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Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 5.2 (2022): 312–317

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Author Biographies


Bart Dessein (Ph.D. 1994) is full professor at the department of Languages and Cultures of Ghent University, where he is member of the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies. His research focuses on early Buddhist philosophy and school formation. He has mainly published on Sarvastivada and Mahasamghika philosophy.

FENG Xiangjun 馮相郡
Feng Xiangjun (Sean) 馮相郡 is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, in 2021. At UBC, he works on the SSHRC-funded project, ‘Written to be Burned: An Alternative History of Book Burning in China’s Age of Print’, and also transforms his dissertation, ‘Secret Scroll: The Production of Occult Knowledge in China’s Age of Print’, into a monograph. His peer-reviewed articles are published (or forthcoming) in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, and Journal of Chinese Cinemas.

T. Griffith FOULK
T. Griffith Foulk is Professor of Religion at Sarah Lawrence College and Co-editor-in-chief of the Sōtō Zen Text Project, sponsored by the Administrative Headquarters of Sōtō Zen Buddhism in Tokyo. In his youth he trained for several years in both Rinzai and Sōtō Zen monasteries in Japan, where he still maintains close ties. His publications include annotated translations of Standard Observances of the Sōtō Zen School (Sōtōshū gyōji kihan) and the Record of the Transmission of Illumination (Denkōroku) by Keizan Jōkin (1264–1325), and numerous monographs on textual, ritual, and institutional aspects of the history of Chan and Zen Buddhism in China and Japan.

Matthew A. HALE
Matthew A. Hale (Ph.D. anthropology, University of Washington) is an independent translator and researcher currently based in Nashville, Tennessee. He has translated books and articles in the fields of anthropology, sociology, history, and Buddhist studies. His research has focused on emancipatory movements in modern China, but has recently turned toward the intersection of religion and class struggle from the Tang to the Ming period.

HAO Chunwen 郝春文
Hao Chunwen 郝春文 is a Yanshan 燕山 Distinguished Professor of the School of History at Capital Normal University, also serving as the head of the university’s Institute of Historical Studies. His main areas of research are Dunhuang documents, Buddhism in China, and Chinese history, especially from the third to thirteenth century. In the past few decades, he has published several monographs on various related topics, which include Zhonggu shiqi sheyi yanjiu 中古時期社邑研究 [The Study of Confraternities in Medieval China], Tang houqi Wudai Song chu Dunhuang sengni de shehui shenghuo 唐後期五代宋初敦煌僧尼的社會生活 [The Social Life of Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Dunhuang during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and the Early Song], Shishi xiejing: Dunhuang yishu 石室寫經——敦煌遺書 [Scriptural Manuscripts in Stone Chambers: Dunhuang Documents], Dunhuang de lishi he wenhua 敦煌的歷史和文化 [The History and Culture of Dunhuang] (co-author), and Dunhuang sheyi wenshu jijiao 敦煌社邑文書輯校 [A Critical Collection of Documents concerning Confraternities from Dunhuang] (co-author). In addition, he was the chief editor of Vols. 12–14 in a multi-volume collection of Dunhuang manuscripts which are preserved in the United Kingdom and have published a host of articles. His current primary work-in-progress is an investigation of Dunhuang documents kept in the U.K., with the goal of collecting and studying the data related to social history. This is one of the major research projects sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China. The outcome of this project will be a thirty-volume series Ying cang Dunhuang shehui lishi wenxian shilu 英藏敦煌社會歷史文獻釋錄 [Annotated Transcription of the Dunhuang Literature concerning Social History Preserved in the U.K.], of which fifteen volumes have already been published. He has served in a wide range of institutions. These posts include President of the Institute of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies of China, Chief Editor of Dunhuang xue guoji lianluo weiyuanhui tongxun 敦煌學國際聯絡委員會通訊 [Newsletter of International Liaison Committee for Dunhuang Studies], chief editor of Dunhuang Tulufan yanjiu 敦煌吐鲁番研究 [Studies on Dunhuang and Turfan], and editorial member of Zhongguo shi yanjiu 中國史研究 [Journal of Chinese Historical Studies].

George A. Keyworth received his Ph.D. in Chinese Buddhist Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. In 2011, he joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada as an Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies and East Asian Religions. After receiving tenure in 2017, he transferred to the Department of History, where he has been teaching courses in the areas of premodern Chinese and Japanese history, Asian Studies, the history of religion in East Asia, and comparative manuscript studies. Keyworth has published on topics ranging from Northern Song dynasty (960–1127) Chinese Chan Buddhism and the figure of Juefan Huihong 覺範惠洪 (1071–1128); Japanese pilgrims to Song China (e.g., Jōjin 成尋[1011–1081]); apocryphal Chinese Buddhist scriptures and the particular case of the Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 (*Śūraṃgamasūtra, T no. 945) using Chinese and Khotanese Sanskrit sources from Dunhuang; esoteric Buddhism in Tang (618–907) and Song China; Zen Buddhism in Edo (1603–1868) Japan and the figures of Xinyue Xingchou 心越興儔 (Shin’etsu Kōchū, 1639–1696) and Kakumon Kantetsu 覚門貫徹 (d. 1730); and old Japanese manuscript Buddhist canons (issaikyō 一切経), especially from Nanatsudera 七寺 the Matsuo shrine 松尾社 canon kept at Myōrenji. He is currently working on two books, tentatively titled: Zen and the Literary Arts and Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of the Matsuo Shrine Buddhist Canon. He has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to support his research projects.

Sara Laws specializes in twentieth century American literature and poetry and transpacific poetry and poetics, with interests in texts that arise from the interactions, translations, appropriations, and collaborations between ‘East’ and ‘West’, American and Pacific cultures. In addition to teaching college writing seminars, she teaches courses on contemporary Asian American poetry and poetics, twentieth-century American poetry and poetics, and ‘mindfulness’ as transpacific phenomena. She has taught at Mongolia International University, Beijing Normal University, and the University of Oklahoma, and currently teaches at American University and Northern Virginia Community College.

Liu Yi 劉屹
Liu Yi 劉屹 is Professor and Dean of School of History at Capital Normal University and also the secretary of the Association of the Dunhuang and Turpan studies in China. His research interests include the Dunhuang studies and the medieval history of religion. For the past twenty years, he has been working on the history of Daoism and the Daoist scriptures. In terms of the former, he challenges the historical paradigm in which the sect of the Celestial Masters came directly down from the sect of the Five Pecks of Rice in the early Daoist history. In terms of the latter, he has specialized in the studies of such Daoist texts as Scripture on Great Peace, Xiang’er’s Commentary on Laozi, and Classic on Laozi’s Conversion of the Barbarians, and the Lingbao Scriptures of the Six Dynasties. He has recently shifted his research to the medieval Buddhist studies and is especially interested in the issue of the ‘Age of Dharmic Decline’. He has published about 110 research articles, book reviews, and translated articles and 6 books and collected volumes. The latest books include Historical Research on the Daoist Guling Baojing in the Six Dynasties (2018) and Research on the History and Scriptures of the Daoism in the Han and Tang Dynasties: Selected Works of Liu Yi (2015).

WANG Beier 王蓓兒
Wang Beier 王蓓兒 is a Ph.D. candidate from Leipzig University (Germany), specializing in Yogācāra Buddhism. She obtained her M.A. in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong and her B.Sc. in Psychology from the University of Toronto. Her current research investigates the Buddhist accounts of cognitive process and the role of ‘conceptualisation’ in shaping the perceptual world, based on the philosophy of early to middle Yogācāra school.

Marcel Werbik is a last-year M.A. student in both Sinology and Cultural Anthropology at the Jagiellonian University. He received B.A. in Indology and Sinology at the University of Warsaw and studied Chinese language at the National University of Sun Yat-sen within the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship. His main research interests include heterogeneousness of the discourse in/about Chan poetry, Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, Azhaliism (阿吒力教),and Vietnamese Buddhism. He is writing an M.A. thesis about the reception of Hanshan shi (寒山詩) (in Sinology) and the contemporarily-emerged tradition of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism (in Cultural Anthropology).

ZHAN Ru 湛如
Zhan Ru 湛如 is a Professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is a vice president of the Buddhist Association of China and vice president of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system.


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