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《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷‧第二期(2020):226–290; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.202010_3(2).0009

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左冠明 (Stefano Zacchetti, 1968-2020) 的汉语佛教文献学贡献学述(On Stefano Zacchetti’s(1968–2020)Contribution to the Chinese Buddhist Philology)

纪赟 (JI Yun)
新加坡佛学院(Buddhist Academy of Singapore)

摘要(Abstract):左冠明为当今最为重要的汉语佛教文献学家之一,此文简单追溯其学术生涯并简介其主要学术贡献。他早年在意大利威尼斯大学与荷兰莱顿大学接受梵语、汉语基础训练,打下了坚实的语言学与佛教学基础,并以诸语种的大乘《般若经》文献为毕生主要研究对象。博士期间开始的对于《光赞经》的研究,奠定了他作为般若文献权威的地位。 2001-5年左冠明供职于创价大学国际佛教学高等研究所,与辛嶋静志(1957-2019)、那体慧(Jan Nattier)组成了汉语译经研究团队,并参与了日本古写经的研究项目。在此期间,以及此后回到威尼斯大学时,左冠明在安世高译经领域持续作出了巨大的研究突破。 2011-2年左冠明在美国加州大学柏克莱分校访学一年,随后在牛津大学就任昭田惠范佛教学讲座教授,开始全力准备《大智度论》英译与研究,除了尚待最后杀青的《大智度论》概述的遗稿之外,此后八年中左冠明还作出了若干重要的研究,此文中对此都稍作介绍。左冠明研究的最大特色就是扎实的语言功底及多语种对勘的纯熟运用,另外他对于汉语佛教文献学界的最新动态也了如指掌。他的去世是国际汉语佛教学界难以估量的巨大损失,也使《大智度论》延宕数十年的英译大业再次停顿。

Stefano Zacchetti was one of the most important Chinese Buddhist philologists. This article briefly retraces his academic career and major contributions. In his early years, he studied Sanskrit and Chinese in the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Leiden University in Netherlands. During this time, he acquired a solid foundation in philology and Buddhist Studies and commenced his lifelong commitment to the multi-lingual study of the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra. His doctoral study of the Guangzan jing 光讚經 (In Praise of Light) established him as an authority in the field of the Prajñāpāramitā literature. From 2001 to 2005, he worked in the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at the Soka University. At Soka, Zacchetti formed, together with Seishi Karashima 辛嶋靜志 (1957–2019) and Jan Nattier, a research team on the Chinese Buddhist translations, in addition to participating in a research project on Japanese manuscripts. During this time, and after he returned to the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Zacchetti continued making breakthroughs in the study of the translations by An Shigao 安世高 (148–180). From 2011 to 2012, Zacchetti was a visiting scholar at the University of California in Berkeley. In 2012, he was appointed the Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Oxford and dedicated himself to the English translation and research of the Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (Skt.*Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa; The Treatise on the Great Prajñāpāramitā). In the subsequent eight years, he nearly completed his introduction to the Da zhidu lun and has, moreover, had numerous important publications, all of which are briefly introduced in this article. Zacchetti’s research is marked by his solid language skills, including his knowledge of numerous languages, and by his grasp of the latest trends in the Buddhist philology. His passing is a tremendous loss to the global community of Chinese Buddhist Studies. It also halted the enterprise—which had commenced more than a decade earlier—of producing the English translation of the Da zhidu lun.

关键词(Keywords):左冠明(Stefano Zacchetti)、般若文献(Prajñāpāramitā literature)、佛教文献学(Bibliography of Buddhism)、汉语佛教文献(Chinese Buddhist bibliography)、多语种对勘(multilinguistic collat​​ion)



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