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《华林国际佛学学刊》第二卷‧第一期(2019):167–185; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201904_2(1).0007

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法显和玄奘所见外道之比较(Comparison Between Faxian 法顯(337–422)and Xuanzang’s 玄奘(602–664)Observation of Non-Buddhist Traditions)

严耀中(YAN Yaozhong)
北京师范大学(Beijing Capital University)


Faxian 法顯 (337–422) and Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) were both Buddhist masters who have travelled to India in search of Buddhist scriptures. They shared the same cultural perspective in their observation of India and have left us a substantial record of their observations. Their writing, therefore, could be compared in order to shed light on the changes that Indian religious traditions, especially non-Buddhist traditions, underwent during the two centuries between Faxian and Xuanzang’s journey. Three aspects could be compared: 1. the change in the organization and nature of the non-Buddhist traditions; 2. the rise and fall of the non-Buddhist traditions in relation to Buddhist traditions; 3. the possible causes underlying the changes. I will also discuss how Faxian and Xuanzang’s observations on the non-Buddhist traditions may have influenced Chinese Buddhism and culture.

关键词(Keywords):法显(Faxian)、《高僧法显传》(Faxian gaoseng zhuan)、玄奘(Xuanzang)、《大唐西域记》(Da Tang Xiyu ji)、外道(Non-Buddhist traditions)


关于作者:严耀中,浙江慈城人,1982年研究生毕业。 1988年破格评为副教授。 1992年破格评为正教授。 1994–1996年间在加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)宗教研究系和多伦多大学(University of Toronto)宗教研究中心做访问学者。 2013–2014年作为以色列国家高级研究院(Israel Institute for Advanced Studies)的客座研究员,同时也作为European Institutes for Study Fellowship Programme 的成员。现为北京师范大学历史学院特聘教授。已出版专著有《北魏前期政治制度》(吉林教育,1990);《中国宗教与生存哲学》(学林,1991);《汉传密教》(学林,1999);《江南佛教史》(上海人民,2000,修订本改名《中国东南佛教史》2005);《佛教与三至十三世纪中国史》(宗教文化,2007);《佛教戒律与中国社会》(上海古籍,2007);《两晋南北朝史》(人民,2009);《魏晋南北朝史考论》(上海人民,2010);《宗教文献学入门》(复旦大学,2011,与范荧合着);《宏观与微观视野里的中国宗教》 (华东师范大学,2012);《晋唐文史论稿》(上海人民出版社,2013);《耶城琐记》(上海书店,2015);《华梵杂学集》(上海古籍,2016)等。


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