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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第一期(2018):171–192; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201804_1(1).0006

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法国华人佛教的组织模式:移民、宗教与全球化(Buddhist Groups among Chinese Immigrants in France: Three Patterns of Religious Globalization)

汲喆 (JI Zhe)


It was only after decades of development that Chinese Buddhism, as a practiced religion, gained its present social influence and visibility in France. Based on both archival research and fieldwork, this article examines how Buddhism has been constructed in the Chinese diaspora in France in three patterns. Each of these patterns prioritizes a main globalization medium, which are respectively ethno-linguistic immigrant group, transnational organizational system, and the information technology. The author argues that the religious globalization is a multi-layered trans-boundary process, through which communities, organizations, and individuals recompose the relations between the religious practice and the globalized socio-geographic space. In this process, various clergy-laity relationships and diverse manners of the legitimization of authority are all integrated into a complex topology, which are at the same time shaped by global, national and local factors.

关键词(Keywords):汉传佛教(Sinitic Budhdism)、华人移民(Chinese immigrants)、法国(France)、宗教传播(transmission of religions)、全球化(globalization)


关于作者:法国国立东方语言与文明学院(INALCO)社会学教授、法国多学科佛教研究中心(CEIB)主任。他的主要研究领域包括佛教与社会变迁、政教关系、宗教教育、宗教全球化以及宗教社会学理论。近着有 Religion, modernité et temporalité: une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain (CNRS Editions, 2016),主编有《二十世纪中国佛教的两次复兴》(与 Daniela Campo、王启元合编,复旦大学出版社,2016),Making Saints in Modern China (co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017), Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions (co-edited with Gareth Fisher and André Laliberté, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019)。译著包括法国社会学年鉴学派的重要作品,如涂尔干的《宗教生活的基本形式》(与渠敬东合译)、莫斯的《礼物》、涂尔干与莫斯合着的《原始分类》等。


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