-editor, with Douglas S. Duckworth, of Readings of Śāntideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva Practice (Bodhicaryāvatāra) (2019). In his current work he is developing a Buddhist approach to society, politics and education.
Jonathan C. Gold 喬納森 現任普林斯頓大學宗教學教授和文化、社會和宗教中心主任。作為印度和西藏佛教哲學的專家,著有《佛法守門人:薩迦班智達論西藏佛教學術》(2007年)和《鋪設偉大的道路:世親大一統的佛教哲學》(2015年)。與Douglas S. Duckworth合編《寂天〈入菩薩行論〉選讀》(2019年)。目前正在開發一種針對社會、政治和教育的佛教式方法。 |
2 | GONG Jun 龔雋 (Sun Yat-senU 中山大學)![]() |
GONG Jun, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University, Director of the Center for Buddhist Studies in the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University, Deputy Director of the Oriental Philosophy Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Foreign Philosophy, Member of the Religion Committee of the Evaluation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Honorary Fellow of the Center for Human Buddhism Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013-2015), Corresponding Researcher of Buddhist Research Center, Fo Guang University (2014-2015), academic editorial board member of New Historiography (Zhonghua Book Company), editor-in-chief of Chinese Buddhism Review (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House), editorial board member of Human Buddhism Studies (Chinese University of Hong Kong), and editorial board member of Humanistic Religion Studies (sponsored by the Institute of Religious Culture, Peking University). He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of the history of Chinese Buddhist thought and the history of Chinese philosophy. His main research works include: 1. Modern Buddhist History as “Knowledge”: Discussion on the History of Knowledge from the perspective of East Asia (co-authored with Professor Chen Jidong); 2. Introduction to Zen Studies in China (co-authored with Professor Chen Jidong); 3. The Exploring esoteric principles of Zen History: A Problem-centered Treatise on the History of Thought; 4. Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism (translated). He has published more than 40 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, such as Philosophical Studies, World Religion Studies, History of Chinese Philosophy, Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies of Taiwan University, and International Zen Studies (sponsored by Toyo University, Japan). |
3 | Esther-Maria GUGGENMOS 谷乃曦 (Lund University
As Professor of the History of Religions at Lund University, Esther-Maria Guggenmos specialize on contemporary religion in East Asia. Concentrating on Chinese Buddhism and the role of religion in society, her approach is inspired by the aesthetics of religion and the analysis of decision-making processes. Trained in Religious Studies, Sinology, and Theology (Münster, Bonn, Taipeh), Guggenmos is fascinated by Chinese Buddhist life. In her Ph.D. thesis, she analyzed the motivation of lay believers to denote themselves Buddhist in urban settings (Ghent, 2010). From 2009 onwards, Guggenmos reflected on Chinese Buddhist divination (habilitation) and engaged in establishing the IKGF (Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg) that deals with conceptualizations of the future between Asia and Europe. Guggenmos is currently going deeper into the question of how in Chinese Buddhist practices, rituals and ritually cultivated patterns of emotion are impacted by global interconnectedness, digitalisation, and capitalisation.
作為隆德大學宗教史教授,谷乃曦研究專長是東亞當代宗教,關注中國佛教以及宗教在社會中的作用,研究方法來源於宗教審美和決策過程分析。谷乃曦教授先後於明斯特、波恩、以及台北接受了宗教研究、漢學,以及神學訓練,對中國佛教生活包有極大的興趣。博士論文分析了俗家教徒在城市背景下標榜自己是佛教徒身份的動機(根特大學,2010年)。自2009年開始,谷教授開始思考了中國佛教命理(居住),並參與建立了埃爾朗根-紐倫堡大學國際人文研究院,解決亞洲和歐洲之間的未來的概念化。她目前正在深入研究在中國佛教實踐中,儀式和通過儀式培養的情感模式如何被全球互聯、數字化和資本化所影響。 |
4 | HE Jianming 何建明 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
何建明,男,1965年出生於湖北省黃岡市蘄春縣。1989年入華中師範大學近代史研究所(教育部人文社科重點研究基地)工作,1997年獲得歷史學博士學位。1999年1月晉升教授,2001年受聘博士生導師。2003年9月入中國人民大學哲學院及佛教與宗教學理論研究所(教育部人文社科重點研究基地)工作。2006年入選教育部新世紀人才計劃。2017年起受聘中國人民大學「傑出人才計劃」特聘教授。2020年起擔任全國老子道學文化研究會副會長兼執行長。已出版學術專著包括: 1,《道家思想的歷史轉折》(1997),華中師範大學出版社。 2,《佛法觀念的近代調適》(1998),廣東人民出版社。 3,《澳門佛教——近百年澳門與內地佛教文化關係史》(1999),宗教文化出版社。 4,《晚清民國佛教思想史論》(2001),(台灣)佛光文化出版社。 5,《隋唐道家與道教》(與李大華、李剛合著)(2004、修訂版2011),人民出版社。 6,《人間佛教與現代港澳佛教》(上、下)(2006),(香港)新新出版社。 7,《陳致虛學案》(2011),齊魯書社。 8,《近代中國宗教文化史研究》(上、下)(2015),北京師範大學出版社。Dr. HE Jianming is a scholar and professor known for his expertise in the field of Chinese religion and philosophy. He started his academic career in 1989 when he joined Huazhong Normal University. He obtained his Ph.D. in History in 1997, and in 1999 he was promoted to the position of professor and appointed in 2001 as a doctoral supervisor. In September 2003, he began working at the School of Philosophy and the Institute of Buddhism and Religious Studies at Renmin University, which is a Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education of China. He was selected for the New Century Talents Program of the Ministry of Education in 2006. Since 2017, he has been serving as a distinguished professor under the “Outstanding Talents Program” at Renmin University. Starting in 2020, he has taken on the role of Vice President and Executive Director of the National Laozi Daoist Culture Research Association. He has published several academic monographs, including: The Historical Turning of Taoist Thought (道家思想的歷史轉折, 1997), The Adaptation of Buddhist Concepts in Modern Times (佛法觀念的近代調適, 1998), Buddhism in Macao: A History of the Relationship between Buddhist Cultures in Macao and in the Mainland in the Last Hundred Years (澳門佛教——近百年澳門與內地佛教文化關係史, 1999), Historical Disquisitions of Buddhist Thoughts in the Late Qing and Republic of China (晚清民國佛教思想史論, 2001), Philosophical and Religious Daoism in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐道家與道教, co-author, 2004, 2011), Humanistic Buddhism and Modern Buddhism in Hong Kong and Macau (人間佛教與現代港澳佛教, 2006), A Study of Chen Zhixu’s Learning (陳致虛學案, 2011), Studies on the History of Religious Culture in Modern China (近代中國宗教文化史研究, 2015). |
5 | HE Songwei 何松蔚 (Southwest Petroleum University 西南石油大學)![]() |
何松蔚,現為西南石油大學講師,曾先後畢業於中國人民大學宗教學系及加拿大西蒙弗雷澤大學(Simon Fraser University)歷史系。研究方向為近代中國宗教治理及中國近代區域史,在《道家文化研究》等刊物上發表學術文章,合著學術專著兩種,擔任國家社科基金重大招標項目課題組成員、四川省社會科學規劃重大項目課題主研人員。
After graduating from Renmin University of China and Simon Fraser University, Songwei He has worked as a lecturer at Southwest Petroleum University. With a background in Religious Studies and History, her research interests encompass the political-religious relationship in modern China as well as the regional history of Sichuan and Chongqing. She has contributed as a co-author to two scholarly monographs. Additionally, she holds the position of a research team member for a major project funded by the National Social Science Foundation and acts as one of the principal investigators for a key research project supported by the Planned Project of Social Science in Sichuan. |
6 | HE Yansheng 何燕生 (Koriyama Women’s U 郡山女子大學/KyotoU 京都大學)![]() |
HE Yansheng, a PhD from Tohoku University in Japan, is currently the project leader of the Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities and a full-time professor of Religious Studies at Koriyama Women’s University. He previously worked at the Faculty of Letters at Tohoku University and was the first foreign faculty member employed by the Ministry of Education at the university. His book Dogen and Chinese Zen Thought (Hozokan, 2000) received the highest academic awards from the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies. Since 2015, he has been a guest professor at Wuhan University’s Luojia Lectureship Program and established the International Center for Chan Culture Studies at Wuhan University in 2017, where he serves as the director. Prior to studying in Japan, he studied in the Department of Philosophy at Wuhan University and the History Research Institute (now the Institute of Modern Chinese History) at Central China Normal University under the supervision of renowned philosopher Professor Xiao Jiefu and historian Professor Zhang Kaiyuan. His research interests include comparative religion, interreligious dialogue and cross-cultural studies, the intellectual history of modern and contemporary East Asian Buddhism, and East Asian Chan/Zen studies.
何燕生,日本國立東北大學博士,現任京都大學人文科學研究所共同研究課題負責人,郡山女子大學宗教學專職教授。曾任職於日本東北大學文學部,是該校採用的第一位外籍文部教官。所著《道元と中國禪思想》(法蔵館,2000年)曾獲得日本宗教學會「學會賞」(最高學術獎)、日本印度學宗教學會「學會賞」(最高學術獎)。2015年起,擔任武漢大學珞珈學者講座教授,2017年創建武漢大學國際禪文化研究中心,擔任中心主任。赴日留學前,曾在武漢大學哲學系、華中師範大學歷史研究所(現改為中國近代史研究所)求學,師從著名哲學家蕭萐父教授和著名歷史學家章開沅教授。研究領域為:比較宗教學、宗教對話與跨文化研究、近現代東亞佛教思想史和東亞禪學。 |
7 | JI Zhe 汲喆 (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales [Inalco] 法國國立東方語言與文明學院)![]() |
JI Zhe is Professor of Sociology and Holder of the Inalco-Sheng Yen Chair of modern and contemporary Chinese Buddhism at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) in France. He is currently Head of the Department of Chinese Studies at Inalco, and Director of the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme (CEIB). His main study areas are Buddhism and the relationship between religion and politics in modern and contemporary China. His publications include Religion, modernité et temporalité : une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain (CNRS Editions, 2016), 二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興 (co-edited with Daniela Campo and Wang Qiyuan, Fudan University Press, 2016), Making Saints in Modern China (co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017), Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions (co-edited with Gareth Fisher and André Laliberté, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019), 現代世界的思想者——齊美爾研究輯選 (co-edited with Ren Qiang, Commercial Press, 2021).
汲喆,法國國立東方語言與文明學院 (Inalco) 社會學教授、東語-聖嚴近現代漢傳佛教講座教授、中國研究系主任,法國多學科佛教研究中心 (CEIB) 的共同創辦人與創始主任。他的主要研究領域包括近現代漢傳佛教、宗教全球化、宗教社會學理論及法國漢學。其著作有《宗教、現代性與時間性:當代禪宗的社會學》 (Religion, modernité et temporalité: une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain, CNRS Editions, 2016),主編有《二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興》(與Daniela Campo、王啓元合編,復旦大學出版社,2016)、《得道與成聖——現代中國宗教權威的建構》(Making Saints in Modern China, co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017)、《後毛時代的中國佛教》(Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions, co-edited with Gareth Fisher and André Laliberté, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019)、《現代世界的思想者——齊美爾研究輯選》(與任強合編,商務印書館,2021)等。 |
8 | JI Yun 紀贇
(Buddhist College of Singapore 新加坡佛學院) |
紀贇,新加坡佛學院(Buddhist College of Singapore)副教授,兼任教務主任、圖書館館長。除教學外,主要興趣在於佛教文獻、佛教史等相關領域。曾出版專著、譯著、編著數種;論文、書評若干。
JI Yun received his Ph.D. from Fudan University, Shanghai, in 2006. During the writing of his doctorate dissertation, his research encompassed the study of Buddhism within the philological studies of Buddhist written texts, the collecting of biographical materials of monks, and the anthropological studies of religion. Eventually, his dissertation, ‘Huijiao Gaoseng zhuan yanjiu’ 慧皎《高僧傳》研究 [A Study on the Biographies of Eminent Monks written by Huijiao] was published in early 2009. As an associate professor of BCS, Ji Yun is now engaged in teaching subjects such as Buddhist Literature, the institution of Buddhist Sangha, and Chinese and Indic languages. Ji Yun also assists in overseeing the operation of the college’s Academic Office and the library. |
9 | KAN Cheng-Tsung 闞正宗 (Fo GuangU 佛光大學)![]() |
Cheng Tsung Kan received his doctoral degree in history from National Cheng Kung University and is currently a professor in the Department of Buddhism Studies at Fo Guang University. His research interest is focused on the Buddhist history in Taiwan, and the Buddhist Exchange in early-modern East Asia. His major monographs include The Development of Buddhism and the Imperialization Movement in Taiwan during the Japanese Rule: The Historical Progress of “Imperial Buddhism” (台灣日治時期佛教發展與皇民化運動——「皇國佛教」的歷史進程), The Forerunner of “Humanistic Buddhism” in the Nanyang: A Chronicle of Master Cihang’s Dharma Propagation Overseas and Taiwan (1910-1954) (南洋「人間佛教」先行者——慈航法師海外、臺灣弘法記(1910-1954)), and dozens of journal articles. |
10 | KONG Yan 孔雁 (Institute of Religious Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Science 上海社科院宗教研究所)![]() |
KONG Yan (Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong) is an Assistant Fellow in the Institute of Religious Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Science. She focuses on the study of Chan Buddhism during the Song period (960–1279). Her doctorial thesis is entitled “The Reexamination of the Caodong Lineage and the Silent Illumination during the Transitional Period of Song Dynasties”. She has published multiple papers in Chinese in various journals, such as “Textual Research on the Formative Period of the ‘Five Lineages’ Statement in Chan Buddhism”, “Discovery of New Material Regarding the Chan Master Zhenxie Qingliao in the Song Dynasty and Textual Research on His Biography”, “The Social Network of Caodong Monastic Community in the Song Dynasty”. Reviewed How Zen Became Zen the Dispute Over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China by Morten Schlütter. |
11 | Carsten KRAUSE 康易清 (HamburgU 德國漢堡大學)![]() |
Carsten Krause has specialized in the past and present of Chinese Buddhism since the early 1990s. From 1991 to 2001, he studied in Passau, Nanjing (南京大學), Hamburg, Chia-yi (南華大學), and then Hamburg again, with the support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. He completed his PhD with a dissertation about Buddhism in medieval China. During the past twenty years, Carsten Krause further expanded his research on Buddhism in contemporary China. Since 2017 he has been affiliated as Research Fellow to the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at Hamburg University. In the recent years, Carsten Krause initiated a symposium on “Challenges for the Revival and Future Development of Chan-Buddhist Monasteries in China” (2015), and a lecture series about “Comparative Studies on Buddhism in Taiwan and Mainland China” (2019), as well as an international workshop entitled “When a New Generation Comes up: Buddhist Leadership and Lay People in Contemporary China” (2020), with the results published in a supplement to the Journal of the Oxford Center for Buddhist Studies. Finally, in 2023 Carsten Krause organized a symposium on “Perspectives of Digital Humanities in the Field of Buddhist Studies”, and a workshop on “Buddhist Concepts and Phrases in Contemporary China” (publication forthcoming). Since 2022, he is working on the DFG-funded project about “Humanistic Buddhism (人間佛教) in the People’s Republic of China. On that topic, he also published an article 2019 titled as “Changing Functions of renjian fojiao 人间佛教 in Mainland China”.
康易清(Carsten Krause)自20世紀90年代初以來專注於中國佛教的歷史與現狀。1991年至2001年間,在德國學術獎學金基金會(獎學金)的支持下,他先後赴帕紹、南京(南京大學)、漢堡、嘉義(南華大學)、漢堡學習。他以一篇關於中世紀(南北朝)中國佛教的論文完成了博士學位。近二十年來,康易清進一步拓展了他對當代中國佛教的研究。自2017年起,他作為研究員加入了漢堡大學沼田佛學研究中心。近年來,康易清在漢堡大學發起了“中國禪宗佛教寺院復興與未來發展的挑戰”研討會(2015年)、“海峽兩岸佛教比較研究”系列講座(2019年),以及題為“新一代崛起時:中國當代佛教領袖與居士”的國際研討會(2020年),其成果發表在了《Journal of the Oxford Center for Buddhist Studies》副刊中。最後,康易清於2023年在漢堡大學組織了關於“佛教研究領域的數字人文視角”的國際研討會,以及“當代中國的佛教觀念和口號”國際研討會(即將出版)。自2022年以來,他一直從事由德國科學基金會資助的“中華人民共和國人間佛教”項目。就此課題,他還在2019年發表了一篇題為《人間佛教在中國大陸的功能轉變》的文章。 |
12 | LI Jingjing 李晶晶 (LeidenU 荷蘭萊登大學)![]() |
Jingjing LI is Assistant Professor (Universitair docent) at Leiden University’s Institute for Philosophy. She received her Ph.D. from McGill University in 2019 and has been working at Leiden University ever since. She is the author of Comparing Husserl’s Phenomenology and Chinese Yogācāra in a Multicultural World: A Journey beyond Orientalism (Bloomsbury 2022). Currently, she is working on the project “A Lost Pearl: Feminist Theories in Buddhist Philosophy of Consciousness-only”, which has been awarded a Veni Grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
李晶晶,加拿大麥吉爾大學博士(2019), 現任荷蘭萊頓大學哲學學院助理教授, 主要研究領域為佛教和跨文化哲學。其著作有《在多元文化的世界中比較胡塞爾的現象學和漢傳唯識學:超越東方主義之旅》(Bloomsbury Academic 2022)。目前她的研究項目是“滄海遺珠:唯識學中的女性主義理論”。該項目已獲得荷蘭國家社科基金專項資助 (2022-2026)。 |
13 | LI Silong 李四龍 (PekingU 北京大學)![]() |
Dr. LI Silong is Professor of Buddhist Philosophy at Peking University of China, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities at PKU, Director of the Center for Buddhist Education & Research at PKU, Editor-in-chief of Journal of Humanistic Religion. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Peking University in July 1999, with a doctorate in the field of Chinese philosophy and Buddhism. He has become a full professor since August 2011. In addition to over 100 journal articles and book chapters, he has authored seven books: 1. Studies on Tiantai Zhiyi (Peking University Press, Beijing 2003); 2. History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America (Peking University Press, Beijing 2009); 3. Chinese Buddhism and Folk Society (Daxiang Press, Zhengzhou 2009); 4. Studies on Tiantai School and Buddhist History (Religious Culture Press, Beijing 2011); 5. Buddhism in America: Asian Buddhism’s Spread and Transformation in Western Society (Renmin Press, Beijing 2014); 6. Introduction to Humanistic Religion (Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing 2022); and 7. Buddhism and Humanistic Education (Religious Culture Press, Beijing 2022). |
14 | LIU Qi 劉琦 (HamburgU 德國漢堡大學)![]() |
LIU Qi, trained in Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, is going to pursue a PhD degree in Religious Studies at McGill University. Her focus of research is the interaction between Buddhism and modern technology and the impact of Buddhist practices on the environment. Combining statistical analyses and ethnographic methods with traditional methods in religious studies, her master‘s thesis has explored the innovation, malpractice and supervision of digital donations in contemporary Chinese Buddhism.
劉琦,獲有哲學學士學位和佛教研究碩士學位,即將在麥吉爾大學攻讀宗教研究博士學位。她的研究重點是佛教與現代科技的互動,以及佛教修行對環境的影響。她把傳統宗教研究方法與統計學數據分析、民族誌研究相結合,探索了中國佛教徒對電子支付的應用、應用下催生的新型宗教詐騙以及針對電子詐騙的監管手段。 |
15 | LIU Yongsi 劉泳斯 (MinzuU of China 中央民族大學)![]() |
LIU Yongsi is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Minzu University of China. She received her Ph.D. in Religious Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. She specializes in the history of modern Chinese religions and is particularly interested in issues of local religious history and practice. She is the author of Modern Transformation of Local Religion in Northeast Guangxi. Her current research includes a long term project on the history of the confluence of Buddhism and Popular Religion in China.
劉泳斯,女,香港中文大學博士,現為中央民族大學哲學與宗教學學院講師。主要研究方向為中國近現代宗教史、民間宗教。出版學術專著《桂東北民間信仰的近現代變遷》,在《中國人民大學復印報刊資料·宗教》、《世界宗教文化》、《中國文化研究》、《中央民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》、《中國宗教》、《文化縱橫》、《民俗與文化(台灣)》等學術刊物上發表學術論文,並在《中國社會科學報》、《中國民族報·宗教週刊》上發表多篇學術文章。 |
16 | Irene LOK 駱慧瑛 (HKU 香港大學)![]() |
駱慧瑛 香港大學哲學博士,香港大學佛學研究碩士,英國根德大學榮譽學士。中國敦煌吐魯番學會會員。香港大學佛教研究中心榮譽研究員(2013-2023),香港中文大學人間佛教研究中心副研究員兼客席講師(2018-2022),香港能仁專上學院客席教授(2014-2017)。香港大學饒宗頤學術館藝術顧問、饒學研究基金專案評審委員會會員、饒學聯滙榮譽顧問。著作《觀心自在:香港觀音誕與觀音信仰探源》(天地圖書2020年,首屆「想創你未來 —— 初創作家出版資助計劃」(非遺組)得獎作品,並榮獲第三屆「香港出版雙年獎」社會科學類出版獎),及著《緣繋敦煌》(中華書局 2021年) 。
Dr. Irene Lok received her Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong, Master of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies from The University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from University of Kent in the United Kingdom. Dr. Lok is Member of China Dunhuang Turpan Society, Art Advisor at Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole at The University of Hong Kong, Member of the Special Projects Assessment Committee and Honorary Advisor of Jao Studies Foundation, Honorary Research Fellow in Centre of Buddhist Studies at The University of Hong Kong (2013-2023). Dr. Lok worked as a Research Associate and teaches Dunhuang Buddhist art in the Buddhist Studies Master Program at Chinese University of Hong Kong (2018-2022), Adjunct Professor in Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education (2014-2017). Dr. Lok is the author of the award-winning book Contemplating the Mind at Ease: Origin of the Guanyin Festivals and Worshipping in Hong Kong (Cosmos Book 2020). The book was awarded “The Next Writer, Publication Funding Scheme (Intangible Cultural Heritage Division) by Hong Kong Publishing Federation and Create Hong Kong from The Government of HKSAR; It is also awarded “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Award” by Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society in 2021. More recently, Serendipity at Dunhuang (Chung Hwa Book 2021). |
17 | SAIK Chee Teng 釋光持 (Hsuan ChuangU 玄奘大學)![]() |
釋光持 (SAIK Chee Teng) 馬來西亞人,畢業于中國人民大學哲學院 佛教與宗教學理論研究博士,現任于中國台灣玄奘大學宗教與文化學系 助理教授、玄奘大學臺灣佛教研究中心中文秘書、韓國東國大學 東亞海洋文明與宗教文化研究所 客座硏究員、《玄奘社會科學學報》審查委員、漢學研究中心《學思》編輯委員、玄奘大學招生委員等。主要興趣於海外華人移民宗教研究、東南亞佛教、佛教青年運動、佛教社團組織管理、當代佛教與社會、世界宗教文化、口述歷史等相關領域。主要代表著有《馬來西亞佛教青年運動研究——以馬來西亞佛教青年總會為中心》、《當代臺灣大專青年學佛運動的興衰與轉機(1958~2016)》、《跨傳統的美籍僧人蘇曼伽羅:與及其開啟大馬佛青運動的興起、特徵與局限》、《「推—拉」合力:從社會結構視角看馬來亞華人移民變遷》、《臺灣大專院校「佛學社團」之研究(1961-2016)》、《推動大專佛學社團之父——周宣德》、《中國漢傳佛教在「一帶一路」的傳播——以馬來半島佛教為中心》、《從社會結構視角分析——馬來西亞「華人宗教信仰」的特徵》、《英屬馬來亞移民佛教「在地化」的發展》等。
SAIK Chee Teng (釋光持), a Malaysian, graduated with a Ph.D. in Buddhist and Religious Studies from the Philosophy School at Renmin University of China. She currently holds several positions, including Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Culture at Xuanzang University in Taiwan, Chinese Secretary at the Taiwan Buddhist Research Center of Xuanzang University, Visiting Researcher at the Institute of East Asian Maritime Civilization and Religious Culture at Dongguk University in South Korea, Review Committee Member for the Journal of Xuanzang Social Sciences, Editorial Committee Member for Xuesi Academic Journal at the Han Studies Research Center, and Member of the Admissions Committee at Xuanzang University His primary research interests encompass various fields, including the study of overseas Chinese immigrant religions, Southeast Asian Buddhism, Buddhist youth movements, management of Buddhist organizations and associations, contemporary Buddhism and society, world religious cultures, and oral history. Some of his notable works include “Research on the Buddhist Youth Movement in Malaysia: Focusing on the Malaysian Buddhist Youth Association”, “Rise, Decline, and Turning Points of Contemporary Buddhist Youth Movements in Taiwan (1958-2016)”, “The Transcending Traditions: American Monk Sumangalo and the Emergence, Characteristics, and Limitations of the Buddhist Youth Movement in Malaysia”, “Pulling and Pushing Forces: Examining Changes in Malaysian Chinese Immigrant Communities from a Social Structure Perspective”, “A Study of ‘Buddhist Clubs’ in Taiwanese Higher Education Institutions (1961-2016)”, “The Pioneer of Buddhist Clubs in Higher Education: Zhou Xuande”, “The Dissemination of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism in the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative: Focusing on Buddhism in the Malayan Peninsula”, “Analyzing the Characteristics of ‘Chinese Religious Beliefs’ in Malaysia from a Social Structure Perspective”, and “The Development of ‘Localization’ of Immigration Buddhism in British Malaya”. |
18 | SAKAIDA Yukiko 坂井田夕起子 (AichiU 日本愛知大學)![]() |
坂井田夕起子(SAKAIDA Yukiko)現為愛知大學(AICHI university)國際問題研究所客員研究員。日本大阪教育大學(OSAKA Kyoiku University)教育學社会教育研究科碩士後,廣島大學(HIROSHIMA University)文學研究科博士課程後期東洋史學專業。其主要研究成果有:《誰も知らない『西遊記』――玄奘三蔵の遺骨をめぐる東アジア戦後史》(龍渓書舎、2013年);《建國初期的中國佛教與外交》,《近現代國際關係史研究》第6輯,世界知識出版社,2014年;《“戰爭的負遺產”,還是“文化交流的象徵”?——玄奘三藏遺骨和20世紀50年代的北京與臺北》,《近現代國際關係史研究》第9輯,世界知識出版社,2016年; 《「支那通」僧侶・藤井草宣と日中戦争》,《桃山学院大学キリスト教論集》2017年;《藤井静宣(草宣)の活動と彼の収集した中国佛教雑誌・新聞について》《真宗大谷派浄圓寺所蔵藤井静宣関連資料》,あるむ、2018年等。
SAKAIDA Yukiko is a researcher affiliated with Aichi University of Institute of International Affairs. Her main research works include (1). The Unknown Journey to the West: The Travels of Xuanzang’s Bone Relics in Postwar East Asia (Tokyo: Ryukei Syosha, 2013); (2). “Chinese Foreign Policy and Chinese Buddhism in 1952-1964”, Jinxiandai guoji guanxi yanjiu 近現代國際關係研究 vol.6 (2014) (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe 世界知識出版社, 2014); (3). “Negative Legacy of the War, or Symbol of Cultural Exchange?: The Remains of Xuanzang, Beijing and Taipei in the 1950s”, Jinxiandai guoji guanxi yanjiu vol.9 (2016); (4). “‘Fujii Sosen’: A Japanese Buddhist priest and the Sino-Japanese War”, St. Andrew’s University Journal of Christian Studies, No.52 (2017); (5). “A Study of the Second of the WFB and Foreign Exchanges Among Buddhists in Eastern Asia”, The Journal of the History of Buddhism vol. LXV, No.2 (2013). Her academic interest focuses on the modern history of Shino-Japanese relations (including the first and second Shino-Japanese war and Cold War) and Buddhists. |
19 | SHAO Jiade 邵佳德 (NankingU 南京大學)![]() |
SHAO Jiade is currently an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Nanjing University. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Nanjing University, and Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, specializing in Buddhism and theories of religion. He is currently working on modern history of Chinese Buddhism and Chinese philosophy in Ming and Qing dynasties. He is the author of two monographs (both in Chinese): The Reform of Modern Buddhism in Local Communities of China: A Case Study in Nanjing (1912-1949) (Taipei: Dharma Drum Mountain Books,2017) and Master Taixu in the History of Images and Ideas (co-author, Beijing: China Religious Culture Publisher, 2019). He has published more than 30 academic papers in refereed journals. His research achievements have won the prize of the 16th Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Science of Jiangsu Province. |
20 | SHI Tiheng (a.k.a Yinzhao) 釋體恆 (Ji’nanU 暨南大學中印比較研究所)![]() |
體恆(印照): 現任暨南大學中華文化港澳台及海外傳承傳播協同創新中心研究員、暨南大學文學院中印比較研究所研究員,閩南佛學院研究生導師,悉達書院院長。2015年印度國立德里大學佛學研究中心哲學博士(Ph.D.),2019年中國社會科學院哲學研究所博士後出站。長期從事佛教學術與教育工作,曾任教於國內多所佛學院,已經出版著作多部,國內外發表中英文學術論文六十餘萬字。
SHI Tiheng 體恆 (a.k.a. Yinzhao 印照) is a Research Fellow at the Collaborative Innovation Center for the Inheritance and Dissemination of Chinese Culture in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Overseas at Jinan University and China-India Comparative Research Institute at the same University in China. He received his Ph.D. in Buddhist studies in 2015 from Delhi University (India) and completed his postdoctoral research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2018. His research interests include Mādhyamaka Buddhism and the Three-Treatise School, Social life history of Indian Buddhism, and Chinese Buddhism. He has published or is in the course of ublishing more than forty papers and several books, among which are The Lectures of the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa Sūtra (2008); Collected Essays on Mādhyamika Studies (2009); The Ullambana Festival: A Case Study of Beijing Region (forthcoming); Exploring Nirvāṇa Thought of Three-Treatise School (forthcoming); The Research of New Maitreya Religion in Contemporary India (forthcoming). |
21 | Barend TER HAAR (HamburgU 德國漢堡大學)![]() |
Barend ter Haar teaches Chinese studies at the University of Hamburg, with a strong focus on cultural and religious history. Although first of all a social and cultural historian, the religious dimension is so central to Chinese traditional life that much of his research up to now has dealt with religious phenomena. In addition, he has worked extensively on issues of ethnic identity, violence and fear, and social organization. An important concern of his is to demonstrate that traditional culture and cultural patterns are still relevant today, as becomes visible for instance in the case of the Falun Gong or the ongoing role of exorcist violence in political contexts throughout the twentieth century. For those who read Dutch, he has published a history of China, entitled The Heavenly Mandate: The history of the Chinese Empire until 1911 or Het Hemels Mandaat: De Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk (AUP: Amsterdam, 2009) with a somewhat revisionist view on the Chinese past. His book on the lay Buddhist group called the Non-Action Teachings (late 16th century to the present) has come out with Hawai’i University Press, as Practicing Scripture: A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China.
田海(Barend J. ter Haar),曾問學於萊頓、瀋陽、大阪與福岡等地。又曾杏壇休坐於萊頓、海德堡與牛津等三所學府,近乃卜居於漢堡大學。其著作宏富,最新著述有Practising Scripture (Honolulu: Hawai’i UP, 2014) 與Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of a Failed Hero (Oxford UP: Oxford, 2017) 。田海目前所撰述者,包括一部關於暴力與宗教文化的小冊子,以及一部獵巫與巫術迫害的鸿篇巨制,此二書之背景皆為中國古代社會。 |
22 | Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard CAMLab 美國哈佛大學)![]() |
Eugene Y. Wang is the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. He holds positions in History of Art and Architecture, Archaeology, Study of Religion, Theater, Dance, and Medium, and Inner Asia and Altaic Studies. A Guggenheim Fellow (2005), he is the art history editor of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism (2004). His extensive publications range from early Chinese art and archeology to modern and contemporary Chinese art and cinema. His book, Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China (2005), explores Buddhist worldmaking; it received the Sakamoto Nichijin Academic Award from Japan. His current research focuses on cognitive study of art, mind, and biocentrism. He is also the founding director of Harvard CAMLab that explores digital storyliving and spiritualized scenography through virtual media.
汪悅進(Eugene Wang),哈佛大學洛克菲勒亞洲藝術史專席教授,任教於哈佛藝術與建築史系、宗教研究系、戲劇舞蹈多媒系、中亞系。著述涵蓋古今,包括青銅、壁畫、雕塑、書畫、建築、版刻、攝影,電影等多種媒介。曾獲古根海姆獎。專著《塑造法華經:中國中古佛教視覺文化》獲2006年日本坂本日深學術賞。任《佛教百科全書》的藝術史編輯。2018年創立哈佛大學CAMLab,研發藝術智能及文化遺產的深度多媒體驗。 |
23 | WANG Liting 王麗婷 (UCLA 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校) | Liting WANG is a upcoming PhD student in Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). She received her Master Degree in East Asian Studies from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Her research interests include the interactions of Classical Buddhism poetry and traditional Chinese literature and culture. Her capstone projects around Chan Buddhism poetry, woman scholar in Taiwan, and King Hu’s film analysis.
王麗婷即將就讀於加州大學洛杉磯分校的亞洲語言與文化科系博士班,碩士畢業於加州大學洛杉磯分校。她的主要研究興趣包括古代佛教詩歌研究和傳統中國文學交叉研究。她的碩士畢業論文圍繞著佛教禪宗詩歌,台灣女性學者與台灣胡金銓電影研究。 |
24 | WANG Song 王頌 (PekingU 北京大學)![]() |
Song WANG is Director of the Center for Buddhist Studies and Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Peking University. He received his B. A. and M. A. in Philosophy from Peking University and a Ph.D. in East Asian Buddhism from the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo. Prior to teaching at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Peking University in 2005, he conducted his postdoctoral research as Overseas Researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He has been teaching Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism at Peking University and published three books: A Study on the Thought of the Huayan School in the Song Dynasty (Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2008), Japanese Buddhism: From the Beginning till 20th century (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Academy Press, 2015), and A Critical Annotation and Study on the Huayan Fajie Guanmen (Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2016), in addition to numerous papers on East Asian Buddhism in Chinese, Japanese and English. He has been a specialist on Huayan/Kegon Buddhism. He is now focusing on the history of modern Chinese Buddhism, and the interaction between ancient Chinese philosophy such as Dark Learning and Buddhism of the Wei and Jin dynasties.
王頌,1971年生,北京市人。1995畢業於北京大學哲學系,獲學士學位;1997年獲碩士學位;2002年於日本國際佛教學大學院大學獲得博士學位,導師先後為鐮田茂雄教授、木村清孝教授。曾任日本學術振興會外國人研究員(2003至2005年)、早稻田大學訪問學者(2011-2012)。2005年進入北京大學哲學系(宗教學系)任教,現任哲學系教授、博導,兼任北京大學佛教研究中心主任、中國宗教學會理事、中國哲學史學會理事、中華日本哲學會常務理事、中華全國外國哲學史學會東方哲學專業委員會副主任。國家社科基金重大項目首席專家。研究領域為華嚴學、佛教與中國古代哲學、中日佛教比較研究、近代佛教與思想。出版有專著《宋代華嚴思想研究》(宗教文化出版社,2008)、《日本佛教:自佛教傳入至二十世紀》(《世界佛教通史》全集第九卷,中國社會科學出版社,2015)、《華嚴法界觀門校釋研究》(宗教文化出版社,2016)。主編著作多種,如《中國佛教影像集成》(編著多卷本,商務印書館,2017)、《湯用彤眉批金陵本高僧傳》(線裝書局,2017)、《宗門教下——東亞佛教宗派研究》(宗教文化出版社,2019)、《兩岸國學名家十五講》(人民出版社,2020)、《日本愛知縣淨圓寺藏民國佛教稀見文獻》(15卷本,中國書店,2023)等,譯作末木文美士《日本思想史》(北京大學出版社,2022)。此外在《哲學研究》《世界宗教研究》《世界宗教文化》《宗教學研究》《中國哲學史》《文史》等海內外著名學術刊物以中文、日文和英文發表有學術論文六十餘篇。 |
25 | Wei WU 吴薇 (EmoryU 美國埃默里大學)![]() |
Wei WU is an assistant professor at the Department of Religion, Emory University. She received her Ph.D. in Religion from Princeton University in 2017. She received her master degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong in 2009. She is currently preparing a book manuscript Esoteric Buddhism in China: 1912-1949. This research examines the Chinese reception of Tibetan and Japanese esoteric Buddhism, and explores the ways in which Chinese individuals and groups engaged with the newly-translated esoteric Buddhist ideas and practices. The book project sheds light on cross-cultural and trans-regional religious transmission, specifically showing how the interaction between the various Buddhist traditions influenced the religious landscape of modern China. Her research interests range from cross-cultural religious exchange, to Buddhist modernity, to the interaction between religion and ecology.
吳薇是艾默里大學宗教系的助理教授。 她2009年獲香港大學佛學碩士學位, 2017年獲普林斯頓大學宗教學博士學位。她目前正在撰寫《密教在中國:1912-1949》一書。 本研究考察了藏傳密教和日本密教在民國期間的傳播,並探討了佛教個人與團體如何接受密教思想以及密教實踐的方式。 這項研究還探索了跨文化和跨地區的宗教傳播,具體展示了各種佛教傳統的互動如何影響到現代中國的宗教景觀。 她的研究興趣包括跨文化宗教交流、佛教現代性、宗教與生態。 |
26 | XING Kong 行空 (Buddhist Academy of China 中國佛學院)![]() |
行空,男,漢族。 1979年8月出生於安徽宿州,1997年10月於江西九江能仁寺出家。2001年9月就讀於閩南佛學院預科班;2003年9月就讀於中國佛學院本科班; 2007年9月就讀於中國佛學院碩士研究生班; 2010年9月於中國佛學院教研處從事佛學研究工作。 2013年10月榮膺江西九江能仁寺住持; 2015年4月當選中國佛教協會理事; 2018年7月當選九江市佛教協會會長; 2020年12月當選中國佛教協會常務理事; 2022年5月當選江西省佛教協會常務副會長; 2022年9月攻讀中國佛學院博士研究生。
XING Kong is a lecturer and a PhD student at China Buddhist Academy. He teaches Monastic Discipline and is engaged in research on the history, institution, discipline and rules of Buddhism. He has published more than 20 papers, including “Institutional Management in Buddhist Temples: Analysis of the Baizhang Qinggui Zhengyiji“, “A Brief Analysis of the Chixiu Baizhang Qinggui“, and “Research on the Buddhist Institution Constructed by Monk Xuyun”. He is also the author of Fahai zhenyuan, General Knowledge of Buddhism and other works.
27 | Jakub ZAMORSKI 孫亞柏 (JagiellonianU 波蘭雅蓋隆隆大學)![]() |
Jakub Zamorski is an assistant professor of East Asian Buddhism at the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. He researches and publishes on doctrinal and intellectual history of Pure Land Buddhism in early modern and modern China and Japan, on the reception of Buddhist logic and epistemology in East Asia and occasionally on other topics related to Chinese and Japanese Buddhist thought. He has contributed articles to e.g. Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, chapters in edited volumes and essays in encyclopaedias (e.g. Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism, forthcoming).
孫亞柏是波蘭克拉科夫雅蓋隆大學文明比較研究中心的助理教授。研究範圍包含近世、現代東亞淨土思想史、佛教邏輯和知識論(因明)在東亞的發展等與中日佛教思想相關問題。他曾在《Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies》、《Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies》等學術期刊發表過論文,也撰寫了書籍章節,百科全書(如即將出版的《Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism》)文章。 |
28 | ZHANG Wenliang 張文良 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
Wenliang ZHANG is a professor at the School of Philosophy at the Renmin University of China and a council member of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies. He obtained his PhD in Literature from the University of Tokyo in Japan. His primary study areas focus on Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism. His representative works include: “A Study of the Thought of Chengguan in Huayan Buddhism” (in Japanese), “A Critical Examination of Critical Buddhism (Hihan Bukkyō)”, “Contemporary Buddhism in Japan”, “A Study of Huayan Buddhism from the Perspective of East Asian Buddhism”, and “A Study of the History of Thoughts on the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana”. |
29 | ZHANG Xuesong 張雪松 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
ZHANG Xuesong is currently an Associate Professor at School of Philosophy at the Renmin University of China. He obtained a B.A in Philosophy (2002) and a M.Phil. in Religious Studies (2005) at Renmin University of China, and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies (2008) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His academic interest focuses on the history of Chinese Buddhism and Chinese local religion. His research mainly explores the organizations of Buddhist clergies and the interactions between Buddhism and local society in China. He has published four monographs, including A Study of Master Yin-guang in the Historical Progress of Modern Chinese Buddhism (2011), The History of Chinese Buddhism Before Tang Dynasty (2013), The History of Chinese Buddhism in Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (2014), and Buddhist Dharma Lineage: the Model of Religious Organizations in China (2015). |
30 | ZHANG Jia 張佳 (SoutheastU 東南大學)![]() |
Jia ZHANG is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies in the Southeast University of China. She studied religious studies in Renmin University of China since 2004 and attained BA in 2008, MPhil in 2011. Then she finished Doctoral study in the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014. She has been engaged in research projects related to Chinese Buddhism in modern times esp. lay Buddhism. She published several related writings such as (1)“Lay Buddhist Communities in Modern China: A Study of the World Lay Buddhist Association in Shanghai” (MPhil thesis, 2011), (2) “The Religious Lives of Shanghai’s Lay Buddhist Business Elites and the Modernization of Chinese Buddhism: A Case Study of Wang Yiting (1867-1938)” (PhD thesis, 2015), (3) “Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China: Social Engagements and Political Regulations” (with Prof. JI Zhe, in the China Review, vol.4, 2018).
張佳,中國人民大學宗教學學士、碩士,香港中文大學宗教學博士,法國國國家科研中心(CNRS,GSRL)訪問學人(2013-14)。現為東南大學人文學院副教授。主要研究興趣為現代中國佛教、居士佛教和佛教口述史。代表作品有《上海紳商居士的宗教生活與佛教現代化轉型——以王一亭(1867-1938)為個案》(博士論文,2015)、「Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China: Social Engagements and Political Regulations」(與汲喆教授合著,in The China Review, 2018,Vol.18 No.4)。主持完成國家社科青年項目「全球化視域下的近代中國居士佛教運動研究」(2017- )。 |
31 | ZHEN Guan 振冠 (International Center of Chinese Buddhist Culture and Education 美國漢傳佛教國際文教中心 (美國加州)![]() |
Venerable GUAN ZHEN is the general secretary and the director for lay ordination in the US to International Center of Chinese Buddhist Culture and Education. He completed his BA in Buddhist Studies from the Buddhist Academy of China in Beijing, MA in Master of Divinity in Buddhist Chaplaincy from University of the West in Los Angeles, MA in Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University in the City of New York, and PhD in Religious Studies from Renmin University of China in Beijing.
振冠法師,美國漢傳佛教國際文教中心秘書,負責在家佛教宗教師受戒認證項目。法師本科畢業於北京中國佛學院,碩士畢業於洛杉磯西來大學佛教宗教師繫以及紐約哥倫比亞大學社工學院,博士畢業於中國人民大學哲學院。 |