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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):111–143; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0006

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人主之地、象主之国:大唐语境下玄奘的世界图景(The Land of the Human-Lord, the Kingdom of the Elephant-Lord: Xuanzang’s Vision of the World in Relation to the Paradigm of Knowledge of the Tang Dynasty)

纪赟(JI Yun)
新加坡佛学院(Buddhist Academy of Singapore)


The great Tang pilgrim Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) travelled to India in the seventh century and left a detailed record of his journey. The journey also generated in Xuanzang a vision about the world; and this vision, through Xuanzang’s social network, influenced the Buddhist social elites in the Tang Dynasty. This article examines the relationship between Xuanzang’s vision and the knowledge about the world possessed by the Tang Dynasty, in addition to discussing the influence of Xuanzang’s vision on Chinese thoughts in general.

关键词(Keywords):玄奘(Xuanzang)、地理(geography)、印度(India)、古代中国(Ancient China)、观念世界(conceptual world)


关于作者:纪赟,复旦大学文学博士,新加坡佛学院长聘副教授,兼任教务主任、图书馆馆长。除教学外, 主要从事佛教文献、佛教史等相关研究。曾出版或将出版专著《慧皎高僧传研究》等;译著《汉文佛教文献研究》《佛教文献学十讲》等;编著多部;英译汉学术论文四十余篇;学术论文、会议论文与书评等三十余篇;专栏文章二百余篇。


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