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《華林國際佛學學刊》第三卷‧第二期(2020):149–189; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202010_3(2).0006

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《清涼山小志》考論(An Investigation on the Qingliangshan xiaozhi [Brief Account of Mount Qingliang])

陳龍(CHEN Long)
忻州師範學院(Xinzhou Normal College)


The Qingliang shan xiaozhi 清涼山小志 [Short Account of Mount Qingliang] is a record about Mount Qingliang 清涼 (i.e. Wutai 五臺), written by Hongzhou 弘晝 (1712–1770), the ‘Heshuo He Prince’ 和碩和親王 in the Qing Dynasty. The text records brief accounts of 38 temples on Mount Wutai, together with 36 self-compiled seven-character verses, which were written in the twelfth month of the eleventh year of Qianlong (1746). For many years, this text was stored in private libraries, making it barely known to the public and rarely discussed by scholars of the previous generation. This paper contributes some brief textual research on its preface, text, poetry, and its influence.

關鍵詞(Keywords):清涼山小志(Short Account of Mount Qingliang)、弘晝(Hongzhou)、五臺山(Mount Wutai)


關於作者:陳龍,1976 年生,山西忻州人。博士,副教授, 忻州師範學院山西省重點扶持學科 :中國語言文學學科帶頭人,中青年拔尖創新人才。山西師範大學、青島大學中國古代文學專業碩士生導師。加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學(UBC)訪問學者。主講《中國文學史》《宗教與中古文學》《學術論文寫作》等課程。主要從事中國古代文學和宗教學等方面的研究。

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