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Opening Ceremony 開幕式
9:00-10:00, August 31, 2024
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre
Chair 主持:Noga GANANY 高諾佳, Professor, University of Cambridge 劍橋大學教授
- Review of the 2023 Inaugural Glorisun Annual Forum (video) 2023首屆旭日年度論壇重溫(錄影)
- Welcome address from Dr. Laura MORETTI, Head of the Department of East Asian Studies and Co-Chair of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Professor, University of Cambridge 劍橋大學教授、東亞研究系主任、亞洲與中東研究學院共同院長 牟若諦博士 歡迎致詞
- Address from Dr. Charles YEUNG of the GS Charity Foundation (video) 旭日慈善基金楊釗博士 致詞(錄影)
- Address from Mr. Mikky HO, Director, China Britain Trust for the Promotion of Buddhist Studies 中英佛學促進會主任何其華律師 致詞
- Address from Ven./Dr. Ru ZHAN, Professor, Peking University, Director of the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies (read by Mr. Mikky HO) 北京大學教授、旭日全球佛學研究網絡主任湛如博士致詞(何其華律師代讀)
- Address from Dr. Georgios T. HALKIAS, Professor, University of Hong Kong, on behalf of the Hosting Institution of the Inaugural Glorisun Annual Forum 香港大學教授賀祺雅教授代表首屆旭日論壇承辦方致詞
- Address from Dr. Stephen TEISER, Professor, Princeton University 美國普林斯頓大學太史文教授致詞
- Address from Dr. Robert SHARF, Professor, University of California, Berkeley (video) 美國加州大學柏克萊分校夏復教授致詞(錄影)
Closing Ceremony 閉幕式
16:00-17:00, September 1, 2024
The Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre
Chair 主持:Jinhua CHEN 陳金華, Professor, The University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學 教授
- Address from Dr. Noga GANANY, Professor, University of Cambridge, on behalf of the Host of the Second Glorisun Forum 本屆論壇承辦方高諾佳教授 致詞
- Address from Dr. Eugene WANG, Professor, Harvard CAMLab 哈佛大學汪悅進教授致詞
- Address from Dr. Eric GREENE, Professor, Yale University (video) 耶魯大學葛利尹教授(錄影)
- Address from Dr. Zhe JI, Professor of Inalco, as the representative of the Hosting Institution of the Third Glorisun Forum 法國國立東方語言與文明學院汲喆教授代表下一屆(第三屆)旭日論壇承辦方致詞
- Concluding Remarks from Dr. Jinhua CHEN 陳金華, Professor, The University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學陳金華教授 總結發言
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