Microcosm Holds Mountains and Seas – Abstracts


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  1. BIAN, Huiyuan, Peking University
    邊慧媛, 北京大學
    Cultural Construction and National Identity in the 20th Century India: The Buddhist Path of “Indian Xuanzang”

    Cultural Construction and National Identity in the 20th Century India: The Buddhist Path of “Indian Xuanzang”Generated against the Western colonialism, Asianism once took Buddhism as a shared value aiming at unifying the whole Asia, and this way of thinking also spread to India and brought out a profound consequence. Based on first-handed documents such as memoirs, Hindi diaries, newspapers, letters, and related documentary materials, this article focuses on pandit Raghu Vira, an influential political-cultural celebrity during Nehru’s time, who took a three-month Buddhist expedition to China, and was given the name as “Indian Xuanzang” by Premier Zhou Enlai (周恩来). By examining his connections with Buddhism taking place across India, Europe, Japan and China, the aim of this article is to delineate the role of Buddhism in the process of constructing common memory and national identity in the 20th Century India, as well as point to the fact sadly that for present the thousand-year-long Buddhism interactions between two countries cannot benefit the current reality-oriented Sino-Indian relation, and vice versa.


  2. CHEN Jidong, Aoyamagakuin University
    陳繼東, 青山學院大學
    The Formation and Transformation of The Daily Recitation of the Chan School 禪門日誦: An End Result of the Evolvement of Buddhism in the Sino-sphere





    Chanmen risong 禪門日誦 [The Daily Recitation of Chan School] is a daily text widely used in Buddhist monasteries in China from the Qing Dynasty to modern times. However, the compiler and the date of its establishment are still unknown, and the oldest existing version can be traced back to the first year of Yongzheng 雍正 (1723). Its content mainly consists of “morning recitation” and “evening recitation”, as well as rituals, mantras, chants, Buddhist rituals, etc., including sutras, precepts, verses, recitation of Buddhist vows, and quotations from Chan (Zen) masters in a variety of forms, which reflects the tendency of the integrating various schools, and the compatibility of Chan and Pureland Buddhism. This text is not only an important text for examining the ritual system of Chinese Buddhism, but also a document that cannot be ignored in grasping the intellectual background of the Buddhist monks of the Qing Dynasty and even modern times, as well as their comprehensive understanding of Buddhism.

    There are more than a dozen extant texts of Chanmen risong, and there are significant differences in the date of publication, the region, and the content. This suggests that this text has undergone changes in the course of its circulation, or has been added or deleted out of necessity. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the trajectory of this change to clarify the similarities and differences among the texts.

    In addition, there is also the book, Rike bianmeng lüejie 日課便蒙略解 [A Brief Explanation of the Daily Recitation] and Chanmen Foshi 禪門佛事 [All the Buddhist Affairs of the Chan School], which can be regarded as the same kind of text when compared with the existing “Daily Recitation of the Chan School” texts. The date of publication of the book Chanmen risong can be dated back to the year of Yongzheng, and the date of publication of the book “All the Things of the Zen Door” can be dated back to the second year of Daoguang 道光 (1822), which adds new materials to solve the problem of the establishment and transmission of The Daily Recitation of Chan School, and it must be compared with all the extant books. Further, Yunqi Zhuhong 雲棲袾宏 (1535-1615), one of the Four Great Masters of the late Ming Dynasty, compiled the Zhujing risong jiyao 諸經日誦集要 [The Collection of Essentials for Daily Recitation of Sutras], which can be regarded as the original form of the Daily Recitations, the Complete Works of Chanmen risong, Rike bianmeng lüejie, and the Chanmen Foshi, and it is necessary to examine them together.

    In this paper, as a part of revealing the whole picture of the versions and contents of Chanmen risong, we will only discuss the books of the Qing Dynasty, examining the similarities and differences of the texts, their genealogy, and their original forms.

  3. CHEN Jinhua, University of British Columbia
    陳金華, 英屬哥倫比亞大學
    The Operation of Multiple Networks behind the Re-Erection of the Huishansi Vinaya-Platform toward the End of the Eighth Century


  4. CHEN Kay, Peking University
    陳可,  北京大學
    A Life Pursuit of Precept: Bhikṣuṇī Jingxiu and Bhikṣuṇīsaṃgha in Fifth-Century Jiankang


    Jiankang during the first half of the fifth century witnessed an influx of Buddhist missionaries and Vinaya texts from India via northern land and especially southern sea routes, which stimulated the identity crisis and craving for legitimate ordination in bhikṣuṇīsaṃgha. Among them was Jingxiu, whose consciousness of precept drove her to receive ordination repeatedly as many of her peers and strive to refine monastic regulation in bedding and clothing. For the rest of her life, she presided over Chanlin禪林 convent and facilitated transmitting a newly translated commentary on Vinaya from Guangzhou to Jiankang. Jingxiu spent her entire religious life in the most prominent convents in Jiankang, where the communal nature of cenobitic life made for her religious appeal. Her actions demonstrated how the monastic order in Jiankang transformed under the impact of Vinaya in the 5th century, meanwhile reflecting a common mindset of meticulously complying with Indian canon during the formative era of Chinse saṃgha.

  5. CHEN Zhinan, University of Washington
    陳芷南, 華盛頓大學
    Intellectual Scene at the Longxing Monastery: A tentative reconstruction

    With a large corpus of Dunhuang manuscripts becoming available these days, one ought to be surprised by how long we still have to go to fully understand the production, preservation, curation, and transmission of written knowledge in medieval Dunhuang. This is because the majority of the Dunhuang manuscripts were found in fragmentary state and only a fraction of the corpus bear some clues about the origin and usage of manuscripts as physical artifacts. In general terms, there is little doubt that Buddhist monasteries in the area figured prominently in at least some portion of, if not the entire, life span of a typical Dunhuang manuscript. Still, for the most part, we are often left in the dark about where the manuscripts came from and how they ended up stashed away and sealed in the cave and all the years in between these two points.

    This study brings together all the Dunhuang manuscripts known to be associated with one specific monastery and piece out the intellectual scene of knowledge production, preservation, curation, and transmission that took place in that particular monastery between the eighth and eleventh centuries. The study is intended to be a small-scale test run to see whether it is possible to contextualize a heap of loose leaves of frail sheets of manuscripts in a medieval monastery complex that once stood solemnly in Dunhuang. The intellectual scene that this study manages to piece together may very well be desultory and sketchy, but even piecemeal progress in our understanding of the intellectual realm of medieval Dunhuang would justify such a trial.

    經過幾代敦煌學家卓絕的努力,敦煌寫本研究在各個領域都取得了重大的進步。然而,相對而言,我們對於敦煌寫本作為物質財產的生產,應用,和流通尚有進步空間。本文將以沙洲龍興寺為例,從與龍興寺有關的一系列敦煌殘卷入手,嘗試重建以敦煌佛寺為中心的文獻生產、保存、 管理、流傳的場景。

  6. CHEN Zhiyuan, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    陳志遠, 中國社會科學院
    The Establishment of the Translation Bureau During the Sui Dynasty and Its Legacy



    At the beginning of the Kaihuang era under Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yuwen Kai was commissioned with the construction of the Great Capital, and the Daxingshansi was located in Jingshan quarter on the eastern side of the central axis. According to professor Zhang Xuefeng, this layout inherited the tradition of urban planning since the Northern and Southern Dynasties. When Emperor Yang ascended to the throne, the political pivot was transferred to the Eastern Capital—Luoyang, and a new translation institution emerged—the Translation Pavilion, situated in Huixun quarter, to south of Chengfu Gate by the river of Luoshui. The Indian monk Jinagupta, who previously presided over the translation team at the Daxingshansi, was involved in political struggles and was exiled to the south-east border. Subsequently, the translation at the Translation Pavilion was conducted by other Indian monks such as Dharmagupta and so on.

    From the period of Division to the Sui Dynasty, the rise and fall of the steppe tribes had crucial influence in the fate of the translation institutions. The Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks testified that Narendrayaśas fled to the capital of the Northern Qi, while Jinagupta did not arrive in Chang’an until the fifth year of Kaihuang. These facts should be viewed against the backdrop of the downfall of the Rouran by the Turks, and the surrender of the Eastern Turkic Khagan to the Sui empire. It was in the same year of Jinagupta’s arrival, Narêndrayaśas was dispatched to a small temple in the capital. In consequence the translation team of the Northern Qi were marginalized.

  7. CHI Limei, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
    池麗梅, 国際仏教学大学院大学
    The complexity and uniqueness of the ancient Japanese Manuscript Canons


    This article aims to discuss the textual origins and characteristics of Japanese manuscript Canons from the Nara, Heian, and Kamakura periods within the framework and context of the East Asian Chinese Canon. Firstly, Japanese manuscript Canons, in conjunction with printed Canons from China and Korea and manuscripts from Dunhuang and Turfan, form a complementary relationship, representing valuable heritage and research material for East Asian Buddhism. Secondly, while the textual origins of Japanese manuscript Canons mainly inherit the Tang Dynasty manuscripts from before the Kaiyuan era, they also have their own formation process and transmission history. During the Nara period, as Japan was at the terminal point of introducing Buddhist culture, there were certain compromises made in constructing its local Canon due to the limitations of domestic textual resources. After the mid-Heian period, the introduction of printed Canons, such as the Kaibao Canon, also influenced Japanese manuscript Canons to some extent. When using these external texts, it is important to be aware of their inherent complexity and uniqueness.

  8. Heather CLYDESDALE, Santa Clara University
    柯玉珊, 聖克拉拉大學
    Architectural Aesthetics and the Manifestation of Buddhist Theory and Practice

    This paper explores how aesthetic principles in traditional Chinese architecture are preserved and reinvented in contemporary Buddhist institutions. It argues that this is because the attendant architectural aesthetics, although rooted in early Chinese cosmology and Daoism, support the understanding and practice of dharma today.

    When Buddhism entered China, artisans embraced radical approaches to art-making, fashioning icons and painting narratives to catalyze rituals like guanxiang 觀像 and circumambulation. Curiously, however, architectural forms remained largely fixed to a foundation of traditional archetypes. Temple compounds were based on siheyuan 四合院 courtyards, pagodas and temples eclipsed stūpa as devotional buildings, and representations of architectural details in cave temples were ornamented with replicas of dougong 斗拱 brackets, fudou 覆斗 ceilings, and laternendecke caissons. There are some practical reasons why it was difficult to adopt Indian and Central Asian architecture on a large scale. Yet, the enduring preference for Chinese architectural styles and aesthetics suggests that deeper reasons are at play.

    This paper compares two sites associated with the Dharma Drum World Center for Buddhist Education 法鼓山世界佛教教育園區: its headquarters amid the coastal mountains of New Taipei City 台北新市 and the Nung Chan Monastery 农禅寺 in Beitou 北投 to show how approaches to space and form manifest in modern and avant-garde religious architecture. The headquarters for Dharma Drum opened in 2005, realizing the vision of founder, Sheng-yen 聖嚴 (1931-2009). Based in part on Tang dynasty architecture and icons found in the Mogao 莫高 Caves, its minimal details, restrained use of color, and emphasis on connection with the landscape align it with global and modern-day Chan Buddhism.  The Nung Chan Monastery, which opened in 2012 and was designed by international “starchitect” Kris Yao 姚仁喜, is unabashedly avant-garde. The architecture does not obviously draw on historical forms, but classical aesthetics are evident in the harmonious proportions, repeated juxtapositions of mass and void, and use of geomancy. Both sites demonstrate how aesthetic principles are adaptable to contemporary forms and doctrine. They suggest that Chinese architectural aesthetics are uniquely efficacious in promoting individual meditation, community rituals, spirituality, and unity between environment and people.

    本文探討了中國傳統建築的美學原則如何在當代佛教寺廟與寺院中保存和重塑。 這是因為隨之而來的美學雖然植根於早期中國宇宙論和道教,但本質上支持當代對佛教的理解和實踐。

    當佛教進入中國時,工匠們採用了激進的藝術創作方法,塑造佛像和繪畫本生敘事和傳記,以促進觀像和繞行等儀式。 然而,奇怪的是,建築形式很大程度上仍然固定在傳統原型的基礎上。 寺廟建築以四合院,佛塔以高闕為原型,成為虔誠的建築,石窟寺廟的建築細節則以鬥拱、復斗天花板和藻井的複製品裝飾。古代時 有一些實際原因使得大規模採用印度和中亞建築非常困難。 然而,中國建築風格和美學的持久偏好表明,有更深層的原因在起作用。

    本文比較了法鼓山世界佛教教育園區的兩個相關地點:第一位於新北市沿海山區的總部, 第二位於北投的農禪寺,為了展示如何用空間和形式的方法體現在現代和前衛的佛廟院中。 法鼓總部建始於2005 年,實現了創始人聖嚴(1931-2009)的願景。總部佛寺的建築是部分基於莫高窟中發現的唐代建築和佛像,其極簡的細節、克制的色彩使用以及對與周圍環境的聯繫的強調與全球和現代的禪宗佛教相一致。 2012年開幕的農禪寺,由國際「明星建築師」姚仁喜設計,毫不掩飾前衛的風格。 其建築並沒有明顯借鑒歷史形式,但用和諧的比例、體量與虛空的反覆並置以風水的運用中, 古典美學顯而易見。 這兩個佛院都展示了美學原則如何適應當代形式和學說。 他們認為,中國建築美學在促進個人冥想、社區儀式、靈性以及環境與人之間的團結方面具有獨特的功效

  9. DEEG, Max, Cardiff University
    寧梵夫, 卡迪夫大學
    Projecting India in Chinese Medieval Buddhist Sources: A Case of Sinizication?
    中國中古時期佛教資料中的印度投射—— 一個中國化的案例?

    Following the “Call for Proposals’” suggestive “‘multi-layered contextualization approach’”, this paper will revisit the concept of Sinicization of Buddhism from a more general and theoretical viewpoint through a comparison with other religious adaptation processes (Buddhist and non-Buddhist). Approaching the concept from the angle of a specific case, the focus will then be on sources which consciously address the cultural other of their religion in its Indianness, and will try to trace the changes  and specific forms of presentation of this cultural otherness in selected sources up to the Tang period.


  10. GALAMBOS, Imre, Zhejiang University / University of Cambridge
    高奕叡, 浙江大學 / 劍橋大學
    The afterlife of a poem from Dunhuang

    Manuscript S.3698 is a scroll with the Classic of Filial Piety, copied by a student studying in a Buddhist monastery in Dunhuang during the tenth century. The verso of the scroll, amidst a multitude of seemingly random notes, features a quatrain written in a clumsy hand. The handwriting is so difficult to read that the last words of the poem are simply illegible, which may be part of the reason why this poem has received almost no attention in scholarship. Other than this fragmentary copy, it is unattested in written sources from Dunhuang or anywhere else during the pre-modern period. It is all the more surprising then that it reappears nine hundred years later, at the end of the nineteenth century, in a text written by a leader of a Chinese Sufi sect in the southern part of Ningxia. This paper addresses the survival of this poem in the oral tradition for nearly a millennium and the dramatic change of its context, finding its way from a medieval Buddhist monastery to a Muslim community in Ningxia.


  11. GOOSSAERT, Vincent, EPHE
    高萬桑, 法國高等研究院
    Chinese Gods as Persons and Subjects

    This paper is based on my ongoing work on Chinese gods and processes of subjectification whereby such gods affirm unique personas and engage humans in person-to-person interactions. It is based on a critical approach to much of the scholarship on gods who merely treat them as projection of human collective values and needs. I propose that the vast array of ritual techniques developed over the very longue durée in China to allow the gods to “talk back” to humans have allowed these gods to affirm themselves as persons and subjects – even though there was also resistance against such developments. I then wish to open a comparison with other religious cultures and explore the reasons why the presence of gods as subjects varies considerably between different cultural contexts: in some places, gods can engage humans as persons in ways comparable to the Chinese case, and in others they do not. My working hypothesis is that the availability and social acceptance of ritual techniques to allow the gods to talk is a crucial factor in such differences.


  12. HAN Oonjin / Ven. Kyougwan sunim, Dongguk University
    韓雲珍(景完), 東國大學
    A Study of the Modernization and Globalization Prospects of Buddhism with a Focus on Narrative Literature in Korea

    現代宗教的意義受到懷疑,可說正處於存亡絕續的關頭。各宗教因此不斷地尋找其存在意義。 雖然普遍認爲宗教與現代科學文明相去甚遠, 相互衝突, 佛教卻也表現出與天文學、物理學、腦科學等科學相契合之處。如此,佛教在現代文明中表現出適應的一面。著眼於此,筆者對佛教的現代化和全球化的可能性進行推測。本論特別以在歷史長河中相互影響的韓、中佛教為討論對象。因為兩國具有不同的特色,其發展情形不同。本論首先討論韓中佛教的受容與變容的互相關係。 通過這一過程來呈現出兩國佛教的現狀, 並尋找佛教現代化與全球化前景。通過此過程歸納,以期得出本主題總結的目標。

  13. Genevieve HAUER, University of Colorado, Boulder
    王桂薇, 科羅納多大學
    Transnational Buddhism and Chinese Workers on the Transcontinental Railroad

    Where do we look for information about the early Chinese adaptation of Buddhism in the US during the nineteenth century? Among the available archives, such as the Stanford Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project, are accounts by missionaries, oral histories of descendants, photographs, temple records, and Central Pacific Railroad Company documents. Recent scholarship such as The Ghosts of Gold Mountain: The Epic Story of the Chinese Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad by Gordon H. Chang (2019), The Chinese and the Iron Road edited by Gordon H. Chang and Shelly Fisher Fishkin (2019), and The China Question: Gold Rushes and Global Politics by Mae Ngai (2022) reconstruct the history of the Chinese railway workers with little reference to popular religion, let alone Buddhism. This research examines an unpublished manuscript, written by Daniel Cleveland under the commission of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, which observes the Chinese-American immigration labor-force of the 1860s. This manuscript is a problematic testament to the period, given the Orientalist and racist lens through which he assesses Chinese religious practice in general terms, yet in the midst of that there are a few instances of recorded observation that give us glimpses into lived religion among Chinese Americans of the time. From 1865-1869, Chinese Buddhist practitioners adapted to the physically laborious demands of life working on the US Pacific Transcontinental Railroad in the rugged California of the time, and this paper makes an initial foray into what the archives can tell us about what adaptations they made to their religious practice. In the process, I attempt to pay respect to, and augment the agency of, the oft-overlooked Chinese workers who toiled and died along the US Transcontinental Railroad.

    我們在哪裡可以找到有關19世紀佛教在美國的中國人對佛教的早期改造?就在現有的檔案,例如斯坦福北美華人鐵路工人項目,包括傳教士的敘述、後代的口述歷史、照片、寺廟記錄和中央太平洋鐵路公司文件中!最近的學術成果,如張少書 (Gordon H. Chang) 的《金山幽靈:建造橫貫美洲大陸鐵路的中國人的史詩級故事》(2019年)、張少書與Shelly Fisher Fishkin編輯的《中國人與鋼鐵之路》(2019 年)、以及 艾明如的《中國問題:淘金熱和全球政治》(2022年)重構了中國鐵路工人的歷史,但它們都幾乎沒有提及大眾宗教,更不用說佛教了。本研究考察了丹尼爾·克利夫蘭受中央太平洋鐵路公司委託撰寫的一份未發表的手稿,該手稿觀察了1860年代的華裔美國移民勞工。鑑於作者用東方主義和種族主義的視角來一般性地評估中國的宗教實踐,這份手稿是一個有問題的見證。儘管如此,其中有一些記錄下來的觀察實例,讓我們得以一睹美國中國人的生活宗教。從1865年到1869年,中國佛教修行者適應了當時在崎嶇的加利福尼亞州的美國太平洋橫貫鐵路上工作的體力勞動生活要求,本文初步探討了檔案可以告訴我們他們做了哪些調整他們的宗教實踐。在此過程中,我試圖向那些在美國橫貫鐵路沿線勞作並死亡的, 經常被忽視的中國工人表示敬意,並突出他們曾经所起到的作用。

  14. HONG Mianmian, Sun Yat-sen University
    洪綿綿, 中山大學
    Auspicious Sign of Jiankang and Buddha’s Light of Capital: The Will to Orthodoxy of the Southern Governments and Sangha


    Inspired by the belief on Buddhist bowl and the local auspicious sign thought, the common narrative motifs of “the reemergence of sacred objects” and “auspicious cross to the South” appeared in the writings of monks and scholar officials in the Southern Dynasties. Huiyi followed Liu Yu’s northern expedition and acquired 32 pieces of jade as the auspicious of Song Dynasty. From the comparison of Records of the Western Expedition, the Song History Book and the Eminent Monk Biography, we can see that the Song History Book cleverly compiled the historical materials to show the auspicious movement from north to south. The historical records narrated the appearance and disappearance of Tooth Relic, the record of searching for Nirvana Sutra downplayed Tanwuchen and highlighted Zhimeng, the record narrated that the Devadatta of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka Sutra had stayed in Chang ‘an and reached on Jian Kang at last, and the story told about Liu Sahe’s search for the Ashoka Tower from north to south, all of which contained the will to orthodoxy of the royal power and monks to take Jiankang as the center of the world under the background of north-south confrontation.

  15. HONG Xiang, The University of Hong Kong
    宏祥, 香港大學
    An Overview of the Spread of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha in the Greater Bay Area and Overseas Regions


    This paper investigates the impact of the spread of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha in the Greater Bay Area and overseas regions. In recent years, there has been a renewed global interest in this practice, particularly in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Japan, following the discovery of the Dunhuang Library Cave in the early 21st century. Significantly, variations in the practice of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha have been observed in specific locations, such as Kaiyuan Temple in Chaozhou, Tung Lin Kok Yuen in Hong Kong, and the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha in Japan. These regional differences have resulted in the development of distinct ritual manuals and practices. Therefore, this paper aims to examine and analyze the diverse manifestations of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha observed in different geographical contexts.

  16. JI Huachuan, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    紀華傳, 中國社會科學院
    Dramatic Social Changes and Modernization of Buddhism in the Late Qing and Early Republican Periods


    The late Qing and early Republican period marked a significant turning point in Chinese history, witnessing fundamental changes in political institutions, cultural structures, social life, and value systems. The centralized imperial autocracy, which had faced numerous crises, ultimately disintegrated. Chinese Buddhism, having evolved over nearly two millennia in symbiosis with imperial governance, confronted unprecedented challenges. Amidst this societal transformation, the influx of Western culture and the spread of Christianity exerted pressure on the traditional amalgamation of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Not only did it endure upheavals such as the Taiping Rebellion and the movement of revitalizing temple assets for education, but it also grappled with endemic issues accumulated over centuries. Chinese Buddhism embarked on a difficult and convoluted path towards modernization. However, owing to its rich and extensive heritage and its widespread societal influence from the intellectual elite to the common populace, Chinese Buddhism possessed a resilient vitality for self-reflection, survival, and development. These challenges presented new opportunities for its transformation and advancement. This paper aims to investigate the initiatives undertaken by the Chinese Buddhist community during this period to address historical issues and adapt to contemporary developments, focusing on Buddhist institutions, organizations, and education.

  17. KEYWORTH, George, University of Saskatchewan
    紀強, 薩斯喀徹爾大學
    On the Enduring Legacy of Tiantai 天台 Educational Books in Premodern Japan: the [Tendai enshū shikyō goji 天台円宗四教五時] Nishidani myōmoku 西谷名目 and Shishi yaolan 釋氏要覽 (Śākyamuni [Buddha’s] Essential Teachings)

    How did premodern East Asian Buddhist learn about the history and teachings of the Buddha? Although a generation or more of scholarship in western language scholarship (Ch’en 1964) suggests that Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Buddhists have a preference for the study of sūtras, including the Lotus (Fahua jing 法華經), Avataṃsaka (Huayan jing 華厳經), and many more, even if that were something like an historical fact, how did monastics and lay Buddhists learn the tenets of those sūtras? Given its conspicuous self-image as an authentic branch of Chinese Buddhism in Japan, the great Tendai tradition 天台宗 (Ch. Tiantai)—both atop Mt. Hiei 比叡山 and below it at Miidera 三井寺—preserves several educational books that generations of Japanese Buddhists have considered to reflect an educational curriculum from Song China (960-1279). In this paper I introduce and provide an overview of the Tendai enshū shikyō goji  天台円宗四教五時 Nishidani myōmoku 西谷名目 (Guide to the Perfect Tendai Tradition’s Four Teachings and Five Periods, according to the Nishidani Approach), which is preserved in multiple editions—with sub-commentaries—from the Edo 江戸 period (1603-1868) and earlier and references an early 11th century Chinese exegetical compendium called the Shishi yaolan 釋氏要覽 (Śākyamuni [Buddha’s] Essential Teachings, T no. 2127). I show how, according to Tendai Buddhists who followed the teachings of many teachers who studied in China across more than 400 years, the essential teachings of Buddhism are best conveyed through what we might call a Tiantai lens of scholarship. Finally, I point out how the Nishidani myōmoku and other Tendai educational manuals were used at monastic training centers in Japan from nearly all traditions (e.g., Shingon 真言宗, Zen 禪宗, Shinshū 真宗, Hokkeshū 法華宗).


  18. Jahyun KIM, Dongguk University
    The Sinicization of Early Ming Buddhist Art: Acceptance, Transformation, and Spread of Buddhist Iconography

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the process by which Buddhist prints produced in mainland China during the early Ming Dynasty accepted foreign cultures, underwent Sinicization, and spread to other countries. This study begins with an examination of Buddhist prints in Korea. In Korea, a Lotus Sutra featuring a splendid frontispiece illustration print was published by a royal woman of the Joseon dynasty in 1459. And the postscript of this sutra indicates that it is modeled on a Ming dynasty print published by the imperial court of China. Among the Buddhist prints published in the early Ming Dynasty, there exists a print with identical iconography to this one. Upon investigating the origins of this print, it was confirmed that it underwent a process of Sinicization from the Hexizi Canon, originally published in the Hangzhou area during the Yuan Dynasty, and consequently, emerged as a quintessential frontispiece illustration print of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, this study aims to delve into the historical context surrounding the reception of Western Xia prints during the Yuan Dynasty, the process of Sinicization they underwent, and the subsequent transmission to Joseon, where they influenced the realm of Buddhist art, particularly focusing on prints from the Ming Dynasty. This study is expected to help clarify the exchange patterns and mutual influences among East Asian countries in the domain of Buddhist art.


  19. LI Jingjing, Leiden University
    李晶晶, 萊頓大學
    Illusory Conventions and The Modernization of Chinese Buddhism

    In the Madhyamaka theory of twofold truth, sentient beings shall comprehend the illusory and deceptive nature of dependent arising at the conventional level for attaining the ultimate truth of emptiness. As the Sanlun master Jizang once remarked, “for practitioners with skillful means and wisdom, they come to learn the twofold truth to realize that there is nothing to attain.” Given this Madhyamaka commitment, Buddhist reformers are soon presented with the doctrinal question on conventional reality when they strive to modernize Buddhism and make it more socially engaged: if there is eventually nothing to attain, what is the value and worth of the conventionally true society and why does it matter to transform social conventions? In this article, I explore how Buddhist thinkers like Fazun draw from Tibetan Buddhist resources for reaffirming the value and worth of conventional reality, which allows for consolidating the theoretical foundation of their project of modernizing Chinese Buddhism.

    在中觀的二諦理論中,有情眾生應理解世俗層面上的緣起之虛妄性,進而通達勝義諦的空性。正如三論法師吉藏所言,“若有巧方便慧,學此二諦,成無所得” (T no. 1853, 15a18)。然而,當佛教改革者致力於讓他們的傳統更加現代化更加入世的時候,如此立論的中觀思想立刻讓他們面臨到一個關於世俗有的義理難題:如果一切畢竟無所得,那僅是世俗真實的世界有何價值呢?改變世間習俗又有何意義呢?在這篇文章中,我將探討以法尊法師為代表的思想家如何引用藏傳佛教資源來重新承認世俗有的價值。如此觀之,他們的努力為佛教現代化奠定了堅實的理論基礎。

  20. LI Meng, Fudan University
    李猛, 復旦大學
    Anti-Buddhist Emperors and Ministers in Medieval Buddhist Devotionals                                                                                   





    During the Sui and Tang dynasties (581AD-907AD), a large number of Buddhist Themed Devotionals appeared.Apart from those who gained rewards for their Buddhist believing, there are also accounts of anti-Buddhist emperors and ministers who were penalized for their anti-Buddhist words and actions, including sending these nobilities to hell. The most representative example was the Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (543AD-578AD). Stories about his imprisonment for abolishing the Buddha varies more than a dozen, forming three major version.

    In addition, emperors such as Helian Bohu, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Lord Sun Hao of the Wu Dynasty, who abolished or opposed Buddhism, and ministers such as Wei Yuansong, Fu Yi, and Xie Xi, who proposed or took measures to abolish/oppose/approve Buddhism, were also punished accordingly in these apocryphal accounts. Different versions of Tang Taizong ruming ji 唐太宗入冥記 in Chaoye qianzai 朝野僉載 and in Dunhuang Documents can also be seen as series apocryphal accounts in this theme.

    Falin was the first eminent monk to systematically compile and organize Buddhist Devotionals, and commended them highly. These works and philosophies were inherited by monks and ministers such as Dao Xuan, Dao Shi, Tang Ling, and Lang Yu Ling. This form of punishment for these anti-Buddhist emperors and ministers was a form of resistance, following the religious policy at that time. These Buddhist devotionals were a manifestation of their simple religious feelings and a kind of psychological support. After all, it was very difficult to penalize Emperors and powerful Ministers for their anti-Buddhist words and actions in reality. To the emperors and later generations in Medieval period, the existence of theme of the devotionals was also a kind of admonition and warning. The emergence of Buddhist apocryphal journals and collections of apocryphal journals on this theme was the response of the Dharma-protecting monks and folk of the time to the policy of abolishing Buddhism. People nowadays saw these records as Buddhist doctrine tutoring was neither profound nor accurate.

  21. MA Xi, Nankai University
    The Structuring of the “Power” of History:A case study in a Northern Chinese Buddhist temple in the Tang-Song Transition  


    The Qinglian Temple 青蓮寺 in Jincheng, Shanxi Province, preserves numerous artifacts from the Tang and Song dynasties. Although its influence may not match that of grand temples like Ximing 西明 and Cien 慈恩, it witnessed the social changes of Buddhism in the southeastern region of Shanxi throughout the ages. The revival of Qinglian Temple during the Tang and Song periods could be attributed to the prevailing trend of visiting and cherishing ancient relics in the late Tang Dynasty. Over the span of a hundred years, visiting monks from other regions collaborated with the local community, using the language of the state system to transform “historical benefits” into tangible economic benefits. In the process of revival, history and reality mutually influenced each other, and this article attempts to summarize this process as the “the Structuring of the Power of History.”

  22. PAN, Sherry, University of Michigan
    潘清悅, 密歇根大學
    Buddhist Mortuary Rituals for Pets as Cultural Practices in Contemporary China

    This paper investigates the incorporation of Buddhist rituals in pet mortuary services in present-day China, highlighting a burgeoning industry that began taking shape in the late 2010s. This examination centers on a case study of Tianpet, a well-established national brand, and its operations in Nanjing. In modern times, Chinese Buddhism has experienced substantial transformations, responding to rapidly evolving socio-political, cultural, and economic conditions. These changes have fostered the development of new industries that incorporate Buddhist services, often positioning Buddhism as an integral part of Chinese cultural heritage, rather than merely religious practices. Contemporary applications of this recontextualization of Buddhism are evident in industries like pet memorial services, which is the focus of this paper. Through a comparative lens with the more established markets in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, this study highlights the practical application of Buddhism in the context of pet mortuary services, illustrating one way through which Buddhist practices have been adapted to meet local market preferences in mainland China. By doing so, this research aims to serve as a preliminary inquiry into these practices, setting the groundwork for further scholarly investigation into animal mortuary customs in contemporary China and their cultural implications.


  23. PEI Changchun, Shandong Normal University
    裴長春, 山東師範大學
    吐蕃統治下漢人如何學習藏文——法藏敦煌藏文文獻P. T. 1257《蕃漢雙語詞彙表》再探
    A Re-Examination of Pelliot tibétain 1257: A Workbook for Chinese Learning Tibetan?

    保存在法國國家圖書館的敦煌藏文文献P. T. 1257中抄寫有一份藏漢雙語詞匯表,其中匯總了一些最基本的佛教術語,以及從《解深密经》中摘抄的詞彙。這件詞匯表中的藏文詞彙率先由一個人完成,而漢語詞匯則在之後由三個人完成。這件詞匯表可能是一件由藏文教師製作的供漢族學生學習藏文詞匯的作業本。這個作業本,由漢族學生填寫漢語詞匯,並且此後仍歸漢族學生佔有和使用。這些敦煌本地的漢人學習藏文應該和當時由西藏國王發起的佛教抄經事業密切相關。

    P.T. 1257, a manuscript found in Dunhuang housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, contains a Bilingual Tibetan-Chinese Vocabulary List that compiles some of the most fundamental Buddhist terminology and vocabulary excerpted from the Saṃdhi-nirmocana-sūtra. The Tibetan terms in this glossary were initially written by a single individual, while the Chinese terms were subsequently filled in by three individuals. This vocabulary list may have been a workbook created by a Tibetan teacher for Chinese students learning Tibetan vocabulary. The workbook was filled with Chinese vocabulary by Chinese students and remained in their possession and use thereafter. The learning of Tibetan by these Chinese individuals in Dunhuang was likely closely related to the Buddhist sutra copying project initiated by the Tibetan king at that time

  24. REN Yian, Stanford University
    The Emergence of the Mañjuśrī Child Image in Early Medieval Japan: A Study of Iconographical Transformation

    The image of the Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva underwent a significant transformation in early medieval Japan as he began to be portrayed as a child, which marks a departure from the Chinese predecessors of Mañjuśrī representations as an adult male. This shift in Mañjuśrī’s portrayal coincided with the designation of the Kasuga Wakamiya 春日若宮 deity as the local manifestation of Mañjuśrī in the early eleventh century, a period characterized by frequent natural disasters and a crisis of trust in the Fujiwara family’s spiritual authority.This paper examines how the Japanese perception of Mount Wutai as Mañjuśrī’s pure land shaped his cult and his relationship with the Shinto deity, thereby influencing the creation of his images in Japan. Furthermore, the perception of children as liminal figures between this world and the other, along with the special sentiments towards the chigo 稚児 in medieval Japanese Buddhist monasteries, stimulated the emergence of Mañjuśrī’s youthful depiction. By tracing the stylistic and iconographical evolution of Mañjuśrī images from earlier Chinese murals, sculptures, and book illustrations to the Japanese child depictions that emerged in the Kasuga and Esoteric Buddhist contexts, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the adaptation and transformation of Buddhist iconography as it traversed cultural boundaries from China to Japan.


  25. SHI Daoxin, Minnan Buddhist College
    The First Exploration of the Cultivation of Overseas Saṃgha Students at the Buddhist College of Minnan in Modern Times


    Master Taixu was the initiator of the training of overseas monks at the Minnan Buddhist College in modern times. Since his return to China in 1928 from his travels in Europe and the United States, Master Taixu had the idea of establishing a world Buddhist academy in China to cultivate international Dharma-expanding monks, to promote exchanges between Chinese and foreign Buddhists, to lead Chinese Buddhism into the world, and to achieve the purpose of reviving Chinese Buddhism from the outside to the inside by rescuing the religion in an indirect but expedient way. Therefore, he successively sent a number of students from the Minnan Buddhist College to study in Burma, Ceylon, India, Thailand, Japan and other places. These monks played a role of “One Belt, One Road” for the continuation of Chinese Buddhism and the exchange between Chinese and foreign Buddhism in the 20th century. After the reform and opening up of China, Chinese Buddhism was restored, and the President of the Minnan Buddhist College, Master Zewu, has once again realised the importance of monastic talent, and successively accomplished the study of monks in Japan, South Korea, the United States, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and other countries, to broaden the horizons and knowledge of the monks, so as to enable the rapid restoration of Buddhism in China, and to facilitate the communication between Chinese and foreign Buddhists. Although the training of overseas students is still in the exploratory stage, if we can continue to train them, we believe that in the near future, it will become more and more mature and better and better, so that more overseas Chinese and foreigners will know about the Minnan Buddhist College, and become interested in Chinese Buddhism and learn Chinese Buddhism and culture, so that the long and excellent academic tradition of the Minnan Buddhist College can be further developed and expanded, with even more brilliant contribution to the modernization and internationalization of Chinese Buddhism.

  26. SHI Gufu, Minnan Buddhist College
    On the Principle of “Living in accordance with the Buddha’s Teachings and also in Light of the Social Environment of the Times” in the Modernization of Buddhism

    佛教自印度傳入中國後,為了融入中華大地,中國化是其必然選擇。在佛教中國化的道路上,“契理契機”是其根本原則。“契理”,是上契諸佛無上妙法之理; “契機”,是下契眾生百千根性之機。與佛教中國化相應,“契理”即是堅持佛教的基本信仰和核心教義,“契機”就是要在立足中國國情的基礎上適應時代變化、滿足現實需求,不斷做出自我調整和改變。當下時代,佛教在現代化過程中,依然要遵循“契理契機”的原則。

    After Buddhism was introduced into China from India, in order to be integrated into the land of China, Sinification was its inevitable choice. In the course of Sinification of Buddhism, “abiding by the Buddha’s Teachings and tallying with the roots [of the sentient beings]” has been its fundamental principle. Whereas “abiding by the Buddha’s Teachings” is to observe the supreme dharma of all Buddhas, “tallying with the roots” is in tune with the roots of all the sentient beings. Corresponding to the Sinification of Buddhism, ” abiding by the Buddha’s Teachings” means to adhere to the basic beliefs and core teachings of Buddhism, and “tallying with the roots ” means to adapt to the changes of the times and to meet the needs of the reality on the basis of China’s national conditions, and to make self-adjustment and changes continuously. In the modernisation process of Buddhism in the present age, it is still necessary to follow the principle of “abiding by the Buddha’s Teachings and tallying with the roots [of the sentient beings].”

  27. SHI Minghan, Minnan Buddhist College
    The Background and Opportunities of the Modernization and Transformation of Modern Buddhism





    In modern Chinese Buddhism, there were two major revolutionary movements, one in the late Qing Dynasty and the other in the Republic period. By examining the realities and public opinion of these two revolutionary movements, this paper argues that the Buddhist revolutionary movement led by Venerable Master Taixu during the Republic period was a symbol of the modernization and transformation of Buddhism.

    During the late Qing and early Republic periods, modern Buddhism was in a critical period of repositioning itself in the coordinate system of the great change in the history of the millennium and the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. In the era of great social changes, Buddhism, as the representative and epitome of the old civilization, faced a severe existential crisis, and the escalation of the crisis was accompanied by the push and pull of public opinion. In modern times, Buddhism has become an object of attack by mainstream public opinion. In this regard, the basic goal of the modern Buddhist renewal movement is to integrate into the trend of modernization and to complete the transformation from counter-mainstream public opinion to mainstream public opinion.

    This goal could not be realized by the intellectual elites of the late Qing Dynasty, represented by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, because they led the revival of thinking by using traditional Buddhism as a weapon to resist the spiritual crisis, that is to say, repositioning Buddhism in the traditional spectrum of public opinion. But the transformation of modern Buddhism is to integrate Buddhism into the new field of public opinion. In fact, this revival movement was initiated by Master Taixu and marked by the founding of Haichaoyin. This revival of Buddhism was “an extension of the New Culture Movement in the field of Buddhism” and “epitomized the great social and cultural changes”.

    Master Taixu took the initiative to conform to the prevailing concepts of the time, and to break away from the old system, setting up a banner for the creation of a new culture. He presented a new image of Buddhism that still leads the direction of contemporary Chinese Buddhism. From this it can be seen that Master Taixu successfully devised a path to integrate Buddhism into mainstream public opinion, pointing out the core of Buddhism’s modern transformation.

  28. Nengren SHI, Buddhist Academy of China
    釋能仁, 中國佛學院
    A Lone Boat in the Midst of Monstrous Waves: Dharma Master Fafang in 1950


    In 1949, with the founding of the new China, Chinese society stepped into a new junction of unprecedented history. Venerable Dafang, who was far away in Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), was keenly aware of the great historical changes facing Buddhism in China, and believed that the wide-ranging social and economic changes taking place in China had a fundamental impact on the lives of the people, and that Buddhists, monks, and the Buddhist community should of course perceive the power of these changes, and that far-reaching and corresponding changes were bound to arise. Venerable Dafang was full of confidence in the coming of the new era, actively participated in the founding of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, publicized to the world on the international stage the protection of Buddhist monasteries, Buddhist colleges, and Buddhist scriptures by the newborn People’s Government, and believed that Chinese Buddhists had enough reasons to look forward to the future with confidence, and was really the first person who was brave enough to stand on the head of the tide of the era at that time. This article takes Venerable Fafang’s activities before and after 1950 as a clue to examine his outstanding ideological choices and practice of propagating Buddhism at the time of the magnificent history.

  29. SHI Shang, Capital Normal University
    石尚, 首都師範大學
    Re-reading the Multiple Painting Styles of Cave 285 in Mogao Grottoes and the Narrative Painting “Five Hundred Robbers” on its South Wall



    Cave 285 in the Mogao Grottoes was created and renovated in the fourth year of the Datong era of the Western Wei Dynasty (538 AD)西魏大統四年. The novelty of this cave in terms of cave , painting style, and subject matter has always been highly regarded by academia. The first part of this paper will examine the relationship between the first painting style of this cave and the art of the late Northern Wei Dynasty in Dunhuang, and use newly unearthed materials to argue for the close relationship between the second painting style and the painting styles of Luoyang and even the Southern Dynasties. The second part of this paper will focus on the narrative painting “Five Hundred Robbers” on the south wall, pointing out that details such as the fallen eyes, the lotus footstool, and the basin of flowers reflect the painter’s unique understanding, and interpreting it from the perspectives inside Buddhism understanding.

    This study aims to reflect on the form-stylistic樣式 methods of mural art in caves. Firstly, painting techniques and patterns have a broader commonality beyond religious attributes, and comparisons can be made with Buddhist murals, tomb art, and other works, which also reflect the transformation of Buddhism painting in East Aisa. Secondly, artistic works have their own “Kunst-wollen “, and under the research method of form-stylistic analysis, attention should also be paid to the individuality of each work, and priority should be given to the significance of religious art within its context.

  30. Xingpu SHI, Minnan Buddhist College
    A Study on Master Changkai’s Thoughts of Buddhist Medical Prevention and Treatment


    Venerable Chang Kai has been practicing Dharma and medicine overseas for more than 50 years, and has been listed by scholars as one of the famous monks and doctors in Southern Fujian. According to the evidence, Venerable Changkai’s lifetime of Buddhist practice is divided into “domestic accumulation period” and “overseas Dharma propagation period”. This paper explores the origins of the Venerable Master’s Buddhist medical thinking by combing through the literature of his study of the Confucian canon, his inheritance of the Chongfu Vinaya tradition, and his study at famous mountain monasteries. It then focuses on the fact that he went to Singapore to develop Buddhist charities, culture, and education to prove that the Venerable Master used medical prescription as a means of practicing the Bodhisattva Way. From this, it can be deduced that the Venerable Master has taken the prevention and treatment theories of Buddhist medicine as the cornerstone, and applied the concepts of integrating Chinese and Western medicine to clinical treatment and preventive health care. In addition, by analyzing the Venerable Master’s participation in the “Shanghai Monks’ Ambulance Corps” and his concern for the construction of the Buddhist cause in his hometown even when he went overseas, his strong patriotic feelings for the protection of Buddhism are evident. In conclusion, through the research of this topic, we hope to add a little theoretical reference to the research field of Venerable Changkai’s Buddhist medical and preventive thinking, and also to provide a historical value to the exploration of the Buddhist medical and cultural exchanges between Southern Fujian and Singapore.

  31. SONG Donggyu, University of Tokyo
    Buddhism in Reverse Flow: A Case Study of Hamon

    This presentation aims to depart from the unidirectional transmission perspective of “China → (Korean Peninsula) → Japan” which is still prevalent in the understanding of East Asian Buddhism, and instead reveal the dynamics of mutual influence and development of ideas among these three regions. A notable document within this context is the text Hamon (『破文』, 997). This document was written in response to a request made by Yuanqing 源清 (-995-), a scholar from the Song Dynasty, for a critique of his own work, the Kangyōso-kenyōki (『觀經疏顯要記』), which he sent to Mount Hiei 比叡山  in Japan. Genshin 源信 (942-1017) refuted the first volume of the Kangyōso-kenyōki, while Kakuun 覺運 (953-1007) refuted the second volume, resulting in the creation of the Hamon. The structure of the Hamon consists of eleven sections in the upper volume and ten sections in the lower volume, totaling twenty-one Hamon(confutation). Hamon can be considered an important example of Buddhism experiencing reverse flow, as it originated from a request for intellectual exchange from China, rather than solely for texts. Through the study of the Hamon, we can gain insights into how the East Asian regions interacted and developed their respective ideas from the 10th to the 12th centuries.


  32. SUN Qi, Shandong University
    孫齊, 山東大學
    Textual Travels of ‘The Records of the Enlarged and Proved Version of Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī


    With the translation and popularization of Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī in the Tang Dynasty came a boom of a variety of spiritual narratives, and The Records of the Enlarged and Proved Version of Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī, edited by Huilin, is a compendium of these narratives. Recently published Ishiyama Temple 石山寺manuscripts shows that the Dhāraṇī compendium was introduced to Japan from the Bohai Kingdom in the ninth century, and was thus preserved. Although this compendium has been lost in China, some of its chapters were engraved in the inscriptions of various late Tang and Liao buildings and pagodas. After the North Song Dynasty, the compendium was adapted into a Taoist version. The dissemination of The Records of the Enlarged and Proved Version of Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī is not only cross-medium, but also cross-regional and cross-religious, demonstrating the diverse transmission and evolution of the Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī since the eighth century.

  33. WANG Lei, Sun Yat-sen University
    王磊, 中山大學
    The Translation and Transmission of Shisong Lü 十誦律 in Medieval China


    The translation of the Shisong lü 十誦律 in the early 5th century had unprecedented significance for the development of the history of Buddhist Vinaya in China. However, the translation process of this Vinaya was quite complicated. According to texts such as the Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集 and the Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳, the Shisong lü was initially translated by Puṇyatāra and Dharmaruciin collaboration with Kumārajīva, producing a first draft. This draft was later revised by Vimalakṣa, and it took more than ten years and the efforts of many individuals to complete the translation.

    Traditionally, the main emphasis has been placed on Kumārajīva’s contributions to the translation of this Vinaya. However, the discovery of several Six Dynasties manuscripts from Dunhuang, such as S.797, has given us new insights into the significant role of Vimalakṣa in the formation of the Shisong lü text. Vimalakṣa made substantial changes to the initial draft translated by Kumārajīva and others. The present text of the Shisong lü is primarily based on the version revised by Vimalakṣa. Vimalakṣa himself also played an important role in the dissemination of the Shisong lü.

    Furthermore, from the texts of the Shisong lü included in various Song Dynasty and later printed editions of the Buddhist canon, as well as from bibliographic records, it is evident that during the manuscript period before the appearance of the Song printed canon, the structure of the Shisong lü text was continuously changing. Different manuscripts had variations in the number of volumes, the division of the text, and the placement of the “Pini xü” 毗尼序 within the text. This serves as an excellent example for observing the fluidity of texts during the manuscript era and the development of book history at that time.

  34. WANG Qingwei, Stele Forest or Beilin Museum
    王慶衛, 西安碑林
    The Date and Background of the Engraving of the Wei Wenlang 魏文朗 Statue in the Northern Wei Dynasty

    關於北魏魏文朗造像的刊刻年代,學界主要有兩種意見,一種觀點以為其年代在始光元年(424),另一種觀點認為其年代在公元500—514年之間。本文通過分析魏文朗造像的藝術風格和銘文的文字書寫,指出其刊刻年代為「始道元年」,「 始道」並不是傳統意義上的帝王年號,而是具有道教思想的特殊紀年,實際年代為景明元年(500)。造像銘文中的「始道」年號,是北魏時期政治觀念和佛道關係的直接呈現。

    Regarding the date of the engraving of the Wei Wenlang 魏文朗 statue in the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are two main opinions in the academic circles, one of which is that it was engraved in the first year of Shiguang 始光 (424), and the other is that it was engraved in the period between 500 and 514 AD. By analyzing the artistic style of the Wei Wenlang statue and the writing of the inscription, this paper points out that the date of its carving is the first year of Shidao 始光, which is not an imperial year in the traditional sense, but a special year with the idea of Daoism, and the actual date is the first year of Jingming 景明 era (500). The Shidao year number in the inscription of the statue is a direct representation of the political concepts and the relationship between Buddhism and Daoism in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

  35. WANG Xuemei, Xibei University
    王雪梅, 西北大學
    The methodological enlightenment of Zongmi’s Huitong thought to Buddhism modernization


    Zongmi is the fourth disciple of the Heze Shenhui of Chan Buddhism, and the fifth ancestor of Huayan Buddhism in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Zongmi’s Yuanren lun is an introduction to Buddhism with a large pattern and structure. In this essay he criticized Confucianism and Daoism, Buddhism’s rentianchen etc, and finally attributing it to the Perfect Teaching. Zongmi had integrated the differences between the various schools in Yuanren lun. Zongmi had advocated integration, and take the zhenxin as the origin of the universe, society, and human beings (beings). Zongmi believed that zhenxin is the true essence of the universe and society. The exploration of the original human being is truly completed only when it reaches the zhenxin. Yuanren lun refuted Confucianism, Daoism  and the non-perfect teachings within Buddhism (Rentian Teaching, Hinayana Teaching, etc.). Zongmi’s theory of Huitong was more based on philosophical speculation and had a high degree of theoretical and methodological consciousness. The specific method of “xu 叙” is always to “describe” (narration, narration) one by one, and then to “pan 判” (judge/distinguish) the gains and losses of each family, and finally to huigui 會歸, that is, huitong 會通 and “three-stage form”. Zongmi’s huitong thought, which “overcomes all religions and integrates inside and outside” and its “disintegrating and inclusive demonstration function”, has methodological implications for promoting the Sinicization and modernization of Buddhism.

  36. WANG Zhaoguo / Ven. Dingyuan, Shanghai Normal University
    王招國 / 定源, 上海師範大學
    Examination of Japanese monk Taisho’s Experiences in China in the Turn of the Yuan and Ming Dynasty: On the Basis a Temple Stele Surviving from the Ming Dynasty


    Taisho entered into the China during the period of the Yuan Dynasty in 1366 and died in the Shanjiao Temple of Shuntai in 1407, during the Ming Dynasty. The length of time he stayed in China has definitely exceeded most of other Japanese monks. At the beginning of his time in China, Taisho extensively researched for and studied  with “good Buddhist friends” (Kalyāṇamittatā) and contacted with a large number of monks and celebrities such as Zongle. His tracks can be traced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Having experienced chaos and conflicts led by Kou Dinxiang and Wu Dasan, Taisho has devoted to setting up temples anywhere has been to, as well as providing safe places for monks. Additionally, he accepted numerous believers and actively took part in the construction of Buddhism and wrote Taichu yulu [The Collection of Words by Taisho], which consists of three juans. During his stay in China, Taisho promoted both development of Buddhism and communication of Buddhist culture of the Ming Dynasty .

    This paper describes Taisho’s activities in China from a stone tablet entitled “Shanjiao si Kaitianji” 山交寺開田記, which survived from the Ming Dynasty, and combines it with related historical materials. Given that Taisho’s life activities were mainly in China, he was hardly heard of in his home country Japan. Utilizing the Chinese historical materials to explore his deeds in China can add a good story to the history of Buddhist exchanges between China and Japan.

  37. WEI Bin, Wuhan University
    魏斌, 武漢大學
    Buddhist Military Community from Villages in Northern Qi Dynasty


    After the disaster of Yongjia, the rise of local militarization and the emergence of armed forces of local bullies in North China was prominent. This led to a culture that valued military skills, which continued until the late Northern Dynasties. Behind this culture was the prominence of “martial arts” as a social survival skill. Focusing on inscriptions, this paper intends to organize a group of historical materials in a small region and to discuss the rural families, “martial artists”, and military groups living in it. On this basis, it attempts to further observe the continuation of northern local families, military participation, and the memory of glory during the Northern Dynasties period from an overall perspective.

  38. WU Hao, Harvard University
    吳昊, 哈佛大學
    Shiva in a Buddhist Temple: The Transmission and Reception of Hindu Art in 13th-15th Century Quanzhou, China

    “Every year, merchants of diverse ethnicities arrived in Quanzhou by sea, bringing with them a myriad of precious commodities such as ivories, rhinoceros horns, tortoise shells and et cetera.”—This vivid depiction is extracted from Fangyu Shenglan 方輿勝覽, a geography book from the Southern Song period. This historical account illustrates a vibrant picture of Quanzhou as a bustling and culturally diverse port city. By the early Southern Song period, Quanzhou surpassed Guangzhou and became the largest port in China, attracting merchants from Asia, Europe, and Africa, along with their diverse cultures and religions. At the heart of this cosmopolitan city lies the Kaiyuan Temple. Within this Buddhist temple, several artifacts exhibiting unequivocal Hindu features have been found. The presence of these artifacts within the temple serves as a testament to the complex interconnectedness of cultures brought by maritime trade. This paper is structured around three key questions regarding these Hindu artifacts: (1) WHAT are the Hindu artifacts in the temple; (2) WHERE did these artifacts come from; (3) HOW were these artifacts received and ritually incorporated into Kaiyuan Temple. By analyzing the iconography and unravelling the origins of these artifacts, this paper seeks to elucidate the ritualized reuse of these exotic Hindu artifacts within the local Buddhist landscape.

    “諸蕃有黒白二種,皆居泉州,號蕃人巷。每嵗以大舶浮海徃來,致象犀玳瑁珠璣玻璃瑪瑙異香胡椒之屬。” 這幅生動的描繪取自南宋時期的地理著作《方輿勝覽》,記載了泉州作為一個熱鬧而文化多元的港口城市的景象。在南宋早期,泉州超越了廣州,成為中國最大的港口,吸引了來自亞洲、歐洲和非洲的商人,隨之而來的是多樣的文化和宗教。開元寺就處於這座國際城市的中心。在這座佛教寺廟裡,發現了一些帶有印度教特徵的文物。這些文物在佛寺內的存在,反映了海上貿易中複雜的文化交流。本文擬从三個相關問題展開:(1) 辨識開元寺內的印度教文物;(2) 還原這些文物的來源;(3) 探討這些文物是如何被接受並被儀式性地融入開元寺的。通過分析圖像和揭示這些文物的來源,本文旨在闡明這些異教文物如何在泉州當地佛教景觀中被儀式化再利用的問題。

  39. WU Shaowei, Shandong University
    武紹衛, 山東大學
    The Collection and Reading of Buddhist Scriptures by the Dunhuang Sangha: Focus on Non-Canonical Collections

    敦煌寺院藏經可分為兩類,一是依照經律論體系組織的常規藏經,二是無體系的雜藏。 前者大體是依中原藏經組織機構而來,但時常也會有所突破,體現出經藏體系的地方特色。 就了解敦煌僧人的知識構成和時代風尚而言,這種常規藏經其實很難說明問題,而無體系的雜藏則恰恰相反,因為這種逸出常規體系的收藏的原動力正是當地僧人的 個性化需求。

    The Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures can be categorized into two distinct types: the first type is the conventionally organized scriptures that follow the traditional Tripitaka system, and the second type is the Non-Canonical Collections that lack a structured system. The former is largely organized based on the structure of the Central Plains’ Tripitaka organization, yet it occasionally transcends these boundaries, reflecting the regional characteristics of the scripture system. In terms of understanding the knowledge composition and the spirit of the times of the Dunhuang monks, this conventionally organized scripture may not provide a clear picture, whereas the Non-Canonical Collections offer a contrasting perspective. This is because the primary driving force behind these collections that deviate from the conventional system is the individualized needs of the local monks.

  40. WU Yu, South China Normal University
    吳羽, 華南師范大學
    Architectural Landscapes and Changes in Families and Country:Xieshan 峡山 Feilai Temple 飛來寺 in the late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties


    Feilai Temple 飛來寺 was located fifteen kilometers away from Qingyuan 清遠 county town, Guangdong Province, on the riverside at the foot of North Yu Mountain 北禺山. It was at the crossroad for people travelling north to Shaoguan 韶關, south to Guangzhou, and westward to Guangxi. The temple was a unique cultural landscape, and was the subject of many local legends and famous individuals’ inscriptions. Beginning in the mid-Ming Dynasty, powerful local families in Qingyuan began to build various architectural landscapes around Feilai Temple. This made Feilai Temple one of the centers for local gentry and monks to make contact with the outside world.

    A torrential flood destroyed Feilai Temple and the buildings around it in 1607. Zhu Xuexi 朱學熙, a famous member of the gentry in Qingyuan, had inherited his father and uncle’s career. Along with the monks in Feilai Temple, he contacted officials, nobles, and merchants, and they rebuilt the buildings of Feilai Temple. Zhu Xuexi constructed many new artistic landscapes too. Tong Yangjia 佟養甲 and Li Chengdong 李成棟, Qing military generals, entered Guangdong in the early Qing Dynasty. Zhu Xuexi and his teacher Chen Bangyan 陳邦彥 died resisting the Qing army, and all Zhu Xuexi‘s family members perished. Almost all the monks of Feilai Temple escaped or died. Shang Kexi 尚可喜 later entered Guangdong. He stationed troops in Feilai Temple to occupy the strategic transportation hub. Those soldiers demolished the buildings of Feilai Temple in order to sell the wood. Almost all its architectural landscapes had been destroyed. Later on, in order to stabilize the social order and comfort the local people, Shang Kexi ordered Shi Zhenxiu 釋真修 to rebuild some buildings and the surrounding roads of Feilai Temple. However, the temple still looked shabby, and later became a subordinate temple of Changshou Temple長壽寺 in Guangzhou. The famous monk Shilian Dazhan 石濂大汕, who was friendly with Chen Bangyan’s descendants and students, took charge of Changshou Temple. He restored Feilai Temple and some of the architectural landscapes built by Zhu Xuexi around 1678. In 1713, Sun Shengzu 孫繩祖 served as the county magistrate of Qingyuan and rebuilt some of the architectural landscapes with Xingxian 興顯, who was a disciple of Shilian Dazhan, while intentionally removing some of Zhu Xuexi’s influence.

    Shilian Dashan and his disciples were connected to Chan/Thiền Buddhism in Vietnam. Feilai Temple was an important location for Vietnamese envoys to go to Beijing through Guangdong and Hunan, and therefore had a great influence on the literature of Vietnamese envoys and the creation of the image of Vietnamese literati. The rise and fall of architectural landscapes of Feilai Temple reflected the interaction and changes of the state, local communities, and Buddhism during the great changes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it was also an important part of Buddhist exchange between Guangdong and Southeast Asia at that time.

  41. YANG Baoyu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    楊寶玉, 中國社會科學院
    Travel Journals in Dunhuang Manuscripts by Monks Travelling between India and China


    The Dunhuang Library Cave, discovered in 1900, preserves tens of thousands of various documents formed between the 4th and 11th century AD. Among them, a considerable number of travel notes and memorial notes of monks who went to India or came to China are of great significance for studying the history of Buddhist missionary and Sino Indian communication in the Middle Ages. This article focuses on revealing the preservation status and research status of the above mentioned documents. These documents can roughly be classified into two categories: “Travel Notes of Monks Going to India or Coming to China” and “Petitions and Vows Related to Monk Tour “. The travel notes involve not only Report of the regions west of Great Tang  and A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practiced in India and the Malay Archipelago left in the handed down literature, but also Biography of Hui Chao to Five Tianzhu Countries, Journey to the Holy Land, Travel Notes to India, and Log of the Indian Puhua Masters’ Tour of Mount Wutai, which are exclusively found in Dunhuang manuscripts. The quantity and types of the petition and vow texts are even more diverse and massive. The article ends with a brief discussion of the historical value and research significance of these documents. The author sincerely hopes that this article can provide reference and convenience for similarly interested scholars and calls on further explorations.

  42. YING Lei, Amherst College
    應磊, 安默斯特學院
    The “Truth” and the “World”: Taixu’s Quest for a Buddhist Universalism

    Taixu’s (1890–1947) world mission has earned the modern Chinese Buddhist reformer glowing accolades as well as searing criticisms. This study presents a reappraisal of Taixu’s insistence on recalibrating the Buddhist “truth” in, to, and for the modern “world.” What does (Chinese) Mahāyāna Buddhism look like, if it is to live up to its own universalistic promise in a real world of competing truth claims, evangelical missions, and power struggles? Taixu’s sustained efforts at worlding the Dharma were anchored in this question, which remains unexplored regardless of whether one approves or not of Taixu’s global ambitions. Situating Taixu in a broader context of successive and overlapping quests for egalitarianism and universalism in modern China, this study underscores a Buddhist horizon of meaning shared by radical thinkers such as Kang Youwei (1858–1927), Tan Sitong (1865–1898), Zhang Taiyan (1869–1936), and Taixu. It rediscovers Taixu’s innovation in forging a global Buddhist fellowship amid surging nationalistic zeal in and beyond China.


  43. YU Chun, Northwest University
    于春, 西北大學
    The fusion of jade culture and Buddha statues——the changes in the quality of Buddha statues in the Northern Dynasties


    A significant proportion of the free standing sculptures from the Northern Wei period are made of sandstone. This preference for sandstone is believed to be closely related to the spread of the “Yungang model” Since the cliff into which the Yungang Grottoes are carved is made of sandstone. Such stone is easy to carve and allows for intricate decorations to be carved directly from the living rock. After the Northern Wei Dynasty moved to Luoyang, they began to build the Longmen Grottoes. The cliff into which these caves are carved is formed of limestone, which is also referred to in Chinese as “blue stone” or “black jade”. The number of individual limestone statues in various regions gradually increases during this period, which was in line with the technology of limestone burial goods in Luoyang during the Northern Wei Dynasty; By the 510s at the latest, traditional Chinese jade materials such as serpentine and tremolite started to be used to carve Buddhist statues, implying the integration of jade culture and Buddhism; Starting from the Eastern and Western Wei dynasties, white marble was gradually used for Buddhist statues, as “jade statues” or “white jade statues”, replacing traditional Chinese jade materials and pioneering the trend in later generations.

  44. YU Wei, Southeast University
    于薇, 東南大學
    Technology and Thoughts Related to the Aśokan Pagodas during the Five Dynasties Period and Song Dynasty


    The “Stūpa of the Precious Chest Mudrā” of the Wuyue Kingdom in Five Dynasties and the gilded Silver Aśoka pagodas appeared in Liangzhe Lu and Jiangnan Dong Lu in the Song Dynasty, even they were called the same name Aśoka pagoda by contemporary scholarship, but in fact, from the technology to the concepts, they have changed in various field. Based on the material culture of Buddhism in the medieval period and the economic development of the Jingnan region during the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty, this study attempts to explore the technical origin of the so-called “Aśoka pagoda” and its conceptual evolution. The naming, production, and dissemination of the Aśoka pagodas during the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty were not only a classic example of ancient Buddhist art in China, but also demonstrated the close relationship between Buddhist material culture and its visual representation with the era, society and region.

  45. ZHAN Ru, Peking University
    湛如, 北京大學
    Minnan Buddhist College and Buddhism in Modern China


  46. Zhang Liming, Zhejiang University
    張利明, 浙江大學
    A Study on the Stone Reliquary with Images of Monk’s Pilgrimage of Wuyue Kingdom Unearthed from the Pagoda of Zhongxing Temple in Dongyang


    A gilded and painted stone reliquary was unearthed from Dongyang Zhongxing Temple, an important temple of the Tiantai Sect, in the second year of the Jianlong era (961) by Master Deshao. The reliquary, which has a unique shape, contains seven volumes of the Lotus Sutra and serves a dual purpose as both a sutra and sarira reliquary. The reliquary’s four sides are carved and painted with images of monk’s pilgrimage and the six-tooth white elephants bearing sutras, each image imbued with profound symbolism. As one of the core depositories of the pagoda, the reliquary is a direct product and historical witness of the major events including the Wuyue Kingdom’s overseas search for sutras, the event in which the Koryo monk Diguan sent sutras to the Wuyue Kingdom, and the Revival of the Tiantai Sect, providing valuable archaeological evidence for understanding the political and religious landscape of the Wuyue Kingdom and the cultural and religious exchanges between China and Koryo. The images of monk’s pilgrimage were popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River from the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty, and influenced the image’s specific style of Xuanzang’s pilgrimage from the Northern Song Dynasty to the late Western Xia Dynasty, which is probably the earliest extant image of Xuanzang’s pilgrimage.

  47. ZHANG Wenliang, Renmin University of China
    張文良, 中國人民大學
    An Analysis of Taixu’s Thoughts on the Tathāgatagarbha


    Taixu’s interpretation of the idea of Tathāgatagarbha is largely included in articles such as the “Dacheng yu renjian liang ban wenhua” [Two Cultures of the Mahayana Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism] and the “Qixin lun weishi shi” [Interpretation on the Awakening of Faith from a Weishi Perspective]. His fundamental standpoint is to reconcile the thoughts of Tathāgatagarbha and Weishi, suggesting that the two are neither identical nor contradictory. Based on this viewpoint, Taixu reinterprets how the idea of Tathāgatagarbha is depicted in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, the Śrīmālādevī Siṃhanāda Sūtra, the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana and the Ratnagotravibhāga. Taixu’s approach forms a clear contrast to the criticism of Ouyang Jingwu, Wang Enyang on Tathāgatagarbha thoughts. From the historical transmission of Tathāgatagarbha thoughts, Taixu’s thoughts on the Tathāgatagarbha not only criticised and surpassed the theory of dharma nature upheld by the Huayan School in the Tang Dynasty and the distinction in natures made by the Faxiang School, but also carried on the reconcile of the dharma nature and dharma characteristics, advocated by Ouyi Zhixu in the late Mind Dynasty.