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《華林國際佛學學刊》第二卷‧第一期(2019):22–45; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201904_2(1).0002

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求法高僧在北天竺攀岩走壁的绝技:論梵文śaṅkupatha與法顯的“傍梯”以及曇無竭和玄奘的“杙”(The Suspended Crossing [śaṅkupatha] in the Gorges of the Indus River as described by Chinese pilgrims Faxian, Dharmodgata and Xuanzang)

胡海燕(Haiyan HU-von HINÜBER)
德國埃爾富特大學(Universität Erfurt, Germany)


作為“法顯研究之六”,本文旨在為2011年討論過的“傍梯”增補佐證。所補充的資料主要來自三個方面:(1)兩位西行高僧對法顯“傍梯”的相應稱謂:《高僧傳》記錄曇無竭在印度河谷使用“杙”攀岩、玄奘在《大唐西域記》描述自己“椓杙躡蹬”同一懸崖。(2)中國史籍和佛教文獻中記載的“懸度”, 如《釋迦方志》記錄孝明帝派蔡愔等“從雪山南頭懸度道”赴天竺覓佛像求釋教、《北魏僧惠生使西域記》記載惠生穿過蔥嶺後“鐵鎖懸度” 抵達烏場國,等等。(3)近代有兩位學者親臨其境並留下記述:1942年英籍考古學家 M. A. Stein 發表了“From Swat to the Gorges of the Indus”,1987年德籍民俗學家 K. Jettmar 發表其文 “The ‘Suspended Crossing’: Where and Why?”,均在此補充。

As the sixth article on Buddhist monk Faxian, the present essay aims to supplement Chinese historical sources concerning the ‘suspended crossing’ (śaṅkupatha) in the mountainous north of ancient India, which had been first discussed in paragraph §2.1–§2.4 of author’s 2011 article. The complementary materials added here deal mainly with three aspects: (a) Corresponding to Faxian’s word bangti 傍梯 (pole-step), the paper discusses how Faxian’s direct successor Dharmodgata used yì 杙 (peg) to climb the rock on the bank of the Indus as recorded in the Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳 (§3). In this context, a complete English translation of Dharmodgata’s biography written by Huijiao is published here as appendix (§7). (b) The śaṅkupatha (peg-path) belonging to the uttarapatha (Northern route) was called xuandu 懸度 (suspended crossing) in Chinese historical records. This article tries to systematically analyze the Chinese sources in connection with the word xuándù such as in Daoxuan’s (596–667) Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志 [Memories of the regions of (the Buddha) Śakya(muni) and some other books (§4). Also personal observations by scholars who travelled to this area in the 20th century are added here. (c) In addition to Dharmodgata’s yi, Xuanzang (602–664) described in the Da Tang Xiyu ji 大唐西域記 [] how he crossed the gorges of the Indus with help of the same technique (zhuoyi 椓杙: hitting-peg). Moreover, one description therein includes the word bangyi 傍杙 (pegs in a post) which is lexically similar to Faxian’s term bangti 傍梯 (§5).

關鍵詞(Keywords):法顯(Faxian)、傍梯(bangti)、śaṅkupatha、曇無竭(法勇)(Dharmodgata [Fayong])、杙(yi)、玄奘(Xuanzang)、椓杙(zhuoyi)、傍杙(bangyi


關於作者:胡海燕博士目前為德國埃爾富特大學韋伯高等文化與社會研究中心(Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University Erfurt in Germany)的研究員,同時兼任山東大學榮譽教授與深圳大學高級研究員。胡博士1982年畢業於北京大學,主修梵語語言學,後為季羨林教授送往德國哥廷根大學繼續深造,並於1987年獲取博士學位,主修印藏學與漢學。此後胡博士先後在德國弗萊堡大學、哥本哈根大學與維也納大學從事教學與研究。2009–2016年曾任弗萊堡大學孔子學院的德方院長。胡博士也是很多重要的學術機構(DMG, IASS, IABS, SEECHAC, CoJS/SOAS, CAVS, DVCS等)的成員,並曾受邀在歐、美、亞多國的著名機構從事研究與講學活動。胡博士著述範圍廣泛,其最新著作中包括對法顯、耆那教與佛教的比較、巴利藏經與藏學辭典、古梵語寫本、佛教藝術以及二十世紀的中德關係等。


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