Production and Distribution of Buddhist and Other Religious Texts in Chinese Societies – Panelists

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1 Katherine Alexander, University of Colorado in Boulder
亞天恩, 美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校
2 Marcus Bingenheimer, University of Temple
馬德偉, 美國天普大學
Marcus Bingenheimer is Associate Professor of Religion at Temple University. His main research interests are early Buddhist sūtra literature, the history and historiography of Buddhism in East Asia, and how to apply computational methods in the Humanities. He has published a handful of books, more than 60 articles, and is responsible for the creation of various digital resources for Buddhist Studies.

馬德偉(Marcus Bingenheimer)現為美國費城天普大學宗教系副教授。主要的研究領域為東亞佛教史,佛教史學,早期佛教經典與如何在人文學科中應用計算方法。著作包括6本專書與60多篇論文,另有各種佛學數字資源。

3 Cao Xinyu, Renmin University of China


4 Philip Clart, Leipzig University
柯若樸, 德國萊比錫大學
5 Yingjin Chen, Beijing Language and Culture University
陳映錦, 北京語言大學

陳映錦 文學博士,北京語言大學一帶一路助理研究員,碩士生導師,主要研究方向:佛教戒律文獻、佛教文學、敦煌學。

Yingjin Chen, Ph.D., is an Assistant Research Fellow of the Belt and Road initiative of Beijing Language and Culture University, and is a Master tutor. Her main research direction is the study of Buddhist discipline literature, Buddhist literature, and Dunhuang studies.

6 Deng Shengtao, Tsinghua University
鄧盛濤, 清華大學

Deng Shengtao gained his Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from the National University of Singapore and is currently a Shuimu Post-doctoral fellow in Chinese philosophy and religion at Tsinghua University. His research interests include Chinese Buddhist philosophy, Intellectual and Social History of Chinese Buddhism, Tang-song Neo-Confucianism, Cross-fertilization among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in medieval China. His studies have been published in Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Research of BuddhismPhilosophical Review, Religion Studies. His current book investigates the transformation of human nature thought during the Tang-Song transition, analyzing it through the framework of Confucian-Buddhist interactions.

7 Ryan Dunch, University of Alberta
8 Noga Ganany, University of Cambridge
高諾佳, 英國劍橋大學
Noga Ganany is an Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. Her main research interests are Chinese cultural history, religious practice in China, premodern Chinese literature, print culture and history of the book, travel and pilgrimage, and popular culture. Her current book project, Origin Narratives: Hagiographic Literature and Religious Practice in Ming China, examines the role of commercial publishing in propagating cultic reverence of saints, gods, and immortals among lay readers. Her second book project focuses on King Yama and Chinese conceptions of the afterlife. She is also currently working on a project on the fifteenth-century illustrated hagiography of the Buddha, Shishi yuanliu 釋氏源流. Her recent publications include “Religion in Ming Literature” (forthcoming), “Writing and Worship in Deng Zhimo’s Saints Trilogy” (Religions 2022), and “Journeys Through the Netherworld in Late Ming Hagiographic Narratives” (Late Imperial China, 2021). Dr Ganany is a board member of the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions (SSCR) and a board member of the Society for Ming Studies.
9 Vincent Goossaert, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
高萬桑, 法國高等研究實踐學院
Vincent Goossaert obtained his PhD at EPHE, Paris (Ecole pratique des hautes études, 1997), was a research fellow at CNRS (1998–2012) and is now Professor of Daoism and Chinese religions at EPHE, PSL; he has served as dean of its graduate school (2014–2018). He has been Visiting Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Geneva University, and Renmin University. His research deals with the social history of Chinese religion in late imperial and modern times. He is co-editor of T’oung Pao, a leading journal in sinology established in 1890.

高萬桑,1997年在法國高等研究實踐學院(EPHE)獲得宗教學博士學位,博士論文題為《近代道教的建立—全真道》;次年成為法國國家科研中心專職研究員; 2012年,升任EPHE宗教學系道教史教授。 2017年擔任《通報》共同主編。

10 Hu Jiechen, Fudan University
胡劼辰, 復旦大學
11 Lan Yangyang, École pratique des hautes études [EPHE]

12 Can Li, Beijing Foreign Studies University
李燦, 北京外國語大學

李燦 北京外國語大學亞洲學院梵語巴利語教研室,副教授。博士畢業於北京大學南亞學系梵語巴利語專業。主要研究方向:梵語巴利語佛典、初期大乘佛教史、中國佛典翻譯史、佛教儀式文獻。

LI Can is an Associate Professor of Sanskrit and Pali Literature in the School of Asian Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He obtained his PhD from the Department of School of Foreign Languages of Peking University. Dr. LI specializes in early Mahāyāna Buddhism, History of Chinese Buddhist Translations, and Buddhist liturgical texts.

13 Wei Li, Suzhou University
李薇, 蘇州大學

Dr. Li Wei serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Suzhou University. She received her PhD in Buddhism and literature from Hanazono University, Japan in 2018. She specializes in Vinayapitakas and Abhidharma of Buddhist. Major publications: “Is the Explanation of yathārūpeṇādinnādānena in the Mahāsāṃghika-vinaya a Later Insertion” “A New Study of the Approaches to Vinaya: From the Case of Mahāmoggallāna’s Hearing the Sound of Elephants in Dhyāna” etc. She is the leader of the research projects of the social science and humanity on Young Fund of the ministry of Education etc.

14 Yang Luo, Arizona State University
羅洋, 美國阿利桑那州立大學

15 Ching Hsuan Mei, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
梅靜軒, 法鼓文理學院
Associate Professor in the Department of Buddhist Studies at Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, specializing in the study of Tibetan Buddhism, with a focus on history and culture. Over the years, she has directed several projects related to Buddhist mind-body healing, including the ongoing “Dharma Healing Database: Buddhist Medical Documentation Database Research and Construction” project. Her recent research interests encompass Buddhist body concepts, Buddhist medical treatment, Sino-Tibetan Buddhist exchanges and dialogues, among others. She is the author of “In Between Spiritual Cultivation and Healing: Preliminary Studies on the Healing Practices of Chinese Buddhism from the Six Dynasties to the Tang,” “Longevity, Healing and Liberation in Treasure Literature of the rNying ma School in Tibet,” “Textual Analysis of Dunhuang Manuscripts: the five-spicy taboo,” and various journal articles. Her monograph, The Healing Methods of Chinese Buddhism, is published in 2022.


16 Mori Yuria, Waseda University
森 由利亜, 日本早稲田大学
17 Gregory Scott, University of Manchester
史瑞戈, 英國曼徹斯特大學
18 Shiga Ichiko, Ibaraki Christian University
志賀市子, 日本茨城キリスト教大学
19 Chuah Meng (Esmond) Soh, University of Cambridge
苏泉铭, 英国剑桥大学
20 Jie Wang, University of Cambridge
21 Junqi Wang, Renmin University of China
王俊琪, 中國人民大學

Junqi Wang has a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Philosophy and the Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory at Renmin University of China. His research interests include Madhyamaka philosophy, Pramāṇa, and Sanskrit manuscripts. Ongoing work includes, translation and research of several texts such as the first chapter of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā, and Dharmakīrti’s Hetubindu.

22 Lina Wang, National Library of China
王麗娜, 國家圖書館

Lina Wang is currently a Research Librarian at the Research Reference Services Department in the National Library of China. She completed her doctoral studies in Literature at Nankai University, and is presently a postdoctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department in Peking University. Her main research interests are Buddhist texts and their literary forms, including Buddhist history and all genres of Buddhist literature. She spent time at Cambridge University in England as a visiting scholar and at the University of Iowa University in the United States. She is editor of the Studies in History of Buddhism journal at Zhejiang University. She has published monographs including A Study of Gāthasin Buddhist Chinese Translated Scriptures (2016, The Commercial Press) and A Study of the Dajianfu Temple in Tang Dynasty China (2021, National Library of China Publishing House). She has also published over twenty academic papers in journals such as World Religious CultureReligious Studies and the Journal of North East Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences).

23 Peng Wang, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
24 Valentina (Lingyan) Yang, Catholic University of Leuven
楊靈艷, 比利時 魯汶天主教大學

Valentina YANG is a researcher in Chinese Studies based at KU Leuven (Belgium). She recently completed her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Nicolas Standaert, examining the intercultural dialogue between Europe and China in the 17th century through “intercultural morality books”, specifically morality books (shanshu 善書) compiled by Chinese Christian converts. Her research explored how these texts combined Chinese and Christian textual traditions, integrating their diverse concepts of morality, religiosity, and community into a unique intercultural product. She previously obtained an MPhil in Traditional East Asia from the University of Oxford and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Manchester.

楊靈艷目前在比利時魯汶大學從事中國研究。她於2025年在鐘鳴旦(Nicolas Standaert)教授的指導下完成了博士論文,研究17世紀歐洲與中國之間的跨文化對話(特別是通過“跨文化善書”,即由中國基督徒編纂的善書)。她的研究探討了這些文本如何融合了中國與基督教的文本傳統,將雙方的道德觀念、宗教信仰以及社區理念整合成一種獨特的跨文化產物。此前,她曾在牛津大學獲得傳統東亞研究的哲學碩士學位,並在曼徹斯特大學獲得學士學位。

25 Qijun Zheng, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
鄭麒駿, 法國高等研究實踐學院

Q.J. Zheng is graduate research student specializing in the history of Taoism and Esoteric Buddhism at École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL, Paris. His research, employing a historical-anthropological approach, explores the dynamics between religious conceptions and practices from a longue durée perspective. Alongside his primary research on the history of pilgrimages, he contributes to the “Chinese Religious Text Authority”, an international collaborative project ( Outside academia, he is an avid walker and has undertaken many pilgrimages around the world.


26 Peter Zieme, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
茨默, 德國柏林-勃蘭登堡自然和人文科學院
Peter Zieme (born 1942) is senior researcher at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He worked for many decades for the project Turfan studies. In his publications he edited several Old Uigur Manichaean and Buddhist scriptures selected from collections of Turfan materials.

古代中亞研究的領軍學者,古代突厥語與中亞宗教史領域國際學界公認的權威。1942年生於德國柏林。1960年至1965年在柏林洪堡大學主修伊朗學、突厥學,1965年至1969年在民主德國科學院東方研究所攻讀研究生課程,1969年獲得洪堡大學哲學博士學位(Dr. phil.)。此後留科學院東方所工作。1970年,進入德國科學院古代史與考古學中央研究所古代東方室工作,1994年起任柏林自由大學榮譽教授。1993年起,轉入柏林勃蘭登堡科學院吐魯番學研究所,並於2001年至2007年間,擔任該所所長。由於卓越的學術成就,被選為巴伐利亞科學院通訊院士、匈牙利科學院榮譽院士、土耳其突厥語學會榮譽會士及多個專業委員會成員。