The Healer-King Curing the Three Poisons – Panelists

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1 BRIGHTLY, Briana, Harvard University

Briana Brightly is a Ph.D. candidate in the Committee on the Study of Religion at Harvard University. Her dissertation, titled “The Buddhist Craftsman: Making Images during the Golden Age of Tibetan Medicine, 1600–1800,” investigates the interactions between medical, artisanal, and religious epistemologies in early-modern Tibet. Recurrent areas of interest include the history of medicine; scientific visualization in premodern Asia; craft knowledge; and the study of religion and material culture, more broadly. Brightly holds a B.A. from Reed College, and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Vanderbilt University.
2 CHEN Jinhua, University of British Columbia
陳金華, 英屬哥倫比亞大學
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen has published six monographs, edited and co-edited over thirty books, and authored nearly eighty book chapters and journal articles.

加拿大皇家學會院士、英屬哥倫比亞大學東亞思想史講座教授,曾任加拿大國立東亞佛教講座教授(CRC)多年。研究領域涉及東亞政教關係,中古時期僧傳(聖傳)文學,佛教聖地,舍利崇拜,佛教與技術革新,以及佛教翻譯等領域。研究成果包括:已出版六部專著,合編十餘本書籍,發表七十多篇論文。這些成果曾獲眾多基金和獎項,包括日本學術振興會、加拿大國家社科基金和 Peter Wall 高級研究院、德國洪堡基金會和馬普研究所以及美國人文研究中心等機構的研究基金。目前領導一項為期多年的旨在重新建構佛學與東亞宗教重要面向的國際性與跨學科的龐大項目,由加拿大政府資助並得到國際上諸多名校與基金會的支持。

3 CHEN Ming, PekingU
陳明, 北京大學

CHEN Ming is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of South Asian Studies at Peking University. Since he was awarded a doctoral degree by Peking University in 1999, with a dissertation on Indian Medical Science, he has focused on the history of cultural communication between China and Central & South Asia in the Medieval Period, mainly but not exclusively in terms of medicine. His academic interests have also been extended to a study on Buddhist literature in Sanskrit-Chinese, and the influence of ancient South Asian literature on China. He has published six books all in Chinese as follows: (1) On the Sanskrit Medical Book Siddhasāra (2002, 2014); (2) Medical Manuscripts Discovered in Dunhuang and Western Regions: Foreign Medicine in Medieval China (2005); (3) A Study on Sanskrit Medical Text of Jīvaka-pustaka from Dunhuang (2005); (4) Foreign Medicine and Culture in Medieval China / (2013); (5) Texts and Languages: A Comparative Study on Some Manuscripts Unearthed from the Silk Road and Early Chinese Buddhist Canon/ (2013); (6) Indian Buddhist Mythology: Its Writing and Transmission (2016). Now he is also interested in comparative study of Buddhist literature and vocabulary in Sanskrit and Chinese, and the transmission of tales and related images in pre-modern Eurasia. He has two funded projects: A collection of illustrated texts of ancient Eastern literature and related studies, and Studies on exchanges of culture and literature between China and South Asia in pre-modern period.


4 DIVINO, Federico, University of Antwerp
Federico Divino is a researcher at the University of Antwerp. His research focuses on Buddhist medicine, particularly within the broader context of the history of medical thought. His approach is deeply rooted in medical anthropology and the semantic history of the concept of illness. He has served as a professor at the Master’s program in Death Studies at the University of Padua. He has contributed to the field through articles in medical history and religious studies journals, exploring early Buddhist medical thought. Most of his work has been published in the journal of the Italian Society of Medical Anthropology. Furthermore, he examines modernity through an ethnographic lens, focusing on contemplative practice in clinical settings, which was the subject of a monograph published in 2021. Additionally, he investigates the relationship between contemplative practice and states of consciousness, an area of inquiry that formed the basis of his dual Ph.D. in Transcultural Studies and Social Sciences.
5 GAO Junling, University of Hong Kong
Dr. Junling Gao, is a research assistant professor in the Buddhism Practice and Counselling Science Lab at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. He has a medical background while devoted to exploring health-related issues spanning medical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. His research utilizes cutting-edge modern techniques, including neuroimaging tools and AI algorithms, to investigate the working mechanism of religious and meditative practice, and its impact on psychological well-being.

One of Dr. Gao’s groundbreaking studies is a series of neuroscientific experiments on the spiritual chanting of Amitabha Buddha’s name, which represents a first systematic study of religious chanting and prayer in the world. This research has garnered significant interest not only within the Buddhist community in Eastern culture but also from Western media outlets such as the BBC. During decades of work in this interdisciplinary field, Dr. Gao asserts that the advancements in modern science have greatly contributed to helping ordinary people better understand Buddhist practices and philosophy. Moreover, he recognizes that the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) poses thought-provoking questions to both Buddhism and neuroscience regarding fundamental issues of consciousness and the self.

We are living in the best era to study Buddhism through an interdisciplinary approach. With an emerging challenges in the age of AI, his proposal of “The Power of the Buddhist Mind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Reducing Suffering and Promoting Well-being in the Modern World” would seek to explore the relevance and potential of Buddhist wisdom in tackling the persistent problems of greed, anger, and ignorance in contemporary society, drawing upon insights from various fields of neuroscience, psychology, medicine, engineering, and computer science.

6 GAO Xi, FudanU
高晞, 復旦大學
復旦大學歷史學系教授, 博士生導師,中國科學技術史學會常務理事, 中國科學技術史學會醫學史專業委員會副主任, 《中國醫學大百科全書 醫學史卷》副主編。教學與研究方向:醫學史與科學技術史。主要從事中外醫學文化交流史、中國近現代醫學史和中國傳統醫學知識體系研究。國家冷門絕學「十九世紀以前歐洲科學家對中醫認知研究」項目負責人。出版專著《德貞傳——一個英國傳教士與晚清醫學近代化》、《步行者—聞玉梅傳》、《中外醫學文化交流史》(合著),主編《醫學與歷史》,普通高等教育「十三五」全國高等醫學院校本科規劃教材《醫學史》的副主編(2019年版),在海內外權威與核心刊物上發表論文。歷任哈佛大學燕京學社訪問學者、英國格拉斯哥大學、華威大學訪問學者、德國漢堡大學訪問學者、日本關西大學訪問學者以及法國高等社會科學院訪問學者。

GAO Xi received her Ph.D. in history from Fudan University. She is now director, professor, and Ph.D. supervisor of modern history in the Department of History, Fudan University. She is also the deputy director of the Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Medicine, and a committee member of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology. She is the author A Biography of John Dudgeon: A British Missionary and Chinese Medical Modernization in Late Qing (2009), Medicine and History (2020). She has published over 30 influential papers on her research fields, such as medical missionary Chinese medical modernization and the history of medical cultural exchange between West and East. She was a visiting fellow and visiting associate at Harvard Yenching Institute in 2004-2006 and 2013-2014. She has organized three international conferences, two on the history of medicine, and the other on the westward spread of Chinese knowledge and goods.

7 HU, Enbo, LMU München
虎恩博, 慕尼黑大學
Enbo Hu is a Ph.D. candidate and academic employee (Doktorandkolleg) at the LMU München specializing in Buddhist Philology. He studied Indology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies at the LMU. His interests include the textual transmission of Buddhist “root text” from India via Tibet into the Tangut Empire and China, as well as translingual (mainly Sanskrit-Tibetan-Tangut-Chinese) comparison of Buddhist poetic texts and manuscripts. He is presently completing his dissertation: “From Sūtra to Practice-The Transmission of the Worship of the Seven Tathāgatas including Bhaiṣajyaguru in Tibet and the Tangut Empire”. His main papers are as following: “Edition of the Saptaguṇavarṇanā parikathā Based on a Newly Identified Sanskrit Manuscript with Special Reference to Its Tangut Translation”. In: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 77 (2024), 41–73. “Study of a Newly identified Sanskrit Manuscript of the Saptajinastotra”. In: Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia. 36 (2023): 69–90. “From Sūtra to Practice: Discovering the Liturgy of the Seven Tathāgatas including Bhaiṣajyaguru in Old Tibetan Manuscripts. In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies [forthcoming 2024].

虎恩博是慕尼黑大學的博士生和助理研究員,主要研究方向為佛教語文學。目前在慕尼黑大學學習印度學、佛教學研究和宗教學研究。他的研究興趣包括佛教 “root text” 從印度經西藏到西夏和中國內地的文本傳播,以及佛教詩歌和寫本的跨語言比較(主要是梵文-藏文-西夏文-漢文)。他目前已完成博士論文: “從經典到實修—藥師七佛崇拜在西藏和西夏的演變”。他的主要論文包括: “基於新同定的梵文寫本《七功德譚》版本及其西夏文譯本” (《七功德譚》梵藏夏合璧),(Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2024), “新同定的梵文寫本《七佛讃唄伽他》研究”  (《七佛讃唄伽他》梵藏漢合璧), (Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, 2023), 以及 “從經典到實修:於古藏文寫本中再現藥師七佛儀軌”(BSOAS 2024年待刊)等。

8 KHAN, Mujeeb, University of Utah
M.A. Mujeeb Khan is Assistant Professor of Japanese, Islamic Studies, and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Utah. Mujeeb’s work focuses on the historical intersection of intellectual traditions in Asian cultural contexts, especially medicine, science, culture, religion, and law, as well as the unclear boundaries between them. His first book-length manuscript centers on the nature of medicine in early Japan (ca. 10th century), with a focus on the multicultural and eclectic sources of medicine. His second book-length project comparatively examines Japan’s adoption of the Sino-Korean medical literary tradition with the Islamicate world’s incorporation of the Greco-Roman tradition, 9th-12th centuries. Publications based on this second project include studies of writing styles and of education within these medieval medical cultures.
9 LANGENBERG, Amy Paris, Eckerd College
Amy Paris Langenberg is Professor of Religious Studies at Eckerd College. She is a specialist in South Asian Buddhism with a special focus on gender, sexuality, the body, monasticism, and Buddhist feminisms. She is the author of Birth in Buddhism: The Suffering Fetus and Female Freedom (Routledge, 2017) as well as multiple scholarly articles and public facing pieces. Her second book is a collaborative study of sexual abuse in North American and transnational Buddhist communities with Ann Gleig, to be published with Yale University Press.
10 LEE, George, University of Hong Kong
李堅翔, 香港大學

With double doctoral degrees in clinical psychology and Buddhist Studies, Dr. Lee has a unique expertise in Buddhist counseling, an innovative discipline that integrates Buddhist wisdom into mental health treatment. In addition to his professional background as a senior lecturer in the University of Hong Kong, a California licensed psychologist (PSY28022), and a Registered Supervisor in Professional Practice of Buddhist Counseling, he is a key founding member of the Master of Buddhist Counselling program at HKU as well as the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice of Buddhist Counselling program at HKU SPACE. He has published different articles on the conceptual framework of Buddhist counseling, Buddhist-derived interventions, and neuroscientific studies on Buddhist counseling interventions. Dr. Lee is the author of The Guide to Buddhist Counseling and 小空間 (translated as: “A Little Emptiness”).

11 LI Tiehua, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
李鐵華, 上海中醫藥大學
Li Tiehua is an associate research fellow of the history of traditional Chinese medicine culture at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He obtained his doctorate from Shanghai Normal University in 2008 and later taught at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He woks mainly on the history of Chinese Buddhist medical charity, has published more than 30 academic papers, and his personal monograph Buddhist Medical Charity during the Republican Era is about to be published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House.
12 LI Wei, Henan University
李巍, 河南大學

Wei LI (born in 1991) received his Doctoral degree of Literature from Peking University and currently serves as an associate professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Henan University, where he also fulfills the role of a supervisor for master’s students. His teaching portfolio includes courses such as “The History of Classical Chinese Literature,” “Classical Chinese Literary Theory,” and “Fictions of the Six Dynasties,” among others. His academic pursuits are centered on Buddhist Avadāna literature, the history of Classical Chinese literature, and the literary theories of the Six Dynasties. His research delves into the intricate relationship between Chinese Buddhism and literature, exploring topics such as novels, poems and Buddhist biographies in early medieval China. Additionally, he is actively involved in the translation of Buddhist scriptures into English, bridging cultural gaps and facilitating a deeper understanding of Buddhist teachings. He authored a translated work and published numerous research papers in prestigious journals, including World Religions Research, Religions, and Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies. He also leads a social science project funded by the Henan Provincial Government.

13 LIU Qing, Hirosaki University
劉青, 日本弘前大學
劉青,日本弘前大學人文社會科學部 助教。博士畢業于京都大學,研究方向為中國哲學史,近世的醫學思想、道教思想。曾在《東方宗教》、《人間・環境學》上發表《朱権の養生思想の形成と展開-『活人心』『神隠』を中心に-》、《朱権『活人心』の朝鮮と日本における伝播-諸本の比較を通して-》。出版書籍《東アジア伝統医療文化の多角的考察》(合著,2024)。

Liu Qing is an assistant professor at Hirosaki University in Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. from Kyoto University. Her research subjects are Chinese philosophy, medical thought in the early modern period, and Taoist Thought. She has published “Formation and Development of Zhu Quan’s thought of Yangsheng-Focusing on Huorenxin and Shenyin” in The Journal of Eastern Religions (2021); and “The spread of Huorenxin by Zhu Quan in Korea and Japan –Comparative study based on various versions” in Human and Environmental Studies (2019). She co-authored the book Multifaceted Examination of East Asian Traditional Medical Culture (2024).

14 LOK, Irene, University of Cambridge
駱慧瑛   劍橋大學
Irene Lok is a Bye Fellow of University of Cambridge; Honourary Art Advisor and Honourary Researcher of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of the University of Hong Kong; Member of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies, Art Advisor at Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole at The University of Hong Kong, Member of the Special Projects Assessment Committee and Honorary Advisor of Jao Studies Foundation. She is the author of the award-winning book Contemplating the Mind at Ease: Origin of the Guanyin Festivals and Worshipping in Hong Kong (Cosmos Book 2020) ,  The book was awarded “ The Next Writer, Publication Funding Scheme (Intangible Cultural Heritage Division) by Hong Kong Publishing Federation and Create Hong Kong from The Government of HKSAR; It is also awarded “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Award” by Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society in 2021. More recently, Serendipity at Dunhuang (Chung Hwa Book 2021).

英國劍橋大學副院士,香港大學哲學博士。中國敦煌吐魯番學會會員。香港大學饒宗頤學術館名譽副研究員藝術顧問、饒學研究基金專案評審委員會會員、饒學聯滙榮譽顧問。著作《觀心自在:香港觀音誕與觀音信仰探源》(天地圖書2020年,首屆「想創你未來 —— 初創作家出版資助計劃」(非遺組)得獎作品,並榮獲第三屆「香港出版雙年獎」社會科學類出版獎, 2021),及著《緣繋敦煌》(中華書局2021年) 。

15 LOMI, Benedetta, University of Bristol
Benedetta Lomi is a Senior Lecturer in East Asian Religions at the University of Bristol, where she also co-chair of the Bristol Buddhist Studies group.

Her research focuses on Japanese Buddhism, its material and visual culture, with particular emphasis on the performative, healing, and transformative dimensions of Buddhist rituals and material culture. Some of her research questions pertain the way in which people engage in ritual activities or with devotional objects to shape their body and mind, and the degree to which religious practices actively transform the physical world. She is also interested in the overlap between medical and religious practices in premodern Japan, and her publications specifically look at fertility and safe-birthing rituals devised and performed at Daigoji.

16 LU Lu, Zhejiang University
盧鷺, 浙江大學
Lu Lu holds a Ph.D. in Literature from Zhejiang University and is a Distinguished Associate Researcher at the Institute of Ancient Books of Zhejiang University. She serves as a master’s student advisor and teaches courses such as “Ancient Chinese”, “Introduction to Medieval Chinese Translations”, and “Philology”. Her research focuses on the history of Chinese vocabulary and the language of Buddhist scriptures. Lu Lu has led research projects, including the National Social Science Fund Youth Project “A Study on the New Elements of Early Translation Vocabulary from the Perspective of Indic-Chinese Language Contact”, and published numerous research papers, including “Language Models: A New Method for Examining Chinese Buddhist Translations – The Case of An Shigao” (forthcoming), “Zhishi 知時 in Chinese Buddhist Texts and the Genesis of Its Indirect Speech Act Usage” (2024), “A Supplementary Note on the Nature of the T 602 Da Anban Shouyi Jing 大安般守意經” (2022), “The Origin and Cause of the Aging Meaning of ‘Shu熟’ ” (2019), and “An Analogy of Pots in the Dao di jing 道地經 and its Sanskrit Parallel” (2018).

盧鷺,浙江大學文學博士,浙江大學古籍研究所特聘副研究員,碩士生導師,主講《古代漢語》《中古漢譯文獻導讀》《文字學》等課程,主要從事漢語詞彙史、佛經文獻語言等領域的研究,近年主持國家社科基金青年項目《梵漢語言接觸視角下的早期譯經詞彙新質研究》等研究課題,發表論文《語言模型:漢譯佛經考辨的新方法——以安世高譯經考辨爲例》(即將刊出)、《譯經中的“知時”及其間接言語行爲用法的來源》(2024)、《〈安般守意經〉傳世本與古寫經的關係補說》(2022)、《“熟”有衰老義的來源與成因》(2019)、“An Analogy of Pots in the Dao di jing 道地經 and its Sanskrit Parallel”(2018)等。

17 MCGRATH, William A., New York University
William A. McGrath is the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies at New York University, where he teaches in the Department of Religious Studies. His research primarily concerns the historical intersections of religion and medicine in Tibet and he recently co-edited the volume Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp (2023).
18 MEI Ching Hsuan, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
梅靜軒, 法鼓文理學院
Associate Professor in the Department of Buddhist Studies at Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, specializing in the study of Tibetan Buddhism, with a focus on history and culture. Over the years, she has directed several projects related to Buddhist mind-body healing, including the ongoing “Dharma Healing Database: Buddhist Medical Documentation Database Research and Construction” project. Her recent research interests encompass Buddhist body concepts, Buddhist medical treatment, Sino-Tibetan Buddhist exchanges and dialogues, among others. She is the author of “In Between Spiritual Cultivation and Healing: Preliminary Studies on the Healing Practices of Chinese Buddhism from the Six Dynasties to the Tang,” “Longevity, Healing and Liberation in Treasure Literature of the rNying ma School in Tibet,” “Textual Analysis of Dunhuang Manuscripts: the five-spicy taboo,” and various journal articles. Her monograph, The Healing Methods of Chinese Buddhism, is published in 2022.


19 POLETTO, Alessandro, Washington University in St. Louis
薄樂陀, 美國華盛頓大學 (聖路易斯)
Alessandro Poletto specializes in the social and religious history of premodern Japan, with an emphasis on Buddhism in the early medieval period (approx. tenth to the thirteenth century). He earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2020 with a dissertation entitled The Culture of Healing in Early Medieval Japan: A Study in Premodern Epistemology,  in which he examined discourses and practices concerning healing and disease, with particular attention to the relationship between Buddhist healers and other technicians involved in the treatment of illness, namely court physicians and onmyōji. His other research and teaching interests include the understanding and ritual resolution of natural disasters in premodern East Asia, the history of the cultural exchanges between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, and Buddhist material culture and archeology in East Asia. Before joining Washington University in St. Louis as a lecturer in East Asian religions, he was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto University.

Alessandro Poletto 擔任聖路易斯華盛頓大學東亞宗教講師。專業領域是前現代日本的社會和宗教歷史,重點是中世紀早期(約10至13世紀)的佛教。他於2020年在哥倫比亞大學獲得博士學位,論文題為《中世紀早期日本的治療文化:前現代認識論研究》。論文研究了有關治療和疾病的論域和實踐,特別關注佛教治療士和其他醫療技術人員之間的關係,即宮廷醫生和陰陽師。其他研究和教學興趣包括對前現代東亞自然災害的理解和對治儀法,朝鮮半島和日本列島之間的文化交流歷史,以及東亞的佛教物質文化和考古學。曾在京都大學擔任日本學術振興會博士後研究員。

20 SALGUERO, Pierce, Penn State University’s Abington College
Pierce Salguero is a transdisciplinary scholar of health humanities who is fascinated by historical and contemporary intersections between Buddhism, medicine, and crosscultural exchange. He has a Ph.D. in History of Medicine from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (2010), and teach Asian history, medicine, and religion at Penn State University’s Abington College, located near Philadelphia. He also have been the editor in chief of the journal Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine since 2016.

The major theme in his scholarship is discovering the role of Buddhism in the global transmission and local reception of knowledge about health, disease, and the body. He approach this topic using methodologies from history, religious studies, translation studies, literary studies, and ethnography.

21 SARBACKER, Stuart, Oregon State University
Stuart Ray Sarbacker is a Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Philosophy in the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion at Oregon State University (USA). His work centers on the relationships between the religious and philosophical traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, especially with respect to mind-body discipline (yoga). He has written three books, including Samādhi: The Numinous and Cessative in Indo-Tibetan Yoga (SUNY Press), The Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Handbook for Living Yoga Philosophy (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux), and Tracing the Path of Yoga: The History and Philosophy of Indian Mind-Body Discipline (SUNY Press). He is a co-founder of the American Academy of Religion’s Yoga in Theory and Practice unit. Professor Sarbacker is an active yoga practitioner and teacher, having trained extensively in India, Japan, and the United States.
22 SHULMAN, Eviatar, HUJI
舒爾曼, 耶路撒冷希伯來大學
Eviatar Shulman is currently the Chair of the Department for Comparative Religion and member of the Department for Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His work focuses mainly on different aspects of Buddhist religion and philosophy, with special interest in recent years in Early, or more generally in Pāli, Buddhism. Among his many publications are Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture (Oxford University Press, 2021). The latter work outlines a new approach to the composition of the early discourses (Suttas, Sūtras) attributed to the Buddha.

舒爾曼教授目前為耶穌撒冷希伯來大學比較宗教系主任,以及亞洲研究系成員。他的研究主要關注佛教和佛教哲學的不同方面,近年來更致力於早期佛教,即巴利三藏的研究。其作品有多部,包括 Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception( 重新思考佛陀:作為一種禪修觀念的早期佛教哲學)(劍橋大學出版社,2014年),以及Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture(想像佛陀:早期佛教經典的創意維度)(牛津大學出版社,2021年)。其中,後者提出了一個新的取向,以研究那些歸名于佛陀的早期經論的創作問題。

23 SIK, Hin Hung, University of Hong Kong
釋衍空法師, 香港大學

Venerable Sik Hin Hung, M.A. (London), is a Buddhist monk ordained under the Mahayana tradition. He is also the 45th generation lineage holder of LingJi and the 10th generation lineage holder of Gui[1]yang Schools of Ch’an. His main interest is in ‘repackaging’ the Teachings of Buddhism so that it could become more “user friendly” for people in today’s world. He was the Director and one of the Founding Fellows of the Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) of The University of Hong Kong. He is currently the Senior Fellow and Chairman of the Master of Buddhist Counselling Programme at the CBS. He has published books and articles on Buddhism, Buddhist psychotherapy, neuroscience of meditation, Buddhist education and personal growth. His research interests include: Dharma Therapy, Awareness Training Program, Zen meditation, Buddhist life education, mindfulness and meditation practice for youth, religious chanting, Guangdong Yuqie Yankou, etc.

24 SKILTON, Andrew, University of Oxford
Andrew was awarded his first degree at Bristol in 1988 and completed his doctoral thesis on the Samādhirāja Sūtra in Oxford, 1997. He has taught at a number of universities, including Cardiff, McGill, SOAS, King’s College London, Dongguk University Seoul, and now Buddhist Studies, Pāli language and literature and Buddhist Sanskrit texts in Oxford. He was editor of Contemporary Buddhism for 10 years. He has published articles and books including a translation and study of Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra (co-author Kate Crosby), How the Nagas Were Pleased, a translation of the Buddhist drama Nāgananda, plus A Concise History of Buddhism. Currently, he is writing an introduction to the study of Pāli, and researching aspects of the boran kammathan meditation tradition, the vīthicitta in Jie tuo dao lun 解脫道論 (*Vimuttimagga), and revising the Dīpavaṃsa from new manuscript evidence. He has recently been writing articles about rules on surgery in the vinaya, coercive control in the Jātaka, early Buddhist relations with the Jains, and monastic waterbottles.
25 SOGO Alexander, Columbia University
Alexander Sogo is a doctoral candidate in East Asian Religions at Columbia University. His current dissertation research focuses on Buddhist welfare in Ancient Japan, examining how the adoption of Buddhist-tinted models of bureaucratic rule from the Asian continent transformed Japanese approaches to medicine, disability, and care in the Nara and Heian periods. He has also written on a range of topics including spirit possession rites, demonic illness, and Kami worship in ancient and medieval Japan.
26 H.S. SUM CHEUK SHING, University of Chicago
H.S. Sum Cheuk Shing is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. His dissertation, tentatively titled “Magic, Medicine, and Religion: Material Substances in Premodern Chinese Bodily Practices”, explores recipes from the Dunhuang manuscript corpus that simultaneously feature medical, religious, and other dimensions. In addition to his research on premodern Chinese Buddhism and Daoism, Sum Cheuk Shing also specializes in the study of contemporary Chinese religion in Hong Kong and among its diasporic communities.
27 TEISER, Stephen, Princeton University
太史文, 普林斯頓大學
Stephen F. Teiser is D. T. Suzuki Professor in Buddhist Studies and Professor of Religion at Princeton University. His work traces the interaction between cultures along the silk road using textual, artistic, and material remains. He is interested in the transformations of Buddhism throughout Asia and focuses on Chinese-language materials. His most recent book is a monograph on Buddhism and the study of ritual, Yili yu fojiao yanjiu  儀禮與佛教研究 (2022). Other books include an English translation of Chunwen Hao’s Dunhuang Manuscripts: An Introduction to Texts from the Silk Road (2020); Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples (2006), awarded the Prix Stanislas Julien by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Institut de France; The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism (1994); The Ghost Festival in Medieval China (1988); and several edited volumes. In 2014 he received the Graduate Mentoring Award from Princeton’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, and in 2022-23 he was Old Dominion Professor in Princeton’s Humanities Council.

太史文擔任鈴木大拙佛學研究教授,也是普林斯頓大學宗教系的講座教授。他的領域是佛教與中國宗教,其研究運用文字材料、寫本、以及絲路遺留下來的藝術和物質資料,追溯文化之間的互動。他擔任普林斯頓跨院系東亞研究項目的主任。在2014年他榮獲普大 McGraw 教學中心頒發的人文學科研究生指導獎,他目前的研究重點是敦煌的儀禮寫本,并主編多種學術文集。

28 WU, Bonnie, University of Hong Kong
胡蕙茵, 香港大學

Dr. Wu is a Lecturer and Capstone Experience Coordinator at The Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. She also serves as a Lecturer and Field Practicum Supervisor of the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice of Buddhist Counselling at the HKUSPACE. In 2019, Dr. Wu has received her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from The University of Hong Kong. Her doctrinal work focused on the development and evaluation of a new group-based Mahayana Buddhist intervention, Awareness Training Program (ATP). She is a member of the working team of Buddhist Practices and Counselling Science Lab of the Centre. She has published articles on Buddhist-based interventions and neuroscience of meditation as well as books and manuals on Buddhist Life Education for primary and secondary schools. Dr. Wu has been learning and practicing meditation for more than a decade. Currently, she is appointed as a meditation facilitator of Tergar Asia. She is also a registered social worker and registered professional Buddhist counselling supervisor. She received her B.SW. from The University of Hong Kong with First-Class honors.


29 WU Junqing, Liverpool University
My expertise is social and religious history from the 10th century (the Song Dynasty) up to the late 16th century (the Ming Dynasty). I am particularly interested in changes in the perception of religion, as revealed in the transmission of historiography.

My thesis examines “religious heresy” as a discursive construct, largely independent of social realities, in the Ming and Qing. A revised version of my thesis was published in 2017 by Brill as a monograph in their series “Religion in Chinese Society”.

My current project focusses on the literary image of Chinese Buddhist monks, who, from the late 16th century onwards, frequently appear in popular stories as swindlers, evil magicians and sexual predators; nuns, too, are commonly stereotyped as procuresses and gossips. My project investigates the intentions and social forces behind this literature. Did it aim purely to entertain, or to instruct and enlighten as well? And if this latter, then how? This is an interdisciplinary project touching on social-religious history, Buddhist theology, literary studies, legal history, and gender and sexuality.

我的專長是從10世紀(宋朝)到16世紀晚期(明朝)的社會和宗教歷史。我對宗教觀念的變化特別感興趣,這些變化在歷史學的傳承中得以體現。我的博士論文探討了「宗教異端」作為一種話語構造,在明清時期的獨立性,與社會現實大部分無關。我的論文修訂版於2017年由 Brill 出版,作為他們「中國社會中的宗教」系列的專著發行。我的當前項目專注於中國佛教僧人的文學形象,從16世紀晚期開始,他們經常在流行故事中被描繪成騙子、邪惡的魔法師和性侵者;尼姑也常被刻板地刻畫成牽涉賣淫和散布流言的人。我的項目調查了這些文學背後的意圖和社會力量。它的目的純粹是娛樂,還是也有教育和啓迪的意圖?如果是後者,那麼是如何實現的呢?這是一個涉及社會宗教歷史、佛教神學、文學研究、法律史以及性別與性取向的跨學科項目。

30 YI, Dan, University of Tokyo
伊丹, 東京大學
Dan Yi holds a Ph.D. in Literature from Waseda University, Japan, and currently serves as a Specially Appointed Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo, and a researcher with the Yanai Initiative. She was also a Visiting Graduate Researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) in 2023. Her research interests include classical Japanese literature, comparative Sino-Japanese literature, and the history of cultural exchanges in East Asia. Dan Yi has a particular focus on the literary and cultural exchanges related to medicine, dedicating her research efforts to studying the transmission of Chinese medical culture in Japan. She has published nearly ten scholarly articles in esteemed academic journals including Japanese Literature, Kokugo Kokubun (National Language and Literature), and Yu Wai Han Ji Yan Jiu Ji Kan (Studies on Chinese Books Beyond Borders), contributing significant insights into the dynamics of literary and cultural transmission and interaction across East Asia, particularly related to medicine. Her outstanding contributions to the field have been recognized with a prestigious award from The Japan Society of Folk-Literature and Traditions by setsuwa-denshou, underscoring her impact on the academic community. She has also been actively involved in leading and participating in multiple research projects in Japan, China, and the United States, demonstrating her dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering international academic collaborations.

伊丹,日本早稻田大學文學博士,東京大學東洋文化研究所特任研究員,Yanai Initiative研究員,曾任美國加州大學洛杉磯分校訪問學者。研究方向為日本古典文學、中日比較文學及東亞文化交流史。尤其關注醫學相關的文學文化交流,致力於中國醫學文化在日本的傳播研究,在《日本文學》《國語國文》《域外漢籍研究集刊》等日本及中國權威學術雜誌發表相關研究論著近十篇,獲得日本說話傳承學會論文奬,參與并負責中國、日本、美國的多個科研項目的研究工作。

30 YOELI-TLALIM, Ronit, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and Goldsmiths, University of London (??)
Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim is a Professor in the History Department at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research deals with the history of Eurasian medicine and the transmission of medical knowledge along the so-called ‘Silk-Roads’. Within this general scope she has been working on both early Tibetan medicine and early Hebrew medicine.

Her book ReOrienting Histories of Medicine: Encounters along the Silk Roads (2021) analyses a number of case studies of Eurasian medical encounters by looking at medical manuscripts found in key Eurasian nodes of the medieval world–Dunhuang, Kucha, the Cairo Genizah and Tabriz. She is an associate editor of the journal Asian Medicine (Brill) and an editorial board member of the journal Medical History.

31 ZHAI Yunyao, Harvard University
翟韻堯, 哈佛大學
Yunyao Zhai is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of South Asian Studies at Harvard University. She holds a M.A. degree in Classics from the University of Liverpool, and a MPhil degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Oxford, with a focus on early Chinese Buddhist translations. Her current study at Harvard University focuses on Tibetan Buddhism, and her doctoral dissertation is a study of the esoteric Buddhist protective deity Mahākāla. Her research interests include the transmission and perception of esoteric Buddhism, Tibetan cultural history, and the cultural exchange between the Indian Subcontinent, Tibet, and China. She also has an interest in the astrological traditions of these regions.


32 ZHANG Yuanyuan, Ningxia University
張園園, 寧夏大學
Zhang Yuanyuan is an associate professor at Ningxia University, China, mainly engaged in research on the history of Chinese medical society and culture. She graduated from the School of History, Nankai University. Her doctoral thesis was “The Evolution and reshaping of Medical Knowledge in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties – Centered on the writing of ‘Worm Disease’ in Medical Literature”. She has been finished a national project named “The transformation of ‘Confucianization’ and the Construction of Medical knowledge in Jin and Yuan Dynasties”.
