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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):231–263; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0010

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玄奘对观音信仰的新证据 ——以甘肃民乐童子寺石窟西游记与观音救难壁画为例New Evidences for Xuanzang’s Belief in Avalokiteśvara: A Case Study of the Murals of Journey to the West and Avalokiteśvara’s Salvation in the Grottoes of Tongzi Temple in Minle, Gansu

张利明(ZHANG Liming)
浙江大学(Zhejiang University)

摘要(Abstract):宋、金、西夏时期,唐僧取经图像多出现在大幅水月观音变相中,以此来表现玄奘对观音的信仰。到了清代,唐僧取经图像演变为西游记壁画,并与此时流行的观音救难图像​​组合出现,共同表现观音信仰。本文对民乐童子寺石窟作了详细的考察与测绘,解读出了尚未被辨识的西游记壁画的内容,并从中分辨出4 幅观音救难壁画。同时,结合壁画的题材选择和张掖地区普遍流行西游记壁画与观音救难壁画组合的现象,对壁画所体现的观音信仰作了探讨并建立起了张掖地区此类壁画发展演变的时空序列。

In the Northern Song and Western Xia Dynasty, the images of Xuanzang searching for Buddhist Scriptures mostly appeared in the sutra painting of water moon Guanyin 水月觀音, in order to show Xuanzang’s belief in Avalokiteśvara. In the Qing Dynasty, the images of Xuanzang searching for Buddhist Scriptures were transformed into the murals of Journey to the West, and combined with the popular murals of Avalokiteśvara’s Salvation at this time to show the belief in Avalokiteśvara. This paper investigates and maps the grottoes of the Tongzi temple 童子寺 in Minle 民樂 in detail, interprets the unidentified murals of Journey to the West, and identifies four murals of Avalokiteśvara’s Salvation. At the same time, it considers how murals’ themes were selected and the common phenomenon of combining the murals of Journey to the West with the murals of Avalokiteśvara’s Salvation in Zhangye 張掖 area. It discusses the belief in Avalokiteśvara reflected in those murals and establishes the chronological and spatial sequence of the development and evolution of such murals in Zhangye area.

关键词(Keywords):民乐童子寺石窟(Tongzi Temple Grottoes in Minle)、西游记壁画(Murals of Journey to the West)、观音救难壁画(Murals of Avalokiteśvara’s Salvation)、观音信仰(Belief in Avalokitesvara)


关于作者:张利明(1992 年-),男,河北灵寿人。兰州大学历史学学士、考古学硕士,浙江大学历史系博士生。从事中国佛教史、犍陀罗佛教、玄奘与西游记图像研究。在《石窟寺研究》《敦煌研究》《澎湃新闻》等期刊和媒体上发文多篇,2018 年与导师合作出版《西游记壁画与玄奘取经图像》一书。


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