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《華林國際佛學學刊》第一卷‧第二期(2018):79–104; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201810_1(2).0003

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龜茲佛教淨土藝術——以龜茲石窟為中心The Pure Land Art in Kucha Buddhism: The Case Study of the Kucha Grottos

苗利輝(MIAO Lihui)
新疆龜茲研究所(Kucha Academy of Xinjiang



西元10 世紀以後,在龜茲地區建立了統治的回鶻民族皈依了佛教,淨土信仰也是其佛教信仰的重要部分,主要是華嚴淨土信仰,也有彌勒下生信仰等其他淨土信仰,其藝術風格,除有中原藝術的影響外,本民族風格的淨土藝術得以確立。

The Pure Land Art is an artistic genre that depicts the Buddhist belief about the Pure Land. In Buddhism, Pure Land is contrasted with the Defiled Land (Ch. huitu 穢土) and refers to the pure and adorned land on which buddhas and bodhisattvas dwell. In Kucha Buddhism, we could distinguish four types of Pure Lands based on their content and implied doctrines: the Maitreyan Pure Land, the Western Pure Land, the Eastern Pure Land and the Huayan Pure Land. The Pure Land belief took root in Kucha from very early on and was mainly associated with the theme of the Ascension of Maitreya. The artistic depiction shows strong indigenous features. Later, the Chinese Pure Land beliefs also spread to Kucha, thanks to the influence of the Tang Empire (618–907) in Kucha as well as the immigration of Han soldiers and people after the establishment of the Anxi Protectorate 安西大都護府. The beliefs transmitted during this time mainly bore on the Western Pure Land, the Eastern Pure Land and the Huayan Pure Land. Their artistic depictions are aligned with the Chinese depictions. The introduction of the Pure Land art also exerted influences on the Buddhist arts in Kucha in general. After the 10th century, the Uyghur people controlled Kucha and converted to Buddhism. In this period, the Pure Land belief remained an integral part of Uyghur Buddhism, with the Huayan Pure Land being the most influential, though other Pure Land beliefs, such as Maitreya’s Ascension, were also present. Their artistic depictions retain the Chinese influence but also reflect the indigenous artistic tradition.

關鍵詞Keywords):龜茲(Kucha)、淨土藝術(Pureland art)、龜茲石窟(Kucha stone grottoes)




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