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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):100–110; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0005

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房山石经《一乘法界图合诗一印》发微(A Study on the Yicheng Fajie Tu Heshi Yiyin [One Stamp with Poem and Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle] Preserved in the Fangshan Stone Canon)

张雪松(ZHANG Xuesong)
中国人民大学(Renmin University of China)

摘要(Abstract):《韩国佛教全书》收入的义湘《华严一乘法界图》是以大谷大学藏正德二年写本等传世文献互校而成。而约十二世纪的房山石经收录金代《一乘法界图合诗一印》,除了文字校勘的意义之外,最为引人注意的是署名为“俨法师造”。 《一乘法界图》与智俨本就具有密切的关系,从思想原创性上来说《一乘法界图》的正文很难说对智俨既有著作有多少超越,义湘最大的创新之处就在于用方印的形式对210 字的30 句七言诗进行排列组合。在房山石经中《一乘法界图合诗一印》是单本刻经,并不属于大藏经系统,出资刊刻的信徒,很可能更重视的是文字排列成“印”的神秘宗教效果,而非哲学思辨讨论,类似于对待总持陀罗尼的心态。房山石经《一乘法界图合诗一印》除了对探讨唐代智俨、高丽义湘等华严学者的哲学思想、文献版本有重要意义,也对理解辽金佛教徒的信仰实践,对汉语系佛教文献神秘形态符号表征的意义,具有重要的价值。

Uisang’s 義湘 (625–702) Hwaeom ilseung beopgye do 華嚴一乘法界圖 [Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle of the Huayan], which is included in the Han’guk Pulgyo chŏnsŏ 韓國佛教全書 [Complete works of Korean Buddhism], was compiled through textual criticism between handed-down literature, like the manuscript from the second year of Zhengde 正德(1507) collected by Ōtani University and other manuscripts. The Hwaeom ilseung beopgye do of Jin Dynasty, included in the Fangshan Stone Canon, which was carved around the twelfth century, not only has the characteristics of textual criticism, but, more importantly, it is worth noting that it was signed as ‘Yan Fashi zao’ 儼法師造 (Composed by Master Zhiyan). Therefore, there is a close relationship between Hwaeom ilseung beopgye do and Zhiyan. As to its ideological originality, it is hard to say that the text of Hwaeom ilseung beopgye do led to any innovations in Zhiyan’s extant works, but we can say that Uisang’s innovation lay in arranging and combining 30 seven-character poems with 210 words in the form of a square stamp. It is worth noting that in the Fangshan Stone Canon, Yicheng fajie tu heshi yiyin 一乘法界圖合詩一印 [One Stamp with Poem and Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle] is a respectively printed scripture, which means that it does not belong to the canonic system. Apparently, Buddhist believers paid more attention to the mysterious religious effect of arranging words into a square stamp. That is, they had some similar attitudes towards dhāraṇīs, rather than philosophical speculative discussion. In addition to discussing the philosophical thoughts and literature versions of Huayan scholars such as Zhiyan and Uisang, the Yicheng fajie tu heshi yiyin is of great significance for understanding the religious practice of Buddhists in the Liao and Jin Dynasties, as well as the significance of symbolic representation of esoteric forms in Chinese Buddhist literature.

关键词(Keywords):《华严一乘法界图》(Hwaeom ilseung beopgye do [Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle of the Huayan])、义湘(Uisang [625–702])、智俨(Zhiyan [602–668])、房山石经(Fangshan Stone Canon)


关于作者:张雪松,男,1980 年生,笔名雨山,北京人。香港中文大学文化及宗教研究系博士,中国人民大学哲学院副教授,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地佛教与宗教学理论研究所专职研究员,中国人民大学党外知识份子联谊会秘书长,北京大学佛教研究中心兼职研究员;先后在中国台湾和大陆地区出版学术专著四部:《法雨灵岩》《唐前中国佛教史论稿》《汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史》(季羡林、汤一介主编“中华佛教史”第一卷)、《佛教“法缘宗族”研究》,译著《天蓝色的彼岸》等3 部。曾在香港佛教杂志《温暖人间》、《中国民族报·宗教周刊》开设专栏多年。


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