How Zen Became Chan – Schedule

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How Zen Became Chan: Pre-modern and Modern Representations of a Transnational East Asian Buddhist Tradition

July 29-31, 2022 | ONLINE, in collaboration with Yale University

International Conference



General Schedule

  DAY 1 – July 29 in North America = July 30 in Europe & Asia (please note the day difference!!!)
New York
Central Europe
Opening 17:00–17:05 20:00–20:05 01:00–01:05 02:00–02:05 08:00–08:05 09:00–09:05
Panel 1 17:05–18:05 20:05–21:05 01:05–02:05 02:05–03:05 08:05–09:05 09:05–10:05
Panel 2 18:15–19:30 21:15–22:30 02:15–03:30 03:15–04:30 09:15–10:30 10:15–11:30
Panel 3 19:40–20:15 22:40–23:15 03:40–04:15 04:40–05:15 10:40–11:15 11:40–12:15
Panel 4 20:20–21:00 23:20–00:00 04:20–05:00 05:20–06:00 11:20–12:00 12:20–13:00
  DAY 2 – July 30 (same day for North America, Europe & Asia)
New York
Central Europe
Panel 5 06:00–06:40 09:00–09:40 14:00–14:40 15:00–15:40 21:00–21:40 22:00–22:40
Panel 6 06:50–07:40 09:50–10:40 14:50–15:40 15:50–16:40 21:50–22:40 22:50–23:40
Panel 7 07:50–09:00 10:50–12:00 15:50–17:00 16:50–18:00 22:50–00:00 23:50–01:00
  DAY 3 – July 31 (same day for North America, Europe & Asia)
New York
Central Europe
Panel 8 06:00–06:50 09:00–09:50 14:00–14:50 15:00–15:50 21:00–21:50 22:00–22:50
Panel 9 07:00–08:15 10:00–11:15 15:00–16:15 16:00–17:15 22:00–23:15 23:00–00:15
Panel 10 08:20–09:30 11:20–12:30 16:20–17:30 17:20–18:30 23:20–00:30 00:20–01:30
Closing 09:40–10:00 12:40–13:00 17:40–18:00 18:40–19:00 00:40–01:00 01:40–02:00



  DAY 1 – July 29 NA / July 30 EU & Asia
Opening Welcoming Remarks from Co-hosts 主催迎迓: Jinhua Chen 陳金華 & Eric Greene 葛利尹
Panel 1 Revision and Reevaluation: Big Picture and Smaller Cases | 禅學修正:大圖景與小個案 (Chair: Sujung Kim; Co-discussants: John Jorgenson [1.1+1.2] & Kirill Solonin 索羅寧 [1.3+1.4+1.5])
1.1.   T. Griffith Foulk (Sarah Lawrence 莎拉勞倫斯學院): Histories of Chan (Zen)
1.2.   Alan Cole (Independent 獨立學人): Time for a Paradigm Change in Chan Studies?
1.3.   IBUKI Atsushi 伊吹敦 (ToyoU 東洋大學): A Reconsideration of the Historical Significance of Heze Shenhui
1.4.   Allan Yi Ding 丁一 (DePaul 帝寶大學): One Villain, Two Faces—Some Points of Contrast between Moheyan in the Judgement and Moheyan in Tibetan Sources
1.5.   YAN Shiwei 嚴世偉 (PekingU 北大): Re-evaluating Baotang School
Panel 2 Transformation from Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: The Unfolding of Chan/Zen in Japan and Its Research Characteristics | 從中華禅到日本禅:禅在日本的展開及其研究特色 (Chair: Marta Sanvido; Co-discussants: Juhn Ahn [2.1+2.2+2.3] + George Keyworth 紀強 [2.4+2.5+2.6])
2.1.  HE Yansheng 何燕生 (Koriyama Women’s U 郡山女子大學/KyotoU 京都大學): 作為中國學的禪研究――京都大學的中國禪宗史研究管窺 | Chan Studies as Chinese Studies: A Study of Chinese Chan History at Kyoto University
2.2.  DEGUCHI Yasuo 出口康夫 (KyotoU 京都大學): Self as Anything: Dōgen on Self and World
2.3.  OGAWA Takashi 小川隆 (Komazawa 駒澤): 唐宋禅思想史と日本の禅――鈴木大拙の視点を借りて
2.4.  ISSHIKI Daigo 一色大悟 (TokyoU 東京大學): 東京帝国大学における禅僧たちの近代仏教学――とくに原始仏教への視線に注目して―
2.5.  YANAGI Mikiyasu 柳幹康 (TokyoU 東大): 論白隱慧鶴禪法的實踐體系及其背
2.6.  SHIGETA Michi  重田みち (Kyoto U. of the Arts 瓜生山学園): 鈴木大拙・久松真一が東アジアの美術・藝能に見た「禅」なるものを検証する
Panel 3 Modern Zen | 現代禅  (Chair: Jiang Wu 吳疆; Discussant: Jiang Hainu 蔣海怒)
3.1.  John Jorgensen (Independent 獨立學人): Zengaku: The Foundations of Modern Zen Scholarship
3.2.  Marta Sanvido (UC Berkeley 加大柏克萊): The Forgotten Zen Lineage: Past Heterodoxies, D.T. Suzuki, and the Making of Modern Japanese Zen in the Manuscript Collection of the Matsugaoka Bunko Archives
3.3.  Chris Goto-Jones (UVic 維多利亞大學): Sitting with the Death of a Tree: On the Emergence of Eco-Chaplaincy from Chan Buddhism
Panel 4 Monks and Monarchs: Political Dimensions of Chan Practices | 禪僧與國主:禅之政治內涵  (Chair: Chris Goto-Jones; Discussant: Allan Yi Ding 丁一)
4.1.  Kevin Buckelew (NorthwesternU 西北大學): The Chan Master as Cosmic Sovereign
4.2.  LI Tong 李 曈 (ShenzhenU 深圳大學): 何以報君恩——《建中靖國續燈錄》中的政教關係想像
4.3.  WANG Jie 王潔 (TsinghuaU 清華): 正統性的互證:石頭宗與五代南方政權關係
DAY 2 – July 30
Panel 5 Doctrines | 義理 (Chair: Garance Chao ZHANG 張超; Co-discussants: Kirill Solonin 索羅寧 [5.1] + Li Zijie 李子捷 [5.2 + 5.3])
5.1.  GONG Jun 龔雋 (Sun Yat-senU 中山大學): 《楞嚴經》與唐宋禅門中的頓與漸
5.2.  Albert Welter 魏雅博 (Arizona 亞利桑那): Doctrinal Engagements and Disengagements: Yongming Yanshou and His Legacies
5.3.  Raji C. Steineck (ZurichU 蘇黎世大學): Translating Zen into Philosophy: The Case of Dōgen’s Uji
Panel 6 Textual Issues | 尋章摘句 (Chair: Sung Ha YUN; Discussant: HUANG Yi-hsun 黃繹勳)
6.1.  Imre Galambos 高奕睿 (Cambridge 劍橋): Codicological observations on Chan manuscripts from Dunhuang
6.2.  TONG Ran 通然 (PekingU 北大): 《觀心論》的版本問題
6.3.  Laurent Van Cutsem (Ghent 根特): Chan/Zen and the Art of Quoting: On the Surviving Fragments of the Nonextant Tenth Juan of the Baolin Zhuan 寶林傳 in the Keitoku Dentō Shōroku 景德傳燈抄錄 and Their Relationship with the Zutang Ji 祖堂集
6.4.  Kirill Solonin 索羅寧 (RenminU  of China 人大): Textual Evidence for the Chan Transmission in Xixia 西夏
Panel 7 Crossfire and Crossborder: Mutual Mirroring and Debates | 交火與跨境:互鑑與禅諍 (Chair: Kong Yan 孔雁; Discussant: Hou Xiaoming 侯笑明 [7.1+7.2+7.5] & LI Huawei 李華偉 [7.3]+Tom Newhall [7.4+7.6])
7.1.  DING Kehan 丁可含 (EdinburghU 愛丁堡大學): The Spatial Orientation of Chan Rituals: Bridging Buddhist Monastic Practices with Chinese State Rites in Medieval China
7.2.  Jiang Wu 吳疆 (Arizona 亞利桑那): Mārga and the Way: The Meaning of the Term “Dao-learners (Xuedaoren 學道人)” in Huangbo Xiyun’s 黃檗希運 Chuanxin Fayao 傳心法要 [Essential Meaning of Mind Transmission] Compiled by Pei Xiu 裴休 (791-864)
7.3.  LI Chunying 李春穎 (ChinaU of Political Science & Law 中國政法大學/UBC): 宋代儒佛之辯中的心與覺 | Mind and Awakening in the Debate between Neo Confucianism and Buddhism)
7.4.  Stephan Kigensan Licha (UHeidelberg 海德堡): The Zen of Mahāvairocana: Reconsidering the Taxonomy of Zen in Early Medieval Japan
7.5.  Juhn AHN 安俊泳 (Michigan 密歇根大學): Sudden Awakening Makes Precepts Perfect: Ven. Seongcheol’s (1912-1993) Not-so-unorthodox Seon Doxography
7.6.  Seong Uk KIM (Columbia 哥倫比亞大學): The Sŏn Buddhist Debate in the Late Chosŏn
DAY 3 – July 31
Panel 8 Letters as Ladders?: Literature and Chan Enlightenment | 以文字為階?:禅悟與文學 (Chair: Amanda Goodman; Discussant: Imre Galambos 高奕睿)
8.1.  LI Huawei 李華偉 (Henan NormalU 河南師大): 天台止觀與語言三昧——再談中晚唐江左詩僧群體“以文藝誘入佛智”現象 | Tiantai Serenity-Contemplation and the Language Samadhi: Narrative of “Inducing Buddhist Wisdom with Literature and Art” among Monastic Poets in Eastern China in Mid-Late Tang Dynasty
8.2.  Marcel Werbik 韋馬策 (JagiellonianU 波蘭亞捷隆大學): The Spectrum of Chan Normativity within The Poems from the Cold Mountain (Hanshan shi) and Its Reception
8.3.  Garance Chao ZHANG 張超 (EPHE 法國高等研究院): “宗門隨筆”與日本江戶禪學對中國宋元禪文獻的再造 | “Shûmon zuihitsu” (Chan Miscellanea) and Edo Zen scholarship’s reinvention of Song-Yuan Chan literature
8.4.  Yanfei ZHAO 趙燕飛 (SOAS 倫敦大學亞非學院): Thick Translation and modern representation of Chan: An analysis of three English translations of the Platform Sūtra based on Dunhuang manuscript versions
Panel 9 Identity Building vs Networks Construction 身份認同與網絡構建 (Chair: LI Chunying 李春穎; Co-discussants: Morten Schlütter [9.1+ 9.4+9.6] & Chen Huaiyu 陳懷宇 [9.2+9.3+9.5])
9.1.  Yi-hsun HUANG 黃繹勳 (ShanghaiU 上海大學): The Story of Zhenru Monastery’s Conversion to the Chan Sanfeng Lineage
9.2.  JIANG Hainu 蒋海怒 (Zhejiang Sci-TechU 浙江理工大學): 墓誌所見唐代世族夫人習禪風尚
9.3.  KONG Yan 孔雁 (SASS 上海社會科學院): 宋代曹洞宗的社會網絡
9.4.  Lu ZHANG (Arizona 亞利桑那): “A Separate Transmission” to “An All-Embracing Teaching”: A Study on the “Sages and Worthies as Buddhist Incarnations” in Song Denglu Works
9.5.  ZHANG Fu 張芾 (Fudan 復旦): 張士誠據吳時期禪僧仲銘克新的文學交遊與政治 | Writing and Compiling in Chan Temple at the End of Yuan (1333–1368): Literary Associations and Political Personality of Zhongming Kexin 仲銘克新
9.6.  Michaela Mross (Stanford 斯坦佛): Remembering Keizan Jōkin: Communal Memory and Founder Worship in Kōshiki
Panel 10 Make (More) Sense of Meditation 嚐禅 (Chair: Raji Steineck; Discussant: Eric Greene 葛利尹)
10.1.  Michel Mohr (Hawai‘iU 夏威夷): Mindfulness with Breathing Redefined: Insights from a Fifth-century Afghan Compiler
10.2.  Tom Newhall (UCLA 加州大學洛杉磯分校): The Connoisseurship of Higher Mental States: A new Look at Chan Kanhua and Gong’an Practice
10.3.  Morten Schlütter (Iowa 愛荷華): The Silent Illumination Versus Kanhua Meditation “Debate” Revisited
10.4.  Sam van Schaik 薛克 (British Library 大英博物館): Meditation Practices in Tibetan and Chinese Chan Manuscripts from Dunhuang
10.5.  Sung Ha YUN (St. Olaf 聖奧拉夫學院): Sot’aesan’s Re-invention of Kanhwa Meditation in Wŏn Buddhism
10.6.  HOU Xiaoming 侯笑明 (EPHE 法國高等研究院): Meditation Numbers: Making Sense of Meditation as a Type of Knowledge in Early Medieval China
Closing More Discussion 意未盡: Co-chaired by Eric Greene 葛利尹 & Jinhua Chen 陳金華