When the Himalayas Encounter the Alps – Schedule

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When the Himalayas Encounter the Alps:

The Past, Present and Future of Asia-Europe Buddhist and Other Religious Exchanges



August 30-September 2, | 2024年8月30-9月2日

Accommodation and Venue: Magdalene College, University of Cambridge | 英國劍橋大學莫德林學院

In-person registration (form closes August 25, 23:59 UK)


Day 日1:August 30, 2024  | 2024年8月30日


 Panel 場次   Day 1August 30, 2024  | 2024830
 1. 17:00-18:30  Keynote Speeches 主題演講 1-3 (Chair 主持: Noga GANANY 高諾佳)
 1.       Ronit YOELI-TLALIM 悅榮倪 (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 普林斯頓高等研究院/Goldsmiths, University of London 倫敦大學金史密斯學院): Buddhist Healthscaping: Towards Leaving the Ghetto | 佛教的健康圖景——走出貧民窟 (17:00-17:30)
2.       T. H. BARRETT 巴瑞特 (SOAS, University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Tao and Zen in Early Twentieth-century Britain | 20世紀早期英國的道與禪 (17:30-18:00)
3.        Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard CAMLab 哈佛大學): Ballard and Mandala | 巴拉德與曼荼羅:從現代歐洲到中古中國 (18:00-18:30)
 18:30-20:00   Welcoming Dinner 歡迎晚宴



Day 2August 31, 2024  | 2024831

 2. 9:00-10:00  Opening Ceremony 開幕式 (Chair 主持:Noga GANANY 高諾佳; other details TBC)
 3. 10:00-12:00 3. Buddhism in Europe: Philosophical and Psychological Entanglement


(Chair 主持: Georgios T. HALKIAS 賀祺雅; Discussant 評議: T.H. Barrett 巴瑞特)

3.1. (10:00-10:15). Rafal K. STEPIEN 司岱嵐 (Austrian Academy of Sciences 奧地利科學院): Buddhism, Philosophy, Europe: Surveys, Critiques, Proposals | 佛教與哲學在歐洲
3.2 (10:15-10:30). Agnieszka KOZYRA 羊安吉 (University of Warsaw 華沙大學): Dialogue of Buddhist and Christian Worldview in Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy | 西田幾多郎哲學中的佛耶世界觀的對話
3.3 (10:30-10:45). Richard ELLGUTH 艾离澤 (Free University of Berlin 柏林自由大學): From Dharma Talk to Religious Sentiment: Chinese Buddhist Encounters with Religious Psychology, 1912-1949 | 從佛法開示到宗教情緒:中國佛教對宗教心理學的發現,1912~1949
3.4 (10:45-11:00). Berthe JANSEN 簡深博 (Leiden University 萊頓大學): When the Lowlands Met the Snowlands: A Dutch Theosophist (?) on Himalayan Buddhism | 低地與雪域的邂逅:一位荷蘭神智學家(?)對喜馬拉雅佛教的研究
3.5 (11:00-11:15). Tenzin TSEPAK 澤柏軻 (Leiden University 萊頓大學): Faith at the Frontiers: A Dutch Buddhist and Religious Pluralism according to Tibetan Autobiographies | 邊疆的信仰: 西藏自傳中的荷蘭佛教與宗教多元化
Comment 評議 (11:15-11:30)
Discussion 開放討論 (11:30-12:00)


12:00 – 13:00  Lunch Break 午餐


 4. 13:00-15:00 4. Buddhisms Journey to the West, from Sea to Land, from Past to Present


(Chair 主持HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹; Discussant 評議: Nelson LANDRY 藍山)

4.1 (13:00-13:15). Georgios T. HALKIAS 賀祺雅 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學): Buddhism and its Hellenic Others: Representations of Transcultural Encounters | 佛教及其希臘他者: 跨文化交流的表現
4.2 (13:15-13:30). LIN Chia-Wei (Université de Lausanne 洛桑大學): The Buddha’s Journey to the West: The Textual Traditions of Barlaam and Josaphat from a Linguistic Perspective | 佛陀西遊記:貝爾拉姆與約瑟伐特的語言學脈絡
4.3 (13:30-13:45). Alexandra KALOYANIDES 闞亞儷 (UNC Charlotte 北卡羅萊納大學夏洛特分校): Ferrying Buddhism | 傳渡佛教
4.4 (13:45-14:00). JI Zhe 汲喆 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院): Research on Chinese Buddhism in France: Disciplinarization and Paradigms | 法國的漢傳佛教研究: 學科建設與研究典範
4.5 (14:00-14:15). Amandine PÉRONNET 柏安庭 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院): Teaching Buddhist Studies in Post-Mao Chinese Buddhist Academies: Insights from the Chinese Educational Model and Its Engagement with the European Academic Tradition | 後毛時代中國大陸佛教學院的佛教研究教學:中國教育模式與歐洲學術傳統交互的啟示
Comment 評議 (14:15-14:30)
Discussion 開放討論 (14:30-15:00)


15:00 – 15:10 Coffee break 茶歇


 5. 15:10-16:30 5. Chan/Zen

(Chair 主持: Berthe JANSEN 簡深博; Discussant 評議: Rafal K. STEPIEN 司岱嵐)

5.1 (15:10-15:25). Przemysław SKRZYŃSKI 史可然 (Jagiellonian University 雅蓋隆大學): Zen and the Art of Being a Buddhist (behind the Iron Curtain): Politics and the Process of shaping the identity of the first Polish Zen Buddhists | 鐵幕背後的禪與為僧之道:政治與首批波蘭禪宗佛教徒身份的塑造
5.2 (15:25-15:40). Norihisa BABA 馬場紀寿 (University of Tokyo 日本東京大學): A “Mahāyāna Buddhist” and the Pali Text Society: How Shaku Sōen Met Rhys Davids | 一位 “大乘佛教徒” 與巴利文學會:釋宗演如何結識瑞斯・戴維斯
5.3 (15:40-15:55). Antoine CID 安西泰 (Inalco 法國國立東方語言與文明學院):  Letters and Networks: A Study of the Correspondence between Rev. Lopez and Su Manshu in the early 20th Century |20世紀早期個體間的中西方交流—Rev Lopez與中國詩僧蘇曼殊的書信往來研究
Comment 評議 (15:55-16:05)
Discussion 開放討論 (16:05-16:20)


16:20 – 16:40 Coffee Break  茶歇


  6. 16:40-18:25 6. Buddhism-tied Eurasia


(Chair 主持: Kyong-Kon KIM; Discussant 評議: Eugene WANG 汪悅進)

6.1 (16:40-16:55). ZHAN Ru 湛如 (Peking University 北京大學): 眾裏尋他千百度——佛教作為歐歐文化紐帶的再發現及其歷史性意義 |  “Searching for It Hundreds and Thousands of Times in the Crowd”: The Rediscovery of Buddhism’s Role as a Eurasian Tie and Its Historical Implications
6.2 (16:55-17:10). LI Ling 李翎 (Sichuan University 四川大學): 製造佛像——早期佛像製造所反映的歐亞文化交流 | Buddha-image Making: The Cultural Exchange between Europe and Asia Reflected in the Buddha-image Manufacture of Early Period
6.3 (17:10-17:25). WANG Qian 王倩 (Zhengzhou University 鄭州大學): 歐亞大陸視野下的北朝四臂神圖像探析 | An Analysis of the Four-armed Deities in the Northern Dynasties from the Perspective of Eurasia
6.4 (17:25-17:40). WANG Jingbo 王晶波 (Hangzhou Normal University 杭州師範大學): 敦煌文獻與歐亞民間故事傳播 | Dunhuang Literature and the Dissemination of Folktales in Eurasia
Comment 評議 (17:40-17:55)
Discussion 開放討論 (17:55-18:25)


18:30 – 20:00 Dinner 晚餐


Day 3September 1, 2024  | 202491


 7. 8:30-10:15

7. Rise of Buddhology in the Europe


(Chair 主持: Agnieszka KOZYRA 羊安吉; Discussant 評議: Elizabeth J. HARRIS 海睿思)

7.1 (8:30-8:45). LI Xuetao 李雪濤 (Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外國語大學): 諾伯爾(Johannes Nobel, 1887-1960)及其鳩摩羅什傳德文譯本(1927)研究 | A Study of Johannes Nobel (1887-1960) and His German Translation of Kumārajīva’s Biography (1927)
7.2 (8:45-9:00). Nelson LANDRY 藍山 (University of Hamburg 漢堡大學): The Miraculous in Buddhism: Western Misconceptions from “Original Buddhism” to the Übermensch |佛教中的神異:從“原始佛教”到超人的西方誤解
7.3 (9:00-9:15). Kyong-Kon KIM (University of Strasbourg 斯特拉斯堡大學): Eugène Burnouf and Buddhist Studies in France in the Middle of the 19th Century | 歐仁·布爾諾夫(Eugène Burnouf)與19世紀中葉法國佛教研究
7.4 (9:15-9:30). Matthew KING 王邁休 (UC Riverside 加利福尼亞大學河濱分校): Unmaking ‘Buddhist Asia’ at the Margins: Writing Anti-Field History between Qing Inner Asia and the Orientalist Academy | 在邊緣解構“佛教亞洲”:清朝內亞和東方學學院之間的反田野歷史書寫
Comment 評議 (9:30-9:45)
Discussion 開放討論 (9:45-10:15)


10:15-10:30 Coffee break 茶歇

 8. 10:30-11:50 8. Central Asia and Mid-east

中亞與中東 (1)

(Chair 主持: Amandine PÉRONNET 柏安庭; Discussants 評議: LIN Chia-Wei 8.1; HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹 8.2; LIU Yi 劉屹 8.3)

8.1 (10:30-10:45). HU Xiaodan 胡曉丹 (Fudan University 復旦大學): ‘Buddha’ in Manichaean terminology, a comparative study on Middle Iranian and Chinese texts | 摩尼教術語中的“佛”——中古伊朗語和漢語文本的比較研究
8.2 (10:45-11:00). Zhang Xiaogui 張小貴 (Jinan University 暨南大學): 蘇魯支——祆教中文術語及其新證據 | Suluzhi (蘇魯支): A Chinese Zoroastrian term and Its New Evidence
8.3 (11:00-11:15). Jinhua Chen 陳金華 (The University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學) 于闐質子智儼/嚴生平再考 | Translator, Exegete, and Meditation Master: The Complicated Life of a Khotanese Hostage Prince in Tang China
Comment 評議 (11:15-11:30)
Discussion 開放討論 (11:30-11:50)


12:00-13:00 Lunch 午餐



 9. 13:00-14:20

9. Central Asia and Mid-east

中亞與中東 (2)

(Chair 主持:  Alexandra KALOYANIDES 闞亞儷; Discussants 評議: NI Nan 倪楠 9.1; LIU Yi 劉屹 9.2-3)

9.1 (13:00-13:15). LIU Yi 劉屹 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學): 釋〈僧表傳〉“罽賓路梗” | The Roads from Khotan to Gandhara: A Study Focused on the Biography of Sengbiao
9.2 (13:15-13:30). SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): 迦畢試與中國中土佛教 | Kāpiśa and Buddhism in Medieval China
9.3 (13:30-13:45). NI Nan 倪楠 (SOAS, University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Dreams of Health of Wealth: The Multi-Lingual Transmission of Amoghapāśa- Hṛdaya Dhāraṇī on the Margins of Middle-Period China | 中古中國及周邊地區不空羂索心陀羅尼文本流變管窺
Comment 評議 (13:45-14:00)
Discussion 開放討論 (14:00-14:20)


14:20-14:30 Coffee break 茶歇


 10. 14:30-16:00  Keynote Speeches 主題演講 4-6 (Chair: Zhe JI 汲喆)
 4. Elizabeth J. HARRIS 海睿思 (University of Birmingham 伯明翰大學): The Complexities of Orientalism: the case study of William Knighton | 東方主義的複雜之處:以威廉·奈頓(William Knighton)為例(14:30-15:00)
5. CHEN Ming
陳明 (Peking University 北京大學): As a Buddhist Vaidyaraja (Physician King)?: Imaginations of Jivaka’s Images across Asian Cultures | 身為佛醫王?——耆婆圖像的跨文化想像 (15:00-15:30)
6. Pierce SALGUERO 薩毘爾 (Penn State University’s Abington College
賓州州立大學阿賓頓分校): Buddhist Healing in the Lanna Region of Northern Thailand | 泰國北部蘭納地區的佛教療法 (15:30-16:00) 
 11. 16:00-17:00  Closing Ceremony 閉幕式  (Chair 主持:CHEN Jinhua 陳金華; other details TBC) 
 18:00-20:00  Farewell Dinner 送別宴會