
May 21, 2021

East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking: Abstracts

Click here to return to the main conference page.   Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業 (PekingU): Examination of the Term Miaowu Ziran 妙悟自然 (Wonderous Enlightenment and Its Awakened […]
May 21, 2021

East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking: Panelists

Click here to return to the main conference page. 1. Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業 (Peking University) Michael Cavayero is currently a Postdoctoral and Research Fellow at Peking […]
May 21, 2021

East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking: Schedule

Click here to return to the main conference page. International Conference “East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking” 《東亞佛教與世界營造》 國際研討會 August 14-16, 2021 (2021年8月14-16日) Sponsor 主辦: The Glorisun Global […]
June 4, 2021

A Forest of Knowledge – Abstracts

Click here to return to the main conference page.   Susan Andrews (Mount Allison): Reconstructing Northern Dynasties religious life through the Ancient Chronicle miscellanea Images figure […]
June 4, 2021

A Forest of Knowledge – Panelists

Click here to return to the main conference page.     1. Susan Andrews (Mount Allison U) Susie Andrews is Associate Professor of East Asian religions at Mount […]