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Justin BRODY 布洛迪 (Franklin and Marshall College 美國富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院)
Justin Brody is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. His main research is in artificial intelligence, specifically on the use self-models and neurosymbolic processing. A long student of Buddhism, he is also interested in interactions between Buddhist studies and mathematics as well as computer science. He is especially interested in dialogues between the latter disciplines and Buddhist philosophy as well as in ways to apply contemporary machine learning techniques to analyze Buddhist texts. He earned his doctorate in pure mathematics from the University of Maryland in 2009.
Justin Brody現任富蘭克林—馬歇爾學院(美國賓州蘭開斯特)計算機科學助理教授。主要研究領域是人工智能,尤其是自我模型和神經符號處理的應用。作為佛教的長期研習者,他也致力於佛教研究和數學乃至計算機科學之間的交叉,特別是計算機科學和佛教哲學之間的對話,以及當代機器學習技術在佛教文本分析方面的應用。他於2009年在馬里蘭大學獲得純粹數學博士學位。 |
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CHEN Ming 陳明 (PekingU 北京大學)
CHEN Ming is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of South Asian Studies at Peking University. Since he was awarded a doctoral degree by Peking University in 1999, with a dissertation on Indian Medical Science, he has focused on the history of cultural communication between China and Central & South Asia in the Medieval Period, mainly but not exclusively in terms of medicine. His academic interests have also been extended to a study on Buddhist literature in Sanskrit-Chinese, and the influence of ancient South Asian literature on China. He has published six books all in Chinese as follows: (1) On the Sanskrit Medical Book Siddhasāra (2002, 2014); (2) Medical Manuscripts Discovered in Dunhuang and Western Regions: Foreign Medicine in Medieval China (2005); (3) A Study on Sanskrit Medical Text of Jīvaka-pustaka from Dunhuang (2005); (4) Foreign Medicine and Culture in Medieval China / (2013); (5) Texts and Languages: A Comparative Study on Some Manuscripts Unearthed from the Silk Road and Early Chinese Buddhist Canon/ (2013); (6) Indian Buddhist Mythology: Its Writing and Transmission (2016). Now he is also interested in comparative study of Buddhist literature and vocabulary in Sanskrit and Chinese, and the transmission of tales and related images in pre-modern Eurasia. He has two funded projects: A collection of illustrated texts of ancient Eastern literature and related studies, and Studies on exchanges of culture and literature between China and South Asia in pre-modern period.
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CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 (UBC 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen is a prolific author, having published six monographs, and co-edited ten books, and written over seventy book chapters and journal articles.
加拿大皇家學會院士、英屬哥倫比亞大學東亞思想史講座教授,曾任加拿大國立東亞佛教講座教授(CRC)多年。研究領域涉及東亞政教關係,中古時期僧傳(聖傳)文學,佛教聖地,舍利崇拜,佛教與技術革新,以及佛教翻譯等領域。研究成果包括:已出版六部專著,合編十餘本書籍,發表七十多篇論文。這些成果曾獲眾多基金和獎項,包括日本學術振興會、加拿大國家社科基金和 Peter Wall 高級研究院、德國洪堡基金會和馬普研究所以及美國人文研究中心等機構的研究基金。目前領導一項為期多年的旨在重新建構佛學與東亞宗教重要面向的國際性與跨學科的龐大項目,由加拿大政府資助並得到國際上諸多名校與基金會的支持。 |
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Celine CODEREY 柯徳蕊 (NationalU of Singapore 新加坡國立大學)
Dr Coderey is Research Fellow and Lecturer at the National University of Singapore. She received her M.A and PhD in Anthropology from the University of Provence, Aix-Marseille 1 (France). Her field of expertise spans from medical anthropology and anthropology of the body, to anthropology of religion, but also to questions of identity in relation to artistic and cultural practices, heritage making and temporalities. Her research is mainly focused on Myanmar and neighboring Southeast Asian countries with a recent expansion also to Papua New Guinea and the Marquesas Island in French Polynesia. Her teaching includes the undergraduate interdisciplinary seminars Biomedicine and Singapore society; Time and Life; Skin, and courses in Medical Anthropology.
科德雷博士(Dr Coderey)是新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)的研究員和講師。她在法國普羅旺斯-艾克斯-馬賽1大學University of Provence, Aix-Marseille 1(France)獲得文學碩士和博士學位。她的專業領域包括醫學人類學、身體人類學、宗教人類學,以及與藝術和文化實踐、遺產建設和時間性相關的身份問題。她的研究主要集中在緬甸和鄰近的東南亞國家,最近也擴展到巴布亞新幾內亞和法屬波利尼西亞的馬克薩斯群島。她的教學包括本科跨學科研討會《生物醫學與新加坡社會》Biomedicine and Singapore society、《時間與生命》Time and Life、《皮膚》Skin,以及醫學人類學課程(Medical Anthropology)。 |
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Kate CROSBY 寇思璧 (UoOxford 英國牛津大學)
Kate Crosby is the Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Oxford. She moved to Oxford from King’s College London, and previously held posts at the universities of Edinburgh, Lancaster, Cardiff and SOAS. She studied Sanskrit, Pali and other Buddhist languages, Indian religions and Buddhism at Oxford (MA and DPhil). She also studied at the universities of Hamburg and Kelaniya, as well as with traditional teachers in Pune, Varanasi and Kathmandu. She works on Sanskrit, Pali, and Pali-vernacular literature and on Theravada practice in the pre-modern and modern periods, including on the pre-modern meditation and its relationship to temporal technologies. Her publications include a translation and study of Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra (with co-author Andrew Skilton, 1994); Mahābhārata: The Women and the Dead of Night (2009); Traditional Theravada and its Modern-Era Suppression (2013); Theravada Buddhism: Continuity, Identity, Diversity (2014); and Esoteric Theravada: The Story of the Forgotten Meditation Tradition of Southeast Asia (2020).
Kate Crosby於2022年加入了牛津大學並擔任沼田佛教研究教授。在她從倫敦大學國王學院遷至牛津之前,Kate曾先後任職於愛丁堡大學、蘭開斯特大學、卡迪夫大學和倫敦大學亞非學院。除了研究生和博士期間在牛津大學學習梵文、巴利文和藏文、印度宗教和佛教以外,Kate也曾就讀於漢堡大學和凱拉尼亞大學。除此之外,她還師從來自浦那、瓦拉納西和加德滿都的傳統教師們。她研究主要涵蓋了梵文、巴利文和與近世及現代上座部佛教修行相關的巴利語地方文學,其中主要包括了近世冥想修行及其與當代冥想技巧之間的關係。她也曾在大部分上座部佛教人口較多的國家進行過實地田野考察。她的出版物包括了關於寂天(Śāntideva)所著的《入菩提行論》(Bodhicaryāvatāra)的翻譯和研究(與 Andrew Skilton 合著,1994 年);《摩訶婆羅多:女性與夜深人靜》(2009);《傳統上座部佛教及其現代壓制》(2013年);《上座部佛教:連續性、特性、多樣性》(2014);和《深奧的上座部佛教:關於被遺忘的東南亞冥想傳統的故事(2020年)。 |
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Douglas DUCKWORTH 達珂沃 (TempleU 美國天普大學)

Douglas Duckworth, Ph.D. (Virginia, 2005) is Professor at Temple University. Duckworth is the author of Mipam on Buddha-Nature: The Ground of the Nyingma Tradition (SUNY 2008) and Jamgön Mipam: His Life and Teachings (Shambhala 2011). He also introduced and translated Distinguishing the Views and Philosophies: Illuminating Emptiness in a Twentieth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Classic by Bötrül (SUNY 2011). He is a co-author of Dignāga’s Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet (Oxford 2016) and Knowing Illusion, vol. 1-2 (Oxford 2021). Duckworth is a co-editor of Buddhist Reponses to Religious Diversity: Theravāda and Tibetan Perspectives (Equinox 2020) and Readings of Śāntideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva Practice (Bodhicaryāvatāra) (CUP 2019). He also wrote Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and Nature (OUP 2019) and translated an overview of the Wisdom Chapter of the Way of the Bodhisattva by Künzang Sönam, entitled The Profound Reality of Interdependence (OUP 2019).
Douglas Duckworth博士(2005年弗吉尼亞大學畢業)現任天普大學教授。著有《米龐論佛性: 寧瑪派傳統的基礎》(紐約州立大學出版社,2008年),和《蔣揚·米龐:生平和教法》(Shambhala出版社,2011)。譯介作品有Bötrül所著《見地和哲學之辨:二十世紀藏傳佛教經典所論空性》(紐約州立大學,2011年)。合著《陳那對所緣的探究:印藏哲學之一遺產》(牛津大學出版社,2016年)以及《知幻》(卷1,卷2,牛津大學出版社,2021年)。合編《佛教對宗教多樣性的回應:上座部佛教和西藏視角》(Equinox出版社,2020),《寂天〈入菩萨行论〉指要之選讀》(劍橋大學出版社,2019年)。他還撰寫了《藏傳佛教心與性的哲學》(牛津大學出版社,2019年),並翻譯了Künzang Sönam的《菩薩道》智慧篇概述,題為《相依的深奧實相》(牛津大學出版社,2019年)。 |
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Jessica FALCONE 佛爾崆 (Kansas StateU 美國堪薩斯州立大學)
Dr. Jessica Marie Falcone is a professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. With a research orientation toward contemporary transnational Asian religious cultures, she has done fieldwork across Asia and its diasporas. Her first book, Battling the Buddha of Love: the Greatest Statue Never Built, about a controversial giant statue project in India, was published in 2018 by Cornell University Press. She is currently working on a monograph about the rich contemporary ritual and social life of a Soto Zen Buddhist temple in Hawai’i that was founded by Japanese migrants over a hundred years ago.
Jessica Marie Falcone博士任堪薩斯州立大學文化人類學教授。研究方向是當代亞洲跨國宗教文化,並在亞洲各地及亞裔散居地進行了實地考察。她的第一本專著,《與大慈佛陀作戰:未起之大像》,講述了印度一個有爭議的巨型雕像工程,康奈爾大學出版社2018年出版。當前正研究夏威夷一座由日本移民在一百多年前所建的曹洞宗寺廟,並在撰寫該寺豐富的當代儀式和社會生活方面的專著。 |
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Imre GALAMBOS 高奕睿 (UoCambridge 英國劍橋大學)
Imre Galambos specialises in the study of medieval Chinese manuscripts from sites in northwestern China. He received his Ph.D. in 2002 from the University of California, Berkeley with a dissertation on the structure of Chinese characters in the pre-Qin period. For the following 10 years he worked for the International Dunhuang Project (IDP) at the British Library, as a result of which his research gradually shifted to medieval manuscripts from Dunhuang. Since 2012, he has been teaching at the University of Cambridge, where he is now Professor of Chinese. Among his main interests is the dynamics of the spread of texts and manuscripts along the multilingual networks known today as the Silk Roads. His books include Orthography of Early Chinese Writing (2006); Manuscripts and Travellers (co-authored with Sam van Schaik, 2012), Translating Chinese Tradition and Teaching Tangut Culture (2015), and Dunhuang Manuscript Culture (2020).
在中國天津和匈牙利進行了多年的學習與研究後,高奕睿在加州大學柏克萊分校獲得了博士學位,其博士論文為戰國時期中國文字正字法的相關研究。在博士畢業後,高奕睿入職大英圖書館,參與國際敦煌研究項目。由此開始敦煌手稿的研究以及中世紀中國的寫本文化研究。在大英圖書館工作十年後,他於2012年前往劍橋任教至今。 |
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GAO Junling 高俊岭 (UHK 香港大學)
Dr. Junling Gao is a pioneering scholar dedicated to interdisciplinary research in humanities and science, especially in the fields of Buddhism and neuroscience. Dr. Gao’s consistent efforts have built a bridge between Buddhism and science. With a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and a Master’s in Buddhist Studies, his work has gained widespread recognition in academia and the media. His neuroscientific paper on religious chanting was featured in the HKU VP(R)’s Pick on the HKU main webpage, while his research on mindfulness has been reported by Newsweek and other prominent outlets.
In contemporary society, where scientific evidence is highly valued, Dr. Gao’s persistent work in the lab of Buddhism Practice and Counselling Science at the Centre of Buddhist Studies has provided new theoretical and empirical support for the integration of Buddhist research and practice into modern life. This is particularly relevant in contemporary society for exploring and promoting the fusion of Eastern and Western cultural traditions. As people’s mental stress keeps increasing in today’s world, Dr. Gao’s ultimate goal is to utilize wearable devices and big data analysis to assist in spiritual practice, emotion regulation, and mental health. Given the interdisciplinary nature of his research, Dr. Gao is actively seeking collaborations with experts in various fields for joint application on interdisciplinary research projects.
現代社會注重科學證據,而腦科學和人工智能的發展為佛學研究和佛教鍥入現代生活提供了新的可能性。高峻岭博士在佛教實踐與諮詢科學實驗室的持續工作,以及發表眾多的科學論文為此提供了新的理論和實證支持。在當代社會,這對於探索並推廣東西方文化傳統之融合具有極強的現實意義。當今社會人們的精神壓力日益增大,高博士的最終目標是利用可穿戴設備和大數據分析等技術協助修行、情緒調節和精神健康。鑒於該類研究的跨學科特性,高博士也積極尋求與各領域專家合作協同申請跨學科研究項目。 |
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GAO Xi 高晞 (FudanU 復旦大學)
復旦大學歷史學系教授, 博士生導師,中國科學技術史學會常務理事, 中國科學技術史學會醫學史專業委員會副主任, 《中國醫學大百科全書 醫學史卷》副主編。教學與研究方向:醫學史與科學技術史。主要從事中外醫學文化交流史、中國近現代醫學史和中國傳統醫學知識體系研究。國家冷門絕學「十九世紀以前歐洲科學家對中醫認知研究」項目負責人。出版專著《德貞傳——一個英國傳教士與晚清醫學近代化》、《步行者—聞玉梅傳》、《中外醫學文化交流史》(合著),主編《醫學與歷史》,普通高等教育「十三五」全國高等醫學院校本科規劃教材《醫學史》的副主編(2019年版),在海內外權威與核心刊物上發表論文。歷任哈佛大學燕京學社訪問學者、英國格拉斯哥大學、華威大學訪問學者、德國漢堡大學訪問學者、日本關西大學訪問學者以及法國高等社會科學院訪問學者。
GAO Xi received her Ph.D. in history from Fudan university. She is now director, professor, and Ph.D. supervisor of modern history in the Department of History, Fudan University. She is also the deputy director of the Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Medicine, and a committee member of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology. She is the author A Biography of John Dudgeon: A British Missionary and Chinese Medical Modernization in Late Qing (2009), Medicine and History (2020). She has published over 30 influential papers on her research fields, such as medical missionary Chinese medical modernization and the history of medical cultural exchange between West and East. She was a visiting fellow and visiting associate at Harvard Yenching Institute in 2004-2006 and 2013-2014. She has organized three international conferences, two on the history of medicine, and the other on the westward spread of Chinese knowledge and goods. |
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Charles GOODMAN 顧德曼 (BinghamtonU 美國賓漢頓大學)

Charles Goodman is a professor in the Philosophy Department and the Department of Asian and Asian-American Studies at Binghamton University. He is interested in ethics, metaphysics and epistemology in South Asian, Tibetan and Chinese traditions. He is the author of Consequences of Compassion: An Interpretation and Defense of Buddhist Ethics (2009) and a co-author of Moonpaths: Ethics and Emptiness (2016). His translations from Sanskrit include The Training Anthology of Śāntideva (2016) and The Tattvasaṃgraha of Śāntarakśita: Selected Metaphysical Chapters (2022). He has also published articles on Buddhist philosophy and on applied ethics.
Charles Goodman是賓漢頓大學哲學系和亞洲及亞美研究系的教授。研究興趣包括南亞、西藏和中國傳統倫理學、形而上學和認識論。著有《慈悲的後果:佛教倫理學的詮釋和辯護》(2009年),合著《千水月:倫理與空性》(2016年)。他還譯有梵文著作:《寂天學處集要》(2016年)和《〈寂護眞實攝經〉:形而上學選集》(2022年)。發表有佛教哲學和應用倫理學方面論文 |
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Peter D. HERSHOCK 赫碩軻 (East West Center

Peter D. HERSHOCK is Director of the Asian Studies Development Program and Coordinator of the Humane AI Initiative at the East-West Center in Honolulu. His philosophical work makes use of Buddhist conceptual resources to address contemporary issues of global concern. He has authored or edited more than a dozen books on Buddhism, Asian philosophy and contemporary issues, including: Reinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to the Information Age; Buddhism in the Public Sphere: Reorienting Global Interdependence; Valuing Diversity: Buddhist Reflection on Realizing a More Equitable Global Future; and Buddhism and Intelligent Technology: Toward a More Humane Future. His most recent book is Consciousness Mattering: A Buddhist Synthesis (forthcoming).
Peter D. Hershock 是檀香山東西方中心亞洲研究發展項目的主任和人道的人工智能計劃的協調員。他的哲學作品利用佛教的概念資源來解決當代全球關注的問題。撰寫和編輯了十幾本著作,涉及佛教、亞洲哲學和當代問題,包括《再造法輪:佛教對信息時代的回應》《公共領域的佛教:全球相互依存的再定位》《重視多樣性:實現更公平的全球未來的佛教反思》《佛教與智能技術:邁向更人道的未來》。另有《覺知的重要性:佛教的綜述》即將出版。 |
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Jenny Hung 洪真如 (HKUST 香港科技大學)
Dr. Jenny Hung is an assistant professor of philosophy and religion in the Division of Humanities at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She has two PhDs, one in philosophy, another in nanophysics. She investigates the nature of the self from both the Western and Eastern perspectives, aiming to answer the most fundamental questions of human existence, such as: “What are we?” “How do we persist?” She is generally interested in the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, Buddhism, and Daoism.
洪真如博士是香港科技大學人文學部宗教哲學組助理教授。她擁有兩個博士學位 (哲學及納米物理學)。她從東西方不同的角度探討自我的本質,旨在回答自我存在的最基本問題,例如:「我是誰?」 「十年之後那個還是我嗎?」她的研究興趣包括心靈哲學、形上學、佛教及道家哲學 |
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Jeffrey KOTYK 康傑夫 (UoBologna 意大利博洛尼亞大學)
Jeffrey Kotyk is presently an Associate Researcher at the University of Bologna in Ravenna, Italy, working on an EU-funded project, Sino-Iran, which investigates religious, diplomatic, and cultural relations between Iran and China in late antiquity. He has published on diverse topics such as Chinese Buddhist historiography, as well as Buddhist engagement with astronomy and astrology in premodern contexts.
康傑夫(Jeffrey Kotyk)是意大利拉文納博洛尼亞大學的副研究員,從事歐盟資助的“中國-伊朗”(Sino-Iran)項目,該項目調查古代晚期伊朗與中國之間的宗教、外交和文化關係。 他發表過多種主題的著作,例如中國佛教史學,以及佛教與天文學和占星學的關係。 |
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LHAMOKYI 拉毛吉 (TibetU 西藏大學)
Lhamokyi (La maoji) is an associate researcher of Center for Tibetan Studies at Tibet University, a master supervisor of Ethnology (Anthropology), and a member of Tibetan Astrological Science and Calendar Association, mainly researching on Tibetan astrological science and its history and culture. She is in charge of 7 projects of Astrological science, for example, the project of the National Social Science foundation of China “Researching on traditional Tibetan astrological science”, “Collect and Collate the Bon Tibetan Astrological Science Literatures and Manuscripts”, and the project of The Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education “Research on Labrangdus ’khorgrwatshang”. She has published the book Pure land of dus ’khor: researching on Labrangdus ’khorgrwatshang, and has published more than 10 papers related to astrological science. |
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LI Ling 李翎 (SichuanU 四川大學)
李翎,女,遼寧大連人,現居住於北京。1987年本科畢業於魯迅美術學院裝潢專業、1992年碩士畢業於魯迅美術學院美術理論專業,畢業後留校任教,1998年於魯迅美術學院破格晉升副教授。2002年畢業於中央美術學院,獲博士學位,同年入職中國國家博物館,為研究館員。 2018年入職四川大學,現為四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所研究員,博士生導師。研究領域為中印佛教藝術。2013-2014年,為以色列國家高級研究院《漢藏文化研究團》特邀研究員,於耶路撒冷工作一年。2017年、2018年,兩次訪學印度尼赫魯大學。近年多次踏察印度、巴基斯坦、東南亞,關注中印佛教藝術的的源與流問題。 已出版專著(包括合著、譯著)18部、論文115篇。
LI Ling 李翎 is a Professor at Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University in Chengdu China. She earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Art History at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing under the supervision of Professor Jin Weinuo. Her research focuses on art from the Han to the Tang, with a concentration on Tibetan Buddhist Art. From 2002, Li Ling worked at the National Museum of China before moving to Sichuan University in 2018. From 2013 to 2014, she worked as a cooperative professor in Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, participating in the Group of Chinese and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism in Jerusalem. From 2017 and 2018, Prof. Li was invited by Jawaharlal Nehru University as a visiting senior scholar for several times. From 2017 onwards, her research subject turned to the early Sino-Indian Buddhist art exchange and some influential results have been published. She also directed the National Social Science Project: “Studies on Cultural Exchange between Sichuan, Yunnan and Angkor from the 8th to 12th century”. Prof. Li has so far published 18 monographies and 115 papers. |
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LIANG Chenxue 梁辰雪 (FudanU 复旦大學)
梁辰雪是復旦大學文史研究院的博士後。她在復旦大學獲得了碩士學位,之後在京都大學研究中國歷史,並於2020年獲得博士學位。她的博士論文探討了中國陰陽書的編纂過程,以及這些書在引入日本後的發展和傳播。在國內外發表過多篇研究論文、翻譯和書評。她的最新文章題為「Calling back the soul: From apocryphal Buddhist sutras to Onmyōdō rituals」(《招魂:從佛教偽經到陰陽道祭祀》),已發表在Religions期刊上。她正在將博士論文修改為書稿,並展開第二個研究項目,研究陰陽道的祭祀文獻與祭祀儀式。
LIANG Chenxue is a postdoctoral researcher in the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Fudan University. She received her MA degree from Fudan University and subsequently conducted research on Chinese history at Kyoto University, where she got her doctorate in 2020. Her dissertation explores the compilation process of Chinese divination books, and diffusion of these book after they were introduced to Japan. Dr. Liang has published articles, translations, and book reviews both domestically and internationally. Her latest article, titled “Calling back the soul: From apocryphal Buddhist sutras to Onmyōdō rituals”, has been published in the journal Religions. Currently, she is in the process of revising her doctoral dissertation into a book manuscript. Additionally, she has embarked on a second research project focusing on the liturgical rituals of Onmyōdō. |
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Bill MAK 麥文彪 (UHK 香港大學)
Bill M. Mak is Director of Chinese Research Center, the ISF Academy, Fellow of the Jao Tsung-I Petit Ecole, University of Hong Kong, Research Associate of the Needham Research Institute, Senior Member of Robinson College, Cambridge University. He completed his linguistic training at McGill University (B.A. Hons.) in 1996, specialising in Sanskrit and East Asian languages. His areas of research include history of science in Asia, historical Sino-Indian cultural contact, and Buddhist philology. After he received his Ph.D. in Indian languages and literature from Peking University in 2010, he held several research and teaching positions in Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong), Germany (Hamburg University), and Japan (Kyoto University). Mak has authored over 30 academic articles in peer-reviewed journals and is co-editor of Overlapping Cosmologies in Asia, published recently by Brill. He is now completing a book project titled Foreign Astral Sciences in China, from Six Dynasties to Northern Song, to be published by Routledge under the Needham Research Institute Monograph Series.
麥文彪博士,1973年生於香港,加拿大麥吉爾大學語言學系畢業,主修梵語及亞洲語言。北京大學外國語學院印度語言文學博士。歷任德國漢堡大學佛學研究中心研究員、香港大學佛學研究中心客座講師、日本京都大學東洋科學史副教授。曾於劍橋大學、紐約大學、布朗大學、京都產業大學、朱拉隆功大學等多所高等院校作訪問學者。現任香港大學饒宗頤學術館院士、劍橋李約瑟研究所研究員。研究領域包括梵語古籍與古代東方科學史研究。近年學術成果包括古希臘系印度梵文天文文獻《夜凡本生經》再解讀、《聿斯經》與《竭伽仙人天文書》研究。 |
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Brianna MORSETH 莫百納 (CUHK 香港中文大學)

Brianna Morseth is a Ph.D. student in Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, an awardee of the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), and a former Varela Award recipient through the Mind and Life Institute. She received an M.A. in Buddhist Classics, an M.A. in Psychological and Brain Sciences, and a B.A. in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Chinese. Her research focuses on Huayan Buddhism, neurophenomenology, contemplative practice, and ecology.
Brianna Morseth是香港中文大學宗教研究專業的博士生,是香港博士生獎學金計劃(HKPFS)的獲獎者,也是心識與生命研究所的前瓦雷拉獎得主。她獲得了佛教典籍碩士學位、心理學和腦科學碩士學位,以及神經科學、心理學和中文學士學位。她的研究重點是華嚴佛教、神經現象學、觀修實踐和生態學。 |
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NIU Weixing 鈕衛星 (U of Science and Technology of China 中國科學技術大學)
NIU Weixing, currently a professor and executive director in the Department for the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology of University of Science and Technology of China, is mainly engaged in research on the history of astronomy, especially on the exchange and comparison of Chinese and Western astronomy. He is the Chief Expert of the Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation titled “On the Diffusion of Astronomy along the Silk Road during the Han and Tang Dynasties”. He is also the author of Gazing toward the Indian Heavens: On the Origin and Diffusion of Astronomy in the Chinese Translated Sutras (《西望梵天――漢譯佛經中的天文學源流》), Extraterritorial Astronomy of the Tang Dynasty (《唐代域外天文學》), and Compilation and Research on Astronomical and Calendrical Materials in the Buddhist Sutras and Taoist Scriptures (《佛道二藏天文曆法資料整理與研究》), etc. |
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Alessandro POLETTO 薄樂陀 (WashingtonU [St. Louis] 美國華盛頓大學 [聖路易斯])
Alessandro Poletto specializes in the social and religious history of premodern Japan, with an emphasis on Buddhism in the early medieval period (approx. tenth to the thirteenth century). He earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2020 with a dissertation entitled The Culture of Healing in Early Medieval Japan: A Study in Premodern Epistemology, in which he examined discourses and practices concerning healing and disease, with particular attention to the relationship between Buddhist healers and other technicians involved in the treatment of illness, namely court physicians and onmyōji. His other research and teaching interests include the understanding and ritual resolution of natural disasters in premodern East Asia, the history of the cultural exchanges between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, and Buddhist material culture and archeology in East Asia. Before joining Washington University in St. Louis as a lecturer in East Asian religions, he was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto University.
Alessandro Poletto 擔任聖路易斯華盛頓大學東亞宗教講師。專業領域是前現代日本的社會和宗教歷史,重點是中世紀早期(約10至13世紀)的佛教。他於2020年在哥倫比亞大學獲得博士學位,論文題為《中世紀早期日本的治療文化:前現代認識論研究》。論文研究了有關治療和疾病的論域和實踐,特別關注佛教治療士和其他醫療技術人員之間的關係,即宮廷醫生和陰陽師。其他研究和教學興趣包括對前現代東亞自然災害的理解和對治儀法,朝鮮半島和日本列島之間的文化交流歷史,以及東亞的佛教物質文化和考古學。曾在京都大學擔任日本學術振興會博士後研究員。 |
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POON Chung-kwong 潘宗光 (PolyU 香港理工大學)
潘宗光教授畢業於香港大學,獲倫敦大學博士(PhD)及高級科學博士(D.Sc.)學位,曾在加州理工學院,南加州大學及多倫多大學從事博士後研究。投身教育40載,在2009年1月榮休以前,擔任香港理工學院及香港理工大學校長長達18年。帶領學院在1994年取得大學地位,正名為香港理工大學。從事化學研究,於1985及1991年兩度獲瑞典皇家科學院邀請,提名諾貝爾化學奬候選人。2005年與好友創辦《精進慈善基金》,並擔任會長,多年來資助超過2000名有經濟困難的內地年青人完成本科課程,並幫助他們在人格品德方面的成長。屢獲殊榮包括大紫荊勳章(GBM)、傑出領袖(教育)等。曾獲委任為太平紳士(JP)、兩屆香港立法局議員(1985-1991)及三屆全國政協委員(1998-2013)。退休後全力從事個人修行、弘揚佛法及慈善事業。著作有《心經與生活智慧》、《心經與現代管理》、《感恩這一課》、《佛教與科學》、《佛教與淨土法門》、《我認識的佛教- 增編版》等。
Professor Poon Chung-kwong graduated from the University of Hong Kong. He obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree and a Higher Doctor of Science degree from the University of London. He was a postdoctoral fellow at The California Institute of Technology, University of Southern California and Toronto University. He devoted 40 years of his life to university education. Before his retirement in January 2009, he served as Director / President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for 18 years. Under his leadership, the former institution assumed full university status and became The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994. In 1985 and 1991, he was twice invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to make proposals for the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 2005, he founded the Virya Foundation Limited (a registered non-profit charitable organization). Over the years, the Foundation has offered financial support to more than 2,000 Mainland students to complete undergraduate education in China, and has helped them in personality and moral development. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM), Justice of the Peace (JP) and Leader of the Year Awards (Education). He was a Member of the Legislative Council (1985-1991), and Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (1998-2013). After retirement, he dedicated most of his time and efforts to practising and promoting Buddhism, as well as charity work. His publications include “Heart Sutra and Wisdom of Life”, “Heart Sutra and Modern Management”, “The Lesson on Gratitude, Buddhism and Science”, “Buddhism and Pure Land Dharma”, and “Buddhism as I Know It” (Revised Edition). |
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Robert SHARF 夏復 (UCBerkeley 美國加州大學柏克萊分校)

Robert Sharf is D. H. Chen Distinguished Professor of Buddhist Studies in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Berkeley, as well as Chair of Berkeley’s Center for Buddhist Studies, and Interim Director of the Institute for East Asian Studies. He works primarily on medieval Chinese Buddhism (especially Chan), but has also published in the areas of Japanese Buddhism, Buddhist art and archaeology, Buddhist modernism, Buddhist philosophy, and methodological issues in the study of religion. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, he is author of Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism: A Reading of the Treasure Store Treatise (2002), What Can’t Be Said: Contradiction and Paradox in East Asian Thought (coauthored with Yasuo Deguchi, Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2021), and co-editor (with Elizabeth Horton Sharf) of Living Images: Japanese Buddhist Icons in Context (2001).
夏復擔任柏克萊陳廷驊傑出教授席位。他的研究重心主要為中世紀中國佛教(特別是禪學),並對日本佛教、佛教藝術、儀式研究以及宗教研究中的方法論相關內容也有所涉獵。除了任職於柏克萊的東亞語言與文化研究系外,他同時也是柏克萊佛學研究中心的主任。他還是幾個雜志與叢書的編委,包括《國際佛學研究協會會刊》、《中國宗教研究雜志》、《日本宗教研究》、以及黑田研究院與夏威夷大學出版社聯袂出版的《黑田佛學研究叢書》。 |
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SHI Jizhen 釋寂真 (Mount Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Research on Buddhism 稽山書院)
寂真,男,2000 年生本科學歷(佛學院)。2016 年至2022年間于中國佛學院普陀山學院學習預科及本科課程, 現為會稽山佛學高等研究院(稽山書院)在讀研究生。
Shi Jizhen studied at Putuo Mountain College of the Buddhist Academy of China from 2016 to 2022 and obtained a bachelor’s degree. He is pursuing his post-graduate studies at the Mount Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies (Jishan Academy). |
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SHI Zhanru 釋湛如 (PekingU 北京大學)
北京大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學東方學研究院副院長,北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心主任。兼任南開大學宗教與文化研究中心主任。同時擔任中國佛教協會副會長。研究領域包括佛教语言與佛教文獻、佛教律藏、敦煌文献、印度佛教石窟寺等。主持國家社會科學重點項目“唐代長安與絲綢之路”及國家社會科學重大項目“印度古代梵文文藝學經典翻譯與研究”等。主要著作包括:1.《敦煌佛教律儀制度研究》,北京:中華書局,2003年。2.《浄法與佛塔:印度早期佛教史研究》,北京:中華書局,2007年;3.《禅苑清規研究》,北京:商務印書館,2014;4. 《西明東夏:唐代西明寺與絲綢之路》(兩卷本),北京:中華書局,2022年; 5. Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism, Leiden: Brill, 2023。
ZHAN Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China and vice president of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. |
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Hin Hung SIK 釋衍空 (UHK 香港大學)

釋衍空法師出生於香港,小學就讀於喇沙小學,中學畢業於日本神戶的Canadian Academy,並在美國俄勒岡州州立大學以國際商務和電腦雙學士畢業。回港後跟隨父親行商和從事金融行業,其後為求專心學佛和投入弘法工作,一九九零年法師毅然放下塵世事,於香港大德聖一大和尚座下披剃出家。一九九三年法師前赴英國,入讀倫敦大學亞非學院宗教研究系,獲得宗教研究碩士學位。法師是香港大學佛學研究中心創辦成員,擔任中心總監接近十載,現為中心高級院士,並為近年開辦的港大佛法輔導碩士擔任課程主任。法師同時兼任香港佛教聯合會執行副會長兼總務主任,亦曾為香港醫院管理局員工提供心靈輔導。 法師擅於契應現代人的根基來弘揚佛法,教授禪修。在大學裡領導的研究項目包括:佛法輔導、正法治療、禪修的腦神經科學、廣東瑜伽焰口等,並出版了很多有關佛學、心理治療、佛教教育的專著和學術期刊文章。
Venenerable Sik Hin Hung was born in Hong Kong and studied in La Salle Primary School. For his secondary education, he went to Japan and graduated from the Canadian Academy in Kobe. In 1976, he graduated from The University of Oregon in the US with a double major in International Business and Computer Science. After returning to Hong Kong, he worked for his father in the business and financial sector. In 1990, he decided to dedicate himself to the study and promotion of Buddhist teaching and practices. He became a Mahayana Buddhist monk and was ordained under the benediction of the Grand Master Ven. Sheng Yi. In 1993, he went to London and obtained an MA in Religious Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London. He is a Founding Fellow of the Centre of Buddhist Studies of The University of Hong Kong and has served as its Director for almost 10 years. He is currently the Senior Fellow of the Centre and Chairman of the newly launched Master of Buddhist Counselling programme. He also serves as the Managing Vice-President and Administrator-General of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association and has provided counselling services to the staff of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority for many years. Ven. Hin Hung specializes in Buddhist counselling and meditation. He has strived to make Buddhist teaching more “user friendly” and relevant to people nowadays. His current research projects include Buddhist counselling, “Neuroscience of meditation”, and “Guangdong Yuqie Yankou”. He has published many books and journal articles on Buddhist counselling, Buddhist teaching, psychotherapy and Buddhist education. |
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SIK Hin Tak 釋衍德 (Hong Kong Chu Hai College
Ven. Dr. SIK Hin Tak is currently an assistant professor in the Centre of Buddhist Studies, Hong Kong Chu Hai College. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong in 2016 and was a postdoctoral fellow there. He also received training in Medicine (MBBS, University of Sydney), Counselling (MSocSc in Counselling, University of Hong Kong) and Psychology (MA in Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong). His research interests include mind-body-spiritual health, Buddhist psychology, Buddhist counselling/psychotherapy, Buddhist medicine/healing, and contemplative practice.
釋衍德法師博士現任香港珠海學院佛學研究中心助理教授。2016年於香港大學取得佛學博士,並任博士後研究員。他亦曾接受身心醫療的培訓,包括醫學(澳洲悉尼大學內外全科醫學士)、輔導學(香港大學輔導學碩士)和心理學(香港中文大學心理學碩士)。主要研究領域包括身心靈健康、佛教心理學、佛教輔導/心理治療、佛教醫學/療法,以及禪修研習。 |
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SONG Shenmi 宋神秘 (ShanghaiU of Traditional Chinese Medicine 上海中醫藥大學)
宋神秘,女,上海中醫藥大學副研究員,1982年生,上海交通大學科學史與科學文化研究院理學博士,2014年進入上海中醫藥大學從事科學技術史的教學和研究工作,直至今日。其中,2013年參加第一屆復旦大學中華文明國際研究中心「佛教與中國宗教」國際研修班,2014年獲德國馬克斯·普朗克(Max-Planck)科學史研究所 「英文出版計畫」專案獎學金,赴柏林訪問交流。主要研究方向為唐宋時期的天文學史、醫學史和科學技術史,主持教育部人文社會科學研究青年課題1項(已結項),上海市哲學社會科學青年課題1項(已結項),先後參與國家社科重大課題2項,國家社科一般課題1項(已結項),在天文學史和科技史領域發表中英文學術論文若干篇,專著2本(合著),翻譯學術專著1部,作為副主編參與《中華大典·天文典》的編纂。目前為中國科學技術史學會會員,中國科學技術史學會天文學史專業委員會會員,上海科學技術史學會會員。
SONG Shenmi (PhD in the History of Science and Technology from the Institute for the History of Science and Science Culture at Shanghai Jiao Tong University) is an associate researcher at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2014, she joined Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to teach and conduct research on the history of science and technology, and medicine. In 2013, she participated in the first International Workshop on Buddhism and Chinese Religion at the Center for Chinese Civilization Studies at Fudan University. In 2014, she was awarded a scholarship for the English Publication Project at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Germany, where she visited and exchanged ideas in Berlin. Her main research interests include the history of astronomy, medical history, and the history of science and technology during the Tang and Song dynasties. She has led one research project funded by the Ministry of Education and one by the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Fund for Young Scholars. She has also participated in two national major research projects and one general research project funded by the National Social Science Foundation. She has published several academic papers in English and Chinese in the field of astronomy and the history of science and technology. She has co-authored two monographs and translated one academic monograph. She has also served as the associate editor for the compilation of the “Chinese Encyclopedia: Astronomy” project. Currently, she is a member of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, the Astronomy History Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, and the Shanghai Society for the History of Science and Technology. |
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Christopher TONG 唐思凱 (UMaryland, Baltimore 馬里蘭大學 [巴爾的摩])
Christopher K. Tong is Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Maryland in Baltimore County near Washington, DC. He publishes on the interplay between culture, politics, and ecology, and has given invited presentations at universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and UCLA. In 2023-2024, Dr. Tong will be a visiting fellow at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, where he will research the history of evolutionary science in the United States. Dr. Tong was awarded a China Studies Fellowship by the American Council of Learned Societies in 2021-2022 and was selected for a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant in 2018-2019 to conduct archival research in Nanjing, China. In addition to research and teaching, Dr. Tong formerly chaired the American Society for Environmental History’s Meeting Sites Committee and Modern Language Association’s Modern and Contemporary Chinese Forum.
唐思凱畢業於斯坦福大學,2014年在加州大學戴維斯校區獲得比較文學博士,曾是聖路易市華盛頓大學東亞語文系的博士後研究員。現任馬里蘭州大學亞洲研究系及現代語文系副教授,以生態環境意識和科學史為主要研究範疇,經常在哈佛、斯坦福及UCLA等著名大學發表演講。2018-2019年,唐博士被選為富布賴特 (Fulbright) 研究學者,代表美國參與中美學術交流,旅居南京進行歷史文獻的研究工作。2021-2022年,獲得美國學術團體協會 (American Council of Learned Societies) 頒發研究獎項。2023-2024年,將在美國哲學學會 (American Philosophical Society) 以訪問學者的名銜進行科學史的研究工作。除了科研和教學,唐博士經常為學術期刊審閱文章,並曾擔任美國環境歷史學會 (American Society for Environmental History) 會議地點委員會的主席及現代語言學會 (Modern Language Association) 現當代中文論壇的主席。 |
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WANG Dawei 王大偉 (SichuanU 四川大學)
WANG Dawei 王大偉, male, was born in 1984, achieving doctor degree of Philosophy (in 2012, Sichuan University) and doctor degree of Medicine (in 2021, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) and now serve as a professor in the Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture in the Sichuan University, whose main research areas are the cultural history of Chinese Buddhism system and the connection between Buddhism and traditional medicine. |
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WU Hua 吳華 (SichuanU 四川大學)
WU Hua (Ph.D. in Sociology) is an associate Professor in the Institute for Taoism and Religious Culture Studies at Sichuan University. He is engaged in the research and teaching of religious theory, religious sociology and Buddhist social and cultural history. His main works include Studies on Buddhism in Chengdu Since Modern Times (1912-1949) and Spatial Politics and Urban Governance: A Case Study of Contemporary Buddhist Urbanization. |
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WU Shaowei 武紹衛 (ShandongU 山東大學)

武紹衛,山東大學副教授,主要研究方向為:隋唐史、敦煌學和佛教史。發表有“A Study on the Literacy Rate of Buddhist Monks in Dunhuang during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period”,《唐五代賜臘小議》《從社會經濟角度看唐後期五代宋初敦煌寺眾居家原因》《無名僧人的名山事業:中古時期僧人的日常抄經與校勘活動》《從崇佛到限佛:唐僧義紭及其經歷的兩個時代(武后—中宗、睿宗—玄宗)》等學術文章二十餘篇。最近關注的話題是:中國古代抄經的製作、僧團識字率以及會昌法難。
Wu Shaowei is an Associate Professor at Shandong University. His primary research areas include Sui-Tang history, Dunhuang Studies, and Buddhist history. He has published over twenty academic articles, including “A Study on the Literacy Rate of Buddhist Monks in Dunhuang during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period”, “The Reasons for Dunhuang Monks Residing in Secular Families during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Period: A Socio-Economic Perspective”, “The Unknown Monk’s Mountaineering Career: Daily Scripture Copying and Textual Criticism Activities of Monks in the Medieval Period”, and “From Veneration to Restriction: Two Eras in the Life of Monk Yihong during the Tang Dynasty”.
His recent research interests focus on the production of Buddhist sutra copying in ancient China, the literacy rate among monastic communities, and the Huichang Persecution of Buddhism. |
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ZHANG Meiqiao 張美僑 (ZhejiangU 浙江大學)
ZHANG Meiqiao received her PhD in 2022 from the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo, Japan, with a dissertation on the transmission and transformation of the Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra 大般若波羅蜜多經. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Her research concentrates chiefly on manuscript and ancient woodblock editions of the Chinese Buddhist literature. Her research interests include the history of Buddhism in Medieval China, Chinese Buddhist canons, and the cultural history of communication between China and her neighbors. |
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ZHAO You 趙悠 (PekingU 北京大學)
Zhao You is currently assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the figure of Vimalakīrti from the Indic to the Chinese context. Apart from the transmission of Buddhism in the 2-5th century, she also has special interests in early Indian metaphysics and linguistic philosophy. Currently, she has carried out a project on the chapter of time from the Vākyapadīya (On Sentence and Word) with the support of National Social Science Funds for Junior Scholars. Her recent publications include: “Oneself as Another: Yantraputraka Metaphors in Buddhist Literature” (Religions, 2023); “The Moving Feast: Reading into the Fragrant Chapter of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa” (IJBTC, 2021); “The Wheel Unturned: A Study of the Zhuan falun jing (T109)” (JIABS, 2020); “Time in Early Indian Philosophy: From Patañjali to Bhartṛhari” (Foreign Philosophy, 2018); she is also a co-translator of The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture by John Kieschnick.
趙悠,北京大學哲學系(宗教學系)助理教授。博士論文聚焦於維摩詰多層次的人物形象從印度語境到漢語語境的變化。除二至五世紀佛教經典的翻譯和傳播以外,她還比較關注早期的印度形上學與語言思想。目前主持有國家社科基金青年項目《梵本<時論>中的古印度時間哲學研究》(19CZX036)。近期發表包括:“Oneself as Another: Yantraputraka Metaphors in Buddhist Literature” (Religions, 2023)、《印度宗教傳統的三個面向:祭祀、解脫與虔信主義》(北大學報社科版,2022年)、“The Wheel Unturned: A Study of the Zhuan falun jing (T109)”(JIABS,2020)、《早期印度哲學中時間概念的演變——從波檀闍利到伐致訶利》(《外國哲學》,2018)等;並合譯有《佛教對中國物質文化的影響》(柯嘉豪著,2015)。 |
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ZHENG Qiijun 鄭麒駿 (École Pratique des Hautes Études 法國高等應用研究學院)
Qiijun. Zheng is graduate research student specializing in the history of Taoism and Esoteric Buddhism at École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL, Paris. His research, employing a historical-anthropological approach, explores the dynamics between religious conceptions and practices from a longue durée perspective. Alongside his primary research on the history of pilgrimages, he contributes to the “Chinese Religious Text Authority”, an international collaborative project (https://crta.info). Outside academia, he is an avid walker and has undertaken many pilgrimages around the world.
鄭麒駿是法國高等研究院的碩士研究生,專攻道教史及密教史。他採用歷史人類學方法,以年鑑派史學長時段視角探索宗教觀念與民眾日常信仰實踐之間的動態互動。他目前的研究課題是朝聖史,同時也參與國際合作研究項目CRTA-宗教書籍規範索引(https://crta.info)。學術研究之外,他熱愛徒步旅行,並在世界各地參與了許多朝聖之旅。 |
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ZHOU Liqun 周利群 (Beijing Foreign StudiesU 北京外國語大學)
Dr. ZHOU Liqun an associate professor in Sanskrit and Pali at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She has published one monography and a dozen of articles on the history of astronomy and Buddhist literature. She visited the Needham Research Institute in Cambridge (in 2017-18) as the Li Foundation of New York fellow for one year. She organized online and offline conferences and lectures every year. For the future years, she serves Commission of History of Ancient and Medieval Astronomy (CHAMA) and Indian Literature Councils as councilor.
周利群,北京外國語大學亞洲學院梵語巴利語教研室副教授,研究方向為中印文化交流、佛教文獻學、天文學史等。代表作有專著《<虎耳譬喻經>文本與研究——中印間早期天文、曆法和文學的交流》,論文《變與不變:早期漢傳佛教文獻的天文學翻譯》等。主持2018年國家社科基金冷門「絕學」和國別史等研究專項基金項目「梵藏漢文佛經中的時間測量文獻整理與研究」,參與國家社科重大課題若干,結項教育部項目與校級項目若干。在國內外學術會議上報告二十多次,訪問印度、日本、英國知名學術機構五次。2017-2020,北京外國語大學卓越青年教師;2017-2018年,獲紐約李氏基金在英國劍橋李約瑟研究所訪學。2021年入選國際古代與中世天文史委員會(CHAMA)理事,中國印度文學研究會理事。 |