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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):144–160; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0007

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背景与文本:玄奘和《大唐西域记》的历史化(Context and Text: Historicizing Xuanzang and the Da Tang Xiyu Ji

伍国(WU Guo)
美国阿勒格尼学院 (Allegheny College)


The content of the Da Tang Xiyu ji, or The Great Tang Records of the Western Regions, drew upon Xuanzang’s long-term interest in secular things and its compilation was a response to the imperial order of Li Shimin, or Tang Taizong, with the main goal of finding facts about the Western Regions, which Li Shimin was planning to conquer and govern. The book’s style and focus inherited traditional Chinese geographical books, local gazetteers and the official history’s section on the western borderlands by recording the regions’ products and customs, and it passes moral judgments on local people. The book’s ethnographical character and Xuanzang’s concern with secular affairs and his interest in empirical studies, as well as its goal of providing information to the emperor, are the important aspects that need to be grasped to achieve an in-depth and multifaceted understanding.

关键词(Keywords):唐太宗(Tang Taizong)、李世民(Li Shimin)、玄奘(Xuanzang)、大唐西域记(Da Tang Xiyu ji [The Great Tang Account of the Western Regions])

关于作者:伍国,1974 年生,1995 年毕业于北京语言大学英语系,2006 年获美国纽约州立大学历史学博士学位。现为美国阿勒格尼学院历史系副教授,中国研究专业主任。已出版英文专著两部,发表英文学术论文, 书评二十余篇,中文各类文字三十余篇。

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