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1 | Christoph ANDERL (GhentU 比利時根特大學)![]() |
Christoph Anderl is a Professor in the Centre for Buddhist Studies. His main research interest is the study of Medieval Chinese, as reflected in Buddhist texts (Buddhist Hybrid Chinese), including syntax, semantics, and rhetorical devices. The focus is currently on semi-vernacular texts among the Dūnhuáng manuscript material.
During recent years, research has also focused on Buddhist iconography in Central Asia and China, studying mechanisms of text-image relations in Buddhist narratives. Other interests include: Chan/Zen Buddhism; Classical/Literary Chinese (syntax); Asian history of religion; Buddhist medieval lexicography; Digital Humanities; palaeography (Dūnhuáng manuscripts); Chinese historical phonology. |
2 | Stefan BAUMS (LMU Munich 德國慕尼黑大學)![]() |
Stefan Baums teaches Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali language and literature and Buddhist Studies at the Institute for Indology and Tibetology of the University of Munich and serves as lead researcher of the Buddhist Manuscripts from Gandhāra project at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Before joining the University of Munich, he held positions at the University of Copenhagen, the University of Washington, the University of California, Berkeley, and Leiden University. His research interests include Buddhist philology and epigraphy, classical Sanskrit court literature, the development of Buddhist hermeneutics, and the description of Gāndhārī language and literature. His current work focuses on the decipherment and edition of a group of Gāndhārī manuscripts containing commentaries on early Buddhist verses and the Saṃgītisūtra and a study of the historical connections and exegetical principles of this group of texts. He is editor of the Dictionary of Gāndhārī, co‐editor of the Gandhāran Buddhist Texts series, and academic lead of the Research Environment for Ancient Documents (READ) software development project. |
3 | Rostislav BEREZKIN 白若思 (FudanU 復旦)![]() |
Rostislav Berezkin obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and candidate of sciences degree from Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. He is a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University. His main fields of research are religious storytelling and popular religion in late imperial China, also in connection with cultural exchange in East Asia (especially btw. China, Vietnam, and Japan). His publications include two books in Russian. His English book Many Faces of Mulian: The Precious Scrolls of Late Imperial China was published by the University of Washington Press in 2017. His English articles have been published in T’oung Pao, Late Imperial China, Asia Major, Monumenta Serica, Asian Ethnology, Religions, Archiv Orientalni, CLEAR, BEFEO, Journal of Chinese Religions, Hanxue Yanjiu, Religion and Arts, Minsu quyi, and CHINOPERL (Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature). Rostislav also published a number of articles in Chinese and Russian, and a co-authored monograph in Vietnamese: NGUYỄN Tô Lan and Rostislav BEREZKIN, Phật Bà bể Nam: Truyện Quán Âm Diệu Thiện tại Việt Nam (Avalokiteśvara of the Vietnamese Sea: Miaoshan-Guanyin Legend in Vietnam; Hanoi: Vietnam University of Education Publishing House, 2021). |
4 | CAI Tiantian 蔡田田 (University of Wisconsin–Madison 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校) | Tiantian Cai is a PhD student in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before coming to Madison, she obtained her BA in Chinese Literature from Beijing Normal University and her MA in EALAC from Columbia University. Tiantian is interested in Buddhist philosophy, Yogācāya epistemology, and the historical transmission of Buddhist concepts preserved in Sanskrit, Chinese and Tibetan discourses. Currently, she is investigating the range of meaning of prapañca (conceptual structuring, elaboration, etc.) and rhetorical applications of metaphors in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, specifically concerning the way that metaphorical symbols encode ideas and how linguistic implements engaged in Buddhist ideology. |
5 | CHEN Yingjin 陳映錦 (Beijing Language and Culture U 北京語言大學)![]() |
陳映錦 文學博士,北京語言大學一帶一路助理研究員,碩士生導師,主要研究方向:佛教戒律文獻、佛教文學、敦煌學。
Yingjin Chen, Ph.D., is an Assistant Research Fellow of the Belt and Road initiative of Beijing Language and Culture University, and is a Master tutor. Her main research direction is the study of Buddhist discipline literature, Buddhist literature, and Dunhuang studies. |
6 | Max DEEG 寧梵夫 (CardiffU 英國卡迪夫大學)![]() |
Max Deeg is Professor in Buddhist Studies at Cardiff University. He received his Ph.D. in Classical Indology and his professorial degree (Habilitation) in Religious Studies at Würzburg University, Germany. His main research interest is in the history of Buddhism and its spread; he has researched and published extensively on Chinese Buddhist travelogues. His most recent publications are: Miscellanae Nepalicae: Early Chinese Reports on Nepal—The Foundation Legend of Nepal in its Trans-Himalayan Context (2016), and Die Strahlende Lehre—Die Stele von Xi’an (2018). |
7 | HE Yansheng 何燕生 (Koriyama Women’s U 郡山女子大學/KyotoU 京都大學)![]() |
Ph.D., Tohoku University, Japan; Co-research leader of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University; director of the International Center for Chan Culture Studies, Wuhan University; chair professor at Wuhan University; full-time Professor of Religious Studies at Koriyama Women’s University. Research Interests: History of East Asian Buddhist Thought Exchange, Dogen Zen. His best-known work is Dogen and Chinese Chan Thought (Hozokan, 2000). |
8 | HO Chiew-Hui 何秋輝 (USydney 澳大利亞悉尼大學) | Chiew Hui Ho is a senior lecturer in the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Sydney. He specializes in Chinese Buddhism with a focus on Buddhism in Medieval China. His area of research is the socio-cultural history of Buddhism in China, especially how Buddhism was lived and practiced on the ground by the laity. His first book examines the role of the laity in shaping Diamond Sutra devotionalism by studying a substantial body of narratives extolling the sutra in the Tang dynasty (618–907). He has published on various topics including Buddhist philosophy, the relationship between iconography and ritual, narratives of the Lotus Sutra. He holds a PhD in Religious Studies (Buddhist Studies) from Stanford University. |
9 | JIN Son/Ven. Jeongwan sunim (DonggukU 韓國東國大學) | Ven./Prof. Jeongwan 政完 sunim/ Son Jin 孫眞 is a research professor in Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University. She obtained a doctorate in Buddhist Studies from Dongguk University in 2015. Her main focus up to this point is East Asian Buddhism, particularly the interfusion of Buddhism and other religious traditions including folk beliefs. She is the principal investigator of the Research project for Academic Research Professors in Humanities and Social Science, “A Study on Chinese Buddhism through the Leishu and Chinese Anthologies of Narrative Literatures,” funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant by the Korean Government. |
10 | KISHINO Ryoji 岸野良治 (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 京都薬科大学)![]() |
Kishino Ryōji 岸野良治 received his BA (2004) and MA (2006) in Buddhist Studies from Kyoto University in Japan, and his PhD (2013) from UCLA. His research focuses on the daily lives and religious activities of Buddhist monks and nuns, and primarily uses Buddhist monastic law codes (Skt. vinaya) preserved in Chinese, Indic languages (Pāli and Sanskrit), and Tibetan. Currently, he is investigating how the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya and one of its major handbooks, the Vinaya-saṃgraha, were transmitted and circulated in Japanese and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, as well as studying writings on those texts by Japanese Edo period scholar-monks, such as Gakunyo 學如 (1716–73) and Mitsumon 密門 (1719–88), and the Tibetan polymath Bu ston (1290–1364). |
11 | Nelson LANDRY 藍山 (Oxford 英國牛津大學)![]() |
Nelson Elliott Landry is a fourth year DPhil student at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford. He is presently working on a research project regarding the Tang dynasty scholar monk master Daoxuan (596-667) and the corpus of historiographical texts which he authored that touch on supernormal themes, especially his later compilation of miracle tales, the Ji shenzhou sanbao gantong lu 集神州三寶感通錄 (Collected Record of Miracles Relating to the Three Jewels in China).
藍山,牛津大學東方研究所,四年級博士生。研究方向是中國佛教的歷史。傳注唐代神僧道宣(596-667)的感應故事,更注意道宣的《集神州三寶感通錄》。 |
12 | LI Can 李燦 (Beijing Foreign Studies U 北京外國語大學)![]() |
LI Can is an Associate Professor of Sanskrit and Pali Literature at the School of Asian Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He obtained his PhD at the Department of School of Foreign Languages of Peking University. LI Can specializes in early Mahayana Buddhism, History of Chinese Buddist Translations, and Buddhist liturgical texts. |
13 | LI Wei 李薇 (SuzhouU 蘇州大學)![]() |
Dr. Li Wei serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Soochow University. She received her PhD in Buddhism and literature from Hanazono University, Japan in 2018. She specializes in Vinayapitakas and Abhidharma of Buddhist. Major publications: “Is the Explanation of yathārūpeṇādinnādānena in the Mahāsāṃghika-vinaya a Later Insertion” “A New Study of the Approaches to Vinaya: From the Case of Mahāmoggallāna’s Hearing the Sound of Elephants in Dhyāna” etc. She is the leader of the research projects of the social science and humanity on Young Fund of the ministry of Education etc. |
14 | LI Wei 李巍 (He’nanU 河南大學)![]()
After securing a doctoral degree from Peking University (2020), Li Wei has become a lecturer at the He’nan University 河南大學. His research focuses on Buddhism’s impact on the Chinese literary traditions. He obtained his Master Degree with a thesis on the metaphors the Sanlun master Jizang (549-623) used in his commentaries on the Mādhyamika Śāstra, better known as Zhonglun (Treatise on the Middle Way) in the Sinitic Buddhist traditions. He is presently doing research on the Avadāna Literature in Six Dynasties, as an extension to his previous work on Buddhist literature. |
15 | LI Xiaorong 李小榮 (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學)![]() |
籍貫江西寧都,1969年生,1986年8月中師畢業後參加工作。南開大學文學碩士(1996年),復旦大學文學博士(1999年),先後在浙江大學古籍研究所(2000-2001年)、福建師範大學文學院(2002-2005年)完成兩站博士後研究。現任福建師範大學文學院教授,兼任文學院院長、教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地福建師範大學閩台區域研究中心主任、中國語言文學博士後科研流動站負責人。主要學術領域為敦煌學、宗教文學、佛教文獻學,在《中國社會科學》《文學遺產》《敦煌研究》等刊物發表論文百馀篇,出版《敦煌佛教音樂文學研究》《晉唐佛教文學史》等專著15部,論著獲國家新聞出版總署圖書獎、教育部及福建省人民政府社會科學優秀成果獎12項。 |
16 | LI Xuan 李瑄 (SichuanU 四川大學) | 李瑄,四川大學中國俗文化研究所教授。2004年于南開大學取得文學博士,2010年于日本早稻田大學完成博士後研究。曾任亞聯董“亞洲文化與宗教前沿研究學者”、台北“中央研究院”及日本京都大學訪問學者、日本花園大學國際禪學研究所客員研究員等職。主要研究領域為明清文學與文化。近年致力於晚明清初佛教與文學、明清之際文學思想、明清社會群落與文學等專題的研究。出版專著2部;在《文藝研究》等刊物發表《楞嚴經與竟陵派文學思想的指歸》等論文30餘篇。 |
17 | MA Xi 馬熙 (NankaiU 南開大學)![]() |
Ma Xi is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Nankai University. He obtained his MA degree of Chinese History with a dissertation titled “A Study of the Private Buddhist Ordination During Tang Dynasty” from Zhongshan University. His academic interest focuses on the religious landscape in the Tang Dynasty Society and the Intellectual world. |
18 | Victor MAIR 梅維恆 (UPenn 美國賓夕法尼亞大學) | Professor Mair has been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania since 1979. He specializes in Buddhist popular literature as well as the vernacular tradition of Chinese fiction and the performing arts. Throughout the 1990’s, Professor Mair organized an interdisciplinary research project on the Bronze Age and Iron Age mummies of Eastern Central Asia. Among other results of his efforts during this period were three documentaries for television (Scientific American, NOVA and Discovery Channel), a major international conference, numerous articles, and a book, “The Tarim Mummies: Ancient China and the Mystery of the Earliest Peoples from the West” (Thames and Hudson, 2000). |
19 | NG Chin-fung 伍展楓 (Goethe University Frankfurt 法蘭克福大學)![]() |
Ng Chin-fung is currently a PhD student in Sinology at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. He obtained his master’s degree from Leipzig University in Germany with a thesis focusing on the poetry and academic works of Zhang Ruzhao (1900–1969), a revolutionary heroine turned Buddhist nun and pioneer activist of the feminist movement in 20th century China. His current major area of research is classical Chinese literature related to Buddhism, especially poetry, during the late Qing and Republican periods.
伍展楓,現為德國法蘭克福大學漢學博士研究生。德國萊比錫大學漢學碩士畢業,碩士論文研究二十世紀中國女權運動家及女詩僧張汝釗(1900–1969)的詩歌及學術作品。目前主要研究方向為晚清及民國時期中國佛教文學、特別是詩歌的研究。 |
20 | Michael RADICH (UHeidelburg 德國海德堡大學)![]() |
Michael Radich taught at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, from 2005-2017, and is now Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Heidelberg. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 2007 for a dissertation entitled “The Somatics of Liberation: Ideas about Embodiment in Buddhism from Its Origins to the Fifth Century C.E.”. He has authored two monographs: How Ajātaśatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of ‘Ajase’ and Stories in Buddhist History (Tokyo 2011), and The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra and the Emergence of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine (Hamburg 2015). He was also an editor of Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Vol II: Lives (2019). Radich is Deputy Director of the project of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften entitled “Buddhistische Steininschriften in Nordchina” (under the direction of Lothar Ledderose). He spent 2015 at the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Hamburg, with the support of an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, and in 2019, spent a semester at Stanford as Shinnyo-en Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies. |
21 | RAO Xiao饒驍 (U. of N. Carolina Greensboro 美國北卡大學格林斯伯勒分校)![]() |
Xiao RAO is an Assistant Professor of Chinese at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He received his PhD from Stanford University with a specialization in premodern Chinese literature. His research interests include literary history, religion, and literati culture in medieval China, cultural studies of laughter, and premodern Chinese storytelling. He is currently working on a book project titled Tales of Wit and Enlightenment: Buddhism and Literati Humor in Song Dynasty China in which he unveils a rich vein of connections between Chan Buddhist literature and various forms of entertainment preserved in Song period anecdotes, including remarks on poetry, vernacular storytelling, and theatrical performance. |
22 | Ulrike ROESLER (UOxford 英國牛津大學)![]() |
Ulrike Roesler is Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies at the University of Oxford. She obtained a doctorate in Indian Studies from the University of Münster, followed by the Habilitation in Tibetan Studies from the University of Munich. Her research interests include interactions between Indian and Tibetan Buddhist communities, the period of the “later diffusion” of Buddhism in Tibet (late 10th to 13th centuries), and Tibetan historical, biographical, and narrative literature. Her book publications include Lives Lived, Lives Imagined: Biography in the Buddhist Traditions (2010), Frühe Quellen zum buddhistischen Stufenweg in Tibet (“Early Sources on the Graded Path to Awakening in Tibet”, 2011), and Tibetan and Himalayan Healing (2015). She is currently working on a monograph on the emergence of monasticism on the Tibetan plateau and the formation of the Kadampa school. |
23 | SHI Fazhao 釋法照 (Hangzhou Academy of Buddhism 杭州佛學院教師)![]() |
Fazhao Shi (Hsu-Feng Lee) serves as a teacher in Hangzhou Academy of Buddhism and an adjunct research fellow in BRRC of Zhejiang University in China. He received his PhD (2017) in Buddhist studies from Sydney University, Australia. His research focused on Early Buddhist verses and the commentary in the Yogācārabhūmi, comparing Sanksrit, Chinese and Tibetan versions. He is also interested in the Yogācāra literature and philosophy. |
24 | Eviatar SHULMAN (Hebrew U. of Jerusalem 以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學)![]() |
Eviatar Shulman is currently the Chair of the Department for Comparative Religion and member of the Department for Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His work focuses mainly on different aspects of Buddhist religion and philosophy, with special interest in recent years in Early, or more generally in Pāli, Buddhism. Among his many publications are Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture (Oxford University Press, 2021). The latter work outlines a new approach to the composition of the early discourses (Suttas, Sūtras) attributed to the Buddha. |
25 | Peter SKILLING (EFEO [ret.] 法國遠東學院/Chulalongkorn University 泰國朱拉隆功大學)![]() |
Peter Skilling is a Special Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok and Honorary Associate, Department of Indian Sub-Continental Studies, University of Sydney, Australia. Until his retirement in 2017, he was a Professor of the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO). He specializes in the literary and material history of Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia. He publishes widely and has been visiting professor at leading universities worldwide. His recent book, Questioning the Buddha (Wisdom Books, 2021), contains translations of twenty-five from the Tibetan Kanjur. His forthcoming book, tentatively titled Buddha’s Words for Tough Times, translates twenty sutras from Tibetan and Pali. |
26 | Christopher K. TONG 唐思凱 (UMaryland, Baltimore 馬里蘭大學, 巴爾的摩) | Christopher K. Tong is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in the United States. Christopher publishes on the intersection of culture, politics, and ecology in modern China and the United States. In 2021-2022, Christopher is on research leave as a Henry Luce Foundation / American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Program in China Studies fellow. His research has received grants and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Fulbright Program, American Philosophical Society, Association for Asian Studies, and Thoreau Society. He was selected for two Fulbright grants (Nanjing, China, 2018-2019; Hamburg, Germany, 2006-2007) and formerly chaired one of American Society for Environmental History’s committees and Modern Language Association’s Modern and Contemporary Chinese Forum. |
27 | Ben Van Overmeire 歐馥般 (Duke Kunshan University 崑山杜克大學)![]() |
Ben Van Overmeire is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Duke Kunshan University. A comparatist, he examines how premodern Zen Buddhist genres and ideas are understood today, particularly in popular literature. He has just finished a book manuscript on American Zen autobiography, describing how and why such narratives incorporate koan, Zen riddles revolving around seemingly unsolvable questions such as “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” His next project examines religious experience in science fiction and detective fiction. His work has appeared in Religions, Contemporary Buddhism, The Journal of Popular Culture, andBuddhist-Christian Studies, among other journals. Van Overmeire has presented his work at the annual conferences of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), the Modern Languages Association (MLA), and the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). He is a steering member of the Buddhist Pedagogy seminar at AAR, blogs on and tweets @Zenmirrors. |
28 | WANG Bangwei 王邦維 (PekingU 北京大學)![]() |
Professor Wang Bangwei obtained his Ph.D. from Peking University in 1987. He is currently a professor and director of the Institute of Oriental Studies and Oriental Literature Research Center in Peking University. He is also the director of the India Research Center in Peking University. Since 1984, Professor Wang has published a wide variety of academic works in China and other countries like Germany, France, India, Sweden, Japan and Estonia. He has also published more than 60 research papers and their contents include accounts of the Chinese monks Xuanzang and Yi Jing, as well as the cultural exchange history between China and India. He is also a member of the International Nalanda mentor group that was established in 2007 to rebuild the Nalanda University in India.
王邦維,北京大學教授。先後任教於北京大學東語系、東方學系、外國語學院、東方學研究院以及東方文學研究中心。自1985年起在中國大陸、台灣以及德國、法國、印度、日本、瑞典、愛沙尼亞、荷蘭、尼泊爾出版或發表有多種學術著作和論文,內容涉及佛教語言、文獻、文學、印度和中國佛教史以及中印文化關係。 |
29 | WANG Fang 王芳 (Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig 德國薩克森省科學與人文學院 [萊比錫]) | Wang Fang is now working on the Buddhist art in Central Asia and pictorial narratives of Buddha’s life. She is a PhD candidate in the program Buddhism Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, and her doctoral dissertation is entitled “An Iconographic Survey on the Buddha’s Life Legend in Mural Sequence of Kizil Cave 110”. From October 2018, she is employed as a research assistant in the project of „Wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung der buddhistischen Höhlenmalereien in der Kuča-Region der nördlichen Seidenstraße“, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. |
30 | WANG Junqi 王俊淇 (Renmin U of China 中國人民大學)![]() |
Junqi Wang has a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Philosophy and the Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory at Renmin University of China. His research interests include Madhyamaka philosophy, Pramāṇa, and Sanskrit manuscripts. Ongoing work includes, translation and research of several texts such as the first chapter of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā, and Dharmakīrti’s Hetubindu. |
31 | WANG Lina 王麗娜 (National Library of China 國家圖書館)![]() |
王麗娜,為國家圖書館參考咨詢部研究館員,南開大學文學院博士,北京大學哲學系博士後,主要研究方向為佛教文學與文化、佛教文體研究,佛教史與佛教文獻等,曾赴英國劍橋大學、美國愛荷華大學等做訪問學者。浙江大學《中國佛教史》編輯,華林國際佛教研究期刊(英文)(Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies)編委,《華林》期刊中文執行編輯。已在商務印書館出版專著《漢譯佛典偈頌研究》(2016年),《唐代長安大薦福寺研究》(2021年),在《世界宗教文化》《宗教學研究》《東北師範大學學報》等刊物發表學術論文二十餘篇。
Lina Wang is currently a Research Librarian at the Research Reference Services Department in the National Library of China. She completed her doctoral studies in Literature at Nankai University, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department in Peking University. Her main research interests are Buddhist texts and their literary forms, including Buddhist history and all genres of Buddhist literature. She spent time at Cambridge University in England as a visiting scholar and at the University of Iowa University in the United States. She is editor of the ‘Studies in History of Buddhism’ journal out of Zhejiang University, as well as an executive editor of the Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies. She has published monographs including A Study of Gāthasin Buddhist Chinese Translated Scriptures (2016, The Commercial Press) and A Study of the Dajianfu Temple in Tang Dynasty China (2021,National Library of China Publishing House). She has also published over twenty academic papers in journals such as World Religious Culture, Religious Studies and the Journal of North East Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). |
32 | WU Weilin 吳蔚琳 (Sun Yat-sen U 中山大學)![]() |
Wu Weilin is an assistant professor in School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. She received her PhD in Indian languages and literatures (Sanskrit and Pāli literature) from Peking University, with a focus on a comparative study on the Pāli vinaya commentary Samantapāsādikā and its Chinese version. Her academic interest is Sanskrit and Pali literature, Chinese-Indian cultural relations and Buddhology. |
33 | XIAO Yue 肖越 (RyūkokuU 龍谷大學)
肖越現為龍谷大學世界佛教文化研究中心西域研究班研究員,從事淨土教典籍古譯本的研究。主要研究領域以《無量壽經》古譯本《大阿彌陀經》為中心的淨土經典成立史的研究。曾經獲得包括龍谷大學Numata研究獎學金在內各機構的研究基金。已經分別用日文,或者英文發表關於《大阿彌陀經》與《無量清淨平等覺經》(3世紀)的學術論文30多篇,代表著該領域的最前線。最近發表的論文有:(1)「初期無量寿経」の底本は何か?―往生思想と菩薩思想― (日語);(2)《無量清淨平等覺經》法藏菩薩論以及三個偈頌的英文翻譯及註解;(3)A Study of the Titles of the Chinese Translations of the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha sūtra. Yue XIAO is a scholar at the Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures of Ryukoku University. His research field is in Mahāyāna Chinese translations, particularly the earliest version of the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha sūtra, the Da Amiuto jing. He has been appointed as a Numata Research fellow at Ryukoku University in 2016 and obtained several other research fellowships. He has published more than 30 academic articles, both in Japanese and English, regarding the formation of the two earliest versions of the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha sutra, the Da Amituo jing and the Wuliang qingjing pingdengjue jing, which were separately translated into Chinese in the third century. His recent publications include: (i) 「初期無量寿経」の底本は何か?―往生思想と菩薩思想― in Japanese; (ii) A Critical English translation of theDharmākara Narrative with Tanbutsu-ge and Two Other Verses in the Wuliang qingjing pingdengjue jing. (iii) A Study of the Titles of the Chinese Translations of the Larger Sukhavavativyuha. |
34 | Megha YADAV (SRM University- Andhra Pradesh 印度安得拉邦SRM大學)
Megha Yadav is an Assistant Professor at SRM University- Andhra Pradesh, India and is a member of the Indian History Congress. She has done her PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University on “Divine Feminine in Tantric Buddhism”. Her works include “Prajñāpāramitā: from Concept to Icon”, and “Prajñāpāramitā: Making of the first Buddhist Goddess”. Her interest areas include the study of Asian religions, Religious Mythologies, Iconography, Sacred Geography, Gender relations and goddess traditions in ancient India, and philosophies of bodily representations. She is currently working on the emergence and popularity of ‘Corona Mātā’ (Corona Mother), a goddess who emerged in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic in India. |
35 | YAMABE Nobuyoshi 山部能宜 (WasedaU 日本早稻田大學) | 山部能宜(Nobuyoshi Yamabe),日本人,1999年美国耶鲁大学博士。现任早稻田大学文学学术院东洋哲学系教授,主要的研究对象是印度大乘佛教的唯识学和中亚的禅观传统。最近的成果包括:《吐峪沟第42窟禅观壁画研究──兼及汉文禅观文献的起源》,《敦煌研究》2015年;
Ālayavijñāna from a Practical Point of View, Journal of Indian Philosophy 46(2), 2018年 《〈成唯识论〉 “糅译”的假设性再探》,《从长安到那烂陀:玄奘 (602?-664) 的生平与遗产》2020年;Ālayavijñāna in a Meditative Context, Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions, 2020年 《维摩诘经变相──大英博物馆所藏斯坦因绘画(Stein painting)第57号的数码复原》,《2020第二届佛教艺术学术研讨会论文集》2021年;The Position of Conceptualization in the Context of the Yogācāra Bīja Theory, Illuminating the Dharma: Buddhist Studies in Honour of Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti, 2021年 |
36 | YI Ji-ho 李智浩 (Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig 德國薩克森省科學與人文學院 [萊比錫]) | Ji Ho Yi studied Economics and Art History at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, and completed her M. A. in Art History at Seoul National University. She worked between 2012 and 2013 at the Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies as a manager of the exhibition space. Since 2014 she attended courses at the Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich as a guest student for a few years. Since November 2018, Ji Ho has been studying under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Monika Zin at the Universität Leipzig, conducting her research for her PhD project on the monk and nun images painted in the Buddhist caves of ancient Kucha. She has worked as a doctoral student in the project group “Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road” at the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig since March 2019. |
37 | Zhanru 湛如 (PekingU 北京大學)![]() |
Zhan Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China and vice president of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. |
38 | ZHAO Jinchao 趙晉超 (NYU-Shanghai 上海紐約大學)![]() |
Jinchao ZHAO is currently the joint postdoctoral fellow of Global Asia at NYU Shanghai and Fudan University. She also works as a research associate for exhibition project on Gongxian Cave-temples at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Specializing in visuality, materiality, and transculturality in early medieval Chinese Buddhist art, she received her M.A. in Comparative Literature at Peking University, and obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in Art and Architectural history. Her research interests include Buddhist stupa worship, Buddhist visual narratives and their interaction with textual traditions, early Indian Buddhist art, and miniature painting. Jinchao has published research articles, book chapters, and translations in both English and Chinese. Her articles have appeared in Religions, Asian Studies, and Eurasian Studies, among others.
趙晉超,北京大學文學碩士,弗吉尼亞大學藝術史與建築史博士。現為上海紐約大學環球亞洲研究中心、復旦大學亞洲研究中心聯合博士後。博士論文專注探討早期中古中國佛塔圖像及其信仰。主要研究領域包括中古中國佛教藝術、早期印度佛教藝術、圖像敘事、細密畫等。中英文研究論文發表於Religions,Asian Studies,《歐亞學刊》、《南京藝術學院學報》、《文學與圖像》等刊物。 |
39 | ZHAO Wen 趙文 (NankaiU 南開) | Wen Zhao is currently an associate professor in the College of Philosophy at Nankai University. He received his PhD in the Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at LMU Munich in 2018, studied at Oxford University as a visiting student (2015) and worked at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg as a visiting fellow (2019). His recent research fields include — the Prajñāpāramitā literature and relevant thoughts, the meditation along the Silk Road, the Chinese religious thoughts and cultures, etc. Some articles related to these topics are published in Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 etc. He was also the sponsor of the program “An English Translation of a Sanskrit Buddhist ‘Yoga Manual’ from Kučā” supported by the Robert Ho Family Foundation Translation Grants (2019), and now he is responsible for one research program granted by the Chinese National Social Science Fund.
趙文,南開大學哲學院宗教學教研室副教授,2018年博士畢業於德國慕尼黑大學佛教研究項目(Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies)。曾在牛津大學東方學系(2015)、紐倫堡大學人文研究院(2019)訪學。近年來的研究重點包括:《般若經》文獻與思想、絲綢之路禪修、中國宗教文化,等等,並在Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,《世界宗教研究》等期刊發表相關研究文章多篇。擔任2019年度何鴻毅家族基金會佛教研究校勘與學術翻譯項目:「庫車出土梵語佛教瑜伽手冊英譯」(An English Translation of a Sanskrit Buddhist ‘Yoga Manual’ from Kučā)項目負責人,現主持國家社科基金項目一項。 |
40 | ZHAO You 趙悠 (PekingU 北京大學)![]() |
Zhao You is currently assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the figure of Vimalakīrti from the Indic to the Chinese context. Apart from the transmission of Buddhism in the 2-5th century, she also has special interests in early Indian metaphysics and linguistic philosophy. Her recent publications include: “The Moving Feast: Reading into the Fragrant Chapter of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa” (IJBTC, 2021); “The Wheel Unturned: A Study of the Zhuan falun jing (T109)” (JIABS, 2020); “Time in Early Indian Philosophy: From Patañjali to Bhartṛhari” (Foreign Philosophy, 2018); she is also a co-translator of The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture by John Kieschnick. |
41 | ZHONG Haoqin 鍾昊沁 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學) | ZHONG Haoqin is a PhD candidate in the Center of Buddhist Studies of the University of Hong Kong currently. She received her BS and MS from Peking University, and Tsinghua University respectively. Her research interests include Buddhist narrative literature, Feminist Buddhism, early Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Vinaya Studies, and comparative religions, etc.
鍾昊沁現為香港大學佛學研究中心博士研究生。她分別在北京大學和清華大學獲得學士學位和碩士學位。她的研究興趣包括:佛教敘事文學、女性主義佛學、原始佛教、中國佛教、戒律學研究以及比較宗教學等。 |
42 | ZHOU Liqun 周利群 (Beijing Foreign Studies U 北京外國語大學)![]() |
Dr. ZHOU Liqun an associate professor in Sanskrit and Pali at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She has published one monography and a dozen of articles on the history of astronomy and Buddhist literature. She visited the Needham Research Institute in Cambridge (in 2017-18) as the Li Foundation of New York fellow for one year. She organized online and offline conferences and lectures every year. For the future years, she serves Commission of History of Ancient and Medieval Astronomy (CHAMA) and Indian Literature Councils as councilor.
周利群,博士,北京外國語大學亞洲學院梵語巴利語教研室副教授。北京大學梵語巴利語專業博士畢業,上海交通大學博士後出站,研究方向為中印文化交流、佛教文獻學、天文學史等。出版專著《<虎耳譬喻經>文本與研究——中印間早期的天文、曆法和天文學交流》,遊記《菩提樹下恆河水上》。在《西域研究》、《文獻》等刊物上發表文章三十多篇,代表論文有《聖彼得堡藏西域梵文寫本釋讀新進展》、《西域出土的早期星宿占卜文獻》等。主持2016年教育部人文社會科學研究青年項目「佛經《虎耳譬喻經》梵藏漢文獻整理與研究」, 2018年國家社科基金冷門「絕學」和國別史等研究專項基金項目「梵藏漢文佛經中的時間測量文獻整理與研究」,參與重大課題若干。在國內外學術會議上報告數十次,訪問印度、日本、英國知名學術機構五次。2017-18學年,獲紐約李氏基金在英國劍橋李約瑟研究所訪學。2021年起她入選國際古代天文史委員會理事(CHAMA)與中國印度文學研究會理事。 |
43 | Monika ZIN (LeipzigU 萊比錫大學)![]() |
Prof. Monika Zin is the head of the research group “Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road” at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, Germany. She studied Dramatics, Literature, Art History, and Indology in Krakow and Munich where she also taught Art of South and Central Asia for 25 years.
Zin’s dissertation focussed on the Sanskrit dramas discovered in Trivandrum; for her second dissertation (Habilitation) she studied the paintings at Ajanta. Among her research contributions are monographs (Ajanta – Handbook of the Paintings 2: Devotional and Ornamental Paintings, Wiesbaden 2003; Compassion and Miracles. Difficult conversions and their iconography in Indian Buddhism, Wiesbaden 2007; [with Dieter Schlingloff] Saṃsāracakra. The Wheel of Rebirth in the Indian Tradition, Munich 2007; all written in German; the English edition of Saṃsāracakra. The Wheel of Rebirth in the Indian Tradition was published in 2022) as well as numerous shorter studies on Buddhist narrative art ranging from Kucha in Central Asia to Borobudur on Java. One of her long-term research interests is the art of ancient Āndhradeśa; her book on the stūpa at Kanaganahalli (Karnataka) was published in Delhi in 2018. Her book Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha, the second volume of the Leipzig Kucha Studies, was published in 2020. |