Indian Classical Arts and Literary Theories Workshop 2020: Research Progress

Photo by Ms Sarah Welch from Wikimedia Commons.

Workshop 1: Research Progress

Date: July 16, 2020 9:30-12pm (Beijing time)

Venue: Online with Peking University


Due to the COVID-19, our research group organized two online workshops instead of normal lecture series: one for group members to share their textual work up-to-date, the other for an extended group of scholars to exchange ideas beyond the Indian traditions. Both sessions were mainly convened by Prof. Zhou Liqun, which turned out to be highly appreciated by every participant. Therefore, we plan to continue with more in the coming new year.

The purpose of the first workshop is to update each other, within the project group, what we have done in the past year. Research fellows residing at different continents were able to join the discussion through WeMeet. Dr. Wang Lina (National Library, Peking University Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art) and Prof. Shen Liyan (Nankai University) gave the opening remarks. Then, ten scholars presented their current work (Fu Chong, Hua Liyu, Chen Lilin, Duan Nan; Zhu Chengming, Zhuang Jing, Chi Mingzhou, Wu Weilin, Li Can, Zhou Liqun), which form two thematic parts of the workshop: a) Translation and research of the classical arts and literary theories in Sanskrit texts; b) New approaches to Indological and Buddhist Studies. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, from Sanskrit philosophy of grammar to modern guruśiṣya system in music education, from poetry to visual arts, Buddhist scriptures to Indian astronomy. The workshop ended with a heated discussion among the sixteen members who participated the meeting, towards a consistent translation of terms, and potential collaborations.



牛津大学 傅翀“动词打次:变位与韵”

康奈尔大学  华黎裕“《庄严精髓》简介及翻译中的若干问题”

哈佛大学 陈俐霖 & Gokul Madhavan   “《水莲之乐》的翻译进展”

北京大学 段南“《画论》翻译与研究的进展”

重庆大学 朱成明 “印度教教化中的秩序构想”

中央民族大学 庄静  “传统与现代:印度古典音乐的传承”

北京科技大学 池明宙 “古代南亚建筑屋脊和拱门兽头装饰的符号界定与形象流传”

中山大学  吴蔚琳 “南印度湿婆派造像泥塑技法考察”

北京外国语大学 李灿“安士高佚经的新发现?——论南京博物院藏’《佛说卅七品经》’中抄略的《阿含》小经”

北京外国语大学 周利群  “印度天文的回响:早期汉传佛教文献天文学翻译中的变与不变”


Click here to go to the second workshop.