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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):161–206; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0008

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《成唯识论》“糅译”的假设性再探(A Hypothetical Reconsideration of the ‘Compilation’ of Cheng Weishi Lun

山部能宜(YAMABE Nobuyoshi)
(日本)早稻田大学(Waseda University, Japan)

摘要(Abstract):《成唯识论》(*Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi)是在东亚的唯识(法相)传统中很重要的系统性论书。按照法相宗的传承,这篇论书是玄奘从《唯识三十颂》之十篇注释 “糅译”出来的。如果我们观察《成唯识论》的内容,会发现该书对同一个问题频繁并列多种异说。那些异论给我们的印象是它们来自于多种注释。然而在印度唯识学派比较后期的注释,如《〈释大乘论〉分别秘义释》(Vivṛtaguhyārthapiṇḍavyākhyā)和《瑜伽师地论疏》(Yogācārabhūmivyākhyā),也多次并列所释论书内容的不同的解释。有的时候,这些印度注释和《成唯识论》有相似的议论。这让我怀疑《成唯识论》“糅译”的传承,和《成唯识论》现形相似的印度原本也许存在。在这次的报告中虽然不能到达确实的结论,但是我想提出假设性的议论,重新考虑这篇重要文献的性质和背景。

Cheng weishi lun, or *Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi [Establishment of Mental-Representation-Only], is a systematic work on Yogācāra Buddhism that has been treated as a fundamental text in the East Asian Yogācāra (Ch. Faxiang/Jpn. Hossō) tradition. Traditionally, this work is thought to be a compilation by Xuanzang 玄奘 (600–664) based on ten separate commentaries on Vasubandhu’s Triṃśikā vijñaptimātratāsiddhiḥ [Thirty Verses for the Establishment of Mental-Representation-Only]. If one examines the content of Cheng weishi lun, one often finds a juxtaposition of plural opinions concerning a single issue; this indeed gives the impression that they were taken from separate commentaries. Relatively late Indian Yogācāra texts, such as Vivṛtaguhyārthapiṇḍavyākhyā [A Condensed Explanation of the Revealed Secred Meaning] and Yogācārabhūmivyākhyā [An Explanation of Yogācārabhūmi], however, similarly contain different interpretations of a single issue given side by side. Sometimes these Indian texts and Cheng weishi lun even contain comparable arguments. This makes me somewhat suspicious of the traditionally accepted notion that Cheng weishi lun is a ‘compilation.’ Perhaps Cheng weishi lun is based on an Indian original that had a similar format to the current Chinese text. It is difficult to be conclusive at this stage, but I would like to present a hypothetical argument that reconsiders the textual nature and background of this important work.

关键词(Keywords):《成唯识论》(Cheng weishi lun)、《〈释大乘论〉分别秘义释》(Vivṛtaguhyārthapiṇḍavyākhyā)、《瑜伽师地论疏》(Yogācārabhūmivyākhyā)、糅译(compilation theory)


关于作者:山部能宜(1960 年-),日本的印度哲学学者、佛教学者、佛教美术史学者。早稻田大学文学学术院教授。他对佛教中的实践性冥想修行(坐禅)较为关注,并以印度的初期瑜伽行唯识学派的思想和中国的法相唯识宗理论,以及印度、中国、中亚的禅修实践阐释为主题展开研究。他以禅观经典等文献资料,以石窟壁画为主的美术资料为素材,来开展独特的研究而被世人知晓。现在山部能宜教授正致力于研究阿赖耶识思想的起源。


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