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《華林國際佛學學刊》第三卷‧第二期(2020):43–57; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202010_3(2).0003
智慧生命的多元可能——基於《起世經》文本的哲學考察(Diverse Possibilities of Sentient Beings: Philosophical Speculation Inspired by the Qishi Jing 起世經 [Sūtra on the Arising of the Worlds])
孫國柱(SUN Guozhu)
中國政法大學人文學院(China University of Political Science and Law)
With the development of science and technology, human beings have entered an unprecedented era. In this era, artificial life and the artificially enhanced life gradually emerge on the historical stage. This era is often called the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its advent has posed unprecedented challenges for the future development of human beings; and has even raised serious questions about the nature of life. So, will the traditional ancient wisdom still be useful in such unprecedented time? In my view, although the era is constantly changing, traditional intellectual resources will still be the powerful support for our future endeavor. It is unwise and, in any case, impossible to overlook the traditional intellectual resources. Among the abundant cultural resources that can respond to the problems of our time, the precious wisdom in Buddhism should be especially cherished. This article will focus on the Buddhist text Qishi jing 起世經 [Sūtra on the Arising of the Worlds]. It condenses the unique Buddhist view on world and on life in such concepts as the Three Realms (Ch. sanjie 三界) or the Four Lives (Ch. sishi 四世). Moreover, the last chapter of the Qishi jing, the ‘Chapter on the Ultimate Superiority’ (Ch. ‘Zuisheng pin’ 最勝品), also known as the ‘Chapter on the Establishment of Heaven and Earth’ (Ch. ‘Tiandi cheng pin’ 天地成品), tells an interesting story about the origin of mankind. If we examine this story from a philosophical perspective, we could extract profound meaning to inspire ourselves to reflect on the possibilities of life, the boundaries of wisdom, and even the value or meaning of life itself. There is no doubt that the era of AI will require a new civilizational model, while the human society will acquire new characteristics in its subjectivity, civilization and even life-form.
關鍵詞(Keywords):人工智能時代(the era of artificial intelligence)、智慧生命(intelligent life)、多元可能(multiple possibilities)、佛教哲學(Buddhist philosophy)
關於作者:孫國柱,1986 年生,江蘇豐縣人。哲學博士, 曾赴亞利桑那大學東亞系訪學一年。現為中國政法大學人文學院講師、碩士生導師。研究方向為儒釋道三教關係、中國哲學的現代構建、共生哲學、知識分類學,等等。在《人文宗教研究》《佛學研究》
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