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1. Rostislav BEREZKIN 白若思 (FudanU 復旦) |
Rostislav Berezkin obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and candidate of sciences degree from Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. He is a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University. His main fields of research are religious storytelling and popular religion in late imperial China, also in connection with cultural exchange in East Asia (especially btw. China, Vietnam, and Japan). His publications include two books in Russian. His English book Many Faces of Mulian: The Precious Scrolls of Late Imperial China was published by the University of Washington Press in 2017. His English articles have been published in T’oung Pao, Late Imperial China, Asia Major, Monumenta Serica, Asian Ethnology, Religions, Archiv Orientalni, CLEAR, BEFEO, Journal of Chinese Religions, Hanxue Yanjiu, Religion and Arts, Minsu quyi, and CHINOPERL (Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature). Rostislav also published a number of articles in Chinese and Russian, and a co-authored monograph in Vietnamese: NGUYỄN Tô Lan and Rostislav BEREZKIN, Phật Bà bể Nam: Truyện Quán Âm Diệu Thiện tại Việt Nam (Avalokiteśvara of the Vietnamese Sea: Miaoshan-Guanyin Legend in Vietnam; Hanoi: Vietnam University of Education Publishing House, 2021). |
2. Marcus BINGENHEIMER 馬德偉 (TempleU 天普大學) |
Marcus BINGENHEIMER, is Associate Professor of Religion at Temple University. His main research interests are early Buddhist sūtra literature and the history and historiography of Buddhism in East Asia. He has published a handful of books, more than 50 articles, and is responsible for the creation of various digital resources for Buddhist Studies. |
3. Laura BOYER (EHESS)![]() |
Laura Boyer is a Ph.D. student in History and History of Civilizations, at EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) under the supervision of Luca Gabbiani (EHESS) and Vincent Goossaert (EPHE). Her current research focuses on local history, history of beliefs and animal studies, primarily during the late imperial period (late-Ming-Qing). |
4. Timothy BROOK卜正民 (UBC)![]() |
Timothy Brook is a historian of China whose writings reach out to embrace world history. A graduate of Harvard University, he has taught at Toronto, Stanford, and Oxford, and has held the Republic of China Chair at the University of British Columbia since 2004, where he graduated to professor emeritus in 2022. Brook has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a Getty Fellow, a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and a visiting professor at the Villa I Tatti in Florence. A historian of China since the 13th century, he writes on a range of political, social, and cultural topics, though with a focus on China’s engagements with the world. Brook has published thirteen books, which have been translated into many Asian and European languages. In addition, he was editor-in-chief of Harvard University Press’s six-volume history of imperial China, which became a bestseller in China. Among his more popular books are Vermeer’s Hat (Bloomsbury), Mr. Selden’s Map of China (Penguin), and Great State: China and the World (HarperCollins). |
5. CAO Jian 曹堅 (Sun Yat-sen U 中山大學)![]() |
曹堅,耶路撒冷希伯來大學博士;現任中山大學哲學系教授,博導;研究領域有希伯來聖經詮釋和猶太思想研究等。 |
6. CHEN Yuh-Neu 陳玉女 (Cheng Kung U 成功大學)![]() |
日本國立九州大學東洋史博士,現任臺灣國立成功大學歷史系教授。主要從事明代佛教史、明代社會史、明清佛教與東亞歷史研究。多年以來關注明清佛教與區域社會的政治、經濟、階級、家族的發展關係,著有《明代佛教社會の地域的研究─嘉靖‧萬曆年間(1522~1620)を中心として-》(博士論文)、《明代二十四衙門宦官與北京佛教》、《明代佛門內外僧俗交涉的場域》、《明代的佛教與社會》、《海洋與觀音:明代東南沿海的觀音信仰》等專書,及〈明倭寇の乱における寺院の遭遇及び其の社会救済─嘉萬年間東南沿海地域を考察の中心にして─〉、〈明末清初觀音與準提的信仰流布〉、〈明清閩南家族與佛教的社會救濟〉、〈流浪者之歌:明末遺民‧移民的寺廟記憶〉,以及晚近有關明清《嘉興藏》與東亞地區流通問題的討論,著有〈明末清初嘉興藏刊刻與江南士族〉、〈明清嘉興楞嚴寺《嘉興藏》之刊印與其海內外流通〉、〈明清時期東亞閩臺粵越地區的佛典流通―以釋弘贊的《沙彌律儀要略增註》重刊刻為主―〉、〈藏經與東亞海貿:以明清《嘉興藏》的朝鮮王朝流通為例〉(韓文)、〈晚明清初東南沿海港口佛寺的比丘尼身影〉〉等多篇相關研究專論。 |
7. CHIEN Kai-ting 簡凱廷 (TaiwanU 臺灣大學)![]() |
CHIEN Kai-ting 簡凱廷,現為臺灣大學中國文學系助理教授,專長領域為明清佛教思想史、近世佛教文獻學,著有《嘉祥吉藏及其詮經設立》,及〈被忘卻的傳統:明末清初《成唯識論》相關珍稀注釋書考論〉、〈晚明唯識學作品在江戶時代的流傳與接受初探〉、〈明末清初唯識學在杭州的傳衍:以紹覺廣承法系為主的考察〉等多篇論文。編校有《明清華嚴傳承史料兩種:〈賢首宗乘〉與〈賢首傳燈錄〉》(合編)、《近世東亞〈觀所緣緣論〉珍稀註釋選輯》(合編)、《明清〈因明入正理論〉珍稀注釋選輯》(合編)。 |
8. DAI Lianbin 戴聯斌 (U Victoria 維多利亞大學) |
Lianbin Dai (Oxonian) focuses his academic interest on social and cultural history of Ming and Qing China. He teaches Chinese history and culture at University of Victoria, Canada. |
9. DENG Qingping 鄧慶平 (China University of Political Science and Law 中國政法大學/UBC) |
鄧慶平,女,中國政法大學人文學院副教授。1996-2006年就讀於北京師範大學歷史學院,獲歷史學學士、碩士、博士學位。2006年7月至今,執教於中國政法大學人文學院歷史研究所。2010年9月-2011年2月,香港中文大學訪問學者。兼任香港中文大學—中山大學歷史人類學研究中心研究員、《歷史人類學學刊》編委。主要從事明清史、區域社會史研究。先後在《歷史研究》《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》《中國史研究》《清史研究》《民俗研究》等學術期刊發表論文數十篇,出版論著、譯著多部。目前正從事明清衛所軍戶制度、清代華北旗地撥補與鄉村社會研究等課題。 |
10. FENG Guodong 馮國棟 (ZhejiangU 浙江大學)![]() |
Dr. Feng Guodong is currently a professor in School of Humanities, vice director of Center for Buddhist Studies, and vice head of School of Humanities at the ZheJiang University. He received his Ph.D. from Fudan University (2004). His research interests include the Buddhism philology, Buddhism geography and Buddhism literature. His project is the study on Buddhist inscriptions in Chinese now. He is the author of Buddhist Documents and Buddhist literature 佛教文獻與佛教文學 (2010), and Research on jingde Chuandenglu 《景德傳燈錄》研究 (2014). |
11. FENG Xiangjun 馮相郡 (Sean) (UBC)![]() |
Xiangjun “Sean” Feng 馮相郡 ( is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, in 2021. At UBC, he works on the SSHRC-funded project, “Written to be Burned: An Alternative History of Book Burning in China’s Age of Print,” and also transforms his dissertation, “Secret Scroll: The Production of Occult Knowledge in China’s Age of Print,” into a monograph. His peer-reviewed articles are published (or forthcoming) in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, and Journal of Chinese Cinemas. |
12. Noga GANANY 高諾佳 (Cambridge 劍橋) |
Noga Ganany is an Assistant Professor in the Study of Late Imperial China at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. Before assuming her current position at Cambridge, Dr Ganany taught briefly at Boston University (2018-2019). Dr Ganany received her BA and MA from Tel Aviv University in Israel, and her PhD from Columbia University in New York, USA (2018). In between, Dr Ganany studied at Xiamen University in Fujian Province and conducted research in China and Taiwan. Her research interests include Chinese cultural history, premodern Chinese literature, religious practice in China, print culture and history of the book, travel and pilgrimage, and popular culture. She is currently working on two book projects; the first explores hagiographic literature in late Ming, and the second focuses on conceptions of the netherworld in late imperial China. Dr Ganany is a member of the board of directors of the Society for Ming Studies. She is also a member of the Association for Asian Studies, the British Association for Chinese Studies, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions. |
13. HE Jianming 何建明 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
何建明,男,1965年出生於湖北省黃岡市蘄春縣。1989年入華中師範大學近代史研究所(教育部人文社科重點研究基地)工作,1997年獲得歷史學博士學位。1999年1月晉升教授,2001年受聘博士生導師。2003年9月入中國人民大學哲學院及佛教與宗教學理論研究所(教育部人文社科重點研究基地)工作。2006年入選教育部新世紀人才計劃。2017年起受聘中國人民大學「傑出人才計劃」特聘教授。2020年起擔任全國老子道學文化研究會副會長兼執行長。已出版學術專著包括: 1,《道家思想的歷史轉折》(1997),華中師範大學出版社。 2,《佛法觀念的近代調適》(1998),廣東人民出版社。 3,《澳門佛教——近百年澳門與內地佛教文化關係史》(1999),宗教文化出版社。 4,《晚清民國佛教思想史論》(2001),(台灣)佛光文化出版社。 5,《隋唐道家與道教》(與李大華、李剛合著)(2004、修訂版2011),人民出版社。 6,《人間佛教與現代港澳佛教》(上、下)(2006),(香港)新新出版社。 7,《陳致虛學案》(2011),齊魯書社。 8,《近代中國宗教文化史研究》(上、下)(2015),北京師範大學出版社。 |
14. KAN Cheng-Tsung 闞正宗 (Fo-kuang U 佛光大學)![]() |
國立成功大學歷史學博士,現任佛光大學佛教學系教授。研究專長於台灣佛教史、近代東亞佛教交涉史,代表著有《台灣日治時期佛教發展與皇民化運動—「皇國佛教」的歷史進程》、《南洋「人間佛教」先行者―慈航法師海外、臺灣弘法記(1910-1954)》等專書,及論文數十篇。 |
15. Mónika KISS (Eötvös Loránd University [ELTE])![]() |
Monika Kiss is a Hungarian Japanologist and art historian, currently an Assistant Professor at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. She obtained her PhD from the same university in 2018, where she has been teaching Japanese language, religion, and art on undergraduate and graduate levels. She has been researching Japanese Buddhism and Buddhist art since her graduate studies, mainly focusing on Esoteric Buddhism. She spent a year (2014/2015) at Ōtani University 大谷大学 as a research fellow after she was awarded the Fellowship for Foreign Scholars by the Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai 仏教伝道協会 (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) as a PhD student. She was a guest researcher at the Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Daigakuin Daigaku 国際仏教学大学院大学 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies) in Tokyo (2019). She has been doing research and fieldwork at Buddhist temples throughout Japan, primarily in and near Kyoto, e.g., Enryakuji 延曆寺, Daigoji 醍醐寺, or Ninnaji 仁和寺. She is the author of several academic papers, in Hungarian and English as well, on topics related to Japanese Esoteric Buddhism and Buddhist art. |
16. LE Jing 樂晶 (Shanxi Normal U 山西師範大學) |
Le Jing, born in April 1990 in Shanxi, China, received her Ph.D. in law from East China Normal University (2021). From 2018 to 2019, she visited and studied in the Asian Center of University of British Columbia for a year. Currently serving as a lecturer, office director of the School of Sociology and Law, Shanxi Normal University, and a researcher at the Center for Regional Resources and Applied Research, East China Normal University. Her main research interests are religious folklore and economic sociology. Centering on Buddhist folklore and rural culture, she has published several academic papers and hosted 2021 Shanxi Science and Technology Strategic Research Project “Science and Technology Participation in the Creative Transformation of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Rural Revitalization in Shanxi Province ”. |
17. LEE Kuei-Min 李貴民 (Cheng Kung U 成功大學)![]() |
李貴民,成功大學歷史學博士,目前擔任成功大學文學院多元文化中心博士後研究員。主要研究方向為越南史、海洋史、佛教史。近年來與越南漢喃院合作,擔任佛光大學佛教研究中心「越南佛教稀見文獻收集與整理工作」子計畫主持人,並發表數篇與越南稀見佛教文獻研究有關的著作。 |
18. Mariia LEPNEVA (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences 俄羅斯科學院東方研究所 )![]() |
Mariia Lepneva obtained her candidate of sciences degree from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in April 2022. Her research interests include the history of vinaya school (lüzong 律宗) of Chinese Buddhism in the Ming and Qing. She is a member of the European Association for Chinese Studies.
黎培娜於2022年4月從俄羅斯科學院東方研究所獲得博士學位。她的研究領域為明清律宗史。她是歐洲漢學學會成員。 |
19. LI Tiangang 李天綱 (FudanU 復旦)![]() |
李天綱,1957年,生於上海。現任復旦大學哲學學院宗教學系教授,系主任,博士生導師。擔任復旦大學中華文明國際研究中心副主任,中國宗教學會理事,上海宗教學會副會長。研究中國宗教、中西文化交流和上海文化歷史。著有專著:《金澤:江南民間祭祀探源》、《跨文化詮釋:經學與神學的相遇》、《中國禮儀之爭:歷史、文獻和意義》、《文化上海》、《人文上海》、《南京路:東方全球主義的誕生》、《馬相伯傳略》(合著)等,主編《徐光啓全集》、《中國近代思想家•馬相伯卷》等。 |
20. Johanna LIDÉN 李珊娜 (StockholmU 斯德哥爾摩大學/HamburgU 漢堡大學)![]() |
Johanna Lidén, Post-doctoral Fellow at Stockholm University/Hamburg University. Her doctoral research on Taizhou Confucianism (Thesis title: “The Taizhou Movement: Being Mindful in Sixteenth Century China”) has in her present post-doctoral project broadened to include the link between Neo-Confucianism and education. In 2013, Johanna spent six months as a visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia. Her interest in Confucianism goes back to studies in Chinese Philosophy at Nanjing University and her experience of ‘educational reality’ derives from many years employment as an Upper Secondary School teacher in Stockholm. |
21. LIU Cuilan 劉翠蘭 (U. of Pittsburgh 匹茲堡大學)![]() |
Cuilan Liu is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. She graduated from Harvard University with primary PhD training in Buddhist Studies and secondary training in documentary filmmaking. As a scholar, she writes extensively on Buddhism and law. Her research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including “Buddhism in Court: Clerical Privileges and Jurisdiction of the Buddhist Clergy in Indian Buddhism” in History of Religions, “The Fall of a Chinese Buddhist Monk: Law and State Governance of Buddhism in Post-Imperial China” in the Journal of Law and Religion, “Hybrid Courts and Hybrid Laws: The Legal Governance of Buddhism in Imperial China” in the Journal of Chinese Religions, “Merit-Making or Financial Fraud? Litigating Buddhist Nuns in Early 10th Century Dunhuang” in the Journal of the International Association of Religious Studies, and “Reciting, Chanting, and Singing: The Codification of Music in Buddhist Canon Law” in the Journal of Indian Philosophy. In 2017, she also co-edited the volume titled Rules of Engagement: Medieval Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Regulation. As a filmmaker, her 83-minute documentary film Young Jigme has been screened at the 2014 Jean Rouch International Film Festival in Paris, France. |
22. MA Xu (Lafayette College)![]() |
Xu MA is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Lafayette College. She completed her PhD degree at University of California, Irvine with a specialization in late Imperial Chinese popular religions and cultures. She received her master degree in Chinese Literature from Stanford University. Her research interests include East Asian religious traditions, interfaith studies, women and gender studies, Ming-Qing literature, book history and spatial studies. Her ongoing book project Text and Temple: Reimagining Women’s Social Spaces in Late Imperial China offers a new window into women’s spatial, social, and spiritual positioning in late imperial China by reconsidering women’s interactions with various physical and imagined religious spaces. She has published articles and book reviews in peer-reviewed journals in both the U.S. and Taiwan concerning women’s literacy and religiosity, mourning writings, religious syncretism, and fictional narratives in the Ming-Qing era. |
23. Thierry MEYNARD 梅謙立 (Sun Yat-senU 中山大學) | Thierry Meynard S.J., born in France in 1963, is currently professor and PhD director at the philosophy department of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, where he teaches Western Philosophy and Latin Classics. He is the vice-director of the Archive for the Introduction of Western Knowledge, at Sun Yat-Sen University. He has authored in English language: The Jesuit Reading of Confucius (Boston: Brill, 2015), The Religious Philosophy of Liang Shuming (Boston: Brill, 2011), Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (Rome: IHSI, 2011), and co-edited with Daniel Canaris, A Brief Response on the Controversies over Shangdi, Tianshen and Linghun, by Niccolò Longobardo (Palgrave: 2021). Pan Dawei, A Brief Introduction to the Study of Human Nature by Giulio Aleni (Boston: Brill, 2020), and with Sher-shiueh Li, Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China (Bern: Peter Lang: 2014). |
24. RAO Xiao 饒驍 (U. of N. Carolina in Greensboro 北卡大學格林斯伯勒分校) | Xiao RAO is an Assistant Professor of Chinese at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He received his PhD from Stanford University with a specialization in premodern Chinese literature. His research interests include literary history, religion, and literati culture in medieval China, cultural studies of laughter, and premodern Chinese storytelling. He is currently working on a book project titled Tales of Wit and Enlightenment: Buddhism and Literati Humor in Song Dynasty China in which he unveils a rich vein of connections between Chan Buddhist literature and various forms of entertainment preserved in Song period anecdotes, including remarks on poetry, vernacular storytelling, and theatrical performance. |
25. SHAO Jaide 邵佳德 (NanjingU 南京大學) |
邵佳德,香港中文大學哲學博士,現為南京大學哲學系副教授,碩士生導師。主要研究興趣為近現代中國佛教與地方社會的互動、明清及近代以來的中國哲學、宗教研究的理論及方法等。近年共發表論文近20篇,出版專著《近代佛教改革的地方性實踐》等2部,參編教材1部,主持及參與國家社科基金項目等各類課題9項。 |
26. SHENG Kai 聖凱 (TsinghuaU 清華大學)![]() |
Ven. Dr. Sheng Kai is a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University, the Executive director of the Buddhist Association of China, and a Graduate Teacher of Buddhist Academy of Putuo Mount, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he was the Associate professor of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University.
He studied in the Buddhist Academy of China, Nanjing University, attained MPhil (Nanjing University) in 2002, PhD (Nanjing University) in 2005, and finished Postdoctoral study in Tsinghua University in 2007. He is the author of following books: (1.)The Buddhist Ritual of China, (2) Study on the Confessional Ritual of Chinese Buddhism, (3) The Buddhist Confessional Thought, (4) Study on the School of Mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra. He specializes in Buddhist Confession, Buddhist Pure Land Thought, Yogacara Buddism and Tathagatagarbha Buddhism. |
27. Ekaterina SKRYPNIK (Russian Academy of Sciences)![]() |
Ekaterina Skrypnik is a junior research fellow at the Department of China, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Her main research interests include the early Tang (618–907) history with a focus on the reign of Wu Zetian, the first and only women emperor of China, especially her use of various religious concepts in constructing a new state power ideology. Ekaterina’s PhD dissertation examines various aspects of the image of Wu Zetian in official histories (zheng shi 正史) and its correspondence to synchronous sources data. |
28. Anna SOKOLOVA (GhentU 根特大學) | Anna Sokolova obtained her B. A. from Herzen University in St. Petersburg (2004), an M.A. in Classical Chinese Literature from Chongqing University (2012), an M.A. in Chinese Studies from the University of Oxford (2013), and Ph.D. in Oriental Languages and Cultures from Ghent University (2021). She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University. Her current research focuses on the development of regional Buddhist communities and composition of local elite groups during the Tang dynasty, as well as the broader issue of the role of Buddhism in the transformation of medieval Chinese elite society. |
29. Kirill SOLONIN 索羅寧 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
Kirill Solonin earned his doctorate from St. Petersburg University. Since the early 1990s, he was working on the issues of the Tangut language, and Tangut and Sino-Tibetan Buddhism. He worked in several institutions in Russia, Germany, USA and China. He is currently a professor in the School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China. |
30. SUN Qi 孫齊 (Shandong U 山東大學)
孫齊,1986年生,山東滕州人。2008至2014年,就讀於山東大學歷史文化學院,獲歷史學博士學位。2014至2016年,在山東大學儒學高等研究院博士後流動站工作。現任山東大學儒學高等研究院副研究員。主要研究方向為中國中古史、區域社會史。 |
31. Barend TER HAAR 田海 (HamburgU 漢堡大學)![]() |
Barend ter Haar teaches Chinese studies at the University of Hamburg, with a strong focus on cultural and religious history. Although first of all a social and cultural historian, the religious dimension is so central to Chinese traditional life that much of his research up to now has dealt with religious phenomena. In addition, he has worked extensively on issues of ethnic identity, violence and fear, and social organization. An important concern of his is to demonstrate that traditional culture and cultural patterns are still relevant today, as becomes visible for instance in the case of the Falun Gong or the ongoing role of exorcist violence in political contexts throughout the twentieth century. For those who read Dutch, he has published a history of China, entitled The Heavenly Mandate: The history of the Chinese Empire until 1911 or Het Hemels Mandaat: De Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk (AUP: Amsterdam, 2009) with a somewhat revisionist view on the Chinese past. His book on the lay Buddhist group called the Non-Action Teachings (late 16th century to the present) has come out with Hawai’i University Press, as Practicing Scripture: A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China. |
32. Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard 哈佛) | Eugene Y. Wang is the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art. A Guggenheim Fellow (2005), he is the art history editor of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism (2004). His extensive publications range from early Chinese to contemporary art. His book, Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China (2005), which received an academic award from Japan, explores Buddhist ways of worldmaking. He has served on advisory boards and review committees for the Center for Advanced Study in Visual Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, Getty Foundation, Mellon Foundation, etc. His current research focuses on cognitive study of art. He is working on a book on Sonic Painting, probing the unheard soundscape and voice effect in pictures.. He is also the founding director of the Harvard FAS CAMLab (Chinese Art Media Lab). The lab explores multimedia storytelling and designs immersive artistic experience, turning humanistic research into creative sensorial media practice. |
33. WANG Qiyuan 王啓元 (FudanU 復旦) |
王啓元,浙江鄞縣人,復旦大學古籍所博士、宗教學博士後,現為復旦大學中華古籍保護研究院副研究員,曾任虹口區檔案館副館長(掛職),從事明清宗教史、宗教文獻學研究。專著《保釐雲間:上海歷史上的神祇、信仰和空間》(合著),共同編著有《佛法與方法:明清佛教及其周邊》、《二十世紀中國佛教的的兩次復興》等。 |
34. WEI Bin 魏斌 (WuhanU 武漢大學)![]() |
魏斌,武漢大學歷史學院教授。 1994-2004年先後就讀於武漢大學圖書館學系、歷史學系,文學學士、歷史學博士。 2007-2009年留學日本德島大學綜合科學部,2015-2016年度哈佛燕京學社訪問學者,並曾在北京大學人文社會科學研究院、法國多學科佛教研究中心、牛津大學東方學研究所等訪問研究。主要研究領域為魏晉南北朝史、中古區域史,出版《“山中”的六朝史》(生活•讀書•新知三聯書店,2019),發表論文多篇。 |
35. WU Keping (Duke Kunshan University)![]() |
Keping Wu is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Duke Kunshan University. Her research focuses on ethnographic studies of contemporary Chinese religious life, especially the intersections of religion, philanthropy, gender, ethnicity, and urbanization. Her publications can be found in Modern China, Journal of Asian Studies, and Cultural Anthropology, etc. |
36. XU Wei 許蔚 (FudanU 復旦)![]() |
許蔚,文學博士,現任復旦大學中國古代文學研究中心、復旦大學中文系副教授,主要從事道教文學、道教文獻學、宋明道教史、道教與民間宗教寫本、陽明學與道教關係等方面的研究,著有《斷裂與建構:淨明道的歷史與文獻》(2014)、《淨明忠孝全書》(校註2018)、《道教文學、文獻與儀式:許蔚自選集》(2021)、《豫章羅念庵、鄧定宇二先生學行輯述》(2022)等書。 |
37. YANG Xiao 楊筱 (Chinese Academy of Social Science)
YANG Xiao楊筱 is an assistant research fellow of the Institute of Archeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing. She received her B.A and M.A from Tsinghua University in 2012 and 2015, and completed her Ph.D. in East Asian Art History at Heidelberg University in 2021. Her main research interests are cave temples, Buddhist iconography, and the historiography of Chinese architecture. Her doctoral dissertation is titled “Local Monuments, Local Narratives: The Emergence and Development of Buddhist Rock Carvings in Northern Sichuan, 618-907 CE”. She has published academic papers in Asiatische Studien, China Review International, Dazu Xuekan, and Shikusi yanjiu.
楊筱,博士,中國社會科學院考古研究所助理研究員,曾就讀於清華大學美術學院藝術史論系、德國海德堡大學東亞藝術研究所。主要研究領域為石窟寺考古、佛教圖像研究、近代建築史學史,博士論文為Local Monuments, Local narratives: the Emergence and Development of Buddhist Rock Carvings in Northern Sichuan , 618-907 CE(四川北部唐代佛教石窟的勃興和發展)。近年在Asiatische Studien、China Review International、《大足學刊》、《石窟寺研究》等雜誌發表學術論文。 |
38. YANG Xiaojun 楊效俊 (Shaanxi Museum of History 陝西歷史博物館) |
楊效俊,女,日本國神戶大學大學院文化學研究科社會文化論專業畢業,獲博士學位。現任陝西曆史博物館研究館員,主要從事漢唐考古及藝術史的研究、策展。主持完成中國博士後科學基金項目《佛教藝術與唐代文明》、國家社科基金項目《隋唐時期佛舍利崇拜制度研究》,出版專著《武周時期的佛教造型——以長安光宅寺七寶台的浮雕石佛群像為中心》,發表《東魏北齊墓葬的考古學研究》《隋唐舍利瘞埋制度的形成原因及特點》等論文三十餘篇。主持完成《絲路起點,燦爛文明——陝西文化遺產》《長安絲路東西風》《秦風頌廉——陝西廉政文物展》等原創展覽的策展。 |
39. YIN Shoufu 殷守甫 (UBC)![]() |
Shoufu Yin is an assistant professor in history at the University of British Columbia. His research and teaching center on Chinese and Inner Asian political thought in global historical contexts. Specializing in areas where history meets philology and philosophy, he works on a wide array of previously unknown, untapped, and understudied sources in different languages—literary Sinitic (classical Chinese), Korean, Manchu, Mongolian, Persian, Latin, and Greek, to name a few. As such, his publications show that it is productive to engage the intellectual world of hitherto overlooked and marginalized groups—including peasant women who fought in wars, Manchu translators who processed imperial documents, anonymous typesetters behind the production of books. Ultimately, his scholarly passion lies in writing new kinds of global intellectual histories that foreground the theoretical contributions of both “canonical” and “everyday” thinkers of different traditions. |
40. YOU Ziyong 游自勇 (Capital Normal U 首都師範大學/UBC) |
游自勇,男,首都師範大學歷史學院教授。1996-2003年就讀於北京師範大學歷史系,獲歷史學學士、碩士學位。2003-2006年就讀於首都師範大學歷史系,獲歷史學博士學位。2006-2008年,在北京大學歷史系進行博士後研究工作。2008年7月至今,供職於首都師範大學歷史學院。兼任中國敦煌吐魯番學會秘書長、《敦煌吐魯番研究》副主編。主要從事隋唐史、敦煌吐魯番文獻研究。先後在《歷史研究》《中國史研究》《文史》《漢學研究》等刊物上發表文章、書評50多篇。參與《新獲吐魯番出土文獻》、《大唐西市博物館藏墓誌》、《英藏敦煌社會歷史文獻釋錄》《旅順博物館藏新疆出土漢文文獻》《吐魯番出土文獻散録》等多種大型古籍資料的整理與研究工作。目前正從事中國古代正史《五行志》的注釋、中國中古時期的家族、英藏敦煌社會歷史文獻的整理與研究等課題。 |
41. ZHANG Dewei 張德偉 (Ji’nanU 暨南大學)![]() |
Dewei Zhang is an associate professor at Jinan University in Guangzhou. He holds two PhDs, in Chinese philosophy from Peking University and in East Asian Buddhism from the University of British Columbia. His book, Thriving in Crisis Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522–1620, was published by Columbia University press in 2010. He is now wrapping up a book project about the printed Chinese Buddhist canon. |
42. ZHANG Xuesong 張雪松 (RenminU. of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
ZHANG Xuesong 張雪松 is currently an Associate Professor at School of Philosophy at the Renmin University of China. He obtained a B.A in Philosophy (2002) and a M.phil. in Religious Studies (2005) at Renmin University of China, and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies (2008) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His academic interest focuses on the history of Chinese Buddhism and Chinese local religion. His research mainly explores the organizations of Buddhist clergies and the interactions between Buddhism and local society in China. He has published four monographs, including A Study of Master Yin-guang in the Historical Progress of Modern Chinese Buddhism (2011), The History of Chinese Buddhism Before Tang Dynasty (2013), The History of Chinese Buddhism in Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (2014), and Buddhist Dharma Lineage: the Model of Religious Organizations in China (2015). |