日期:2020年11月12日12:00 PM – 2:30 PM
地点:网上讲座与普林斯顿大学Center for the Study of Religion
讲座简介:口诀的使用(the play of formulas)是一种新的理论,旨在解释早期佛教传统中论藏的方式(经,论),特别是在长阿含和中阿含(佛陀长部和中部的论集)。这一理论与学术界普遍接受的观点相悖,学术界普遍认为经文主要是记录和保存佛陀的教导和生活事件的尝试。相反,在各种创造性载体的驱动下(主要以文学和禅修为载体),文本打破了和佛陀人物形象以及同其形象视觉化的深刻联系。口诀的使用(这一理论),解释了口诀作为佛教口头文本文化的基本单位,是如何结合在一起,从而产生有意义的文字模式和语句。口诀按照既定的叙事设计进行连接,不同类型的受众不仅有自己独特的口诀,而且有自己特定的叙事轨迹,与教义的重点相辅相成。
关于演讲者:Dr. Eviatar Shulman teaches in the Departments for Religious Studies and Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he received all his academic degrees. He recently spent 3 years as a post-doc at the Mandel Scholion Center and taught at numerous other Israeli Universities before happily landing at HUJI. Shulman’s main field of expertise is Buddhism. In earlier stages of his career he focused on philosophical materials, mainly those of the great Indian Buddhist thinker Nāgārjuna. Then he moved to study early Buddhist philosophy and its relation to meditative techniques, an inquiry that led to his book Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception. He remains interested in Buddhist philosophy but is more concerned today with religious and literary aspects of Buddhism. His research and teaching also concern Indian philosophy and religion (Hinduism).