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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第一期(2018):133–170; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201804_1(1).0005

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神在哪里? ——从十八、十九世纪《四十二章经》法文翻译看佛教在欧洲形象的转变(Where is God?: Evolution of the representation of Buddhism in the French Translations of The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters

侯笑明(HOU Xiaoming)
法国巴黎高等研究实验学院(École Pratique des Hautes études)

摘要(Abstract):在中国佛教的传统叙事中,《四十二章经》常被描述为第一部传入中国的佛经。有趣的是,一千多年之后,它的法语翻译也成为了第一部以西方语言发表的完整佛经,并在之后的一百五十年内相继四次被译为法语。然而,与其重要性形成鲜明对比的是,至今还并未有学者对其法语翻译进行系统的研究。本文将分别研究《四十二章经》在十八至十九世纪期间的四个法语译本,译者分别为法国学者约瑟夫·德金(Joseph de Guignes, 1721–1800)、法国天主教遣使会(Lazariste)传教士古伯察(Évariste Régis Huc, 1813–1860)与秦噶哔(Joseph Gabet, 1808–1853)、法国学者莱昂·费赫(Léon Feer, 1830–1902)以及比利时学者夏和乐·德·阿赫莱兹(Charles de Harlez, 1832–1899)。通过对其翻译词汇、风格及阐释的分析,本文将揭示四位译者如何通过对一部佛经的翻译塑造了四个截然不同的佛教形象:从一神论到泛神论,从虚无主义到泛心论。而这四种形象,作为彼时以“神”作为中心概念来定义宗教的产物,也并非以静态知识的形态独立于其所处的历史环境之外,而是积极的参与了十八、十九世纪的东西方文化论争,同时成为了保护与挑战欧洲自我意识的武器。

The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters (Sishi’er zhang jing 四十二章經) is traditionally considered to be the first Buddhist sūtra translated into Chinese. Interestingly, after more than a millennium, its French translation also became the first integral translation of a Buddhist sūtra published in western language. However, despite its importance, its French translations have never been studied systematically. The present study is a historical and textual research of its four consecutive French translations from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century, respectively translated by Joseph de Guignes (1721–1800), Joseph Gabet (1808–1853) and Évariste Huc (1813–1860), Léon Feer (1830–1902), and Charles de Harlez (1832–1899). Through an analysis of vocabulary, style and interpretation of the translations, it shows that the image of Buddhism represented in these translations has changed from a monotheism, to a pantheism, a nihilism and a panpsychism. The evolution of its representations, as the result of a search for ‘God’ when defining a religion, is analyzed from the historical point of view which reengages the translations in the cultural controversies during the period when the discovery of the Orient was used to both challenge and defend the European conscience.

关键词(Keywords):欧洲佛教(Buddhism in Europe)、法语(French)、翻译(Translations)、《四十二章经》(The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters


关于作者:法国巴黎高等研究实验学院(École Pratique des Hautes études)宗教与思想体系部在读博士研究生,法兰西公学院(Collège de France)日本文化与文献讲席研究与教学助理(A.T.E.R.)。博士阶段研究领域为2至6世纪的中国佛典翻译史对中国佛教禅法教学体系形成的影响。关注的主要问题为翻译过程中产生词汇范式的转变与传播如何作用于佛教的中国化。在专攻中国佛教史与中印佛典跨文化传播的同时,也关注佛典在欧洲,尤其是法语区的传播、翻译与接受,以及佛教形象在西方的塑造与转变。


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