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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第二期(2018):59–78; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201810_1(2).0002

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定州系白石佛像造像日期分析(Analysis of the Dates of Production Recorded on the White-Stone Buddha Statues in Dingzhou)

李靜杰(LI Jingjie)
清华大学 (Tsinghua University)

摘要(Abstract):定州系白石佛像具备详细年月日资讯的已知实例多达 387 件,在诸区域性造像中绝无而仅有。该系统佛像的造像作业贯通全年,受华北气候条件影响,每年一月至八月为造像活跃期,九月至十二月为造像低落期。每年二月初八释迦成道日、四月初八释迦诞生日、七月十五盂兰盆节数量最多,约占总量1/7,反映了当时喜好选择佛教节日造像的情况。每月八日、十五日、二十三日数量之和将近占总量2/5,表明当时注重在六斋日中三个日期造像的情况,这种现象又多集中在东魏后期至北齐时间段。而且,几乎不存在佛教十斋日影响造像的迹象。

There are as many as 387 white-stone Buddha statues produced in Dingzhou 定州 that contain detailed information of dates, including year, month and day. Such detailed dating information is not found in any other area-specific statue group. In Dingzhou, the statue-making activities continued throughout the year, even though, due to the northern climate, from first to eighth lunar month marked the most active period, whereas from the ninth to twelfth lunar month was the least active season. Each year, certain days marked the highest production of the statues: the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment (the eighth day of the second month), the anniversary of Buddha’s birth (the eighth day of the fourth month) and the Ghost Festival (the 15th day of the seventh month). The statues produced on these days make up one-seventh of the total production, reflecting the custom at the time of creating Buddha statues during Buddhist festivals. Moreover, the statues produced on the eighth, 15th and 23rd day of each lunar month make up the second-fifth of the total production, indicating the importance of the Six Fasting Days for the production of statues. This phenomenon is especially noticeable from the late Eastern Wei Dynasty (534–550) to the Northern Qi Dynasty (526–559). Besides, almost no influence from the Ten Fasting Days on the statue-production could be observed.

关键词(Keywords):白石佛像(white-stone Buddha statues)、佛教节日(Buddhist festivals)、六斋日(Six Fasting Days)、曲阳(Quyang)




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