November 23, 2023Guest Lecture: Interpreting the Linji Lu. Historical vs. Philosophical ApproachesTao Jiang (Rutgers University). November 10, 2023, 3 PM (Paris). In person, Salon Borel, Inalco.
June 14, 2024“Buddhism and the Arts” Lecture Series: The Tocharians of Kucha: Tracing Their Local Culture through Buddhist PaintingsMonika Zin (Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig). June 14,2024, 3 PM (Paris). In person, Salle de Sacy, Inalco.
June 14, 2024“Buddhism and the Arts” Lecture Series: The Lives and Afterlives of Buddhist Sites: Stewardship of the Mogao Caves at Dunhuang during the Guiyijun Period (848–1036)Michelle C. Wang (Georgetown University). June 14, 2024, 4:15 PM (Paris). In person, Salle de Sacy, Inalco.
July 19, 2024International Academic Symposium “Buddhism and Nation-State in Modern China”July 19-20, 2024. International Symposium at the University of Tokyo.
October 2, 2024Guest Lecture: The Classic of TeaCatherine Despeux. October 2, 2024, 5pm–6:30pm. In-person lecture at Inalco.
October 9, 2024Guest Lecture: Refiguring Korean Buddhist Women: Three Historical MomentsLee Seunghye (Leeum Museum of Art). October 9, 2024, 4:30pm–6:30pm. In-person lecture at Collège de France.
December 17, 2024“Buddhism and the Arts” Lecture Series: Nepalese scroll paintings as historical witnesses. Depictions of the Svayambhū caitya of KathmanduAlexander Von Rospatt (University of California, Berkeley). December 17, 2024, 3 PM (Paris). In-person and online with Inalco.
January 15, 2025Production and Distribution of Buddhist and Other Religious Texts in Chinese SocietiesJuly 8-11, 2025. Inalco, Paris, France
January 15, 2025The Eighth Glorisun International Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies, with the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme (CEIB) and the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales [Inalco] in Paris, FranceJuly 5 – July 15, 2025. CEIB-Inalco, Paris, France.