Tenth Volume of “Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies”

Local, Global and Glocal: New Perspectives and Approaches for the Study of Buddhism’s Transborder and Crosscultural Transformation in Asia and Beyond


Edited by Ru ZHAN 湛如 and Jinhua CHEN 陳金華
Series: Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies X
Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-17675-4-8
Publishing Date: 2024
Publisher: World Scholastic Publishers
Pages: 505


At a critical juncture of our own time when globalization faces an unprecedented crisis, history can serve as a mirror for us to understand the nature of inter-civilizational conflict and cooperation. In particular, the history of the transmission of Buddhism from India to China, its subsequent appropriation by Chinese culture, and the transmission of the Sinicized form of Buddhism to the rest of East Asia is especially revealing of the mechanism of cross-cultural interactions.

From the perspective of the global history, when the teachings of Buddhism first arrived in the heartland of China around the first century CE, East Asia had just started what would become an ongoing exchange with Central and South Asia. Influence from the Han Empire already had spread to Central Asia, and as a result, at least two civilizations communicated with one another through various channels to allow for diverse cultural interactions and fusion. Buddhism, in this context, was one among many players to participate in this rich cultural dynamic.

Buddhism, as a product of a foreign culture from the Chinese perspective, underwent an extended period of adaption and intermingling with indigenous cultures before many teachings were altered by the seventh century, which gave rise to a distinct Chinese Buddhist tradition that embodied the spirit of a new and vibrant host culture. Meanwhile, Chinese Buddhism spread across East and Southeast Asia, generating a novel Chinese Buddhist sphere of influence with the classical Chinese language as its lingua franca. Against this backdrop of world history and globalization, the spread of Buddhism transcends a singular cultural phenomenon in one defined region, and instead represents a grand religious and cultural transformation with profound and far-reaching implications.

To deeply explore the process of Sinification, the partner universities of the Glorisun Global Network for the Studies of Buddhism—the University of Hong Kong, the Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art at Peking University, and the University of British Columbia (UBC)—jointly organised the international conference, ‘Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization?: Paradigm Shifts in the Study of Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond’ (執兩用中:東西方文明碰撞中的佛教中國化與國際化) from August 9 to 12, 2023.

With this conference we are not only inclined to address our contemporary inquisitiveness by returning to the well-trodden path concerning the topic of the Sinification of Buddhism; we will address the process of Sinification against the backdrop of global history. We will also, therefore, reassess the potential uses of the term ‘Sinification’ to serve as a historical precedent that may be able to teach us new lessons relevant to our own time. Today, we are witnessing the trend of globalization being forestalled. Given this challenge, the study of the localization or indigenization and globalization (the so-called ‘Glocalization’) of Buddhism carries an implication beyond academic research, for it could impart historical lessons for our own time that is increasingly threatened by a reversal of globalization and by the hostility between cultures and states.


Table of Contents

    • Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies: A General Preface (Ru ZHAN)
    • Foreword: Integration of Locality and Globality in the Transborder and Crosscultural Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Aisa and Beyond (Jinhua CHEN)

1. Borderland Complex in East Asian Buddhism

    • 1.1. Persistence of Sinocentric Ideologies in Korean Buddhism: The Rhetoric of Sino-centrism in the Chosŏn Period Buddhist Literature
      Sung-Eun T. KIM
    • 1.2. Teaching the Korean Film Along with the Gods and Analysing the Text that Combines the Shousheng Jing and the Shiwang Jing
      Gloria I-Ling CHIEN
    • 1.3. The Three Truths as Madhyamaka Exegesis: Tiantai and Its Relationship to the Thought of Nāgārjuna
      Jackson MACOR

2. Textual Network

    • 2.1. The Mahāvihāra’s Scholarly Network as Reflected in the Vimativinodanīṭīkā
      Rev Madipola WIMALAJOTHI THERO
    • 2.2. The Tangut Versions of the Zhonghua Chuan Xindi Chanmen Shizi Chengxi Tu by Guifeng Zongmi
      Kiril SOLONIN
    • 2.3. From the Imagination to the Reality: Historical Aspects of Rewriting Six Dynasties Buddhist Avadāna Stories
      LI Wei 李巍

3. ‘Think Globally and Act Locally’: To Glocalize Buddhism

    • 3.1. A Reflection on the Multilayered Identities of Tibetan Buddhism through the Lens of World Religions
      SHEN Weirong
    • 3.2. Meta-ethical Pluralism in Longlian’s Socially Engaged Buddhism
      LI Jingjing 李晶晶
    • 3.3. From Monks to Educators: Venerable Zongyue and Buddhist Charitable Educational Activities in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing
      WU Wei

4. Political Dimensions of Cosmopolitan Buddhism

    • 4.1. Towards a Transcultural Historiography of Buddhism’s Asian Expansion and Its Importance in Understanding the Situation of Modern Buddhism
      Todd LEWIS
    • 4.2. Nonviolence as Quintessential Buddhist Political Doctrine
      Johnathan C. GOLD
    • 4.3. Imperial Patronage and Scriptural Authority: Three Sui Buddhist Cataloguers and Their Memorials to the Emperor
      TAN Yingxian 談穎嫻
    • Contributor Biographies