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1 | Martin Adam, University of Victoria 阿馬丁, 加拿大維多利亞大學 |
Martin Adam is Associate Professor in Religion, Society and Culture Program at the University of Victoria. His articles have appeared in numerous academic journals including the Journal of Buddhist Ethics, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, and the Journal of the American Academy of Religion. He is also the playwright and producer of the rock opera What the Buddha Never Taught (2022). |
2 | T. H. Barrett, SOAS, University of London 巴瑞特, 英國倫敦大學亞非學院 ![]() |
Tim H. Barrett is Emeritus Professor of East Asian History at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He studied Chinese at Cambridge and Buddhist Studies at Yale, and spent much of his career publishing on the history of the religious traditions of East Asia, primarily with regard to China. His books include Li Ao: Buddhist, Taoist, or Neo-Confucian? (1992), Taoism Under the T’ang (1996), The Woman Who Discovered Printing (2008), and From Religious Ideology to Political Expediency in Early Printing (2012).
巴瑞特,倫敦大學亞非學院東亞歷史榮休教授。曾在劍橋大學攻讀中文,並在耶魯大學研習佛學。大部分職業生涯致力於發表有關東亞宗教傳統歷史的著作,尤其是中國。他的著作包括《李翱:佛教徒、道教徒,還是新儒家?》(1992)、《唐代道教》(1996)、《發現印刷術的女人》(2008)以及《從宗教意識形態到政治權宜之計:早期印刷之探究》(2012)。 |
3 | Jinhua Chen, University of British Columbia 陳金華, 英屬哥倫比亞大學 ![]() |
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen has published six monographs, edited and co-edited over forty books, and authored nearly one hundred book chapters and journal articles.
加拿大皇家學會院士、英屬哥倫比亞大學東亞思想史講座教授,曾任加拿大國立東亞佛教講座教授(CRC)多年。研究領域涉及東亞政教關係,中古時期僧傳(聖傳)文學,佛教聖地,舍利崇拜,佛教與技術革新,以及佛教翻譯等領域。研究成果包括:已出版七部專著,合編論文集四十餘本,發表期刊論文與合著書章節近百篇。這些成果曾獲眾多基金和獎項,包括日本學術振興會、加拿大國家社科基金和 Peter Wall 高級研究院、德國洪堡基金會和馬普研究所以及美國人文研究中心等機構的研究基金。目前領導一項為期多年的旨在重新建構佛學與東亞宗教重要面向的國際性與跨學科的龐大項目,由加拿大政府資助並得到國際上諸多名校與基金會的支持。 |
4 | Zhiyuan Chen, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 陳志遠, 中國社會科學院 ![]() |
Zhiyuan Chen, born in 1983, is currently the associate researcher of the Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D. in History from the Department of History, Peking University, and has conducted short-term visit at Kyoto University in Japan and Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan. His research focuses on the history of Buddhism in the Six Dynasties period, Buddhist literature in medieval China, and the interaction between Confucianism and Buddhism. Recently, he is working on topics such as the idea of eschatology, relic worship, and epigraphical inscriptions. He has published a monograph entitled Studies on the History of Buddhism in the Six Dynasties, and some 20 journal articles. |
5 | Christopher Reed Coggins, Bard College of Simon’s Rock![]() |
Chris Coggins is professor of Geography and Asian Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock (Open Society University Network). He is the co-editor and co-author (with Bixia Chen) of Sacred Forests of Asia: Spiritual Ecology and the Politics of Nature Conservation (Routledge/Earthscan, 2022), and the co-author/co-editor (with Emily Yeh) of Mapping Shangrila: Contested Landscapes of the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands (University of Washington, 2014). He is the author of The Tiger and the Pangolin: Nature, Culture, and Conservation in China (University of Hawaii Press, 2003) (runner-up for the 2003 Julian Steward Award for best book in environmental/ecological anthropology and nominated for the Kiriyama Prize in non-fiction. He has published numerous refereed articles and chapters in geography, environment, and Asia-related books and journals. In 2019, he was selected to serve as one of fourteen scholars in Asian Studies on the ASIANetwork Speakers Bureau. He is currently co-authoring/co-editing The SAGE Handbook of China’s Environment(with Yifei Li) and Fengshuilin: Village Fengshui Forests and Ecological Transformation in Southern China (with Bixia Chen, Jesse Minor, and Ian M. Miller). |
6 | Jun Gong, Sun Yat-sen University 龔雋, 中山大學 ![]() |
GONG Jun, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University, Director of the Center for Buddhist Studies in the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University, Deputy Director of the Oriental Philosophy Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Foreign Philosophy, Member of the Religion Committee of the Evaluation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Honorary Fellow of the Center for Human Buddhism Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013-2015), Corresponding Researcher of Buddhist Research Center, Fo Guang University (2014-2015), academic editorial board member of New Historiography (Zhonghua Book Company), editor-in-chief of Chinese Buddhism Review (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House), editorial board member of Human Buddhism Studies (Chinese University of Hong Kong), and editorial board member of Humanistic Religion Studies (sponsored by the Institute of Religious Culture, Peking University). He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of the history of Chinese Buddhist thought and the history of Chinese philosophy. His main research works include: 1. Modern Buddhist History as “Knowledge”: Discussion on the History of Knowledge from the perspective of East Asia (co-authored with Professor Chen Jidong); 2. Introduction to Zen Studies in China (co-authored with Professor Chen Jidong); 3. The Exploring esoteric principles of Zen History: A Problem-centered Treatise on the History of Thought; 4. Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism (translated). He has published more than 40 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, such as Philosophical Studies, World Religion Studies, History of Chinese Philosophy, Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies of Taiwan University, and International Zen Studies (sponsored by Toyo University, Japan). |
7 | Jianming He, Renmin University of China 何建明, 中國人民大學 ![]() |
Dr. HE Jianming is a scholar and professor known for his expertise in the field of Chinese religion and philosophy. He started his academic career in 1989 when he joined Huazhong Normal University. He obtained his Ph.D. in History in 1997, and in 1999 he was promoted to the position of professor and appointed in 2001 as a doctoral supervisor. In September 2003, he began working at the School of Philosophy and the Institute of Buddhism and Religious Studies at Renmin University, which is a Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education of China. He was selected for the New Century Talents Program of the Ministry of Education in 2006. Since 2017, he has been serving as a distinguished professor under the “Outstanding Talents Program” at Renmin University. Starting in 2020, he has taken on the role of Vice President and Executive Director of the National Laozi Daoist Culture Research Association. He has published several academic monographs, including: The Historical Turning of Taoist Thought (道家思想的歷史轉折, 1997), The Adaptation of Buddhist Concepts in Modern Times (佛法觀念的近代調適, 1998), Buddhism in Macao: A History of the Relationship between Buddhist Cultures in Macao and in the Mainland in the Last Hundred Years (澳門佛教——近百年澳門與內地佛教文化關係史, 1999), Historical Disquisitions of Buddhist Thoughts in the Late Qing and Republic of China (晚清民國佛教思想史論, 2001), Philosophical and Religious Daoism in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐道家與道教, co-author, 2004, 2011), Humanistic Buddhism and Modern Buddhism in Hong Kong and Macau (人間佛教與現代港澳佛教, 2006), A Study of Chen Zhixu’s Learning (陳致虛學案, 2011), Studies on the History of Religious Culture in Modern China (近代中國宗教文化史研究, 2015). |
8 | He Yongshan, University of Winnipeg 何泳杉, 加拿大溫尼伯大學 ![]() |
Yongshan He is an Assistant Professor of Religion and Culture at the University of Winnipeg. Her research focuses on Chinese religions, with particular interests in exploring the intersection among religion, emotion and visual culture, as well as developing methodologies to access the embodied experience of a wider population in the past beyond the educated elites through epigraphical and visual sources. She is currently preparing her first monograph based upon her dissertation “Making Faces for Buddha: Affect, Statue and State in Early Medieval China (400-600)”, in which she adopts an affective semiotic framework to examine the meanings generated by Buddhist image-making on three levels: visual-affective, linguistic-emotional, and socio-political. |
9 | Ramesha Jayaneththi, Ruhr University of Bochum 賈妍,德國波鴻大學 ![]() |
Dr. Ramesha Jayaneththi works as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Social Movements at Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany where she also obtained her Doctoral degree. Her main research themes include Buddhist philosophy, nationalism, identity politics, conflict studies, and historiography. With these themes, she has made numerous publications and participated in various international conferences in China, USA, Germany, Thailand, Vietnam and South Asia. She also worked as a research assistant in the Bloomsbury Historiography Project in London. Ramesha served as a lecturer at the Department of History, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. After completing her BA Hons in Modern History at Peradeniya, she also pursued a Research Master’s Degree in Modern Indian Studies at CeMIS, University of Goettingen, Germany. As part of the MA program, she has studied for one semester at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in India. Ramesha has also obtained an MPhil degree in History from the University of Peradeniya.
賈妍博士在德國波鴻大學社會運動研究所擔任博士後研究員,並獲得博士學位。她的主要研究主題包括佛教哲學、民族主義、身份政治、衝突研究和史學。圍繞這些主題,她發表了大量出版物,並參加了在中國、美國、德國、泰國、越南和南亞的各種國際會議。她還曾在倫敦的布魯姆斯伯里史學項目擔任研究助理。賈妍博士曾擔任斯里蘭卡佩拉德尼亞大學歷史系講師。在佩拉德尼亞獲得現代史榮譽學士學位後,她還在德國哥廷根大學CeMIS 攻讀了現代印度研究研究碩士學位。作為碩士課程的一部分,她在印度賈瓦哈拉爾尼赫魯大學歷史研究中心學習了一個學期。 賈妍博士還獲得了佩拉德尼亞大學歷史學碩士學位。 |
10 | Jin JR Shi, Dharma Realm Buddhist University 美國法界佛教大學 ![]() |
Jin Jr Shi, Professor, Dharma Realm Buddhist University at the City of 10,000 Buddhas, received her MA inCurriculum & Instruction from Stanford University and EdD in Curriculum & Instruction from Teachers College Columbia University. Her research interest is connecting Buddhist texts with curriculum scholarship as a Buddhist hermeneutics of practice. Her recent exploration engages the Buddhist awakening, essential nature as embodied teaching, learning, and scholarship. She is committed to expanding Buddhist-inspired curriculum for contemporary education. |
11 | Carsten Krause, University of Hamburg 康易清, 德國漢堡大學 ![]() |
Carsten Krause has specialized in the past and present of Chinese Buddhism since the early 1990s. From 1991 to 2001, he studied in Passau, Nanjing (南京大學), Hamburg, Chia-yi (南華大學), and then Hamburg again, with the support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. He completed his PhD with a dissertation about Buddhism in medieval China. During the past twenty years, Carsten Krause further expanded his research on Buddhism in contemporary China. Since 2017 he has been affiliated as Research Fellow to the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at Hamburg University. In the recent years, Carsten Krause initiated a symposium on “Challenges for the Revival and Future Development of Chan-Buddhist Monasteries in China” (2015), and a lecture series about “Comparative Studies on Buddhism in Taiwan and Mainland China” (2019), as well as an international workshop entitled “When a New Generation Comes up: Buddhist Leadership and Lay People in Contemporary China” (2020), with the results published in a supplement to the Journal of the Oxford Center for Buddhist Studies. Finally, in 2023 Carsten Krause organized a symposium on “Perspectives of Digital Humanities in the Field of Buddhist Studies”, and a workshop on “Buddhist Concepts and Phrases in Contemporary China” (publication forthcoming). Since 2022, he is working on the DFG-funded project about “Humanistic Buddhism (人間佛教) in the People’s Republic of China. On that topic, he also published an article 2019 titled as “Changing Functions of renjian fojiao 人间佛教 in Mainland China”.
康易清(Carsten Krause)自20世紀90年代初以來專注於中國佛教的歷史與現狀。1991年至2001年間,在德國學術獎學金基金會(獎學金)的支持下,他先後赴帕紹、南京(南京大學)、漢堡、嘉義(南華大學)、漢堡學習。他以一篇關於中世紀(南北朝)中國佛教的論文完成了博士學位。近二十年來,康易清進一步拓展了他對當代中國佛教的研究。自2017年起,他作為研究員加入了漢堡大學沼田佛學研究中心。近年來,康易清在漢堡大學發起了“中國禪宗佛教寺院復興與未來發展的挑戰”研討會(2015年)、“海峽兩岸佛教比較研究”系列講座(2019年),以及題為“新一代崛起時:中國當代佛教領袖與居士”的國際研討會(2020年),其成果發表在了《Journal of the Oxford Center for Buddhist Studies》副刊中。最後,康易清於2023年在漢堡大學組織了關於“佛教研究領域的數字人文視角”的國際研討會,以及“當代中國的佛教觀念和口號”國際研討會(即將出版)。自2022年以來,他一直從事由德國科學基金會資助的“中華人民共和國人間佛教”項目。就此課題,他還在2019年發表了一篇題為《人間佛教在中國大陸的功能轉變》的文章。 |
12 | Lin Xiao, Fujian Normal University 林嘯, 建師範大學 ![]() |
Lin Xiao holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and completed postdoctoral research in Religious Studies. He was also a jointly-supervised doctoral student at Yale University. He is currently an Associate Professor and Master’s Supervisor in the Department of Ancient Chinese Literature at the College of Literature, Fujian Normal University. Dr. Lin is recognized as a Fujian Province High-Level Talent (Category B). He also serves as a Special Researcher at the Fujian Research Institute of Minnan-Taiwan History and Culture, and a Distinguished Researcher at the Fujian Research Center for Minnan-Taiwan and Folk Beliefs. He has published more than forty articles in domestic and international academic journals and conferences. His primary research interests include: Early Chan Sutras and Meditative Thought, Medieval Buddhist Exegesis, Pure Land Thought, Folk Beliefs, and Southeast Asian Religions. |
13 | Liu Yongsi, Minzu University of China 劉泳斯, 中央民族大學 ![]() |
LIU Yongsi is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Minzu University of China. She received her Ph.D. in Religious Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. She specializes in the history of modern Chinese religions and is particularly interested in issues of local religious history and practice. She is the author of Modern Transformation of Local Religion in Northeast Guangxi. Her current research includes a long term project on the history of the confluence of Buddhism and Popular Religion in China.
劉泳斯,女,香港中文大學博士,現為中央民族大學哲學與宗教學學院講師。主要研究方向為中國近現代宗教史、民間宗教。出版學術專著《桂東北民間信仰的近現代變遷》,在《中國人民大學復印報刊資料·宗教》、《世界宗教文化》、《中國文化研究》、《中央民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》、《中國宗教》、《文化縱橫》、《民俗與文化(台灣)》等學術刊物上發表學術論文,並在《中國社會科學報》、《中國民族報·宗教週刊》上發表多篇學術文章。 |
14 | Sumit Kumar Pathak, Central University of South Bihar![]() |
Dr. Sumit Kumar Pathak is a distinguished academic who serves as a faculty member in the Department of Political Studies, School of Social Sciences and Policy, at the Central University of South Bihar, located in Gaya, Bihar (India). His primary areas of interest include Political Theory, Political Philosophy, South Asia and Global Politics. With a focus on critically engaging with foundational ideas and contemporary debates, Dr. Pathak’s work bridges theoretical perspectives with the complex realities of South Asia. He is particularly known for his contributions to understanding the interplay between indigenous knowledge systems and global political thought, and his teaching reflects a commitment to fostering critical and interdisciplinary approaches to political inquiry. |
15 | Changchun Pei, Shandong Normal University 裴長春, 山東師範大學 ![]() |
Before becoming an associate professor at the School of History and Culture, Shandong Normal University, she had served as a special assistant professor, visiting lecturer, and visiting researcher at Hiroshima University and Hanazono University in Japan. She graduated from Hiroshima University with a doctoral degree. Her main research areas include Dunhuang Studies, East Asian Buddhist rituals, and East Asian Buddhist history. Has published over ten academic papers in journals such as Studies in World Religions 世界宗教研究, The Western Regions Studies 西域研究, Journal of the 3-9th Century Chinese History 魏晉南北朝隋唐史資料, Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度學佛教學研究, and Religions. |
16 | Chee Teng Saik, Hsuan Chuang University![]() |
SAIK CHEE TENG(釋光持),馬來西亞籍,中國人民大學哲學博士。現任臺灣玄奘大學社會科學院助理教授、韓國東國大學東亞海洋文明與宗教文化研究所客座研究員。研究領域包括:海外華人移民宗教、亞洲宗教比較、東南亞多元佛教、海峽兩岸三地暨東南亞地區佛教青年運動、佛教社團組織管理、當代佛教與社會、口述歷史。2023至2024年間,連續两年榮獲玄奘大學頒發「教師教學核心能力獎」、2023至2024年連續两年獲得臺灣灣教育部推動「大學社會責任實踐基地」(USR Mini)申請計畫、目前正進行臺灣「國家科學及技術委員會」「東南亞區域研究計劃」。
SAIK CHEE TENG (Ven. Guang Chi) is a Malaysian scholar and a Ph.D. graduate in Philosophy from Renmin University of China. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the College of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University. He was a Visiting Researcher at the East Asian Maritime Civilization and Religious Culture Research Institute, Dongguk University, South Korea. She has published on overseas Chinese immigrant religions, comparative studies of Asian religions, the diversity of Southeast Asian Buddhism, Buddhist youth movements across Greater China and Southeast Asia, Buddhist organizational management, contemporary Buddhism and society, and oral history. From 2023 to 2024, she received the “Core Teaching Competency Award for Faculty” from Hsuan Chuang University. |
17 | Rolf Scheuermann, University of Heidelberg![]() |
Rolf Scheuermann is a research area coordinator at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS), Heidelberg University. He obtained a doctorate in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies from the University of Vienna and previously worked as a research coordinator at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities “Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe” as well as a substitute of the Junior Professor of Central Asian Studies at the University of Leipzig. Previous publications focussed on the early Tibetan bKa’ brgyud tradition, Tibetan strategies for coping with the future, the Jo nang tradition’s gZhan stong-Madhyamaka philosophy, the translation of Buddhist canonical works, and Tibetan eschatology. |
18 | Dagmar Schwerk, Leipzig University 美國萊比錫大學 ![]() |
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schwerk is a scholar in Tibetan and Bhutanese Studies and Professor of Tibetology (with TT) at Leipzig University at the Institute for South and Central Asian Studies. At the moment, she is working on a book about identity and nation-building processes in Bhutan, a country globally well-known for its Buddhism-induced sustainable development model of Gross National Happiness (GNH). She received an M.A. in Tibetology, Classical Indology, and Political Science (2012) and a Ph.D. in Tibetology, both from Hamburg University, Germany (2017). Apart from Germany, she has studied, researched, and taught in Bhutan, India, Canada, and the UK. Before returning to Leipzig in 2022, she held a four-year teaching and research fellowship from the Khyentse Foundation at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. From 2022-2024, she worked as a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Religion at Leipzig University, Germany. |
19 | Sheng Kai, Tsinghua University 聖凱, 清華大學 ![]() |
聖凱,1972 年生。現為清華大學道德與宗教研究院副院長、哲學系副主任、教授、博士研究生導師、國家社科基金重大專案“漢傳佛教僧眾社會生活史”首席專家、中國佛教文化研究所副所長、《佛學研究》主編。研究領域為南北朝佛教學派、儒佛道三教關係、中國佛教社會吏、近現代佛教、佛教與西方哲學比較研究等。主要著作有《中國漢傳佛教禮儀》《中國佛教懺法研究》《攝論學派研究》《晉唐彌陀淨土的思想與信仰》《中國佛教信仰與生活史》《南北朝地論學派思想史》,與 A History of Chinese Buddhist Faith and Life 等。《攝論學派研究》曾獲全國優秀博士學位論文獎、第五屆教育部人文社科三等獎。
Ven. Dr. Sheng Kai is a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University, the Executive director of the Buddhist Association of China, and a Graduate Teacher of Buddhist Academy of Mount Putuo, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he was the Associate professor of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University. He studied in the Buddhist Academy of China, Nanjing University, attained MPhil (Nanjing University) in 2002, PhD (Nanjing University) in 2005, and finished Postdoctoral study in Tsinghua University in 2007. He is the author of following books: (1) The Buddhist Ritual of China, (2) Study on the Confessional Ritual of Chinese Buddhism, (3) The Buddhist Confessional Thought, (4) Study on the School of Mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra. He specializes in Buddhist Confession, Buddhist Pure Land Thought, Yogacara Buddhism and Tathagatagarbha Buddhism. |
20 | Sun Guozhu, China University of Political Science and Law 孫國柱, 中國政法大學 ![]() |
Guozhu Sun, associate professor in the Department of Philosophy, China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL). His research areas in include the phenomenon of “Zen escapism” in the transition period between Ming and Qing, Buddhist philosophy, contemporary construction of Chinese philosophy(symbiosis), Relationship between Three Religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism),etc. Since joining China University of Political Science and Law, he has published widely, through different journals including Buddhist Studies, Morality and Civilization, the Religious Cultures in the World, History of Chinese philosophy, Studies in World Religions, Confucius Studies and the Journal of Humanistic Religion,etc. He has leaded several teaching reform projects, including a municipal level project in Beijing, and Industry-University Cooperation and Collaborative Education Project granted by the Ministry of Education. He also presided 4 research projects, including a National Social Science Fund Project and a research project that initiated by the high-end think tank of the United Front affiliated to the Central Academy of Socialism.
孫國柱,江蘇豐縣人。哲學博士。現為中國政法大學人文學院哲學系副教授、碩士生導師。主要從事哲學、宗教學的教學科研工作。在教學上注重知識分類,提倡兩種素養(學科素養+文化素養);在科研上,注重文明類型的異同,主要研究三教關係(明清之際“逃禪”現象)、共生理論、文明對話。自從2016年以來,在《中國哲學史》《哲學動態》《中國高等教育》《道德與文明》《世界宗教研究》《世界宗教文化》《北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》《光明日報》等權威期刊報紙產出文章20余篇,部分文章受到《新華文摘》、人大復印資料、《高等學校文科學術文摘》轉載。獨立主持科研項目多項,其中校級2項,國家社科基金1項,中央社會主義學院統一戰線高端智庫2項;獨立主持教改3項,其中北京市級1項;獨立主持教育部產學合作協同育人項目1項。 |
21 | Hristina Konstantinova Teodosieva, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 喜河, 保加利亞 索非亞大學 ![]() |
Born in Sofia in 1992, Hristina Konstantinova Teodosieva is a Chief Assistant Professor of Chinese Culture and Language in the ‘South, East, Southeast Asian Studies’ major at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. In 2019, she obtained a PhD in Literary Theory from Sofia University with the dissertation topic: ‘Models of Identification in Literature’ focusing on Chinese and Bulgarian literature of 20th century. She has completed her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from the Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University. She also has a Master’s in Intercultural Communication and Translation in Chinese and Bulgarian languages, a two-year program jointly designed and run by Sofia University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. In 2018/19, she took a one-year Chinese language course at Xiamen University, China. She published her first book, ‘The Language of Taijiquan,’ in 2022. It presents key concepts and terms of Taijiquan and issues related to their translation into Bulgarian, English, and Russian and provides an account of the spread of Taijiquan in Bulgaria. She has also translated Volume 7 of the book series ‘Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture’ from Chinese to Bulgarian. She has 16 academic publications in different journals, including two in Russian, two in English, and one in Chinese (Three co-authored). Since 2016, she has presented at 15 academic conferences.
Hristina Konstantinova Teodosieva(喜河)1992年出生於索非亞,是索非亞大學古典與現代語言學院南亞、東亞、東南亞研究專業中國文化與語言學方向的助理教授。2019年,她獲得索非亞大學文學理論博士學位,論文題目為《文學中的認同模式》,研究方向為20世紀中國和保加利亞文學。她本科、碩士畢業於索非亞大學斯拉夫研究學院。此外,她還擁有“跨文化交際與中保語言翻譯”碩士學位,該學位由索非亞大學和北京外國語大學聯合設立並實施。2018至2019年間,她在中國廈門大學修讀了一年漢語課程。2022年,她出版了第一本著作《太極拳語言》。書中介紹了太極拳的關鍵概念和術語,探討了將其翻譯成保加利亞語、英語和俄語的相關問題,並介紹了太極拳在保加利亞的傳播情況。她的翻譯作品包括《中華思想文化術語》叢書中的第7卷。她在不同期刊上發表了16篇學術文章,其中兩篇為俄語,兩篇為英語,一篇為中文(三篇為合著)。自2016年以來,她已在15場學術會議上發表過學術報告。 |
22 | Tong Ling, Nanjing University 童嶺, 南京大學 ![]() |
童嶺(TONG Ling),1981年3月生,江蘇鎮江人。南京大學文學博士,日本京都大學文學部留學。現任:南京大學文學院教授、博士生導師、副院長(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Professor, Vice Dean);南京大學域外漢籍研究所研究員。兼任:中國魏晉南北朝史學會理事、江蘇省古代文學學會秘書長、江蘇省六朝史研究會副會長、「中國中古學術思想書系」主編。研究方向為:六朝隋唐時代的學術、思想與文學(Medieval Chinese Academic, Thought and literature);古代東亞史與域外漢籍研究(Ancient East Asian History and Oversea Chinese Classics)等。主要著作:
23 | Ala Uddin, University of Chittagong 孟加拉吉大港大學 ![]() |
Professor Dr. Muhammad ALA UDDIN is a faculty member of Anthropology at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. His scholarly pursuits are centered on the indigenous peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. His research portfolio is notably diverse, spanning critical domains such as the Rohingya refugee crisis, migration and diaspora, urban landscapes, health and culture, religious pluralism, social gerontology, and social forestry. Noteworthy is his prior tenure as a Fulbright scholar in 2014 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he conducted research on ‘Religious Pluralism and Public Presence’. Recently, Dr Uddin completed an ethnographic study on the complexities surrounding Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, as part of a collaborative JSPS-UGC research initiative from 2022 to 2024. His ongoing research endeavors encompass a spectrum of pressing societal issues, including the elucidation of the Rohingya’s plight, critical analysis of community health clinics, exploration of urban residents’ perceptions of non-human elements, and the exploration of smart city initiatives. |
24 | Dedong Wei, Renmin University of China 魏德東, 中國人民大學 |
WEI Dedong, Ph.D. of Chinese Philosophy, Professor of the School of Philosophy, Director of the International Center for Buddhist Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing. Dr. WEI is also the chairman of the Mind-Nature Care Committee of the China Life Care Association. Dr. WEI chiefly studies Buddhism and Sociology of Religion. He has published articles in the Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, and the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, among others. His books include The Essence of Buddhist Yogacara Philosophy (2001), three volumes of Dedong Review on Religion: Field Trip on World Religions, Desensitization for Religion, and Cultural Awakening of Religion (2015). He co-edited Sociology of Religion: A Rodney Stark Reader and Sociology of Religion: A David Martin Reader, published in Baylor University Press (2015). Dr. Wei was the P.I. of “Belief and Public Goods Supply in Rural China”, China’s National Natural Science Foundation (2002-2012), and the P.I. of “Chinese Religion Survey” project at Renmin University (2012-2021). He has been conducting projects “Religion and Hospice Care” in Renmin University since 2020, “English translation of Fang Litian’s Zhong Guo Fo Jiao Zhe Xue Yao Yi (Essentials of Chinese Buddhist Philosophy)” since 2022. |
25 | Chunhua Yan, Changsha Normal University 嚴春華, 長沙師範學院 ![]() |
Yan Chunhua, PhD, Associate Professor, graduated from Sichuan University with a Master’s degree in 2005, and from South China Normal University with a PhD degree in 2008. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Changsha Normal University and leads the National Social Science Fund project “Research on the Integration of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in Southern Yue during the Tang and Song Dynasties and the Generation of Regional Cultural Communities”; Two projects funded by the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education, namely “Research on the Spatial Spread of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty Based on Stele Literature” and “Research on the Relationship between Tang Dynasty Customs and Tang Dynasty Literary and Sports”, and two projects funded by the Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund of Hunan Province, namely “Research on Tang and Song Poetry Monks in Hunan Province Based on Cultural Geography”; Published over 20 papers in journals such as “Religious Studies Research” and “Journal of South China Normal University”, and authored a monograph titled “Research on the Relationship between Customs and Culture and Tang Dynasty Style” |
26 | Yuesong Zhang, Renmin University of China 張雪松, 中國人民大學 ![]() |
張雪松,1980年生,筆名雨山。香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系博士,教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地中國人民大學佛教與宗教學理論研究所副所長,北京大學佛教研究中心研究員。先後在中國台灣和大陸地區出版學術專著5部:《法雨靈岩:中國佛教現代化歷史進程中的印光法師研究》、《唐前中國佛教史論稿》、《漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教史(季羨林、湯一介主編“中華佛教史”第一卷)》、《佛教“法緣宗族”研究:中國宗教組織模式探析》、《有客西來 東漸華風:中國古代歐亞大陸移民及其後代的精神世界》。主要研究方向為:佛教哲學、中國宗教史、宗教治理。 |