The Healer-King Curing the Three Poisons – Schedule

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“The Healer-King Curing the Three Poisons, while the Master Navigator Overcomes the Nine Misfortunes”

Buddhism and Medicine from an Interdisciplinary and Global Historical Perspective



August 30-September 2, 2024 | 2024年8月30-9月2日

Accommodation and Venue:  Magdalene College, University of Cambridge | 英國劍橋大學莫德林學院

In-person registration (form closes August 25, 23:59 UK)


Day 日1:August 30, 2024  | 2024年8月30日


 1. 17:00-18:30  Keynote Speeches 主題演講 1-3 (Chair 主持: Noga GANANY 高諾佳)
 1.       Ronit YOELI-TLALIM 悅榮倪 (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 普林斯頓高等研究院/Goldsmiths, University of London 倫敦大學金史密斯學院): Buddhist Healthscaping: Towards Leaving the Ghetto | 佛教的健康圖景——走出貧民窟 (17:00-17:30)
2.       T. H. BARRETT 巴瑞特 (SOAS, University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Tao and Zen in early Twentieth-century Britain | 20世紀早期英國的道與禪 (17:30-18:00)
3.        Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard CAMLab 哈佛大學): Ballard and Mandala | 巴拉德與曼荼羅:從現代歐洲到中古中國 (18:00-18:30)
 18:30-20:00   Welcoming Dinner 歡迎晚宴


Day 2August 31, 2024  | 2024831

 2. 9:00-10:00  Opening Ceremony 開幕式 (Chair 主持:Noga GANANY 高諾佳; other details TBC)  
 3. 10:00-12:00 3. Medicine That Merged Buddhism and Other Religions


(Chair 主持: Ronit YOELI-TLALIM 悅榮倪; Discussant 評議: CHEN Ming 陳明)

3.1. (10:00-10:15). ZHANG Yuanyuan 張園園 (Ningxia University 寧夏大學): 傳統醫學與佛、道醫學的互滲:《傳統醫學與佛、道醫學的互滲:論“三尸”知識的形成與歷史演變》| The Interpenetration of Traditional Medicine with Buddhist and Taoist Medicine: A Study of the Formation and Historical Evolution of the Knowledge of “San Shichong”
3.2 (10:15-10:30). H.S. SUM CHEUK SHING 岑卓成  (University of Chicago 芝加哥大學): Sinitic Buddhist Approaches for Anti-Aging, Life Extension, and Deathlessness | 探討唐宋佛教的抗老、延年與長生不死實踐形式
3.3 (10:30-10:45). LI Wei 李巍 (Henan University 河南大學): Cleaning, Healing and Offering: An Examination of the Ritual of Willow Twigs and Purified Water | 清潔、療疾與供養: 楊枝淨水咒儀研究
3.4 (10:45-11:00). LIU Qing 劉青 (Hirosaki University 日本弘前大學): 白隱禪師的健康法和佛道交涉 | Hakuin’s Health Methods and the Interactions between Buddhism and Taoism
3.5 (11:00-11:15). GAO Xi 高晞 (Fudan University 復旦大學): 在基督教與佛教之間:黃春甫與黃涵之父子的醫學慈善活動——近人中國士人的醫療慈善理念探微 | Between Protestantism and Buddhism: The Medical Charity of Huang’s Father-son: A Thinking of the Chinese Elites Idea of the Medical Charity in Modern China
Comment 評議 (11:15-11:30)
Discussion 開放討論 (11:30-12:00)


12:00-13:00 Lunch Break 午餐



 4. 13:00-15:00

4. Medicine Master


(Chair 主持: Meir SHAHAR 夏維明; Discussant 評議: Pierce SALGUERO 薩毘爾)

4.1. (13:00-13:15). Stephen TEISER 太史文 (Princeton University 普林斯頓大學): Minions of the Medicine Master Buddha: Healthcare Pantheons in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Practice
4.2 (13:15-13:30). Briana BRIGHTLY 明辨拏 (Harvard University 哈佛大學): Painting the Pure Land, Picturing Materia-Medica: A Design Manual (bkod yig) for the Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land from Early-Modern Tibet | 畫出淨土,繪出本草——早期現代西藏藥師佛淨土設計指南
4.3 (13:30-13:45). Irene LOK 駱慧英 (University of Cambridge 劍橋大學): Healing the Mind: Expansion and Importance of the Medicine Buddha in Medieval China | 療癒身心:唐代敦煌藥師佛崇拜研究
4.4 (13:45-14:00). HU Enbo 虎恩博 (LMU München 慕尼黑大學): The Hidden “Medicine Buddha”: Deciphering the Tibetan Liturgy of Building Stūpa with the Liturgy of Bhaiṣajyaguru | “隱藏”的藥師佛:以藥師儀軌解讀藏傳造塔儀軌
Comment 評議 (14:00-14:15)
Discussion 開放討論 (14:15-15:00)


15:00-15:10 Coffee Break  茶歇


 5. 15:10-16:30 5. “Medicocracy” and Medical Crazies


(Chair 主持: Eviatar SHULMAN 舒爾曼; Discussant 評議: Stephen TEISER 太史文)

5.1 (15:10-15:25). WU Junqing 鄔雋卿 (Liverpool University 利物浦大學): Buddhism and Healing in the Southern Song Society | 南宋社會的佛教與療癒
5.2 (15:25-15:40). ZHAI Yunyao 翟韻堯 (Harvard University 哈佛大學): Healing the Overlords: The Worship of Medicine Buddha in Forming the Mongols’ Buddhist Belief in Yuan China (1279-1368) | 治癒霸主:元朝中國(1279-1368)對藥師佛的崇拜
5.3 (15:40-15:55). Alexander SOGO 十河アレックス (Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學): Healing as Statecraft, Statecraft as Healing: Bureaucracy, Benevolent Rule, and Buddhist Healing in Ancient Japan | 醫術即國術,國術即醫術——古代日本的官僚制度、仁政與佛教醫術
Comment 評議 (15:55-16:10)
Discussion 開放討論 (16:10-16:30)


16:30-16:40 Coffee Break  茶歇



 6. 16:40-17:55 6. Medicine, Medium and Miracles


(Chair 主持: GAO Xi 高晞; Discussant 評議: ZHAI Yunyao 翟韻堯)

6.1 (16:40-16:55). Federico DIVINO 神斐德 (University of Antwerp 安特衛普大學): The Dawn of the Physician: A Buddhist Approach to the History of Medicine | 醫生的開端——從佛教角度看醫學史
6.2 (16:55-17:10).  GAO Junling 高峻嶺 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學; co-authors: LEE George, WU Bonnie, SIK Hinhung): The Power of the Buddhist Mind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Reducing Suffering and Promoting Well-being in the Modern World | 佛教的心靈療癒力量:当下社会的拔苦難培福之跨學科視角考量
6.3 (17:10-17:25). William A. MCGRATH 麥威廉 (New York University 紐約大學): The Professional Ethics of Buddhist Medicine: Instituting the Bodhisattva Physician in Tibet | 佛教醫學的職業道德——在西藏建立菩薩醫師制度
6.4 (17:25-17:40). Eviatar SHULMAN 舒爾曼 (HUJI 耶路撒冷希伯來大學): Healing through Letting Go: On the Maturation of a Certain Conception of Buddhist Medicine in Indian Buddhism | 通過放下而獲得治愈:論印度佛教中一種特定佛教醫學概念的成熟
Comment 評議 (17:40-17:55)
Discussion 開放討論 (17:55-18:25)


18:30 – 20:00 Dinner 晚餐


Day 3September 1, 2024  | 202391

 7. 8:30-10:15 7. Application of Buddhist Medicine


(Chair 主持: Andrew SKILTON 司啟敦; Discussant 評議: WU Junqing 鄔雋卿)

7.1 (8:30-8:45). YI Dan 伊丹 (University of Tokyo 東京大學): Buddhism’s Imprint on Medical Narratives: Exploring the Intersection of Spirituality and Medicine in China and Japan through the Lens of the Face-Like Tumor | 佛教對醫學敘事的影響——以人面瘡為例探討中日佛教與醫學的交融
7.2 (8:45-9:00). Benedetta LOMI 羅冪 (University of Bristol 布里斯托大學): Nightmares and Premonitions: Healing Dreams in Medieval Japan | 噩夢與預感——中世紀日本的夢境治癒
7.3 (9:00-9:15). Mujeeb KHAN 闞穆寂 (University of Utah 猶他大學): Early Japan and the ‘Buddhist’: In Medicine or As Medicine? | 早期日本與“佛教” ——在醫學中還是作為藥物?
7.4 (9:15-9:30). LI Tiehua 李鐵華 (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 上海中醫藥大學): 民國時期佛教報刊中的醫藥衛生專欄 | Medical and Health Columns in Buddhist Periodicals during the Republic of China
Comment 評議 (9:30-9:45)
Discussion 開放討論 (9:45-10:15)


10:15-10:30 Coffee Break  茶歇

  8. 10:30-11:50 8. Meditation and Medicine


(Chair 主持: Benedetta LOMI 羅冪; Discussant 評議: Alessandro POLETTO 薄樂陀)

8.1 (10:30-10:45). LU Lu 盧鷺 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): Translating Medicine across Cultures: The Divergent Strategies of An Shigao and Dharmarakṣa in Introducing Indian Medical Concepts to China | 醫方東被——安世高和竺法護譯介印度醫學術語的不同策略
8.2 (10:45-11:00). MEI Ching Hsuan 梅靜軒 (Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts 法鼓文理學院): Prioritizing Body Care Before Meditation | 禪修前的身體調養與準備——前現代的漢、藏佛教禪修指引
8.3 (11:00-11:15). Stuart SARBACKER 薩跋軻 (Oregon State University 俄勒岡州立大學): On the Borderlands of Religion and Science: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Contemplative Traditions and Psychedelic Medicine | 宗教與科學的邊界——印藏佛教禪觀傳統與迷幻藥物
Comment 評議 (11:15-11:30)
Discussion 開放討論 (11:30-11:50)


12:00-13:00 Lunch 午餐


 9. 13:00-14:20 9. Precepts and Prescriptions: Vinaya Buddhism and Medicine


(Chair 主持: MEI Ching Hsuan 梅靜軒; Discussant 評議: Li Wei 李巍)

9.1 (13:00-13:15). Andrew SKILTON 司啟敦 (University of Oxford 牛津大學): When threatened masculinity trumps pastoral care in the Theravāda vinaya: calling the Buddha ‘queer’ in Pali | 當受到威脅的男性氣質勝過上座部戒律中的教職關懷——巴利語指謂佛陀“斷袖”辨考
9.2 (13:15-13:30). Amy Paris LANGENBERG 朗艾秘 (Eckerd College 艾科特學院): Accomplished Women:Caring for Nuns’ Health in the Bhikṣuņī-Vinaya | 比丘尼戒律中的女性生殖健康
9.3 (13:30-13:45). Alessandro POLETTO 薄樂陀 (Washington University in St. Louis 聖路易斯華盛頓大學): Precepts, the Nenbutsu and Moxibustion: The Toolkit of a Buddhist Healer in Medieval Japan | 戒律、念佛和艾灸——中世紀日本佛教治療師的工具包
Comment 評議 (13:45-14:00)
Discussion 開放討論 (14:00-14:20)


14:20-14:30 Coffee break 茶歇


 10. 14:30-16:00  Keynote Speeches 主題演講 4-6 (Chair: Zhe JI 汲喆)
 4. Elizabeth J. HARRIS 海睿思 (University of Birmingham 伯明翰大學): The Complexities of Orientalism: the case study of William Knighton | 東方主義的複雜之處:以威廉·奈頓(William Knighton)為例(14:30-15:00)
5. CHEN Ming
陳明 (Peking University 北京大學): As a Buddhist Vaidyaraja (Physician King)?: Imaginations of Jivaka’s Images across Asian Cultures | 身為佛醫王?——耆婆圖像的跨文化想像 (15:00-15:30)
6. Pierce SALGUERO 薩毘爾 (Penn State University’s Abington College
賓州州立大學阿賓頓分校): Buddhist Healing in the Lanna Region of Northern Thailand | 泰國北部蘭納地區的佛教療法 (15:30-16:00) 
 11. 16:00-17:00  Closing Ceremony 閉幕式  (Chair 主持:CHEN Jinhua 陳金華; other details TBC) 
 18:00-20:00  Farewell Dinner 送別宴會