Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations – Forum Schedule

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Day 日 1:August 30, 2024 | 2024年8月30日

Panel 場次 1
Keynote Speeches 主題演講 1-2
Chair 主持: Noga GANANY 高諾佳
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre
  1. T. H. BARRETT 巴瑞特 (SOAS, University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Tao and Zen in early Twentieth-century Britain | 20世紀早期英國的道與禪
  1. Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard CAMLab 哈佛大學): Ballard and Mandala | 巴拉德與曼荼羅——從現代歐洲到中古中國
18:30-20:00 Welcome Banquet 歡迎晚宴
First Court Dining Hall (By invitation only 需邀請)


Day 日 2:August 31, 2024 | 2024年8月31日

7:30-8:30 Breakfast 早餐
Ramsey Hall
Panel 場次 2
Opening Ceremony 開幕式(Chair 主持: Noga GANANY 高諾佳)
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre

  1. Review of the 2023 Inaugural Glorisun Annual Forum (video)
  1. Welcome Address from Professor Laura MORETTI, Head of the Department of East Asian Studies and Co-Chair of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Professor of University of Cambridge
    劍橋大學教授、東亞研究系主任、亞洲與中東研究學院共同院長 牟若諦博士 歡迎致詞
  1. Address from Dr. Charles YEUNG of the GS Charity Foundation (Presented by Professor Jinhua CHEN)
    旭日慈善基金楊釗博士 致詞陳金華教授代讀
  1. Address from Mr. Mikky HO, Director of China Britain Trust for the Promotion of Buddhist Studies
    中英佛學促進會主任何其華先生 致詞
  1. Address from Ven./Dr. Ru ZHAN, Professor of Peking University, Director of the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies (Presented by Mr. Mikky HO)
    北京大學教授、旭日全球佛學研究網絡主任湛如教授  致詞何其華先生代讀
  1. Address from Dr. Georgios T. HALKIAS, Professor of University of Hong Kong, on Behalf of the Hosting Institution of the Inaugural Glorisun Annual Forum
    香港大學賀祺雅教授代表首屆旭日論壇承辦方 致詞
  1. Address from Dr. Stephen TEISER, Professor of Princeton University
    美國普林斯頓大學太史文教授 致詞
  1. Address from Dr. Robert SHARF, Professor of University of California, Berkeley (video)
    美國加州大學柏克萊分校夏復教授 致詞錄影
9:50-10:00 Coffee Break 茶歇
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
I. When the Himalayas Encounter the Alps: The Past, Present and Future of Asia-Europe Buddhist and Other Religious Exchanges
Cripps Court Seminar Room 3
II. The Healer-King Curing the Three Poisons, while the Master Navigator Overcomes the Nine Misfortunes
Cripps Court Seminar Room 5
Panel 場次 3
I.3. Buddhism in Europe: Philosophical and Psychological Entanglement
Chair 主持: Georgios T. HALKIAS 賀祺雅; Discussant 評議: T.H. BARRETT 巴瑞特
II.3. Medicine That Merged Buddhism and Other Religions
Chair 主持: LU Lu 盧鷺; Discussant 評議: CHEN Ming 陳明
10:00-10:15 I.3.1. Rafal K. STEPIEN 司岱嵐 (Austrian Academy of Sciences 奧地利科學院): Buddhism and Philosophy in Europe | 佛教與哲學在歐洲 II.3.1. ZHANG Yuanyuan 張園園 (Ningxia University 寧夏大學): 傳統醫學與佛、道醫學的互滲:論“三尸”知識的形成與歷史演變(透過Zoom)| The interpenetration of traditional medicine with Buddhist and Taoist medicine: A study of the formation and historical evolution of the knowledge of “san shi chong” (via Zoom)
10:15-10:30 I.3.2. Agnieszka KOZYRA 羊安吉 (University of Warsaw 華沙大學): Dialogue of Buddhist and Christian Worldview in Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy | 西田幾多郎哲學中的佛耶世界觀的對話 II.3.2. H.S. SUM CHEUK SHING 岑卓成 (University of Chicago 芝加哥大學): Sinitic Buddhist Approaches for Anti-Aging, Life Extension, and Deathlessness (via Zoom) | 探討唐宋佛教的抗老、延年與長生不死實踐形式(透過Zoom)
10:30-10:45 I.3.3. Richard ELLGUTH 艾离澤 (Free University of Berlin 柏林自由大學): From Dharma Talk to Religious Sentiment: Chinese Buddhist Encounters with Religious Psychology, 1912-1949 | 從佛法開示到宗教情緒:中國佛教對宗教心理學的發現,1912~1949 II.3.3. LI Wei 李巍 (Henan University 河南大學): Cleaning, Healing and Offering: An Examination of the Ritual of Willow Twigs and Purified Water | 清潔、療疾與供養: 楊枝淨水咒儀研究
10:45-11:00 I.3.4. Berthe JANSEN 簡深博 (Leiden University 萊頓大學):When the Lowlands Met the Snowlands: A Dutch Theosophist (?) on Himalayan Buddhism | 低地與雪域的邂逅:一位荷蘭神智學家(?)對喜馬拉雅佛教的研究 II.3.4. LIU Qing 劉青 (Hirosaki University 日本弘前大學): 白隱禪師的健康法和佛道交涉 | Hakuin’s Health Methods and the Interactions between Buddhism and Taoism
11:00-11:15 I.3.5. Tenzin TSEPAK 澤柏軻 (Leiden University 萊頓大學): Faith at the Frontiers: Religious Conversion in Tibetan Autobiographies | 邊疆的信仰: 西藏自傳中的宗教歸化 II.3.5. GAO Xi 高晞 (Fudan University 復旦大學): 在基督教與佛教之間:黃春甫與黃涵之父子的醫學慈善活動——近人中國士人的醫療慈善理念探微 | Between Protestantism and Buddhism: The medical charity of Huang’s father- son—A thinking of the Chinese Elites idea of the medical charity in Modern China
11:15-11:30 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
11:30-12:00 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break 午餐
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 4
I.4. Buddhism’s Journey to the West, from Sea to Land, from Past to Present
Chair 主持: HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹; Discussant 評議: Nelson LANDRY 藍山
II.4. Medicine Master and Medical Tea
Chair 主持: Meir SHAHAR 夏維明; Discussant 評議: Pierce SALGUERO 薩毘爾
13:00-13:15 I.4.1. Georgios T. HALKIAS 賀祺雅 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學): Buddhism and its Hellenic Others: Representations of Transcultural Encounters | 佛教及其希臘他者: 跨文化交流的表現 II.4.1. Stephen TEISER 太史文 (Princeton University 普林斯頓大學): Minions of the Medicine Master Buddha: Healthcare Pantheons in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Practice | 藥師佛的下屬——中古中國佛教實踐中的醫療保健諸神
13:15-13:30 I.4.2. LIN Chia-Wei (Université de Lausanne 洛桑大學): The Buddha’s Journey to the West: The Textual Traditions of Barlaam and Josaphat from a Linguistic Perspective | 佛陀西遊記:貝爾拉姆與約瑟伐特的語言學脈絡 II.4.2. Briana BRIGHTLY 明辨拏 (Harvard University 哈佛大學): Painting the Pure Land, Picturing Materia-Medica: A Design Manual (bkod yig) for the Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land from Early-Modern Tibet | 畫出淨土,繪出本草——早期現代西藏藥師佛淨土設計指南
13:30-13:45 I.4.3. Alexandra KALOYANIDES 闞亞儷 (UNC Charlotte 北卡羅萊納大學夏洛特分校): Ferrying Buddhism | 傳渡佛教 II.4.3. Irene LOK 駱慧瑛 (University of Cambridge 劍橋大學): Healing the Mind: Expansion and Importance of the Medicine Buddha in Medieval China | 療癒身心:唐代敦煌藥師佛崇拜研究
13:45-14:00 I.4.4. JI Zhe 汲喆 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院): Research on Chinese Buddhism in France: Disciplinarization and Paradigms | 法國的漢傳佛教研究: 學科建設與研究典範 II.4.4. HU Enbo 虎恩博 (LMU München 慕尼黑大學): The Hidden “Medicine Buddha”: deciphering the Tibetan liturgy of building stūpa with the liturgy of Bhaiṣajyaguru | “隱藏”的藥師佛:以藥師儀軌解讀藏傳造塔儀軌
14:00-14:15 I.4.5. Amandine PÉRONNET 柏安庭 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院): Teaching Buddhist Studies in Post-Mao Chinese Buddhist Academies: Insights from the Chinese Educational Model and Its Engagement with the European Academic Tradition | 後毛時代中國大陸佛教學院的佛教研究教學:中國教育模式與歐洲學術傳統交互的啟示 II.4.5. YIN Zhao 印照 (Peking University Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art 北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心): 宋代佛門茶藥略探 | A Preliminary Investigation of Medical Tea in Song Dynasty Buddhism
14:15-14:30 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
14:30-15:00 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
15:00-15:10 Coffee Break 茶歇
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 5
I.5. Chan/Zen

Chair 主持: Berthe JANSEN 簡深博; Discussant 評議: Rafal K. STEPIEN 司岱嵐
II.5. “Medicocracy” and Medical Crazies
Chair 主持: Eviatar SHULMAN 舒爾曼; Discussant 評議: Stephen TEISER 太史文
15:10-15:25 I.5.1. Przemysław SKRZYŃSKI 史可然 (Jagiellonian University 雅蓋隆大學): Zen and the Art of Being a Buddhist (behind the Iron Curtain): Politics and the Process of shaping the identity of the first Polish Zen Buddhists | 鐵幕背後的禪與為僧之道:政治與首批波蘭禪宗佛教徒身份的塑造 II.5.1.WU Junqing 鄔雋卿 (Liverpool University 利物浦大學): Buddhism and Healing in the Southern Song Society | 南宋社會的佛教與療癒
15:25-15:40 I.5.2. Norihisa BABA 馬場 紀寿 (University of Tokyo 日本東京大學): A “Mahāyāna Buddhist” and the Pali Text Society: How Shaku Sōen Met Rhys Davids | 一位 “大乘佛教徒” 與巴利文學會:釋宗演如何結識瑞斯・戴維斯 II.5.2. ZHAI Yunyao 翟韻堯 (Harvard University 哈佛大學): Healing the Overlords: The Worship of Medicine Buddha in theYuan China (1279-1368) | 治癒霸主:元朝中國(1279-1368)對藥師佛的崇拜
15:40-15:55 I.5.3. Antoine CID 安西泰 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院): Letters and Networks: A Study of the Correspondence between Rev. Lopez and Su Manshu in the early 20th Century | 20世紀早期個體間的中西方交流—Rev Lopez與中國詩僧蘇曼殊的書信往來研究 II.5.3. Alexander SOGO 十河アレックス (Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學): Healing as Statecraft, Statecraft as Healing: Bureaucracy, Benevolent Rule, and Buddhist Healing in Ancient Japan (video) | 醫術即國術,國術即醫術——古代日本的官僚制度、仁政與佛教醫術(錄影
15:55-16:10 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
16:10-16:30 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
16:30-16:40 Coffee Break 茶歇
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 6
I.6. Buddhism-tied Eurasia
Chair 主持: Kyong-Kon KIM 金慶坤; Discussant 評議: Eugene WANG 汪悅進
II.6. Medicine, Medium and Miracles
Chair 主持: GAO Xi 高晞; Discussant 評議: ZHAI Yunyao 翟韻堯
16:40-16:55 I.6.1. ZHAN Ru 湛如 (Peking University 北京大學): 眾裏尋他千百度:佛教作為中歐文化紐帶的再發現及其歷史性意義 | “Searching Everywhere forYou”: The Rediscovery of Buddhism as a Cultural Link between China and Europe and Its Historical Significance II.6.1. Federico DIVINO 神斐德 (University of Antwerp 安特衛普大學): The Dawn of the Physician: A Buddhist Approach to the History of Medicine | 醫生的開端——從佛教角度看醫學史
16:55-17:10 I.6.2. LI Ling 李翎 (Sichuan University 四川大學): 製造佛像——早期佛像製造所反映的歐亞文化交流(錄影)| Buddha-image Making: The Cultural Exchange between Europe and Asia Reflected in the Buddha-image Manufacture of Early Period (video II.6.2. GAO Junling 高峻嶺 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學; co-authors: LEE George,WU Bonnie, SIK Hin Hung 合作者:李堅強、吳蕙茵、釋衍空;香港 大學佛學研究中心佛教實踐與諮商科 學實驗室): The Power of the Buddhist Mind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Reducing Suffering and Promoting Well-being in the Modern World | 佛教的心靈療癒力量:當下社會的拔苦難培福之跨學科視角考量
17:10-17:25 I.6.3.WANG Qian 王倩 (Zhengzhou University 鄭州大學): 歐亞視野下的北朝四臂神像探析 | An analysis of the four-armed deities in the Northern Dynasties from the perspective of Eurasia II.6.3.William A. McGRATH 麥威廉 (New York University 紐約大學): The Professional Ethics of Buddhist Medicine: Instituting the Bodhisattva Physician in Tibet | 佛教醫學的職業道德——在西藏建立菩薩醫師制度
17:25-17:40 I.6.4.WANG Jingbo 王晶波 (Hangzhou Normal University 杭州師範大學): 敦煌文獻與歐亞民間故事傳播 | Dunhuang Literature and the Dissemination of Folktales in Eurasia II.6.4. Eviatar SHULMAN 舒爾曼 (HUJI 耶路撒冷希伯來大學): Healing through letting go: On the maturation of a certain conception of Buddhist medicine in Indian Buddhism | 通過放下而獲得治愈:論印度佛教中一種特定佛教醫學概念的成熟
17:40-17:55 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
17:55-18:25 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
18:30–20:00 Dinner 晚餐
Ramsey Hall (By invitation only 需邀請)


Day 日 3:September 1, 2024 | 2024年9月1日

7:30-8:30 Breakfast 早餐
Ramsey Hall
Panel 場次 7
I.7. Rise of Buddhology in the Europe
Chair 主持: Agnieszka KOZYRA 羊安吉; Discussant 評議: Elizabeth J. HARRIS 海睿思
II.7. Application of Buddhist Medicine
Chair 主持: Andrew SKILTON 司啟敦; Discussant 評議:WU Junqing 鄔雋卿
8:30-8:45 I.7.1. LI Xuetao 李雪濤 (Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外國語大學): 諾伯爾(Johannes Nobel, 1887-1960)及其鳩摩羅什傳德文譯本(1927)研究(錄影)| A Study of Johannes Nobel (1887-1960) and His German Translation of Kumārajīva’s Biography (1927) (video) II.7.1.YI Dan 伊丹 (University of Tokyo 日本東京大學): Buddhism’s Imprint on Medical Narratives: Exploring the Intersection of Spirituality and Medicine in China and Japan through the Lens of the Face-Like Tumor | 佛教對醫學敘事的影響——以人面瘡為例探討中日佛 教與醫學的交融
8:45-9:00 I.7.2. Nelson LANDRY 藍山 (University of Hamburg 漢堡大學): The Miraculous in Buddhism:Western Misconceptions from “Original Buddhism” to the Übermensch | 佛教中的神異:從“原始佛教”到超人的西方誤解 II.7.2. Benedetta LOMI 羅冪 (University of Bristol 布里斯托大學): Nightmares and Premonitions: Healing Dreams in Medieval Japan | 噩夢與預感——中世紀日本的夢境治癒
9:00-9:15 I.7.3. Kyong-Kon KIM 金慶坤 (University of Strasbourg 斯特拉斯堡大學): Eugène Burnouf and Buddhist Studies in France in the Middle of the 19th Century | 歐仁·布爾諾夫(Eugène Burnouf)與19世紀中葉法國佛教研究 II.7.3. Mujeeb KHAN 闞穆寂 (University of Utah 猶他大學): Early Japan and the ‘Buddhist’: In Medicine or As Medicine? | 早期日本與“佛教” ——在醫學中還是作為藥物?
9:15-9:30 I.7.4. Matthew KING 王邁休 (UC Riverside 加州大學河濱分校): Unmaking ‘Buddhist Asia’ at the Margins: Writing: Anti-Field History Between Qing Inner Asia and the Orientalist Academy (video) | 在邊緣解構“佛教亞洲”:清朝內亞和東方學學院之間的反田野歷史書寫(錄影 II.7.4. LI Tiehua 李鐵華 (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 上海中醫藥大學): 民國時期佛教報刊中的醫藥衛生專欄 | Medical and Health Columns in Buddhist Periodicals during the Republic of China
9:30-9:45 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
9:45-10:15 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break 茶歇
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 8
I.8. Central Asia and Mid-east
中亞與中東 (1)
Chair 主持: Amandine PÉRONNET 柏安庭; Discussant 評議: LIN Chia-Wei 8.1, HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹 8.2, LIU Yi 劉屹 8.3
II.8. Meditation and Medicine
Chair 主持: Benedetta LOMI 羅冪; Discussant 評議: Alessandro POLETTO
10:30-10:45 I.8.1. HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹 (Fudan University 復旦大學):‘Buddha’ in Manichaean terminology, a comparative study on Middle Iranian and Chinese texts | 摩尼教術語中的“佛”——中古伊朗語和漢語文本的比較研究 II.8.1. LU Lu 盧鷺 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): Translating Medicine Across Cultures: The Divergent Strategies of An Shigao and Dharmarakṣa in Introducing Indian Medical Concepts to China | 醫方東被:安世高和竺法護譯介印度醫學術語的不同策略
10:45-11:00 I.8.2. ZHANG Xiaogui 張小貴 (Jinan University 暨南大學): 蘇魯支:祆教中文術語及其新證據(錄影) | Suluzhi (蘇魯支): A Chinese Zoroastrian term and its new evidence (video) II.8.2. MEI Ching Hsuan 梅靜軒 (Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts 法鼓文 理學院): Prioritizing Body Care Before Meditation | 禪修前的身體調養與準備——前現代的漢、藏佛教禪修指引
11:00-11:15 I.8.3. Jinhua CHEN 陳金華 (University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學): 于闐質子智儼/嚴生平再考 | Translator, Exegete, and Meditation Master: The Complicated Life of a Khotanese Hostage Prince in Tang China II.8.3. Stuart SARBACKER 薩跋軻 (Oregon State University 俄勒岡州立大學): On the Borderlands of Religion and Science: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Contemplative Traditions and Psychedelic Medicine | 宗教與科學的邊界——印藏佛教禪觀傳統與迷幻藥物
11:15-11:30 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
11:30-11:50 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break 午餐
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 9
I.9. Central Asia and Mid-east
中亞與中東 (2)
Chair 主持: Alexandra KALOYANIDES 闞亞儷; Discussant 評議: NI Nan 倪楠9.1; LIUYi 劉屹 9.2-3
II.9. Precepts and Prescriptions:Vinaya Buddhism and Medicine
Chair 主持: MEI Ching Hsuan 梅靜軒; Discussant 評議: LI Wei 李巍
13:00-13:15 I.9.1. LIU Yi 劉屹 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學): 釋《僧表傳》“罽賓路梗” | The Roads from Khotan to Gandhara: A Study Focused on the Biography of Sengbiao II.9.1. Andrew SKILTON 司啟敦 (University of Oxford 牛津大學):When threatened masculinity trumps pastoral care in the Theravāda vinaya: Calling the Buddha ‘queer’ in Pali | 當受到威脅的男性氣質勝過上座部戒律中的教職關 懷——巴利語指謂佛陀“斷袖”辨考
13:15-13:30 I.9.2. SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): 迦必試與中國中土佛教 | Kāpiśa and Buddhism in Medieval China II.9.2. Amy Paris LANGENBERG 朗艾秘 (Eckerd College 艾科特學院): Female Reproductive Health According to the Bhikṣuņī-Vinaya | 比丘尼戒律中的女性生殖健康
13:30-13:45 I.9.3. NI Nan 倪楠 (SOAS, University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Dreams of Health of Wealth: The Multi-Lingual Transmission of Amoghapāśa- Hṛdaya Dhāraṇī on the Margins of Middle-Period China | 中古中國及周邊地區不空羂索心陀羅尼文本流變管窺 II.9.3. Alessandro POLETTO 薄樂陀(Washington University in St. Louis 華盛頓大學 (聖路易斯)): Precepts, the nenbutsu and moxibustion: the toolkit of a Buddhist healer in medieval Japan | 戒律、念佛和艾灸——中世紀日本佛教治療師的工具包
13:45-14:00 Comment 評議 Comment 評議
14:00-14:20 Discussion 開放討論 Discussion 開放討論
14:20-14:30 Coffee Break 茶歇
Dennis Murphy Gallery (Cripps)
Panel 場次 10
Keynote Speeches 主題演講 3-5 (Chair 主持: JI Zhe 汲喆)
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre
  1. Elizabeth J. HARRIS 海睿思 (University of Birmingham 伯明翰大學): The Complexities of Orientalism: the case study of William Knighto | 東方主義的複雜之處:以威廉·奈頓(William Knighton)為例
  1. CHEN Ming 陳明 (Peking University 北京大學): 身為佛醫王?——耆婆圖像的跨文化想像 | As a Buddhist Vaidyaraja (Physician King)?: Imaginations of Jivaka’s Images across Asian Cultures
  1. Pierce SALGUERO 薩毘爾 (Penn State University’s Abington College 賓州州立大學阿賓頓分校): Buddhist Healing in the Lanna Region of Northern Thailand | 泰國北部蘭納地區的佛教療法
Panel 場次 11
Closing Ceremony 閉幕式 (Chair 主持: Jinhua CHEN 陳金華)
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre

  1. Address from Dr. Noga GANANY, Professor of University of Cambridge, on Behalf of the Host of the Second Glorisun Forum
    劍橋大學高諾佳教授代表本屆旭日論壇承辦方 致詞
  2. Address from Dr. Andrew SKILTON, Professor of the University of Oxford
    牛津大學司啟敦教授 致詞
  3. Address from Dr. Eugene WANG, Professor of Harvard University
    美國哈佛大學汪悅進教授 致詞
  4. Address from Dr. Eric GREENE, Professor of Yale University (video)
    美國耶魯大學葛利尹教授 致詞(錄影)
  5. Address from Dr. JI Zhe, Professor of Inalco, as Representative of the Hosting Institution of the Third annual Glorisun Forum
    法國國立東方語言與文明學院汲喆教授代表下一屆(第三屆)旭日年度論壇承辦方 致詞
  6. Concluding Remarks from Dr. Jinhua CHEN, Professor of The University of British Columbia
    加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學陳金華教授 總結發言
18:30-20:00 Farewell Dinner 送別宴會
Venue TBC 場所待定 (By invitation only 需邀請)


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