2024 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University – Lecturers

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CHEN Jidong 陳繼東 (Aoyamagakuin University 青山學院大學)

PhD in Buddhist Studies from the University of Tokyo. Previous teaching at Beijing University and Musashino University in Tokyo before being appointed as a professor at Aoyamagakuin University, Tokyo. His research interests cover the history of Ming and Qing dynasty’s Chinese religions (in particular Buddhist history and folk religion), Modern Chinese intellectual history, and Sino-Japanese cultural interactions. He is the author of two mongraphs, Shin Matsu Bukyo No kenkyu: Yangwenhui wo Chushin Toshite 清末仏教の研究:楊文会を中心として (Sankibo, Tokyo, 2003) and Ogurusu Kocho no Shin Matsu Chugoku Taiken: Kindai Niichu Bukyo Koryu no Kaitan 小栗栖香頂の清末中国体験: 近代日中仏教交流の開端 (Sankibo, Tokyo, 2016), and numerous articles in Japanese, Chinese and English.


CHI Limei 池麗梅 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 国際仏教学大学院大学)

CHI Limei, Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Tokyo, currently serves as a professor at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Japan. She specializes in the study of medieval Chinese Buddhist history and the history of the Buddhist Canon. Her monograph, “A Preliminary Study on the Revival Movement of Tiantai Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty: Jingxi Zhanran and his Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue“, re-examines the works and biography of Jingxi Zhanran, providing a comprehensive display of the rich facets of the Tiantai revival movement in the middle Tang Dynasty. She has published several papers on ancient Japanese manuscripts of the Xu Gaoseng Zhuan, investigating the evolutionary patterns from manuscripts to woodblock editions, and combining them with the life of Daoxuan to reveal the social and historical context reflected in the evolution of the texts. In recent years, she has been studying the history of the Chinese Buddhist Canons in the Song and Yuan dynasties, examining the literature within the historical context of East Asian textual circulation, which holds methodological significance for the study of Chinese Buddhist literature.


Max DEEG 寧梵夫 (Cardiff University 英國卡迪夫大學)

Max Deeg is Professor in Buddhist Studies at Cardiff University. He received his Ph.D. in Classical Indology and his professorial degree (Habilitation) in Religious Studies at Würzburg University, Germany. His main research interest is in the history of Buddhism and its spread; he has researched and published extensively on Chinese Buddhist travelogues. His most recent publications are: Miscellanae Nepalicae: Early Chinese Reports on Nepal—The Foundation Legend of Nepal in its Trans-Himalayan Context (2016), and Die Strahlende Lehre—Die Stele von Xi’an (2018).

寧梵夫是英國卡迪夫大學(Cardiff University)歷史、考古與宗教學院的佛教學教授,專精於佛教史及從英國向中亞、東亞的傳播研究。他的研究興趣廣泛,包括亞洲的其他宗教,比如印度教、耆那教、道教、摩尼教與東方基督教等。他目前正在致力於重新英譯玄奘的《大唐西域記》。他的近著包括:Miscellanae Nepalicae: Early Chinese Reports on Nepal: The Foundation Legend of Nepal in Its Trans-Himalayan Context (Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2016); Religion in China: Major Concepts and Minority Positions (M. Deeg and B. Scheid eds, Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015); Das Lotos-Sūtra (translation, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009).


Imre GALAMBOS 高奕睿 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學 / University of Cambridge 劍橋大學)

After having studied for several years in China (Tianjin) and Hungary, Imre Galambos received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley with a dissertation on the orthography of Chinese writing during the Warring States period. Following his graduation he started working for the International Dunhuang Project at the British Library and became involved in the study of Dunhuang manuscripts and the manuscript culture of medieval China in general. After 10 years at the British Library, he moved to Cambridge in 2012 and to Zhejiang University in 2023.



Vincent GOOSSAERT 高萬桑 (EPHE 法國高等研究實踐學院)

Vincent Goossaert obtained his PhD at EPHE, Paris (Ecole pratique des hautes études, 1997), was a research fellow at CNRS (1998–2012) and is now Professor of Daoism and Chinese religions at EPHE, PSL; he has served as dean of its graduate school (2014–2018). He has been Visiting Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Geneva University, and Renmin University. His research deals with the social history of Chinese religion in late imperial and modern times. He is co-editor of T’oung Pao, a leading journal in sinology established in 1890.

高萬桑,1997年在法國高等研究實踐學院(EPHE)獲得宗教學博士學位,博士論文題為《近代道教的建立—全真道》;次年成為法國國家科研中心專職研究員; 2012年,升任EPHE宗教學系道教史教授。 2017年擔任《通報》共同主編。


JI Huachuan 紀華傳 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

Ji Huachuan is a senior researcher and professor in the Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he serves as the Director of the Department of Buddhist Studies. He is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Society for Religious Studies, Director of the Committee on Traditional Culture and Religion, and Director of the Buddhist Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His primary research focuses on the modern history of Chinese Buddhism, Chan Buddhism, and Buddhist literature. He has authored several monographs, including Jizang erdi sixiang yanjiu 吉藏二諦思想研究 [A Study of the Jizang’s Theories on Dual Truth], Zhongfeng Mingben yu Yuandai Chanzong 中峰明本與元代禪宗 [Zhongfeng Mingben and Yuan Dynasty Chan Buddhism ], Chanzong yu Zhongguo Fojiao 禪宗與中國佛教 [Chan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism], Anshang fashi shengping yu zhushu 安上法師生平與著述 [Biography and Writings of Master Anshang], Ming Qing Gushan Caodong wenxian yanjiu 明清鼓山曹洞宗文獻研究 [Research in the Literature of the Caodong School of Mount Gu], Shijie Fojiao tongshi: Hanchuan Fojiao 19 shiji zhongye zhi 20 shijie 世界佛教通史——漢傳佛教19世紀中葉至20世紀 [A General History of World Buddhism: Chinese Buddhism from the Mid-19th Century to the 20th Century], Qianlong dazang jing zongmu tiyao 乾隆大藏經總目提要 [Abstracts of the Qianlong Tripitaka].

紀華傳: 中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所研究員、佛教研究室主任,中國宗教學會副秘書長、傳統文化與宗教專業委員會主任,中國社會科學院佛教研究中心主任,中國社會科學院研究生院教授、博士生導師。主要研究方向為中國近世佛教史、禪宗、佛教文獻,已出版《吉藏二諦思想研究》《中峰明本與元代禪宗》《禪宗與中國佛教》《安上法師生平與著述》《明清鼓山曹洞宗文獻研究》《世界佛教通史•漢傳佛教19世界中葉至20世紀》《乾隆大藏經總目提要》等專著。


WANG Xuemei 王雪梅 (Northwest University 西北大學)

Xuemei WANG, associate dean of the School of Philosophy at Northwest University, is a professor in the College of Philosophy, where she serves as its associate dean, and Xuanzang Research Institution of Northwest University, both at Northwestern University. She also serves on the board of the Chinese Society of Religious Studies and has been appointed as a special researcher in Fo Guang Shan Institution of Humanistic Buddhism. Her main research areas include the theory of religion, Buddhism and the history of related religions. She is the author of a monograph, co-author of a book, and over thirty articles in the Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 [World Religion Research], Shijie zongjiao wenhua 世界宗教文化 [World Religion and Culture], Zongjiao xue yanjiu 宗教學研究 [Study of Religion], Zhongguo zhexue shi 中國哲學史 [History of Chinese Philosophy] and other journals. She has presided over a number of social science projects at the provincial, ministerial and national levels.


YANG Baoyu 楊寶玉 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

Baoyu Yang received Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts both from Peking University. She is a senior researcher in the Institute of Ancient History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and is a professor and a doctoral supervisor in UCASS. She is a recipient of special government allowance from the State Council. Her major research focuses on Tunhuangology, and has authored several monographs, including The Relationship between Guiyijun Regime and the Central Government (Lead Author); Annotation and Research on the Buddhist Efficacy Stories from Dunhuang Manuscripts; Analysis of Dunhuang Manuscripts; History of Dunhuang Region and Dunhuang Arts; Dunhuang Manuscripts in British Collections (Chinese texts other than Buddhist scripture), volumes 9-11,15; Research on the Catalogues of the Dunhuang Manuscripts (Co-Author) and more than 100 other academic papers.


ZHAN Ru 湛如 (Peking University 北京大學)

Zhan Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, and Vice President of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute, Director of the Kuaijishan Institute for the Advanced Study of Buddhism, and the Director of the Central Steering Committee for the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. His Latest book, Encounter between Indian and Chinese Civilizations: Ximing Monastery of Tang Chang’an and the Silk Roads 西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路, has been newly selected as one of the “Top Ten Best Books” of 2023, by the esteemed Zhonghua Publishing House (Zhonghua shuju 中華書局).

湛如,北京大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學東方學研究院副院長,北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心主任,會稽山佛學高等研究院院長,與旭日全球佛學研究網絡核心指導委員會主任委員。兼任南開大學宗教與文化研究中心主任。同時擔任中國佛教協會副會長。研究領域包括佛教與佛教文獻、佛教律藏、敦煌佛教等。主持國家社會科學重點項目“唐代長安與絲綢之路”及國家社會科學重大項目“印度古代梵文文藝學經典翻譯與研究”等。其新著《西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路》最近被久負盛名的中華書局評選為2023年雙十佳圖書。


Zhang Wenliang 張文良 (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

Zhang Wenliang completed his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy in 1987, and went on to earn his Master’s degree in Philosophy in 1990 from the Department of Philosophy at the Renmin University of China. both. In 2004, he achieved a PhD from the University of Tokyo in Japan. Currently, he is professor in the Institute of Studies in Buddhism and Religious Theories, the Renmin University of China, and severs as its Vice-Deputy Director in. He is also a Council Member of the Japan Association of the Indian and Buddhist Studies. His research areas include Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism. He has authored several monographs, including Chōkan Kegon shisō no kenkyū 澄觀華嚴思想の研究 [A Study of the Thought of Chengguan in Huayan Buddhism], Pipan Fojiao de pipan 批判佛教的批判 [A Critical Examination of Critical Buddhism (Hihan Bukkyō)], Riben dangdai Fojiao 日本當代佛教 [Contemporary Buddhism in Japan], Dongya Fojioa shiye xia de Huayan xue yanjiu 東亞佛教視野下的華嚴學研究 [A Study of Huayan Buddhism from the Perspective of East Asian Buddhism], Dacheng qixin lun sixiangshi yanjiu 《大乘起信論》思想史研究 [A Study of the History of Thoughts on the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana].
