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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第一期(2018):193–216; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201804_1(1).0007

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转轮藏和转书轮:17世纪西方天主教与东方佛教交流的实例之一The Wheel Turner of Buddhist Canons and the Revolving Circular Book Cases: An Example of the Exchange between Catholicism in the West and Buddhism of the East in the Sixteenth Century

张子开(ZHANG Zikai)
四川大学(University of Sichuan)

摘要(Abstract)神圣罗马帝国(Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation / Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation)时期(962–1806)来华的天主教耶稣教会传教士邓玉函(Johann Schreck,1576–1630),于明天启七年丁卯(1627)完成了由其口授、教徒王征译绘的《远西奇器图说录最》。书中图文并茂地介绍了一种“转书轮”,即旋转书架。早在六世纪中叶左右的梁陈之际,“双林树下当来解脱善慧大士”傅翕(497–569)即始创了类似的设置转轮藏。本文对二者的源头、结构、功用和影响等略作考证和比较,认为转书轮为转轮藏的衍生物,实乃东方佛教和西方天主教两种宗教之间交流的产物。

Johann Schreck (1576–1630), whose Chinese name is DENG Yuhan鄧玉函, lived in Heiliges Römisches Reich Dutscher Nation (Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation [962–1806]). He came to the Ming Dynasty as a missionary of the Catholic Jesus Church. The Yuanxi qiqi tushuo luzui 遠西奇器圖說錄最 [The Essence of Modern Mechanical Devices in the Far West], dictated by Johann Schreck and translated by a Catholic named WANG Zheng王徵 (1571–1644), was finished in 1627. The book contains an illustrated description of a device called ‘zhuanshulun’ 轉書輪, which means a revolving circular bookcase. As early as the sixth century, a Chinese layman FU Xi傅翕 (497–569) had created a similar piece of equipment known as zhuanlunzang轉輪藏, a wheel turner for Buddhist canons. This article presents a comparative study of these devices, and argues that the Revolving Circular Bookcases in the West is a derivative of the Wheel Turner for Buddhist Canons originating from Buddhist temples in China, and may be studied as a product of communication between Catholicism in the West and Buddhism in the East.

关键词(Keywords): 转轮藏(Wheel Turner of Buddhist Canons); 转书轮(Revolving Circular Book Cases);天主教(Catholicism); Deng Yuhan 邓玉函(Johann Schreck); 佛教(Buddhism); 文化交流(culture exchanges )




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