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《華林國際佛學學刊》第三卷‧第二期(2020):58–74; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202010_3(2).0004

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人工智能的“心識”限度——基於《成唯識論》的思考AI’s Limitation of Consciousness: Some Relections on the Basis of the *Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi-śāstra

朱敏(ZHU Ming)
哈爾濱理工大學(Harbin University of Science and Technology)

摘要Abstract)《成唯識論》中的唯識心法與人工智能之間沒有直接的聯繫,但唯識學中的“心”與“心所”較全面系統地分析了人類心理活動能力的各種可能,可以幫助我們思考人工智能發展中所遇到的一些問題,特別是人工智能的“心識”研究,使我們跳出人工智能研究的思維怪圈。本文主要從三個方面來談唯識心法和人工智能“心識”問題之間的間接聯繫 :一是,《成唯識論》中對人類心理活動能力的各種分析 ;二是,從唯識心法的角度看人工智能方法的局限性 ;三是,思考人工智能的“心識”發展,主要涉及從唯識學角度來看人工智能的終極目標是什麼等問題。

There is no direct relationship to be established between the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Yogācāran conception of the ‘mind’ (Ch. xinfa 心法) as presented in the Cheng weishi lun 成唯識論 [*Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi-śāstra; Discourse on the Perfection of Consciousness-only]. However, the Yogācāran tradition has comprehensively analyzed various forms of mental activities, as encapsulated in its discussion on the ‘mind’ and ‘mental factors’ (Ch. xinsuo 心所). Its analysis could help us reflect on the issues related to the development of AI, especially the AI consciousness, thus allowing us to see beyond the pattern of thinking that characterizes the current AI Studies. This article discusses the relationship between the Yogācāran ‘mental factors’ and the AI ‘consciousness’ in terms of three aspects: 1. the analysis of mental activities in the Cheng weishi lun; 2. the limitation of the methodology of the AI Studies seen from the perspective of the Yogācāran doctrine of ‘mental factors’; 3. the reflection on the development of the AI ‘consciousness’ by examining such issues as the ultimate purpose of the AI through the Yogācāran perspective.

關鍵詞(Keywords):心(citta)、心所(caitasika)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)、唯識(Consciousness-only)


關於作者:朱敏,現為哈爾濱理工大學講師,碩士生導師, 曾就讀於內蒙古大學、北京師範大學和廈門大學, 最終獲哲學博士學位。現主要從事認知邏輯、佛學和人工智慧相關交叉領域的研究。發表學術論文多篇,主持或參與國家哲學社會科學基金項目、省部級以上項目多項。

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