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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第一期(2020):34–57; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0002

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宋《大安塔碑铭》疏证An Investigation of the “Daan ta beiming” [Daan Pagoda Stele]

冯国栋(FENG Guodong)
浙江大学古籍研究所(Zhejiang University)


The ‘Daan ta beiming’ 大安塔碑銘 (Daan Pagoda Stele), composed by Xia Song 夏竦 (985–1051), records the process by which the early Song nuns Miaoshan妙善 (943–1018) and Daojian 道堅 (dates unknown), a teacher and student pair, constructed the Daan Pagoda 大安塔 and associated temples. Throughout the process of constructing the Daan Pagoda, Miaoshan and Daojian received strong support from the imperial household and high-ranking members of the government; Emperor Zhenzong 宋真宗 (968–1022), Emperor Renzong 宋仁宗 (1010–1063), Empress Dowager Mingde 明德太后 (960–1004), and Empress Zhangxian Mingsu 章獻明肅太后 (969–1033) all participated in the Pagoda’s construction, reflecting the interactions between the Imperial Household and Buddhists in the early Song; through this case, one can examine the relationship between the Song Imperial Household, especially the women of the Household, and Buddhism.

关键词(Keywords):《大安塔碑铭》(Daan Pagoda Stele)、皇族与佛教(Buddhism and the imperial family)、佛教石刻(Buddhist inscriptions)、宋代寺庙(Song temples)


关于作者:冯国栋,1974 年生,现任浙江大学古籍研究所教授、博士生导师、人文学院副院长、古籍研究所副所长。现兼任浙江大学学术委员会委员、中国宗教学会理事、浙江大学佛教文化研究中心副主任、浙江大学宋学研究中心副主任。主要从事汉文佛教文献学、佛教与中国文学关系的研究。


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