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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第一期(2018):1–35; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201804_1(1).0001

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西方有关佛陀与佛教的第一本书(The First Western Book about Buddha and Buddhism)

乌尔斯· 艾普(Urs APP)
法国远东学院(Ecole Française d’Extreme-Orient)

摘要(Abstract):关于全球精神版图的发现史研究大大落后于对有形世界版图发现史的研究。欧洲与亚洲最大宗教的邂逅即是一个很好的研究案例。每个孩童都很熟悉哥伦布等历史人物,而即便是研究佛教的学者也往往不知道那些在西方世界发现佛教的主要人物。因此,毫不奇怪的是,在关于西方发现佛教的研究中,西方出版的第一部关于佛教的著作至今几乎不曾受到关注,这就是1817年米歇尔-让-弗朗索瓦·奥泽雷(Michael-Jean-Francois Ozeray)在巴黎出版的《东亚宗教创始者浮屠或佛驮研究》(Recherches sur Buddou ou Bouddou, instituteur religieux de l’Asie orientale)。


The historiography of the discovery of our globe’s spiritual continents is very much lagging behind that of its physical counterparts. Europe’s encounter with Asia’s largest religion is a case in point. Whereas every child is familiar with figures such as Columbus, the protagonists of the Western discovery of Buddhism tend to be unknown even to scholars of Buddhism. Thus it comes as no surprise that the earliest Western book about Buddhism, Michel-Jean-François Ozeray’s Recherches sur Buddou ou Bouddou, instituteur religieux de l’Asie orientale (Paris: Brunot-Labbé, 1817), has hitherto received almost no attention in modern studies about the Western discovery of Buddhism. This article presents and analyzes Ozeray’s view of Buddhism and its founder, trace his main sources, and explains why Ozeray’s book deserves to be recognized as a valuable contribution to Western knowledge about Buddhism and its founder. Published just before the onset of university-based study of Buddhism and its texts, Ozeray relied heavily on artistic reproductions and reports by ambassadors and Western residents of Asian countries rather than on the letters, books, and arguments of missionaries. In spite of the evident flaws of Ozeray’s pioneering study, its overall vision of Buddhism as practised in Asia appears more congruent with modern field work than the majority of modern popular books on Buddhism.

关键词(Keywords):西方发现佛教(Buddhism discovered by the West)、佛教接受史(History of acceptance of Buddhism)、西方佛教研究史(History of Study of Buddhism in the West)、米歇尔-让-弗朗索瓦·奥泽雷(Michel-Jean-François Ozeray)


关于作者:曾任日本花园大学教授,该校国际禅文化研究所副主任。涉猎于佛教史、观念史,犹措意于禅宗史和东西方交流的历史与模式。出版多部专著:Zen Meister Yunmen: Leben und Lehre des letzten Giganten der Zen-Klassik(2018), Zen Master Yunmen: His Life and Essential Sayings(2018); The First Western Book on Buddhism and Buddha(合著 2017); Schopenhauer’s Compass: An Introduction to Schopenhauer’s Philosophy and its Origins(2014); The Cult of Emptiness: The Western Discovery of Buddhist Thought and the Invention of Oriental Philosophy(2012); Schopenhauers Kompass: Die Geburt einer Philosophie(2011); Richard Wagner and Buddhism(2011); The Birth of Orientalism(2010); Richard Wagner und der Buddhismus: Liebe-Tragik(1997); Zen-Worte vom Wolkentor-Berg: Darlegungen und Gespräche des Zen-Meisters Yunmen Wenyan(864–949)(1994).


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