
CAMLab Online Seminar | “大藏经里的山水插图:「御制秘藏诠」版画的含义及政教背景”


讲者:孙博 (中国国家博物馆)

日期:2020年8月17日 9:30 – 11:00 PM EST

地点:网上讲座与Harvard CAMLab (Zoom)


讲座简介:北宋官刻大藏经, 即所谓「开宝藏」, 于东亚佛教影响深远, 然所剩不过数卷残卷存世。 1962年,著名艺术史家罗樾(Max Loehr)为哈佛大学艺术馆购买得『御制秘藏诠』第十三卷, 即为其中之一。 『御制秘藏诠』为北宋第二任皇帝太宗所作抒发个人佛教理解的诗文。有趣的是, 此残卷中夹带了四幅山水版画。因其要的版本学和美术史地位, 先后有罗樾、李铸晋、宿白等硕学大家对其进行过专论。尽管如此, 版画内容至今仍扑朔迷离。本讲座延寻先贤脚步,试图解开这套神秘版画背和的种种疑云。

关于演讲者:Dr. Sun Bo is a Visiting Scholar at CAMLab and the Associate Research Professor and Director of the Science and Art Office in the Exhibition Department at the National Museum of China. Since 2010, he has participated in curating a series of exhibitions hosted by the National Museum of China, ranging from ancient archaeology to contemporary art. In terms of research, his academic interests focus on Chinese religious art after the tenth century and material and visual cultural exchange across Eurasia. At CAMLab, Sun Bo engages in three research and exhibition projects, the themes of which include the Water and Land Rituals, the Avatamsaka Sutra, and the Chan’an City of the Tang dynasty.

