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Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 3.2 (2020): 248–257;
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Buddhism and Technology, and Epigraphy)

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The Spread of Civilization along the Book Road: WANG Yong’s Dongya wenhua huanliu shijiang 東亞文化環流十講 [Ten Lectures on East Asian Cultural Circulation]

JIN Yongzhen 金鏞鎮
Shanghai International Studies University

Wang Yong 王勇. Dongya wenhua huanliu shijiang 東亞文化環流十講 [Ten Lectures on East Asian Cultural Circulation]. Shanghai: Shanghai jiaotong daxue chubanshe 上海交通大學出版社, 2018. 271 pages. 311,000 words, 117 illustrations, 3 tables, preface, bibliography, postscript. Hardcover, RMB 78.00, ISBN 978-7-313-20010-5/K

Based on the concept of ‘taking the Chinese culture as the origin, the coexistence of civilization as the philosophy, and the comparative studies as the method’, the book, Dongya wenhua huanliu shijiang 東亞文化環流十講 [Ten Lectures on East Asian Cultural Circulation], adopts an original perspective, dotted with abundant historical materials, narrating the trails of the origin, inheritance, dissemination, variation, fusion, and regeneration of east Asian culture.

This book gives a broad view of east Asian countries and forms the cultural transmission routes of China, the Joseon peninsula and the Japanese islands. On this basis, it also discusses south Asia, such as Vietnam, and west Asia covered by the silk road. From art, kinship, race, ancient books, Chinese literature, Buddhism and other cultural forms in a general sense, to the various elements of cultural images and written conversation circulating in east Asia, this paper conducts multi-dimensional textual research from different perspectives and entry points.


About the Author: JIN Yongzhen is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for Japanese Culture Studies at the University of Zhejiang. His research is primarily focused on the cultural communication between major East Asian countries (China, Japan and Korea) during the medieval period.


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